Chapter 211 Tenth Round

Hearing the sound, Fu Yushu and Tang Lin looked over at the same time. In the end, they came up together with Fu Yushu and fought with that master.In less than a while, the body of the last master was hit halfway out of the limit, and he was almost eliminated.

Tang Lin came over to pull Cao Dan up, and then went to Shao Qi and the others, and said anxiously: "It's getting late, if we all want to stay, we must join hands!"

Cao Dan rubbed the corner of his sore mouth, "The six of us versus the twenty?"

Tang Lin said seriously: "That's right! The incense is almost gone, we have to knock down those 20 people in one fell swoop, to be exact, it should be nineteen, and one of them can't wake up anymore!"

Fu Yushu said: "Then let's join forces!"

"Okay!" Responding, Shao Qi hurriedly pulled Han Xueyan to the limit, and said: "Stand here and don't move around."

Han Xueyan choked with sobs and said, "Then brother-in-law, you have to be careful."

Shao Qi didn't say so much, returned to his original position, and stood in a row with Tang Lin and the others. The 19 people on the opposite side had already gathered together to discuss with each other. They probably saw Tang Lin and the others joining forces. I also want to use this method to quickly defeat Tang Lin and the others.

After the two groups finished their discussion, they stared at each other coldly.They all made an offensive posture.

Among the group led by Xiao Xiong, one felt that it was time, and immediately shouted, "Kill—"

Next, one confronted three or four, and Tang Lin and the others fought with this group of people.

Yifeng did not know when he was already sitting on the grand master's chair brought by the Imperial Forest Army, drinking tea leisurely, watching the group of people fighting.His eyes were always on Tang Lin. Seeing Tang Lin waving to knock someone down, but not killing her, he sometimes shook his head and sometimes nodded, not knowing whether to sigh or to be satisfied.

The task of Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing was to keep a close eye on whether the contestants were using weapons or hidden weapons.

Yishuang looked shockingly from outside the boundary, "In previous years at least no one would die, but this year... 26 people, except for Xiao Tang whose martial arts are much higher than the others, and everyone else is the same, how could it be possible to stay before the end of time?" The next six come."

Yitang watched the game with a calm face. He didn't want to publish at first, but he still published a sentence, "The tighter the time, the crazier these people will be. inevitable."

Gradually, Cao Dan's physical strength was exhausted, and he was about to be kicked down by a player. At this moment, Tang Lin came to him in a flash, pushed him to the side, and raised his legs fiercely It fell and hit the player in the middle of the thigh.

There was only a "creak", "Ah—" Immediately, the player's screams pierced the sky above the training ground.

However, when Tang Lin was only helping Cao Dan to rest beside Han Xueyan, Shao Qi cried out in pain, "Yunlei——"

Han Xueyan and Tang Lin looked at Shao Qi together, and saw that Yun Lei used his chest to protect Shao Qi in order to protect Shao Qi who was besieged by four or five people at the same time. Shao Qi was not paying attention just now and was targeted by a player Seeing this, Yunlei ran over immediately and received the fatal palm from the player.

Seeing Yunlei fell to the ground, Han Xueyan burst into tears, "Assistant Yun..."

"Xueyan, look at Xiao Cao." Hastily telling Han Xueyan a word, Tang Lin got up immediately, and originally wanted to help Shao Qi, but when she saw that Fu Yushu would be surrounded by more than a dozen people, countless punches and kicks were thrown at each other .

Tang Lin ran over quickly, knocking down a few of them in a blink of an eye, but while Shao Qi was looking at Yunlei, he was fighting with several other players, not paying attention to Han Xueyan and Xiao Cao.

At this time, Han Xueyan came with a helpless crying voice, "Don't come here..."

Hearing her voice, Shao Qi looked over reflexively, saw a contestant coming towards Han Xueyan, and instantly widened his eyes, "Yan'er—" It's just that when he was looking at Han Xueyan, he didn't have any scruples. Behind him, the deadly palms of four people landed on his back together.

"Drink." Shao Qi suddenly leaned back, accompanied by a low muffled drink.

Tang Lin had knocked down all the contestants on Fu Yushu's side, and hurried to Shao Qi's side to help him lie down slowly. Before she could say anything more, she flew to Han Xueyan's side and kicked the contestant to the ground.

But when she looked back, Fu Yushu had already been punched by eighteen people and vomited blood on the ground.

In a blink of an eye, only Tang Lin was left standing in front of those eighteen people alive.Tang Lin twitched her lips, and looked at the group of people in front of her contemptuously, "Hmph, you guys think that you can defeat me if you join forces? So, you can defeat me, Tang Lin's legendary legend in the trials?"

Xiao Xiong looked at those people lying on the ground, and then at Tang Lin, "You are the only one left, let's forget it!"

"Even if I forget it, can they forget it?" Tang Lin said, pointing to those people around Xiao Xiong who were staring at her, "There are only six left, don't forget!"

One player said: "Beat you first, then you are the biggest threat!"

Tang Lin smiled wryly, "Speaking of it, are you still afraid that I will snatch No.1?" Suddenly, her eyes froze, and she became a lot more arrogant, "That's right, I just want to snatch No.1!"

The contestant said: "Since that's the case, then I'm sorry, we will also eliminate you no matter what!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let me show you what is real skill!" As she spoke, Tang Lin rushed towards the contestant like a gust of wind.The contestant felt a gust of cold wind approaching, but before he could see Tang Lin's face clearly, Tang Lin's hand immediately grabbed his neck, and then dragged his neck and threw it to the ground.

He couldn't fight back, and Tang Lin shot too quickly, so he was thrown to the ground abruptly, and he was thrown down like a bottle by someone who was worried about being overly angry.

Seeing this, other players rushed forward.

Seeing this scene, Yifeng and the others all watched with held breath.

Cao Dan had already dragged the injured Fu Yushu to Han Xueyan's side, and was half lying on the ground with Shao Qi. Although they were not clearly injured, they still had a sliver of sanity to support them.

In the scene, there were no swords, lights or swords, but the figures were running apart, and the sound of fists was too loud.

Tang Lin's feet and hands were not idle, seeing one hitting another, and her arm seemed soft, but it made the beaten players feel completely hard, hitting them like iron, the pain was so painful that they didn't dare to fight .

Tang Lin will not be merciful now, the stick of incense has been burnt to a pitiful extent.If she hadn't miscalculated, if she didn't knock these people out of bounds within 5 minutes, she wouldn't let Fu Yushu and the others clear the level at all.

She originally didn't want to use more than three points of skill, but at this juncture, she was indeed fighting with her life.

Well, then fight with your life!

In front of them, several of them had begun to concentrate all their internal energy on their hands, planning to give Tang Lin a palm by surprise.

However, Tang Lin secretly surged with seven points of skill, and with a touch of oil on her feet, she jumped into a group of contestants. They didn't even have a chance to react, they only felt a shadow passing by.Immediately afterwards, they felt nothing.

Tang Lin used the method of moving to change scenes, and at the fastest speed, tapped everyone's acupoints, and then savagely pushed the players out of the boundary one by one.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people fell on the sand outside the boundary line with a "bang", vomited blood, unable to get up, and wailed again and again.

Tang Lin looked at them coldly, her whole body was filled with murderous aura, her eyes were cold and stern.

When Yifeng looked at the stick of incense, it happened to be burnt out, and the last smear of ash fell off.He turned his head and looked at Tang Lin.Like Yu Shengjun, he was originally worried that all the contestants would target her. Those people were all good at martial arts, but no matter how good her martial arts were, she would still be outmatched by a group of monkeys in the end.But she still won.

If she only cared about herself and ignored Shao Qi and the others, perhaps she would have cleared these people out of the line long ago.


Royal study.

Yifeng came in from outside the door, and Yu Shengjun was leaning on the throne, drinking tea and reading a book. Hearing the sound, he slightly raised his eyes and looked over. When he saw the list in Yifeng's hand, his expression became a little tense, "Tang Lin Who did you help again?"

If Tang Lin won alone, why would there be a list.

"Miss Tang didn't win by herself!" Yifeng put the list on the table, "Twenty people were eliminated, and Miss Tang also retained five people by the way."

Yu Shengjun asked: "Is she okay?"

Yifeng said: "Miss Tang only used [-]% of her skill in the last move, and she didn't use [-]% of her skill at other times. She didn't get hurt at all, but Shao Qi and Fu Yushu were really hurt!"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled slightly, and his expression turned hard, "They are too arrogant. They think that one of them is the marshal and the other is the leader of the anti-imperial society, so they can become the number one in the world? If it weren't for the reputation of the Ouchi guards, they would Invite those masters of the rivers and lakes? If you dare to fight against those people without asking where they come from, it will be their fate if they don’t die!"

Yifeng asked: "Master, the tenth round is scheduled for the afternoon, or..."

"Afternoon!" The word popped out from Yu Shengjun's mouth without thinking about it, clear and thick, without a trace of leeway.

Yifeng asked again: "Will the master watch it live?"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled up in an arc that turned all living beings upside down, but the air was chilling.He put down the book, "I want to see, who is willing to die at this moment!"

Tang Lin originally wanted to send Cao Dan and the others back to the palace to rest, but they all suffered internal injuries after all.However, she had this idea, and Yifeng and Yitang came over and said unceremoniously: "If you can all stand up, then follow me!"

"We are all injured, where should we go?" Cao Dan complained.

Yifeng gave Cao Dan an evil look, "Where are you going? Good question. But, you'll know when you go!"

In this way, Han Xueyan helped Shao Qi, Shao Qi helped Yunlei, Cao Dan and Fu Yushu supported each other, Tang Lin and Yi Shuang chatted and laughed all the way, and followed Yifeng's footsteps to the tenth round of competition.

It turned out that the place to go was not a place, but Nangong Kitchen.

At this moment, Yu Shengjun has come to the kitchen in person.Masks were put on before departure.He stood at the door of the kitchen with his hands behind his back, watching the guards making trouble.

Feng Diewu stood behind him, sometimes looked at his back with cold eyes, and sometimes looked at the things the guards were messing with.Yu Shengjun, why did he do this?Does he feel very happy doing this?
Outside the kitchen, there is a long table with six bowls, each bowl is filled with wine, different colors of wine, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and purple alone.And this time, a guard was pouring different powders into the wine.

After everything was ready, the guard withdrew.

Just in time, Yifeng brought Tang Lin and the others to the kitchen door.

Tang Linhuan glanced around, and when her gaze fell on Fengdiewu's face, her gaze stopped.She saw that Feng Die Wu's face was very pale, and there was still anger in her pupils, she was staring at the things on the long table.

Could it be that there is something mysterious about the things on the long table.

Now, Tang Lin looked at the table in front of her and saw six bowls filled with wine of different colors. She was a little elusive as to what Yu Shengjun was doing.

Seeing that everyone has arrived, Yu Shengjun opened his mouth to speak, but his voice has changed: "I want such a bodyguard, a bodyguard who can go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire for me, a bodyguard who can die for me without any complaints." When I am threatened, for example, to drink poison, if it is a loyal guard, he will drink the poison for me. Therefore, the six bowls on the table in front of you at this moment , all with different wines, different...very poisonous."

(End of this chapter)

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