The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 213 Can't Beat Me, Can't Beat Me!

Chapter 213 Can't Beat Me, Can't Beat Me!

where is this?The first question that came to her mind!
She slowly sat up, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, but when she was putting on her shoes, she realized that her clothes had changed. It was no longer the gorgeous and noble dress she wore before she passed out, but a plain Clothes.

Didn't Yu Shengjun want to crush her body?How is she still alive now?And how did it get here?
Mu Lingxuan was full of doubts at the moment, she put on the pair of cloth shoes beside the bed, walked a few steps in the hut, and looked at the environment of the hut for a while.This is like a place where poor people live, just a thatched hut, but there are many daily necessities.

At this time, a clean-looking young man walked in, about fourteen or fifteen years old.Seeing Mu Lingxuan woke up, joy bloomed on her face, "Princess, you're awake!"

Mu Lingxuan was startled when she said "Princess". The handsome young man in front of her knew her identity, but now she was even more puzzled. "I don't know you, who are you? Why is I here?"

The young man stepped over in a few steps, kowtowed politely to Mu Lingxuan, and replied: "Princess, my subordinate is Yu Yu. The emperor sent his subordinates to protect the princess secretly before the princess's wedding."

Mu Lingxuan's vigilance was reduced by half, "Yu Yu? I'm in the palace, and I've never seen you before."

Yu Yu said: "Only the emperor and the prince know the identity of the subordinates, and the others... don't know at all."

"Then why is this palace here?" Mu Lingxuan then remembered to ask herself, "This palace was imprisoned in the underground palace by Yu Shengjun, who had a big change in temperament the night before. Yesterday morning, he came to the underground palace. Come down to chop Ben Gong, why is Ben Gong here when he woke up?"

"Princess..." Yu Yu wanted to speak but stopped several times, not daring to answer truthfully, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Mu Lingxuan said coldly: "Tell me the truth."

"Yes." Yu Yu didn't dare to disobey, so she had to tell the whole story, "Actually, princess, you have already died once. From the day you were taken into the underground palace by Yu Shengjun until now, one month has passed. Many months."

Hearing this sentence, Mu Lingxuan's eyes widened, full of disbelief, "What? Bengong died once? Besides, he slept for more than a month? Please explain to Bengong clearly what's going on!"

Yu Yu continued: "Since the day the princess got married, the subordinates have been secretly protecting the princess, so they naturally know her every move. That day Yu Shengjun went straight to the underground palace when he came down, and the subordinates pretended to be his A bodyguard followed into the underground palace. Indeed, Yu Shengjun was determined to chop the princess into pieces, and the princess passed out because of this, but Yu Shengjun did not let the princess go. However, Yu Shengjun did not He succeeded in dismembering the corpse. When he ordered the princess to be chopped up, his guards sent bad news, saying that the soldiers and horses of the Yuxin Dynasty were taken away by some generals for some reason, and they took refuge with us in Beilin."

"Hmph," Mu Lingxuan pulled her lips coldly, "This is my masterpiece. If I have captured Yu Shengjun's heart, then he will definitely not be on guard against me. Let me go in and out of any place, no one can Just like that, without anyone noticing, Bengong used his jade seal to issue several secret decrees, which were sent to the front-line barracks one after another. The decree was either dismissed from office or suddenly withdrew the military talisman, making it difficult for the border generals to guard against. They have always been loyal Geng Geng, but he was treated like this by Yu Shengjun, wouldn't he seek refuge in a great country?"

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Yu Yu's mouth, but it was fleeting. "It seems that the tricks that the prince gave the princess are really effective. A woman as beautiful as the princess, even the Yu Shengjun, will be fascinated by it."

Mu Lingxuan said contemptuously: "The majestic king of a country is nothing more than that."

Yu Yu sneered in her heart and said, "If it wasn't for the master's mistaken belief in Mu Dongfang, how could he have lifted his guard against you."

Mu Lingxuan asked him: "Let's get down to business. Since he didn't shred Ben Gong's body, why did Ben Gong die once later? Could it be related to this long sleep?"

"Yes." Yu Yu replied. "That day, because something too important happened, Yu Shengjun didn't do that to you, the princess. He just ordered the jailer to send you on the road, that is, to feed you with poison. In this way, let the subordinates see that Yu Shengjun is really I really want to execute you, princess. At that time, Yu Shengjun didn't know the identity of his subordinates, so he simply thought they were his bodyguards, so he asked his subordinates to dispose of your body. The dog emperor meant that he asked his subordinates to burn your body, Turned into ashes. But the subordinates did not give up, quietly took you out of the palace, and brought you here, and found a detoxification doctor to treat you. Fortunately, you still have a breath, so you woke up slowly under the recuperation come over."

Mu Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Thinking about it, it's really scary. Just like that, I saved my life. Then what's the situation in the palace now?"

Yu Yu said: "Yu Shengjun announced to the outside world that the princess died of a terminal illness, and did not disclose other things. First, he did not explain the purpose of the princess's marriage, and second, he did not explain how the princess died."

Mu Lingxuan asked: "Then what happened to our court?"

Yu Yu continued: "Since Yu Shengjun announced the news of the princess's death, within a few days, the emperor and the prince knew about the princess, they were very angry, and thus canceled the treaty of the eternal alliance between the two countries. But don't worry, the princess, the subordinates have already written back to the emperor. The emperor has sent a group of spies to help the princess. In the reply, the prince said that he has a move to avoid war and unify Yuxin, and unify the world."

Mu Lingxuan was a little overwhelmed, "That is to say, my second brother still wants me to stay in Yuxin?"

"Yes, the princess." Yu Yu explained, "The prince said that the princess is dead. If you return to Beilin, you will let Yu Shengjun know that the princess is still alive, and all plans will be messed up. The prince said, since So, why not let the princess stay in Yuxin as a spy of Beilin, so as to monitor Yushengjun's every move."

Mu Lingxuan frowned and said: "But I don't know how to do other things except the bag given by the second emperor brother. How can I help them? I want to take revenge and kill that Yu Shengjun with my own hands. How dare he treat me like this?" palace!"

Yuyu said: "The prince will send news regularly to let the princess act according to the plan. Now, as long as the princess changes her face, she can live in Yuxin anytime and anywhere. We have a lot of ways to get close to Yushengjun. The grand plan of the emperor The great cause is just around the corner.”

"Change your face..." This matter made Mu Lingxuan hesitate.She touched her own face, the face that made Yu Shengjun fall for a while.Could it be that you really want to change your face?

If by changing his face, Beilin can unify the world and take revenge... What's so terrible about changing his face?

A few days later, under the leadership of Yu Yu, Mu Lingxuan arrived at a place where all the spies from their northern border country gathered.Here, she saw a young girl, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, who was very pretty.

Yu Yu said to her: "This is Feng Die Wu, the eldest lady of the Feng Mansion from Yuxin's Fujia side. If the princess becomes her, she will be able to obtain many superior conditions. The Feng Mansion has contacts with many dignitaries, especially Relatives of the emperor. If she becomes her, sooner or later she will be able to stay by Yu Shengjun's side, and at that time, she can do whatever she wants."

Mu Lingxuan looked at the beautiful girl who had been dumbed down by poison, and her heart turned hard, "Then I want her face."

Thinking back to this, Mu Lingxuan touched her face, her eyes were gradually bloodshot, and she said to Tang Lin fiercely: "If it wasn't for revenge, how could I become Feng Die Wu, how could I lose myself s face."

"Oh," Tang Lin sighed softly, "It turns out that you still have these experiences, which are much worse than mine. But having said that, you are at least a princess, and I... my parents died early in the war, so I am an out-and-out princess. orphan."

Mu Lingxuan looked at her seriously, "Do you want revenge?"

"Think about it!" Tang Lin said immediately, and she was still very anxious, "I really want to, I'm about to collapse. But, the old master said, as long as I'm a celebrity in front of the dog emperor, everything will be up to me." Let him deal with it. I have long wanted to avenge my parents, as well as those Chu people who died innocently under the knife of Yuxin soldiers."

Mu Lingxuan stroked her shoulder, "Your wish will come true. However, Yu Shengjun's life can only be ended by me. I know that you will want Yu Shengjun's life even more if you rebel against Yu, but Yu Shengjun The life of the holy king belongs to this palace."

Tang Lin asked her, "Then when do you want to kill him?"

"I won't kill him!" Mu Lingxuan's eyes were extremely cold, "I want to suppress him by my side, and let him see how his world was destroyed in the hands of this palace. I let him live forever. Better to die!"

Hearing this, Tang Lin's hairs stood on end. It turned out that the vicious woman became vicious and wanted to kill her. "But, if you don't kill Yu Shengjun, how can you win this Yu Xin?"

Mu Lingxuan said: "It's one thing to kill him, but it's another thing to win Yuxin. As long as you follow my plan, I will ask Brother Huang to return the land of Chu to you." Chu State."

"Really?" Tang Lin's face brightened, "Thank you Die Wu. I forgot, you are a princess, not Feng Die Wu, I should..."

Mu Lingxuan said: "You should still be called Die Wu from now on, so as not to be out of place."

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes."

"I still have things to do. You should go back to Lanyuan and act carefully. I will find a chance to discuss things with you."

Seeing Mu Lingxuan turn around and enter the kitchen, Tang Lin got up, patted her buttocks and left the kitchen.But when he walked to the corner near the kitchen, his mouth was suddenly covered by a person, "Well..." Immediately afterwards, he was dragged into a dark corner where no one was around.

Which bastard is it? !Brother Tang also dared to sneak attack!After dragging Tang Lin to a corner where no one was around, that person let Tang Lin go.

Tang Lin cursed in her heart, if she didn't smell the murderous intent, she would have fought back long ago.She turned around, and a Wenxiu clean face came into her eyes. Although this man was wearing a palace kitchen uniform, he couldn't hide his distinctive temperament.

This person looks familiar, it seems that there is someone who looks a little like him.

The man smiled slightly, his smile was bright and beautiful, "Miss Tang, I don't mean to offend you, please rest assured, Miss Tang."

Since he called himself a subordinate in front of her, he should be Yu Shengjun's bodyguard.Tang Lin was stunned, pointing at the man, "You... are the Ouchi bodyguard?"

The man nodded, "Yes!"

Tang Lin tilted her head and looked at his facial features, "How did I realize that you look familiar?"

"The subordinate is Yuxin's elder brother, Yuze!" The man explained, "The title of Ouchi's bodyguard is Anze."

"Oh!" Tang Lin suddenly realized, "It turned out that it was the dark lake mentioned by your master. I know, I know. No wonder you and Yuxin are so similar. They are indeed brothers and sisters."

Yuze lowered his eyes and smiled, "Master has already told Miss Tang about his subordinates, right?"

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Yes, many people told me that night. They said that there was a guard named Anze, who used to be the best at acting among the guards in the Ouchi. No wonder your master sent you to guard it all year round. By Mu Lingxuan's side. How, has this woman ever suspected that you are not Yuyu, but Anze?"

"She never doubted it." Anze said, "In the past ten years, every step of her plan seems to be handed over to her by his second brother, but in fact, it was all conceived by the master, with the purpose of luring her into a trap middle."

Tang Lin laughed and said: "I still understand your master's tricks. But then again, when you gained Mu Lingxuan's trust and made her believe that you were the spies of Beilin Kingdom, how did you contact Beilin?" From the spies of Linguo?"

(End of this chapter)

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