The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 207 I really can't communicate with the ancients.

Chapter 207 I really can't communicate with the ancients.

Hearing this, the corners of Tang Lin's mouth couldn't help twitching, "You mean, you want me to be a woman and... sleep with a few big men?" Han Xueyan said weakly with her forehead sullen, "Little Miss Tang, this Is there something wrong?"

Tang Lin suddenly yelled at her loudly, "Girl, you are used to dressing up as a man and feel that sleeping with a man is no different, but you little Miss Tang and I are different!"

"But you are also Little Brother Tang." Han Xueyan reminded innocently.

Hearing this, Tang Lin wanted to cry, and touched Han Xueyan's face, not knowing whether to praise her or scold her, "My little Yan'er, why are you so good at talking? I just want to piss you off, Miss Tang, right?" wrong!"

Han Xueyan lowered her head, afraid that Tang Lin would hit her suddenly, so she continued to say weakly, "But I like you to be Brother Tang."

"..." Tang Lin was speechless.

"That..." Shao Qi didn't want to say anything at first, after all, it was a matter between two women, and besides, he, a big man, took the initiative to ask a woman to move in with him, that's not acceptable.Let another woman live, that's even worse. "Miss Tang, don't pay attention to Xueyan, she is just..."

"I'm not wrong!" Han Xueyan glared at her brother-in-law and continued to persuade Tang Lin that she just wanted to find a female companion, otherwise it would be weird and strange for her to stay alone in a room with a group of men. "Little Miss Tang, don't refuse, okay? Let's move in and live together." Speaking of this, she simply shook Tang Lin's hand delicately. "Xiao Tang is the best, Xiao Tang likes to live with Yan'er the most, right?"

Fu Yushu thought that it was indeed inappropriate for Tang Lin to live with them.Originally Han Xueyan moved in, and he felt very unnatural. If it wasn't because he was worried that Han Xueyan was disguised as a man and it would be difficult to expose, otherwise he would have protested.

"Oh, no." No matter how coquettish Han Xueyan was, Tang Lin still refused. "No matter how you say it, you can't live with a man. Don't you know how indecent it is?" Besides, if Yu Shengjun knows, even if he doesn't break up with her, those big men will have a hard time.

Rather than hurting both sides, it's better to live in one room happily.

In fact, Han Xueyan also knows the meaning of whether men and women can accept or not kiss, but she lives alone with her brother-in-law and a group of men, and she is worried every night.If you have a woman with you, you can feel at ease.

Who told me to disguise myself as a man, otherwise I could live in the house of a female player.

"Little Miss Tang, woo woo, please."

Yo yo, here comes this set again.Tang Lin was very contemptuous in her heart, but her face was a little moved. She was usually afraid of seeing the little girl cry, "Okay, okay, stop crying, let me think about it for a few nights."

"Really?" Han Xueyan was so excited that she almost jumped up, but she frowned after a while, "But, in a few nights, can we still stay in the palace? What if we are eliminated in the future competition?"

Tang Lin rolled her eyes, "It's not an exaggeration to say you're stupid."

"Stupid you," even Shao Qi, who is brother-in-law, glanced at Bai Han Xueyan, "We have passed the test, even if we lose next, we can stay and join the training camp!"

"Oh!" Han Xueyan suddenly realized, "Why didn't I think of this."

At this time, Cao Dan happily trotted over. Seeing how happy the conversation was, he did not forget to intervene, "Hey, brothers and sisters, what are you talking about at this meeting? Are you talking about my young master?"

Yun Lei glared at him, "What do you have to talk about?"

Cao Dan raised his eyebrows, "Since you're not talking about my young master, what are you talking about?"

Yunlei said: "Xue Yan wants to live with Ms. Tang, so she wants to ask Ms. Tang to move to our room."

Cao Dan's eyes lit up when he heard it, "Really? It's a great idea for Xueyan girl to be sympathetic. Doesn't she feel uncomfortable living with us? It just so happens that with our invincible sister Tang, she won't If it’s awkward, we won’t feel unnatural.”

Everyone asked in surprise, "When did you know she was a woman?"

Cao Dan was stunned, and after responding, he explained: "Oh, it's like this, a few days ago I went to the bathhouse to take a bath late, and I met Xueyan..."

Suddenly, Shao Qi was so angry that he grabbed his collar and asked angrily, "What did you do to her?"

"Brother Qilin, why are you so angry?" Cao Dan was very angry at Shao Qi's reckless behavior. "What can I do? She was in the water at the time, and stopped me when she heard footsteps, so I didn't see her, what do you think?"

"Brother-in-law, you misunderstood Xiao Cao." Han Xueyan let go of Shao Qi's hands, then bowed her head towards Cao Dan, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry Xiao Cao, my brother-in-law doesn't know the situation, so... I'm sorry."

Cao Dan rubbed his neck, turned to the side coldly, "Humph."

Shao Qi slowly withdrew his hands, with embarrassment on his face, he would not have done it if he had known that this was not the case. "I'm sorry Brother Xiao Cao, I apologize to you for the reckless behavior just now, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done anything to you."

Cao Dan is not a person who loves to hold grudges, and after getting Shao Qi's apology, he stopped pursuing it, waved his hands and said boldly: "It's okay, it's over. But you hid your relationship with Xueyan from us. wrong."

Shao Qi said ashamedly: "I'm sorry, but I also wanted to take care of Xueyan who entered the palace disguised as a man, so I had no choice but to hide it from everyone. I hope everyone will forgive me."

Tang Lin crossed her arms and looked at everyone with a cold face, and asked in a deep voice, "You guys, have you said enough? If there is nothing else, I can go?"

"Farewell, Sister Tang." This time it was not Han Xueyan, but Cao Dan who stopped him.He treated Tang Lin like his own sister, put his arms around her arm, and said in a younger brother's tone: "I said, Sister Tang, it would be great for you to move here!"

Tang Lin narrowed her eyes weakly, and said lazily: "If you can convince me, then I will move in, otherwise...there is no door."

Cao Dan deliberately threatened, "Sister Tang, I heard that Lanyuan will be converted into a warehouse as soon as the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition is over. This is no longer a place for contestants to live. It's like plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum four gardens, only plum, bamboo and chrysanthemum. Let the players live in the two gardens. If Sister Tang doesn’t move here soon, once the trials are over, the contestants in Juyuan will definitely occupy the room in Zhuyuan. At that time, instead of living with us familiar people, you will have to live with The other contestants slept next to each other. If that's the case, they might as well live with us. Besides, Xueyan is also a girl, so you won't feel awkward. Of course, Big Brother Fu and I are both gentlemen. of."

"It's just nonsense, I believe you will be blamed." Tang Lin finished speaking angrily, turned around and left this time, and dropped a sentence, "If what you said is true, if you don't leave me a bed at the end of the game, I will Tang Lin broke up with you."

Hearing this sentence, Han Xueyan was relieved, and Cao Dan was also relieved.But Fu Yushu and the others felt heavy.

Both Cao Dan and Han Xueyan treat Tang Lin like their own sisters, so they feel that living together will be fine.But they were different. Compared with them, Tang Lin undoubtedly challenged their self-control and ideas.

Second Prince's Mansion.

Yu Shengjun was already sitting in the lobby, and after the maid served tea, he asked Yu Zichen, "Where's Eyun?"

Yu Zichen said: "The training period of the training camp is as long as three or four months. During these few months, it is estimated that the younger brother will rarely have time to go back to the palace. I am afraid that she will be bored, so I secretly sent someone to send her back this morning. It's my mother's home."

Yu Shengjun took a sip of tea, nodded and said, "Well, it's not a bad thing for you to do this. Since Mu Lingxuan thinks that E Yun is dead, she will not use E Yun to talk about things. This year, the most important The thing is to keep a close eye on Fu Yushu, Shao Qi, and Mu Lingxuan, and keep them locked in the palace for as long as possible. In this way, we will have time to take over the lair of the Anti-Royal Society, and we can plan what to do. Control the affairs of the northern border country. As for our soldiers and horses, they are not in Shao Qi's hands, so we don't have to worry about this will change, but as long as we hold Shao Qi and don't let him go out, he won't find out that we are redeploying troops about the horse."

Yu Zichen said with emotion: "Five years ago, if it weren't for the Queen Mother, we would not have discovered that this Shao Qi turned out to be the confidant of the Emperor Beilin. Every time I think of this, my brother breaks out in cold sweat."

Yu Shengjun smiled, "Some things are destined by God and cannot be avoided, so we have to face them head-on."

"Brother Huang, don't you plan to change the content of the next few rounds?" Yu Zichen was worried, "Every round will endanger the lives of the contestants. If Tang Lin plays, it will be a cruel test for her."

Yu Shengjun sighed, looking at the teacup, his eyes blurred, "If the content is changed, then the first guard and other contestants can win it. If not, Tang Lin may be endangered. I will think about it after I go back tonight. Make a decision. If I lose Tang Lin because of a few games, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Yu Zichen said "Yes", "Everything is according to the arrangement of the emperor. Then, in the next few days, our task is to trap Shao Qi and others in the palace and block all their connections with the outside world. Ling Yi On the one hand, uproot the Rebellion Association, reorganize our troops, and use the news sent by Mu Lingxuan to control the Northern Kingdom little by little."

Yu Shengjun squinted his dangerous and stern eyes, with a deep smile on his lips, "When our Yu family unifies the Central Plains, I will concentrate on solving Tang Lin's puzzle. First of all, I need to know that her home... where."

Sitting at the dining table, Tang Lin looked at the empty room and the empty bed, and she was suddenly filled with a sense of loss. "Ah Du Xueyan is right, she is indeed very lonely."

After a while, Tang Lin went back to bed and lay down. Tonight, she can turn around on this big bed without kicking anyone. How nice.It's just that I will toss and turn a few times, and I don't feel sleepy, which was not the case before.

A black shadow flew from various palaces not far away, and finally landed on the door of Tang Lin's room calmly, and knocked on the door.

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin's heart rose to her voice, "Who is it?" Could it be a pervert?The person at the door seemed to know that Tang Lin was afraid, so he deliberately kept quiet and knocked on the door again.The knocks on the door were so clear in the silent night that Tang Lin could hear the pores all over her body stand up.

She was a little unhappy, and roared: "Who the hell?"

There was still no sound outside the door, only the occasional sound of insects from the flowers and plants in the yard was left in the silence.

Tang Lin bowed her waist and tiptoed to the door. The person is no longer outside right now?She tightened her mind and stretched out her hand, slowly opened the door a gap, then poked her head out, and glanced to the left and right.

The sides of the door were empty, and there was no one there.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped down from the beam, pushed Tang Lin into the room extremely quickly, closed the door, pushed her against the door, and covered her mouth with one hand.

Originally, Tang Lin was about to scream, but after seeing the person in front of her clearly, she narrowed her eyes, feeling angry.

This person is none other than Yu Shengjun.After receiving her angry eyes, he obediently withdrew his hand, smiled evilly and innocently, "Sorry, I just wanted to prevent unnecessary people from hearing it, so..."

Tang Lin glared at him, and said angrily, "I am the only one in Lanyuan, how could there be other people? Yu Shengjun, you have intentions!"

Yu Shengjun just smiled and said nothing, acquiesced.

(End of this chapter)

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