The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 212 Tang Lin, My Name Is Mu Lingxuan!

Chapter 212 Tang Lin, My Name Is Mu Lingxuan!

Hearing the sound, Fu Yushu and the others, who had not yet wiped off the blood from the corner of their mouth, were shocked.In the tenth round, is it to drink poison than guts? !If you really want to do this, after the game is over, who will complete their goal in the end?

No, they can't die today, they still have tasks to complete.

Yifeng and the others pushed Tang Lin and the others to the table to lean against, and then Qi Qi took a step back to guard in case any of the six escaped.

Seeing their frightened faces, Yu Shengjun smiled coldly, and said sarcastically, "I also said that I want to be an Ouchi bodyguard who will do my duty to the monarch. May I ask what are you afraid of now? Hmm?"

Tang Lin pointed to the wine bowl on the table with a dry smile, "It's in it, so it can't be really poisonous, right?" If he accidentally died of poison, would he blame Yu Shengjun?

No, you can't blame him.He discussed with her to change the content of the game, but she stopped it.Even if she doesn't want to drink poison anymore, she promised him to challenge to the end, how could she break her promise, how could she escape halfway.cannot.

"Yes, it's from the poison!" Yu Shengjun uttered every word clearly and powerfully, just to let everyone hear clearly, especially the one behind him.But when everyone was desperate, he changed the subject, "But, I won't kill you!"

Hearing this sentence, Tang Lin was relieved, and the others were also relieved.Fortunately, don't die, otherwise it's really game over.

"However," as soon as Yu Shengjun said, everyone tightened their hearts again. "In these six bowls of wine, there are six kinds of poisons: after drinking the first kind, you will lose all your own power, and in the end you will be no different from a person who has no power to restrain a chicken; if you drink the second kind, your hair will turn white all night until you die. The hair is still like snow; after drinking the third kind, the eyes will be blind for a lifetime; after drinking the fourth kind, the temperament will be changed drastically, and people can kill involuntarily; Die; after drinking the sixth kind, IQ will be zero overnight and last forever!"

After Han Xueyan finished listening, her vision went dark.
But, before she had time to fall down, a guard beside Yu Shengjun threw a pill, entered her mouth, and was swallowed by her.Immediately, I will not faint.

Shao Qi looked at Yu Shengjun, fixedly, the content in his eyes said: As a subject, I must be one of the fates?
Yu Shengjun did not give him a meaningful look back, turned to Fu Yushu and the others, and asked: "Have you thought about it? Then choose a bowl to drink when you have thought about it. By the way, I forgot to tell you, there is still another The bowl of wine was not put in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a guard put a bowl of wine on the table, which was the only purple color.

Yu Shengjun continued: "Among the seven bowls of wine now, one bowl is non-toxic. Let's start choosing. If you are lucky, then he must be the first guard. If you are unlucky... then you have to accept a miserable life. !" Cao Dan took a deep breath and growled, "Isn't this a life-threatening thing?"

Sun Bailing was worried for him, worried for him.Before this time in the future, she didn't even know that the tenth round was to make the contestants drink poisoned alcohol. According to the past, Yifeng would first inform the counselor about the next round, but this round... didn't mention it.

Yu Shengjun urged: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and choose, hurry up and end the tenth round!"

In order to get an excellent bodyguard, does he have to abandon other equally excellent players?Shao Qi looked at Yu Shengjun with puzzled eyes, hoping that Yu Shengjun would suddenly say to himself, you are my servant, you don't need to drink the poison, or tell him which bowl is not poisonous.

However, since his subject came here, Yu Shengjun, who is a king, didn't even glance at him. When did Yu Shengjun become so indifferent?Could it be that Yu Shengjun is not afraid of his impulsive rebellion?

Fu Yushu looked at the seven bowls of wine on the table, and remembered what Yu Shengjun said just now.Before the purple bowl of wine was put on the table, Yu Shengjun said that among the six bowls of wine with different colors, there are six kinds of poisonous, that is to say, the one that is not poisonous, and the purple bowl put in the back?

At this moment, not only he thought of this, but also Han Xueyan, who had always been slow, thought of this, as well as Shao Qi and Cao Dan.

Their eyes were fixed on the bowl of purple wine in unison, except for Tang Lin.

Suddenly, before Tang Lin could see which bowl of wine to choose, Han Xueyan caught her by surprise. She took a sip of the purple bowl of wine first, but before she could take a second sip, she was caught by Cao Dan. Take the bowl back.

Cao Dan took a sip, Fu Yushu took the bowl and took a sip too.

And Shao Qi followed suit in turn, snatching the bowl of wine in Fu Yushu's hand with only two sips left, took a sip suddenly, and then gave it to Yun Lei beside him.Yun Lei took the bowl and saw that there was only one sip left, so he didn't drink it.

Shao Qi glared at him, worried why he didn't drink.

Yun Lei's eyes fell on Tang Lin's face, there was only one sip of wine left in the bowl, if she drank it herself, Tang Lin would not have a share, and she had to drink the remaining poisoned wine.

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips have always maintained a gentle arc, a smile that is not a smile.When he saw Yunlei's actions, he was slightly shocked.Even Fu Yushu didn't care about Tang Lin at this moment of life and death, so he was still self-centered in the end, and women were only second.

On the contrary, Yunlei was different. In the end, he thought of Tang Lin and cared about Tang Lin.It's not that he has any unreasonable thoughts about Tang Lin, it's all out of his kindness.

This is a kind person, but he followed the wrong master.

Shao Qi was even more anxious and kept his eyes on Yun Lei.This subordinate is increasingly ignorant of controlling the situation.

"Since you have chosen that bowl of wine, then drink it. What do you want me to do?" Tang Lin was very relieved that Yunlei took care of her at the last moment, but she did not want to choose that bowl of purple wine.She faced the six bowls of wine on the table, and in front of everyone, picked up the red bowl and downed it in one gulp.

It was too late for everyone to persuade her, she had already finished drinking.

Fu Yushu was terrified. After drinking that bowl of wine, all martial arts in his body would be destroyed. Why is Tang Lin so stupid...

Yu Shengjun didn't seem surprised that Tang Lin would choose that bowl of wine, let alone be afraid that Tang Lin would drink it down, but admired Tang Lin's courage by his side.

Tang Lin then picked up the second bowl of wine, and when she was about to drink it, Fu Yushu stopped her, "What are you doing? You don't want to die? At worst, I won't compete and go out of the palace directly. Why do you want to humiliate yourself like this?"

"What do you know, get out of here." Tang Lin pushed Fu Yushu away with a little force, and then drank the wine down her stomach.

Feng Diewu witnessed Tang Lin's drinking process with her own eyes, and saw Tang Lin drank six bowls of wine in a row.Today, she finally saw the legend of Tang Lin, the power of this myth, that is, she has great courage.

She thought, Yu Shengjun obviously loves Tang Lin, how dare she let Tang Lin die, then this not poisonous at all.

After finishing the last bowl of wine, Tang Lin burped indecently, stroked her stomach, and said lazily, "Oh, it's so high, it's killing me."

Han Xueyan ran over, took a closer look at Tang Lin, and said excitedly, "Great, nothing happened."

Tang Lin turned around without passing out, and her IQ was not zero. For this reason, she was also very excited.It seems that the boyfriend really didn't mean to harm him, and it was just a show. "Now I finally know the taste of the rest of my life after the catastrophe."

Yu Shengjun said at this time, "I have one more thing to say to you, I told you after the game, that is... Poisoned wine, it is a non-existent thing. The reason why I scare you is nothing more than to test you The courage and courage, to test whether you can "give up the small self and the big self" at this juncture. Unfortunately, Tang Lin is the only one who satisfies me. The others, starting from this round, will be directly... eliminated .”

Fu Yushu and the others took a deep breath, because they were too impatient and fell into the emperor's trick.

The first guard had nothing to do with them.

However, there are still two places. These two places are awarded titles after training. As long as you overcome all difficulties in the training camp, you will become Yu Shengjun's personal bodyguard sooner or later.At that time, the old and new hatreds will be avenged together.

Afterwards, Yu Shengjun drove back to the palace, and Shao Qi and the others were also sent back to the palace by Yifeng.

After two rounds of competition in one day, Tang Lin was physically and mentally exhausted. She sat down on the stone steps in front of the Nangong kitchen, planning to rest before going back.

Feng Diewu came out with a cup of tea, and after sitting next to Tang Lin, she brought over the tea, "Xiao Tang, you must be very tired and sleepy, drink a cup of tea to wake up."

Tang Lin smiled softly, "Thank you Die Wu." After finishing speaking, she took the teacup, but she just fiddled with the lid, staring at the tea in the cup, and did not drink it down.With a worried look on his face. "Die Wu, I miss my master so much, I really want to go back!"

Feng Diewu caressed the back of her hand, and comforted her: "I know you are wronged, but if you persevere, you will be able to become a Ouchi bodyguard in five rounds, how wonderful it is, and how many people dream of it. "

"But I don't want to," Tang Lin pursed her lips and said sullenly, "I don't like being a bodyguard, and if Master didn't let me be, I wouldn't come here either."

Feng Diewu was stunned. Could it be that Tang Lin is really from Chu State, as the following people reported?Moreover, he is Uncle Fu Yushu's apprentice?If not, why would Tang Lin have these complaints?
"Your master... why does he want you to enter the palace as a guard?" Feng Diewu asked cautiously.

Tang Lin looked around and behind her, but found no one nearby. She lowered her voice and said to Feng Die Wu: "Die Wu, if you tell this secret, I will suffer bad luck. Also, I can't tell you."

But the more this happened, the more Phoenix Die Wu wanted to inquire, "Tell me, I'm worried about you. I promise, I will never say anything."

"Really?" Tang Lin acted innocently, as if she trusted Feng Die Wu. "Speaking of which, Die Wu is my best sister because of you. I think we were so happy when we were in Jun Die Xuan," but who would have expected that the reason why Feng Die Wu was there at that time was to monitor Yu Every move of the saint.And Yu Shengjun didn't expose her, let her keep watch, and let her slowly step into his trap.

At that time, Feng Die Wu was so innocent and generous, and she even gave Yu Shengjun to her.Is there something wrong with this woman?

Feng Die Wu's eyes darkened a few times, and the memory of Jun Die Xuan, she felt, was the most fresh in her memory.What made her most unforgettable was when she mustered up the courage to confess her love to Yu Shengjun, but she was rejected.

For so many years, in order to win his heart, she has been persuading herself to let go of what he did to her, but with a second face, he is still not interested in her.

Since he is not benevolent, why should she be righteous?wait and see!One day, he will obediently submit to her.

"But that has become a memory, so don't dwell on it anymore."

Tang Lin smiled, and her sorrow disappeared, "Well, since it's a memory, I won't think about it anymore. Die Wu, do you really want to know why my master wants me to enter the palace? But you are from the Yuxin Dynasty. Man, I tell you, you won't..."

"Ah," Feng Diewu pretended to be surprised, "Aren't you from the Yuxin Dynasty? Then we are... really destined."

"Uh," Tang Lin was stunned, she seemed to hear something wrong, "I'm not from Yuxin Dynasty, if Die Wu is going to sue, then I have no choice but to flee the palace now. I trust you, so I will tell you Say this."

(End of this chapter)

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