The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 208 Don't move, we are the police!

Chapter 208 Don't move, we are the police!

"Hmph, wickedness!" Tang Lin snorted angrily, went back to the bed a few steps, lifted the quilt and lay down, ignoring Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun walked to the wooden table on his own, opened the stool and sat down, with a slight smile on his lips, occasionally looking sideways at Tang Lin who was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and occasionally looking at the handsome woman in the mirror on the table. Own.

After a while, Tang Lin closed her eyes and said, "I don't know if the Ninth Five Lord came suddenly, what's the matter with Tang Lin?"

Yu Shengjun turned the stool at an angle, facing Tang Lin on the bed.He rested one hand on the backrest of the stool, resting his left cheek, and looked at Tang Lin with a half-smile, "Girlfriend, I have something to discuss with you, get up first!"

Tang Lin turned over and struggled: "I can't afford it."

A dark arc flashed at the corner of Yu Shengjun's mouth, "You can't afford it, then I will go up?"

Tang Lin immediately grabbed the four corners of the quilt to guard against it, "You can do whatever you like, and whoever you want is yours."

Yu Shengjun got up and left the stool, took two steps and sat on the edge of the bed, lowered his head, the corner of his lips was very close to Tang Lin's ear, his voice was ambiguous and soft, "Get angry so easily? I just apologized, I didn't mean to scare you Yes, Linlin is not angry anymore?"

His breath brushed against her ears, which made her very unnatural. She simply covered her head with the quilt, and a heavy voice came out from under the quilt, "How dare a girl be angry with the emperor, she doesn't want to find a way out for herself."

Yu Shengjun suddenly raised his face, "If you don't forgive me, I will..."

Tang Lin's eyes rolled around in the bed, feeling very anxious.If you don't forgive him, what will happen to him?

At this moment, Tang Lin found that Yu Shengjun had left the bed, her heart sank suddenly, did he just leave?She lived alone in such a big yard, how lonely, didn't he feel her state of mind?
Thinking of this, Tang Lin was so wronged that she sniffled and cursed in a low voice, "Smelly Yu Shengjun, rotten Yu Shengjun, I owe you, I owe you scolding, I owe you a beating, I owe you a lesson..."

A warm voice came from outside the bed, "What do you owe?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin sat up abruptly, turned her head and saw that Yu Shengjun hadn't left yet, she burst into tears and laughed, "Dead Yu Shengjun, you haven't left yet?" But seeing Yu Shengjun taking off his coat, She thought about it, "Is your boyfriend planning to bully your girlfriend here tonight?"

Yu Shengjun cast a colored look, "What do you think?" The coat has been removed, and the rest has not moved.In front of Tang Lin, he jumped onto her bed, lifted her quilt and lay beside her.

Tang Lin looked at him from the beginning to the end, and asked in a daze, "Junjun, you have to be honest with each other when you do things, why don't you unload everything inside?"

He suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled her to lie down, pulled her into his arms, hugged her gently, and closed his eyes with satisfaction, "I'm here with you tonight, don't drive me away! Now , are you still angry with me?"

Her small hands twisted the clothes on his chest indiscriminately, pouted and said: "How dare you."

He opened his handsome eyes, and the corners of his lips curled into a warm arc.He lay down a little, face to face with her.Looking at her big twinkling eyes, he tapped her eyelashes and her cheek with his slender and clean index finger of his right hand, but he didn't say anything.

She looked at his uncanny and handsome face, licked her lips, and always wanted to keep his face as her own and kiss him endlessly every day. "What do you want to say to me? After talking about yours, I happen to have something to discuss with you!"

When it came to the future competitions, Yu Shengjun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He said: "I don't want you to take risks, so I plan to change the content of every competition after the ninth round."

Tang Lin analyzed the pros and cons: "However, you have already reminded all the players that starting from the tenth round, each round will endanger the lives of the players. If you change it easily, not only will you not punish those spies, but you will also lose the players' respect for the game." Respect. When they know that the competition after the ninth round is so easy, they will feel that the emperor said big things to scare them on purpose. This will not be good for Ouchi's guards. Emperor, besides, if the ninth round starts They are all dangerous and difficult, so do the players have a chance to continue the competition? Maybe they won't even be able to pass the ninth round!"

Yu Shengjun said worriedly: "But I am worried about your safety."

Tang Lin promised: "I promise, I will pass through the fifteenth level safely."

Yu Shengjun asked incomprehensibly: "What is more important than your life, do you have to force your way?"

Tang Lin giggled and said with difficulty, "I just have a problem. The more difficult the task, the more I want to challenge it. If it's an easy level, it won't arouse my interest."

Yu Shengjun glared at her, "Are you not afraid of accidents?"

Tang Lin said loudly: "Afraid of accidents? How could I be afraid of accidents? If I were afraid, I would have retreated a long time ago. Why do I have to rush into the tiger's den?" She suddenly shook his hand coquettishly, "Oh, Junjun, don't change it, let me Let me try. Just find someone to watch me. If I don’t have a task to challenge for a day, I will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable. If I don’t move for a long time, I will degenerate. You want to see me become a useless person. people?"

Yu Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief, and shook his head helplessly, "You know how to act according to your own temperament."

Grinning, Tang Lin slipped into his arms obediently, enjoying the warmth he gave her, enjoying his doting on her, and the full sense of security he gave her. "Junjun, I love you to death."

Yu Shengjun rolled his eyes at a certain corner, "Who will continue to love you after love dies?"

Tang Lin just smiled sweetly and didn't say anything.She drilled hard into his bed, asking for more warmth.

Yu Shengjun looked down at her smirking, and asked, "Just now you said you wanted to discuss something with me, what is it?"

Speaking of this matter, Tang Lin got a little serious. She poked her head out of his arms and looked into his eyes, hesitated again and again, biting her fingers and hemming and hawing guiltily, "It's like this, I think, I think ...move to a place to live."

She hesitated for a long time, just wanted to move?Yu Shengjun guessed wildly, "Want to move to my bedroom? Good thing, then I will be happy in the future!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "Then you said earlier that you had something to discuss with me, what exactly is it? Could it be that you really want to move to live with me? You have such an idea, and I am very satisfied. If you want to come, then I... ..."

"Hehe, hehe," Tang Lin looked at him with a stiff smile on her face. "I have such an idea, are you very satisfied?"

Yu Shengjun frowned, and asked back: "Could it be, shouldn't I be satisfied?"

The smile at the corner of Tang Lin's mouth twitched, "Then tell me, your Majesty, what place would satisfy you if Linlin moved there?" Is it my Tang Lin's body?Hmph, it's a lie to say he's a Buddhist disciple.

Yu Shengjun said: "Then I will see you immediately when I wake up every day!"

"that's it?"

"that's it!"

Tang Lin blushed and lowered her head, again she misunderstood what he meant.

Yu Shengjun happily asked: "Are you moving here to live with me?"

"No!" Tang Lin immediately explained, "I want to move there to live with some men, not you!" Yu Shengjun's expression darkened, and he asked lightly, "Why, why do you have such an idea?"

"I'm sorry!" Tang Lin didn't expect that the question she asked would make Yu Shengjun so sad, he must have been terrified.

If she loses him because of this, she will never have a good life.

Yu Shengjun held her face, smiled faintly, and said softly: "I'm fine, I just felt a little...sudden. I know you didn't do it on purpose, so I want to hear your thoughts now, why do you have such an idea? "

Tang Lin said truthfully: "Today Han Xueyan asked me to move to their room. She was afraid of being alone. I rejected her because it was impossible for me to share the same room with Fu Yushu and the others. But then I thought about it. It’s never been a good thing for them. It will take some time for the emperor to wipe out the anti-imperial society, so if Fu Yushu’s every move is under my nose, wouldn’t it be impossible to know what’s going on outside?”

Yu Shengjun turned his body sideways, facing the beam of the house, and carefully studied what Tang Lin said.She is his woman, and if she lives with a group of men like this, if something happens, it will kill her and make herself sad for the rest of her life.

Seeing him thinking about it, Tang Lin thought, who would want their woman to live with another man, "Junjun, don't think about it, I won't go!"

Yu Shengjun turned his head to look at her calm eyes, "Why didn't you go again?"

Tang Lin smiled, and only had one sentence: "I am your woman."

He raised a warm and guilty smile, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her gently, "I don't believe Fu Yushu, he already has different feelings for you, even if he is not a messy person, I don't feel at ease about placing you by his side. But, you are right, it will take time to wipe out the rebels, and it will take time to reorganize the soldiers and horses brought by Shao Qi, and it will take time to secretly control the Northern Kingdom Day, someone must monitor Mu Lingxuan and other important people. But I don’t worry if you’re the only one.” He thought and thought, and finally said, “Well, I’ll deal with it for you after the trials are over. this matter!"

Tang Lin nodded and said, "I'll listen to you." Then she burrowed into his arms until she could close her eyes with peace of mind, "Junjun, go to bed early, you have to go to court tomorrow."

Yu Shengjun gave a soft "hmm".

After a while, Tang Lin's eyes suddenly opened in his arms, and there was a gleam of light in her eyes.She suddenly thought of something, "Junjun, are you asleep?"

"No." Yu Shengjun's calm voice came from her head. "What's wrong?"

Tang Lin looked up at his beautiful lower face, and said impatiently, "If we really move there, I have a suggestion, so that we won't be able to sleep with Fu Yushu and the others."

(End of this chapter)

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