The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 206 The Charm of This Boyfriend

Chapter 206 The Charm of This Boyfriend

Yun Shan looked at the strange thing in her hand, "Boss, is my bodyguard agency related to this thing?"

Tang Lin laughed and said, "It doesn't matter, this thing is for recording numbers and the like, just tell me the address of the bodyguard agency and give it to me."

Yun Shan said "Oh", and then told Tang Lin the name and address of her home bodyguard agency. Tang Lin was afraid that the information would be lost on paper, so she recorded the information on her mobile phone.

After writing it down, she saved the address, "It's done."

Du Yuanyuan had already walked over with her burden on her back and her sword, hugged Tang Lin silently, and then let go.Like Yun Shan, she would leave even if she felt reluctant, "We're leaving, you have to take care, and... help him more."

Tang Lin nodded and said, "I will." She took the sword for Du Yuanyuan and walked out, "I'll take you to the gate of Nangong."

After Yu Shengjun left the bedroom, he rode on his horse and headed straight for the Nangong Gate.He originally wanted to leave through the west palace gate, but he had to go out through the south palace for some things, so he chose this way.

Tang Lin had already accompanied Du Yuanyuan and the others to the gate of the Nangong Palace. When she wanted to say something to the two of them, Yu Shengjun's horse rushed over.Immediately, he was heroic and handsome, and his white clothes were as pure as a fairy descending from the earth.

"Woo—" When Yu Shengjun noticed her, he immediately reined in his horse, "Linlin? Why are you here?" He stopped when he saw Tang Lin, and didn't notice that Du Yuanyuan and Yun Shan were also there. And those two were staring at him intently. "Jun..." Jun.Realizing something, Tang Lin immediately stopped talking. She found that there was a person who shouldn't be there.In the next second, she changed her words in fear, "Brother, you, why are you here?"

Why is she frightened?It was because he was afraid that Du Yuanyuan would discover the identity of Yu Shengjun, and secondly, he was also afraid that what he was about to say would dissatisfy Yu Shengjun.It was agreed that he would not be added as the "big brother", but now he is added.

Yu Shengjun was stunned, why did Tang Lin suddenly call herself a senior?It's agreed that we can't mention the matter of "big brother" again.

But when he saw her sideways glance to the side from time to time, he noticed something, then, his eyes moved along, and when he saw the other two women, he gasped.If Tang Lin hadn't reminded her, something would have happened.

Du Yuanyuan and Yun Shan couldn't help but swallow their saliva as they looked at the handsome man who suddenly appeared.

Yun Shan walked to Tang Lin's side, shook Tang Lin's hand, and asked curiously, "Boss, Boss, who... is he? He is handsome, even more handsome than my senior brother!"

Tang Lin despised Yun Shan in her heart, please, Yu Shengjun is much better than Yun Lei.On his face, he forced a smile, "Uh, he, he is..." Looking carefully at Yu Shengjun's face, he said, "He is..."

He said, give him less roles, but what will this do for her?
Yu Shengjun suddenly said, "I'm her senior brother." If he hadn't mentioned to Du Yuanyuan that Tang Lin had a senior brother before, he wouldn't be able to make up other identities to cover things up.

Du Yuanyuan was taken aback, senior brother?Tang Lin's big brother?It's the one Tang Lin was talking about... Yu Huangxuan?That is, the buyer who handed in the jade book how to purchase some time ago?Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this one in front of me!
But why, she felt familiar with this man, as if she had met him somewhere.

Yun Shan let out a "wow", and stared at Yu Shengjun like a nympho, "So it's the big boss."

Tang Lin was speechless when she heard this, "..."

Yu Shengjun glanced at Du Yuanyuan secretly, seeing that she didn't respond, he was relieved.On the day when she pretended to be Shihe and married him, he didn't wear a mask, but she had a silk scarf over her face, so she probably didn't see him clearly, right?

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun and said falteringly: "Senior brother, what are you doing, why are you riding out of the palace swaggeringly on a horse? When did you enter the palace? Why didn't you inform me?" down?
"Linlin, I have something to tell you, come with me." Saying this, Yu Shengjun took Tang Lin's arm and pulled her into a corner, avoiding Du Yuanyuan and Yun Shan.

Seeing Yu Shengjun holding Tang Lin's hand, Du Yuanyuan felt lost in his heart.

Yun Shan pursed her lips and said, "It would be great if I met the boss' senior brother first, and then my senior brother. I have never seen such a handsome young master, so I wish I could get to know him." She couldn't help but compare Yun Lei with Yu Shengjun stand up.

Du Yuanyuan was startled, why, why did Yun Shan feel this way too?Yes, I met Yu Huangxuan before I met Fu Yushu, maybe...

She asked herself that she loved Fu Yushu very much, and she would never change it for the rest of her life. For Fu Yushu, she dared to give her life.However, after seeing this Yu Huangxuan, a subtle change occurred in her heart.

This subtle throbbing was stronger than when he first saw Fu Yushu.

This man is very handsome, it's not because he is handsome that she has inexplicable throbbing, but because he exudes a certain kind of very attractive aura, which makes every woman inevitably fall .

There is no doubt that he is an exciting man, but not all attractive women can fall into his eyes.

"I'm scared to death." Tang Lin stroked her chest, occasionally looking secretly at Du Yuanyuan and the others.

Yu Shengjun caressed her shoulder, the corners of his lips raised a heart-warming arc, and said a few words of comfort: "It's okay, it's over, I didn't ask Yifeng which two players were eliminated, so I'm in time with you Together. They haven't seen me, so nothing bad will happen."

Tang Lin was worried about him, "Why are you in such a hurry to leave the palace? Didn't you always leave from the West Palace before?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Start from here to do something, and then go to the Second Prince's Mansion to talk to Zichen and the others. I know your situation in the eighth round from Yifeng. My Linlin will always be the best !"

Tang Lin gave a rare shy smile, bowed her head and blushed and said, "I didn't see how you praised me before, but now you praise me, what do you mean?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at Du Yuanyuan and the others over there, and while they were not paying attention, he quickly imprinted on the corner of Tang Lin's lips, then pinched her face, and said with a smile: "I'll go first, the rest It's up to my girlfriend to figure it out."

Tang Lin told him, "Then you have to be careful."

"Understood." After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun returned to the horse, jumped on the horse, flicked the rein in front of Du Yuanyuan and Yun Shan, and the horse ran away immediately, and the white figure ran away.

The dozens of imperial forest troops guarding the palace gate did not stop the horses.

When Tang Lin came to her side, Du Yuanyuan asked curiously: "Tang Lin, your senior brother seems to be able to move freely in the palace, how did he do it?"

Tang Lin thought for a while, and answered very realistically, "My senior brother is very capable. He can do anything he wants to do. He told me just now that he has only been in the palace for two days, but he has no time to see me."

"So that's how it is," Du Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "After that, our affairs will be much easier to handle." It means that with the help of Tang Lin's senior brother, the assassination of the dog emperor will no longer be a difficult task thing.

Tang Lin waved to the two of them, "Well, bye, you go slowly, I'll go and play with you when I'm free."

"Boss, wait a minute." Yun Shan still had something to say to Tang Lin, and she asked maliciously, "Boss, your senior brother...what is his name?"

Tang Lin said: "Yu Huangxuan, melancholy Yu, emperor's emperor, Xuanyuan's Xuan."

Yun Shan asked again: "Then he has a family?"

Tang Lin glanced at her, "What nonsense are you talking about? My elder brother is only 23 or [-] years old. He has not yet achieved his great career. How could he start a family so early? Besides, he hasn't met Xinyi's girl yet." Humph, don't think that I, Tang Lin doesn't know what bad idea you, Yun Shan, have. Isn't it because you like Yu Shengjun and want to take him away?Only if you have the ability to snatch it from me, Tang Lin.

Du Yuanyuan smiled awkwardly, and couldn't help but interject, "I think your elder brother is very good. There should be many girls who have taken a fancy to him, right?"

Tang Lin was stunned, how could even Du Yuanyuan be seduced by Yu Shengjun?How can this boyfriend's charm be so great that the universe cannot tolerate it? "Yes, there are, but my elder brother said that the girls he likes are not those girls!"

"Then what kind does he like?" Du Yuanyuan and Yun Shan said in unison.

Looking at these two women who are devoted to their respective men on weekdays, Tang Lin wanted to despise her, but after thinking about it, she could make Du Yuanyuan fall. It seems that Yu Shengjun's charm is not small.Seeing him so popular, she thought it was a good thing, at least it proved that she had a good vision. "My senior brother said that, in fact, he doesn't have any requirements, he just hopes..."

Both of them nervously waited for Tang Lin's next words, "What do you want?"

There was a hint of cunning in Tang Lin's eyes. She coughed twice, and said with difficulty: "He said... If there is a girl who dares to give her life to him before marriage and satisfies him, he will consider it."

The two blushed and didn't know what to say.

Yun Shan complained in a low voice, "How can there be such a person, who would ask a girl to give her life to him when she gets married? It's immoral." But when she thought of Yu Shengjun's face and that kind of attractiveness, she actually felt a little sacrificing. idea.

Thinking of this, Yun Shan shook her head, unable to think about it anymore.

"Okay, I won't tell you any more, you go slowly, then I'll go back first." After speaking, Tang Lin waved to the two of them, turned and went back without saying a word.

Yun Shan was a little disappointed, she wanted to inquire more.

After walking out of the Nangong Gate, Du Yuanyuan turned around and looked at the gate of the imperial palace with longing eyes.Before that, she felt that apart from Fu Yushu, there was nothing to miss, and there was nothing worth staying in.But now that Tang Lin's senior brother is also inside, it must be very lively, right?
Why is Tang Lin so lucky to have such a heart-stirring man as her senior brother...

Tang Lin is so lucky, she is a female contestant, she can compete with so many male contestants for Ouchi Guards, including her husband...

Why is Tang Lin so lucky to be favored by the emperor...

Tang Lin returned to the palace, but was stopped by Fu Yushu and Yunlei.She stared at them in displeasure, "Why are you blocking my way? Don't doubt that I stole the last two flags on purpose. It's because I don't know who didn't get the flags, and it's not because I don't want to give them."

"That's not what we want to talk about," Yun Lei asked anxiously, "Miss Tang, you sent Yun Shan and the others out just now, right? Did my junior sister explain anything?"

Tang Lin spread her hands, "I didn't explain anything, I let you down."

"What are you shouting about?" At this moment, Shao Qi and Han Xueyan walked over.

All of a sudden there were so many people she didn't want to see around, Tang Lin wanted to escape, "If you have nothing to do, then I'll go back to my room to rest. I didn't sleep much last night. I won't accompany you now."

"Little Miss Tang, little Miss Tang," Han Xueyan pulled Tang Lin back excitedly, dragged Tang Lin's hand and said delicately, "You must be lonely staying in Lanyuan alone, or you can move here and sleep with me, okay?" ? Brother Fu and Xiao Cao are also in our room, how lively it is!"

(End of this chapter)

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