The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 215 The Mountain God Is Angry!

Chapter 215 The Mountain God Is Angry!

Yu Shengjun said: "These days, you have performed very well in all aspects. I believe that you can handle the next five rounds. I just want to remind you a few words. Once you win the title of "First Guard" title, then you have to be the instructor of the training camp and train those players until you pick out two satisfactory guards. When a general encounters a group of dull soldiers, it is a very headache. The general does not know what to do Teach. Linlin, as an instructor, you must not only suppress the arrogance of the contestants, but also suppress their aura. Otherwise, you will be led by the nose."

Hearing this, Tang Lin finally couldn't help but "poof", and said amusedly: "Speaking of which, Junjun, you are afraid that I don't have the ability to train players, right?"

Yu Shengjun frowned and said, "If you understand the meaning, how can you laugh?"

Tang Lin bit her chopsticks and said casually: "Junjun, you don't know, it's fun to be an instructor. As for how to enjoy will know when I become an instructor. Don't become my player, otherwise..."

How could Yu Shengjun fail to understand how treacherous her smile was, and suddenly felt a chill on his back, "Otherwise what?"

Tang Lin didn't say anything, but smiled mysteriously.

After a while, seeing her put down her chopsticks, he asked, "Are you full?"

Tang Lin stretched her waist and said, "You asked An Lin to order so many meals for me. I have eaten one-third of it now, which is the most I have ever eaten in my life. Can I not be full?" Also pulled up, "Let's go to the yard for activities."

Yu Shengjun responded, "Okay." Then followed her footsteps and left the room.

Tang Lin walked around the yard a few times, and Yu Shengjun stood in the open space and looked at her.After walking almost, she stopped by his side and asked, "Junjun, when do you plan to send troops to wipe out the Rebellion?"

"You can't send troops there, and you can't suppress them explicitly." Yu Shengjun said.

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned, not understanding what he meant.

Yu Shengjun analyzed: "I haven't figured out the structure of the Anti-Royal Society yet, and I have to wait for Xinrui to come back to make a decision. If you havetily send troops to attack the Anti-Royal Society, you will definitely startle the enemy and let them move their positions. Then I want to find it again." The headquarters of the Anti-Royal Society is a little more difficult. I want to secretly suppress the Anti-Royal Society, and send Ouchi guards to secretly suppress it. If it is a secret suppression, this way, it will not be grassroots, and the Ouchi guards will take action to destroy the Anti-Royal Society Yes, but it is more effective than soldiers. Now that Shihe has been found, I have ordered Zhang Xiangyang to recall all the guards in the palace. At present, only when An Leng and Xinrui come back safely, I will start preparing to wipe out the Anti-Yuhui The time for the secret suppression is when the training camp starts. Fu Yushu is the leader of the anti-imperial society, so we must first trap him and block him from knowing all the news from the outside world."

Tang Lin reminded: "But Junjun, Mu Lingxuan wants to use the ability to fight against the imperial court to help the second prince win over the court officials so that the officials can be divided. If Fu Yushu can't do this for Mu Lingxuan, then Mu Lingxuan How dare you continue her plot?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Yu Shengjun said, "I will let our people pretend to be people who oppose the Royal Society, so that Fu Yushu thinks that he can still send news to them. In fact, everything is in our hands." We are in control. Whatever Mu Lingxuan wants Fu Yushu to do, we will help, so that both Mu Lingxuan and Fu Yushu are circling around us, not only that, but they can't see anything."

"Treacherous!" Tang Lin sent him two words with a smile. "By the time they see the clues, it is estimated that the anti-defense society will have been uprooted."

Yu Shengjun said: "During the period of training the players, I have to do three things. One is to wipe out the anti-imperial society and send Ouchi guards to wipe it out. It is estimated that it will take a month to wipe it out; the second is to reorganize The soldiers and horses brought by Shao Qi, in name, reported the news to the north border country as Shao Qi. What went out was false news, and the soldiers and horses are all under our control and adjustment period; thirdly, I want to use some extraordinary means to control the northern border country, how to make Mu Dongfang lose the popular support, this is a very important thing, Because it is related to my future unification of Beilin country and will not be opposed by the people of Beilin."

"My God!" Tang Lin exclaimed in surprise, "You even thought of this?"

Yu Shengjun said with a smile: "Then you think, I want to make a grand plan, just mention it casually?"

"Hey," Tang Lin sighed while admiring Yu Shengjun: "If you were born in Napoleon's time, and there were countless opponents, I guess you would have a lot of competition and want to expand the country. It's a pity that you don't have any opponents now. "

"Aren't you?" Yu Shengjun said with a chuckle, "I'm not as good as you in many aspects, so I have to work harder in the future."

Tang Lin muttered, "That's because I have 5000 years more knowledge than you." To be precise, it should be thousands of years.

Seeing him babbling, Yu Shengjun asked, "What?"

Tang Lin shook her head and shrugged. Anyway, he didn't understand, so she was too lazy to explain, "It's nothing, it's just nonsense. By the way, Junjun, what is the competition in the next five rounds? The test questions are you It’s impossible for you not to know the content!”

He looked at her with sizing eyes, "Do you think you still have the potential to play?"

"Why not?" Tang Lin suddenly said loudly, "Why is there no room for development? Tell me, what are the problems? Air piloting, skydiving, demolition, diving, obstacle surmounting...etc. Those who have won the championship, don't underestimate me!"

Yu Shengjun lowered his eyes and smiled, "Are you not afraid that sometimes you are too confident and you will fall badly?"

Tang Lin said: "I haven't fallen before, so I don't know what it feels like to be miserable. But then again, if my parents can change their minds when I was one year old, maybe I will be a super singer who is popular all over the world now, so I won't be so sad." Will cross because of military exercises."

Yu Shengjun couldn't understand her words, but the sense of loss on her face pulled his heart, "What did your parents do when you were one year old?"

Tang Lin said with a distressed expression: "My parents are both military officers, and they are also very famous. Because I have the blood of a military family, I was raised by my parents from an early age. They hope that the whole family will be soldiers. When I become sensible, I will be a soldier." I know I love singing so much."

"Singing?" Yu Shengjun became interested, "Can you still sing? Sing a song for your boyfriend!" "Ah?" Tang Lin didn't expect Yu Shengjun to say this suddenly, she froze and called herself Singing a cappella in front of the person she likes, she was really at a loss, not because she couldn't sing well, but because she was nervous. "I……"

"Just kidding you." Yu Shengjun smiled lightly.

Tang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she didn't ask her to sing a cappella, it didn't matter if she had mic and accompaniment.

We've been talking and laughing in the yard for a long time, and it's completely dark now.

It was already nighttime, and Yu Shengjun had no urgent matters to return to the main palace, which surprised Tang Lin. Usually, he is not so idle, "Junjun, it's already nighttime, don't you go back to deal with things?" ?”

Yu Shengjun said: "What should be dealt with has already been dealt with, and what has not been dealt with will be dealt with when the time comes."

Tang Lin said "Oh", his efficiency is pretty good, if placed in modern times, this kind of person should be extremely tall, rich and handsome, and he must be a well-known political and business figure. "Then the emperor, it's time to go back to the palace to rest, right?"

"I've already returned!" Yu Shengjun looked at her and said, his eyes and expression were particularly "pure and flawless".

"Already returned?" Tang Lin was stunned, carefully analyzing the other party's words.

Seeing that she couldn't think of a reason, Yu Shengjun's eyes flashed with colorful lights.One more reminder: "Yes, I have already returned to the bedroom to rest!"

"I see!" Finally, Tang Lin understood the meaning of Yu Shengjun's words, and suddenly, her ears burned, and she felt embarrassed to look at him.It turned out that he used this place as his bedroom.She glared at him, "Always calculate me like this."

Yu Shengjun just smiled lightly and didn't say anything further.

After a while, the two entered the room, Tang Lin went directly to the closet to get her own clothes out, turned her head and said to Yu Shengjun: "I'm going to take a bath, the emperor, please do as you please!" After speaking, she sent a sweet smile to the other party , and then left the room.

Yu Shengjun stayed in her room, occasionally looking here and there.Tang Lin's mobile phone was left on the bed and he didn't take it away. He took it in his hand when he saw it, but accidentally touched the screen, and the screen immediately lit up.He saw his picture on the screen.

He looked at the phone and muttered, "Why is this thing so miraculous? Even the painter Mei couldn't draw such a lifelike painting!"

Except for the language with an accent that resembled the Yuxin Dynasty, everything about Tang Lin made people feel strange.There is no country in the Central Plains that he doesn't know, but is there a country with such exotic clothes as her?Even, those unfamiliar weapons.

Yu Shengjun put the phone back in place, then lay back on Tang Lin's bed, staring at the roof in a daze, "Tang Lin, Tang Lin, when will I find out who you are..."

After an unknown period of time, Tang Lin came back from the shower, still dressed tightly, unlike when she was in the inn, she would wear shorts and low-cut suspenders before going to bed.But she was afraid that the palace would be unsafe, and unknown people would enter at any time, so she should be careful.

Seeing Yu Shengjun with his feet hanging by the bed, half body lying on the bed in a daze, she smiled, then came over like a cat, lay on his chest and looked at him with a smile, "Honey, are you thinking what?"

Yu Shengjun sighed, "Think about something that I have never been able to figure out."

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Can't figure it out? Can you tell your girlfriend about it? Analyze it for you!"

"If you analyze this matter, it will be even more unpredictable!" Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, and then got up.Just as she was about to take off her coat, Tang Lin immediately came up to help.He smiled gratefully, "Thank you."

Tang Lin glared at him from the corner of her head, "What are you being polite about?"

Yu Shengjun felt warm in his heart, "That's it, okay?"

Tang Lin didn't understand what he was saying, so she folded the untied coat neatly on the empty bed, "What's that?"

He looked into her eyes and said seriously: "Like ordinary people, I will grow old with you forever."

"Yes." Tang Lin replied.Of course, under the premise, there should be no unexpected major episodes, such as time travel, such as his failure to unify the Central Plains, such as his meeting a woman who fascinates him even more than her...

After lying down, Tang Lin told Yu Shengjun about her dream last night, "Junjun, I dreamed about you last night!"

Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Dreamed about me? Dreamed about what I was doing?"

"Well..." Tang Lin was hesitant about what to say, "And you, I don't know what method you used, but you actually ran to my hometown, and..."

"And what?" Seeing that she stopped talking, Yu Shengjun couldn't help being curious.

Tang Lin turned over and lay on her side, with a worried expression on her face, "Brother, is that dream real?"

Yu Shengjun shook her head and her back, "What are you mumbling about?"

Tang Lin turned around and shook her head at him, "It's nothing."

As soon as the fifth watch arrived, Yu Shengjun woke up on time, got out of bed gently and put on his coat.

(End of this chapter)

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