The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 210 A master's move, the move is fatal!

Chapter 210 A master's move, the move is fatal!
Except for Tang Lin, the 26 contestants were all standing in the center of the training ground, all facing east.Five meters away in front of them stood several people, namely Yifeng, Yitang, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing.

Yishuang brought Tang Lin to Yifeng, "The last contestant has arrived."

Yifeng nodded to her, then turned his gaze to Tang Lin, and said to Tang Lin, "Return to your seat first."

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes." She answered, then turned around and walked towards Fu Yushu and the others. Finally, she stood between Han Xueyan and Cao Dan, and Han Xueyan was the last player in the first row. .

Han Xueyan leaned closer to her ear and asked in a low voice, "Miss Tang, when do you plan to move here?"

Tang Lin replied truthfully: "After the trials are over!"

"Ah!" Han Xueyan was a little startled, "Wait until the trials are over? Wouldn't it be another six or seven days?" Little Miss Tang would not know that during these six or seven nights, she would have to suffer from the men in the room. Look at it differently.Every night, their eyes seemed to peel off a layer of her skin, which made her more and more uneasy, and felt more and more like a naked grown woman sleeping in their room every night.

"What's the rush?" Tang Lin replied in a low voice, "The next few rounds of trials will be over in a day or two."

"Why?" Han Xueyan didn't understand. Since the games before the ninth round were played every day, why did it take only a day or two for the ninth round to start?Isn't there still six or seven rounds left?
Tang Lin explained: "Starting from the ninth round, each round doesn't take much time, and several rounds can be completed in a day."

Han Xueyan asked: "Miss Tang, how do you know?"

Tang Lin said, "On the way here, the female guard told me about it!"

Han Xueyan said "Oh".

"Ahem." Yifeng moistened his throat, then looked at everyone seriously, and said solemnly: "The ninth round begins, and the time taken for each subsequent round is very small. However, if you want to win the first round The title of a guard depends on your ability."

Cao Dan looked at Tang Lin and guessed, "I don't know what the content of the ninth round will be."

Tang Lin recalled that Yu Shengjun said at the beginning that the difficulties in the future would be life-threatening, how cruel, then, the next competition should be a competition, fighting for No.1.There is a kind of momentum and...sorrow that will fight to the end even if the blood is shed.

Yifeng continued: "The topic of this round of competition is: Enemy and Enemy. This topic has something to do with the real competition, and it has nothing to do with it. It has something to do with it. As for what it means, only you can understand it during the competition. .This round is a knockout round. As long as you get rid of 26 of your 20 people before the end of the game, the remaining six people can enter the next round. Beat the other party... maimed, even killed!"

Many contestants showed panicked expressions. If this continues, it will be fine.

Han Xueyan stroked her chest with a flustered expression, "If this is the case, if I don't know martial arts, then wouldn't I not be able to see the sun tomorrow?"

Tang Lin laughed and said, "Don't forget, you still have an invincible brother-in-law. With him around, are you still worried that you will be beaten to death by other contestants?"

Han Xueyan sighed, and was not completely relieved because of her brother-in-law, "But every contestant's martial arts are not weak, and he may not be able to protect himself alone, let alone protect me as a burden."

Tang Lin said: "You're discouraged before you play, how can you fight with all your strength later? Be obedient, don't think too much, and prepare for a while!"

Cao Dan beside him smiled, looking like he was asking for others, "Sister Tang, can you show mercy to my subordinates later?"

Tang Lin gave him a contemptuous look, "You can just say that you just knocked me down with one punch. Aren't you very powerful? Since you are so powerful, why do you need my mercy? I beg you to be merciful!"

Cao Dan laughed dryly: "Sister Tang, what are you talking about?"

Yifeng glanced at Lu Yitang and the others, and continued: "During the competition, weapons and hidden weapons are not allowed to be used. Once found, they will be severely punished. The two counselors will watch you from the sidelines. Once they find that you use weapons or hidden weapons, your registration will be canceled immediately." Competition qualifications, all, do you hear clearly?"

A few people uttered like mosquitoes, "I heard you clearly."

Next, Yifeng ordered the Imperial Forest Army to draw a square in the middle of the training ground, a square box, ten meters long and ten meters wide.The training ground is not an ordinary hard ground, but a thick layer of fine sand on the top. Usually, it is also paved so that Ouchi guards will not be injured when they fall during training.

After the Imperial Forest Army drew a square frame with red dye water, they withdrew.

Yifeng asked all contestants to enter the box.

After entering, many players began to guard against their surroundings, taking the posture of defending at any time and counterattacking and attacking at any time.Because Yifeng reminded that there are only six people who can pass the level, and if you want to win, you must defeat twenty people.

After each of them came in, they looked after themselves, didn't understand the meaning of the competition title, and shared the same hatred. In fact, what Yifeng meant was that the six of them who thought they had the best relationship should join forces to defeat the two who didn't have a good relationship. ten people.

After entering the competition field, Fu Yushu stood in front of Tang Lin before he knew it.

And Han Xueyan, since he came in, has been hiding behind Shao Qi, and Yunlei is protecting Shao Qi, not only protecting Han Xueyan, but also protecting Shao Qi——protecting his master, this is his duty, Yunlei must protection of.

Yifeng raised his hand to his mouth, holding Tang Lin's whistle in his hand.As long as the whistle blows, you can see a real duel later, who will win and lose, and who will have the last laugh?Tang Lin changed her position, no longer standing behind Fu Yushu, but beside him.

Fu Yushu looked at her with complicated eyes, "Why did you come here?"

Tang Lin replied sloppily, "Stop talking, let's compete seriously. If you don't defeat twenty people, you won't be able to participate in the next round!"

"Can you do it?" Fu Yushu asked, his words mixed with unclear concern.

Tang Lin ignored his concern, "If I can't do it, who else can do it? Becoming a Ouchi bodyguard can completely become Yu Shengjun's personal bodyguard. This is the mission of the master. I must fight to the end!"

"Then... be careful." Fu Yushu warned.

Tang Lin didn't say anything, just like the other players, everyone was staring, waiting for the whistle to sound, they would attack hard and knock people down before talking.

At this moment, Yifeng had his whistle in his mouth, looked at the contestants, and blew hard——

Immediately, almost all the players huddled together and started punching and kicking. For a while, you hit me, I hit you, or one person fought against several people at the same time, or was defeated by a strong opponent.

Many players knew that Han Xueyan was the weakest, so they attacked Han Xueyan one after another, but Shao Qi who was protecting Han Xueyan fought back with punches and kicks.

Those players who are very confident in their martial arts and think they are the best in the world will attack Tang Lin together.They all thought that Tang Lin was the most threatening No.1 player, and they had to get rid of her.

Seeing Tang Lin surrounded by several people, Fu Yushu quickly ran over and fought with two of them. The black and white shadows overlapped. This was the real confrontation.

Tang Lin glanced at the white shadow who was fighting desperately, but she didn't show any expression.However, before she had time to think about anything, the other contestants aimed at her again, and they were attacking together, planning to knock her down in one fell swoop.

Tang Lin stepped forward, seeing every move, and never flinching.After all, the potential in her body has been developed by Master Yichan, so she can definitely defeat these players with ease.Fighting with fists and kicks, for a while, it was hard to tell whether one person was beating several people, or several people were beating one person.

In a blink of an eye, Fu Yushu repelled the two players who had been entangled with him with a powerful palm.The two contestants finally fell to the ground and vomited blood, rubbing their chests, trying to stand up, which was no easy task.

Fu Yushu glanced at other places. In order to protect Han Xueyan, Shao Qi confronted four or five people alone.As for Yunlei and Cao Dan, each of them was fighting against one player, but the two sides fought back and forth and could never tell the winner.

Tang Lin, on the other hand, suffered unfairly. All the remaining players continued to attack her.She repelled one with her left hand, and killed another one.She turned her body 360 degrees in the air again, combined her scissor legs, and quickly kicked several contestants on the cheeks, knocking them down one after another.

However, just as she stood firmly on the ground, those contestants got up again. Even though the corners of their mouths were bleeding, they still attacked without fear of death.

Tang Lin calmed down and concentrated all her internal energy in her palm. When the first contestant came within one meter of her range, she suddenly struck with her palm at an extremely fast speed.The contestant was hit, he vomited blood from her palm, and finally fell to the ground.

"Heh, can't you stand up now?" Tang Lin patted the dust on her hands, laughing and laughing at the contestants lying on the ground.

But she didn't finish gloating, this time it was Xiao Xiong who attacked her.

Tang Lin took two steps back and stared at him, "Do you want to taste the blood too?"

Before killing him, Xiao Xiong said politely: "Miss Tang, I'm sorry, it's really forced by the situation. Look at the trick." Saying that, he coldly killed Tang Lin.But before she had the chance to fight Xiao Xiong, she was robbed by Fu Yushu.

Tang Lin stopped, "Take your time." After speaking, she glanced at other places.Right now, except for Shao Qi being attacked by a group, everyone else is fighting alone. If this continues, when will the fight end?

The game time is a stick of incense, and at this moment, half of the stick of incense has passed.

At this moment, Shao Qi glanced at Zhu Xiang, suddenly his eyes turned hard, and he slapped the contestant who came up in an instant.The contestant immediately vomited blood and fell to the ground. Before he could scream, he closed his eyes and tilted his head to one side.

Seeing this scene, Han Xueyan's eyes immediately got wet. She went up and hugged Shao Qi's waist, holding her tightly, "Brother-in-law, don't, don't kill anyone!"

"If we don't kill people, we will be killed by them. You lean back!" Said coldly, Shao Qi threw Han Xueyan to the sand behind him, and continued to fight to the death with other contestants.But the martial arts of these players were no worse than him, and soon, he received a punch in the chest.With a muffled snort, he couldn't help but took two steps back.

Seeing this, Yunlei shouted, "My lord!" He immediately ran over and supported Shao Qi.

Shao Qi tried his best to straighten his chest, and said coldly: "Don't pay attention to me, go and kill those people!"

"Yes." Yun Lei obeyed, and immediately looked at the players, his eyes were bloodshot.However, when those players attacked and joined hands to knock him down, Tang Lin's figure swished past, and only heard the sound of iron fists beating his chest one after another.

After Tang Lin easily stood up, those contestants who were going to fight against Yunlei fell to the ground one after another, stroking their swollen faces.It turned out that the sound of the iron fist was kicked in the face by Tang Lin's boots.

At this time, after a master fought against Cao Dan, Cao Dan was beaten several times, and finally had to ask for help from behind, "Sister Tang, Brother Fu, help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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