The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 209 Who wins and who loses, who will have the last laugh?

Chapter 209 Who wins and who loses, who will have the last laugh?
Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh? I would like to hear the details."

Tang Lin said, "I changed the bed, how about changing it into a modern one?"

"Modern style?" Yu Shengjun frowned, wondering how to explain the word "modern style".

Tang Lin didn't reveal it for now, and said with a mysterious smile: "You will know when the time comes. However, if there are as many as ten people staying at that time, you need to change to a bigger room."

Yu Shengjun said: "Gongyuan is prepared for the contestants during the trials. Once they enter the training camp, they will change their residence."

Tang Lin said "Oh", "So I have to change my place of residence." No longer wanting to say anything, she obediently slipped into his arms, continued to close her eyes and fell asleep.

But after a while, she suddenly looked up at him again, and said curiously and puzzled, "Junjun."

Yu Shengjun's handsome eyes drooped down, and he looked at her with a warm smile on his face. His voice was hoarse and soft, like the sound of gold and jade colliding, "You are so weird, what advice do you want to give me?"

"No," Tang Lin said, "I just want to ask, is Junjun not interested in my body?"

Yu Shengjun was stunned for a moment, and asked amusedly, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Tang Lin sat up abruptly, and the quilt was pushed aside by her, and she just looked at him sullenly with her waist thrust forward, "Although I, Tang Lin, am not one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world, I am also a rare beauty in Asia. I think I, Tang Lin, once dressed up as a model to seduce a mafia prince to complete a mission. That person was so cold-blooded that he was melted by me. How come you can’t work? Junjun, it can’t be you Is there a problem with your body...?"

Hearing this sentence, Yu Shengjun's face was full of black lines, he was embarrassed and awkward, "Who told you that I have a problem? Anlin? Yifeng? Or Yitang and Yishuang? I will cut them down!"

Tang Lin immediately apologized, "I'm sorry Junjun, I didn't mean that. It's none of other people's business. I'm just a little puzzled. I'm in such a good figure in front of you, why didn't I see you react?"

Yu Shengjun gave her a weak look, "Do you have to see me react?"

Tang Lin immediately panicked, "No, no." Fainted, she hoped that others would react to her, but she didn't, and she became more and more contradictory. "Linlin is just talking, please don't, don't mess around."

Yu Shengjun gave her another look, "Then who just asked me why I didn't come? Where did you see that I didn't treat you..."

Tang Lin's eyes looked around his body, but she didn't dare to lock on any one place. "It's"

Yu Shengjun looked frustrated, "You won, and I can't beat you more and more."

Tang Lin grinned, giggled, and finally pointed her finger at his heart with shame on her face, "Junjun, is it here? Generally, it is judged from here if a man responds!"

Yu Shengjun looked down, Tang Lin didn't point to a place, but to his own chest. Of course, the place she correctly pointed to was his heart.

She lay down again, and obediently got into his arms again, this time the heartbeat was stronger than before.Now that the two are sleeping together, he still has such a strong heartbeat for her, enough is enough.

Yu Shengjun caressed her cheek, and said softly: "Sleep, sleep peacefully, I belong to you all my life, you can do whatever you want. I have been interested in you all my life, and, yes only one."

Under his care, she gradually fell asleep.

In the dream, she saw him hiding in the bathroom of her house, while the handsome and tall policeman approached the bathroom with a pistol from outside, then pressed against the door, and exchanged a few words with the group of armed policemen behind him. eyes.

Suddenly, the elder brother kicked open the bathroom door and leaned in, and shouted at Yu Shengjun who had escaped through the window, "Don't move, we are the police, raise your hands and get down immediately!"

Yu Shengjun stared blankly at the familiar pistol in his elder brother's hand, "Isn't this the pistol of Aifei?"

Dreaming of this, Tang Lin suddenly laughed in Yu Shengjun's arms.

Yu Shengjun hadn't fallen asleep yet, hearing the laughter in his arms so happy, he was a little dazed at first, but knowing that Tang Lin had a sweet dream, his mood improved accordingly.

I just don't know what kind of dream she is dreaming.

The dream changed, and now Tang Lin was in their army. It was noon, and she was in the office of the head of the regiment, making an overseas phone call, "Hey, brother, it's the second sister, are you abroad now? "

The dream changed again,

Yu Shengjun pushed the shopping cart, shopping in the big mall.He doesn't understand modern things, and when others told him to buy paper towels, he simply stuffed a few packs of sanitary napkins into the car...

Not long after, in the middle of the intersection, Yu Shengjun was forced to stop by the police who surrounded him.The old police officer got out of the car with a loudspeaker microphone, and when he saw Yu Shengjun in front of him, he almost fainted.After a while, he looked at Yu Shengjun with an extremely weird expression, "Brother, I asked you to come out and buy me a pack of cigarettes and a box of tissues. Is it necessary to play me like this?"

However, at this moment, gunshots suddenly sounded from nowhere, and everyone saw Yu Shengjun fell to the ground, and many safety boxes slipped out of the bag and scattered all over the floor.

"Junjun!" Waking up from the dream, Tang Lin screamed and sat up.Tang Lin gasped for breath, her forehead was dripping with sweat, and her bangs were wet.She looked at the side of the bed, and there was no sign of Yu Shengjun, so she breathed a sigh of relief.It turned out that I was having a nightmare, but how could such a strange dream be done?
She didn't know, there was a person standing beside the bed, "Xiao Tang, what's wrong?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin was startled, and turned to see who it was.After seeing clearly that it was Yishuang, the heart that raised her voice was relieved, she took a weary breath, wiped the sweat from her forehead, got out of bed, and asked: "Yishuang, why are you here? "

Yishuang looked at her putting on her shoes and said, "Today is the ninth round of the competition. Master is afraid that you may oversleep, so he asked me to come over early so that I can wake you up when the time comes. Master has to go to court on the fifth watch, so there is no time." inform you."

Tang Lin had finished putting on her shoes, went to open the cabinet, took out the navy blue uniform and put it on, "I thought the counselor would come to notify me at dawn every day."

"The counselor won't be here today," Yishuang said, "It's me and Yitang who are here to take the contestants to the competition destination. He's already calling the male contestant next door, so I'll come to Lanyuan to call you." .”

"Where is the competition venue?" Tang Lin took the kettle on the dining table, poured herself a glass of water, and asked Yishuang after drinking it.

Yishuang said: "At the training ground." Seeing that Tang Lin was about to leave and didn't plan to move the food on the table, she reminded: "Xiao Tang, don't you need breakfast? It's not too late to go after breakfast. If you don't eat, wait." There is no spirit in the game, and accidents are easy to happen!"

After waking up to now, Tang Lin's heart has been fluctuating. She looked a little tired, shook her head at Yishuang, and said truthfully: "I can't eat. I had a dream last night. I thought it was a good dream, but it turned out ..."

Yishuang asked, "What dream?"

Tang Lin said: "I dreamed that your master was shot, and it was in front of my brother!"

"You still have an elder brother." Yishuang asked with a smile, but she didn't know what "shooting" meant.

Tang Lin pulled her lips and smiled bitterly, "Yes, one elder brother and one younger brother. My elder brother's occupation has many similarities with mine. Only my younger brother is currently studying abroad, and his parents are military officers. If it wasn't for the one from last night Dreams, I almost forgot about them."

Yishuang asked puzzledly: "Since you are my own family, how can you forget?"

Tang Lin smiled wryly and said: "You don't understand. I grew up in the army, and there are very few opportunities to go home every year. When I turn 15, I have to accept missions and go out. I am always on missions, and I forget my family over time. , Unless I have been wronged, I won’t miss my family so much. I always feel that if I live well, they will live well. My parents have two sons to accompany me, so I feel more at ease.”

Yishuang said: "Now that I miss them, why not let the master send someone to escort you back to reunite with your parents?"

"Heh," Tang Lin smiled wryly again, "Go back? It's easier said than done!"

Yishuang couldn't figure it out, "Why is it not easy? This world is full of loess, and since it is loess, there must be people there. Even if Xiao Tang, you are a citizen of a small country, our master can safely escort you back home."

Tang Lin's face was full of melancholy, "Oh, it would be great if it was so easy. But, going back to my not as easy as you imagine." Unless you can find the time tunnel, yes, the time tunnel...

She suddenly remembered the dream she had last night, and murmured to herself: "I actually dreamed that Yu Shengjun was in modern times. Doesn't this mean that I have a chance to go back?"

Yishuang couldn't hear what she was talking to herself, so she asked, "Xiao Tang, what's the matter?"

"It's okay." Tang Lin shook her head, but didn't tell the truth.However, with this discovery, she is no longer in a state of agitation. If it is really possible to return to modern times, that would be the best.

Yishuang said, "Then let's go to the training ground."

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes."

When she came to the training ground, Tang Lin felt that something was wrong.It stands to reason that if today's arena is set up here, why are there no obstacles?How to start the game without obstacles?What is the content of the ninth round of the game?
(End of this chapter)

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