The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 214 Can You Sing?

Chapter 214 Can You Sing?

An Ze said: "We release the news to let the secret agents of the North Lin Kingdom know that the princess is not dead, and it will naturally reach the ears of the North Lin Emperor. In fact, the news that Mu Lingxuan got will be changed by us. Linguo sent it, making Beilinguo mistakenly think it was sent by Mu Lingxuan."

"Hehe," Tang Lin admired, "My good fellow, in this way, even if Mu Lingxuan wrote a letter saying that he can invade Yuxin now, but this letter will be handed over by you in the end. Change, then Beilin Kingdom will follow your plan. But this is also good, since Mu Lingxuan is kept in the dark, let Beilin Kingdom be kept in the dark. When they all think that the winning ticket is at hand, hehe, the scene where the truth comes out , it must be very enjoyable!"

Anze said: "Master's last move is to trick the Emperor Beilin into coming here, then everything will be over."

"Well," Tang Lin said, "this day should be coming soon."

Anze was silent for a while, and asked: "Just now, did Mu Lingxuan reveal her identity? She is Miss Ling! She never revealed that Shao Qi is her second brother, because she didn't want to Let the people who oppose the Royal Society know!"

"Why?" Tang Lin asked incomprehensibly.

Anze said: "Mu Lingxuan's ambitions are too great. Even if she wins Yuxin and unifies the world, she will not return Chu's land to Fu Yushu. At present, she is planning like this, using the anti-imperial meeting to destroy the court. Consolidated internal structure. Many small countries know that Yuxin's interior is extremely complicated. Even if the king dies, Yuxin will not be messed up, because no one masters how to domesticate a group of loyal ministers who only serve him. There is no shortage of high-ranking people in the imperial family. Apart from the master, there are several uncles and princes behind him. If the master unfortunately dies, the ministers of the court will immediately let the prince take over. The chaos is so great that the people are in dire straits."

Tang Lin stroked her chin and thought for a while, and said metaphorically: "In the final analysis, Yuxin Dynasty is a computer with a powerful system, and Yushengjun is the owner of the computer, and the minister is the password that needs to be entered to open the computer, but Yusheng Jun’s family members all know the password. Therefore, even if Yu Shengjun is not using this computer, his family members can continue to use it, because they all know the password. Anti-Yuhui is a virus, like a Trojan horse, which can be easily Destroy the computer system and crack the password to enter the computer. Beilin Kingdom's use of counter-defense will paralyze Yuxin internally, and then they will take advantage of it."

Anze was confused when he heard it, "Miss Tang, what kind of metaphor are you using? Why can't you understand the next sentence?"

Tang Lin smiled, "If you can understand, you are no longer an ancient person. Oh, by the way, your sister Yuxin thought you were dead, and once made a fuss with your master. Do you know about this? Since you are not dead, Why are you lying to your sister?"

Anze sighed, and said, "If you don't treat me as a dead person, then it will be dangerous for me to stay by Mu Lingxuan's side."

"Oh." Tang Lin understood, "I'm afraid that your identity will be exposed, which will destroy your master's plan. However, Mu Dongfang will step down soon. At that time, no one will stop you from playing with your sister you."

Anze said: "The subordinates only hope that God can bless the master, so that the master can avenge the late emperor as soon as possible."

Tang Lin smiled and said: "Revenge is necessary, but it is important to unify the Central Plains."

The afternoon passed quickly again.

In the evening, sister Lei brought food to Tang Lin by herself.

Tang Lin was lying on the bed staring at the phone thinking about something, muttering, "Time tunnel, time tunnel, where are you? Since Yunshan is the part of the imperial palace, where are you?"

Sister Lei put down the food silently, without disturbing Tang Lin's thoughts, she didn't say anything until it was over, "Miss Tang, it's time for dinner."

"Oh." Tang Lin glanced at Sister Lei and walked over from the bed after putting down her mobile phone. After sitting down, she looked at the food, which was quite rich, and immediately had an appetite. "Sister Lei, sit down, let's eat together."

Sister Lei smiled and said, "I just ate."

Tang Lin took a bite of the food and put it into her mouth. After chewing for a while, she nodded from time to time, "Yes, it's delicious, sister Lei, why is today's food so delicious?"

Sister Lei chuckled, and replied: "Boss An ordered the Imperial Kitchen to cook this. We all know that the Imperial Kitchen is the largest kitchen in the world, and the most famous cooks from all over the world are in the Imperial Kitchen."

"No wonder," Tang Lin said, "No wonder it's different from the ones in the Nangong kitchen. It turned out to be made by the imperial dining room. Who do the cooks in the imperial dining room mainly cook for?"

Sister Lei said, "To the masters in the palace."

Tang Lin frowned, "Masters?! Isn't the emperor the only one?"

Sister Lei laughed and said, "How could there be only the emperor? Besides the emperor, there are also the empress dowager, the princess, and the concubines in the harem. Especially the masters in the harem, who are very picky eaters, and the imperial dining room often has nothing to do with them. One day, if Miss Tang goes to the harem to stay for a while, you will definitely be infected by this... Uh, I'm sorry Miss Tang, I shouldn't compare you with other women, I'm sorry."

"You..." Tang Lin tilted her head and looked at Sister Lei, "Do you know my relationship with the emperor?"

Sister Lei was stunned before she replied truthfully, "I know. In fact, before this year's trials, I was always in charge of serving the emperor, and he never let other maids touch him!"

"Ah!" Tang Lin curled her lips, "Then he can let you touch him?"

Sister Lei realized something was wrong, immediately apologized and explained, "I'm sorry Miss Tang, I didn't mean that. What I meant was that I just waited on the emperor to change clothes and make the bed, not what Miss Tang imagined. not to the Emperor's taste."

"Who said that?" Tang Lin was furious, admiring Sister Lei, "I think Sister Lei is very feminine, who said Sister Lei is old? I, Tang Lin, will find her!"

Sister Lei snorted, "No wonder the emperor likes you so much, your mouth is so sweet and loyal."

Tang Lin chuckled, "This is my character."

At this time, Sister Lei became worried, worried about Tang Lin's future, "But to be honest, I'm really worried about your future."

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned, "Why are you worried about me?"

Sister Lei said: "Although the emperor has not entered the harem before, I often go in. The empress dowager always cares about the emperor's daily life, and summons me to tell her hometown about the situation from time to time. Sometimes, she also goes to the harem with her. Walking around, of course, I also saw a lot of masters in the harem."

Tang Lin understood the meaning of Sister Lei's words, "Sister Lei thinks that everyone is not an idler?"

"Yeah." Sister Lei nodded. "It's true that they are all of the same generation. They are pampered and pampered daughters and officials' ladies. Because the emperor has not entered the harem for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of resentment accumulated."

Tang Lin said: "The harem is such a place, like a cage. I don't know why they want to stay so much. But Sister Lei, I probably won't have the chance to go in. Even if I become the emperor's concubine, he won't be willing." Put me in the harem where snakes and scorpions haunt. Also, if I really want to stay inside, the people inside may not be able to beat me, let alone fight."

After watching too many court dramas, didn't she learn anything?joke!

Sister Lei said: "I still hope that no one will oppose you. Making trouble in the harem is the last thing the empress dowager and the emperor want to deal with. Both the empress dowager and the emperor are Buddhist disciples. They like quietness, so there is no room for noise."

Speaking of Buddhist disciples, Tang Lin couldn't help curling her lips, "Sister Lei, I'm worried now!"

Sister Lei worried: "What's wrong?"

Tang Lin sniffed, "If the emperor really becomes a disciple of Buddhism, then he will abandon all emotions and desires. Then even if we get married, we won't have children. I like children so much, huh..."

"Ahem." A voice came from the door.Sister Lei and Tang Lin followed the sound and looked towards the door.

Seeing that it was Yu Shengjun standing at the door with a serious face, Sister Lei panicked and quickly lowered her head, "Your Majesty."

Yu Shengjun said in a deep voice: "You go down first."

"Yes." Sister Lei replied in a low voice, and Yu Jiao glanced at Tang Lin intentionally, then bowed to Yu Shengjun and walked out of the room.

Tang Lin knew what Sister Lei's eyes meant. It was to remind herself to speak in a proper manner. The emperor is not happy now. If she collided with her again, the consequences would be no joke.

Yu Shengjun walked in, and quickly sat opposite Tang Lin, seeing her misty eyes flickering with fear, he was startled, "Aren't you not afraid of anything?"

Tang Lin curled her lips and said rather aggrieved: "I'm not afraid of anything, but when I meet you, I'm afraid of everything."

"What are you afraid of?" Yu Shengjun asked softly, his face no longer as gloomy as when Sister Lei was there.

What did Tang Lin say, "I'm afraid you will cut your hair and become a nun in the future." Before Yu Shengjun frowned, she immediately changed her words in a panic, "No, no, that's not the case. I said something wrong. What I mean Yes, Your Majesty, you have believed in Buddhism since you were a child, and you are still a disciple of Buddhism. After the completion of your great career, wouldn't you want to shave off your hair and become a monk? I think about it, and you don't have any unreasonable thoughts about a beautiful girl like me. Then you Definitely lost all emotions and desires!"

Hearing these words, Yu Shengjun wanted to cry, "I am not in a hurry to have an heir, you..."

"But I'm in a hurry!" Tang Lin said anxiously, "If I don't have a baby, wouldn't I have to have no children or grandchildren?"

Yu Shengjun was about to cry again, with a frustrated look on his face, "It should be me who should say this, right?"

Tang Lin muttered, unable to utter a word for a long time.

"How?" Yu Shengjun changed the subject, glanced at the dishes on the table and asked her. "I told An Lin to go to the imperial dining room to prepare dinner for you, do you like it?"

Tang Lin pouted: "That's good, but..."

Yu Shengjun asked: "But what?"

Tang Lin lowered her head, her face turned slightly red, "Eat without you, no matter how good the dinner is, I don't think it will be a big deal."

Yu Shengjun shook his head, smiled helplessly, got up and walked over, sat next to her, picked up her chopsticks, picked a dish from the plate, and finally put a piece of tofu for her, and said in a sentence: "This tofu should It is no longer hot and can be eaten anytime.”

Tang Lin seemed to understand what he meant, "Since you can eat it anytime, why don't you eat it?"

"Hmm..." Yu Shengjun meditated seriously, and said with a smile, "I want to think about how to make this piece of tofu delicious at a special time, in a special place."

Hearing these words, Tang Lin's ears burned hot, and she glanced at him, "Besides, shut your mouth."

He sent the tofu over, raised his chin slightly and signaled, "Open your mouth!"

"I'll do it myself!" Tang Lin snatched the chopsticks, and the tofu just fell into her bowl. Immediately afterwards, she buried her head and wolfed it down.Sometimes, she really wasn't ready for his tender service.

Yu Shengjun turned his head to look at the sky outside, it was already much darker yellow.

"I'm the only one left, can I still participate in rounds No. 11 to No. 15?" Tang Lin asked while eating.In today's two rounds of competition, all the players were eliminated at once, and now I am the only one left. If I compare again, there is no challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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