The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 216 Live to see people, die to see corpses

Chapter 216 Live to see people, die to see corpses

Tang Lin slept peacefully, breathing evenly.

He helped her cover the quilt, then left the room and went straight to the imperial study.When he arrived at the Imperial Study Room, he changed into a formal dragon robe, a gold and jade crown, and a mask, and then he went to the main hall followed by a group of people.

At this moment, Tang Lin opened her eyes with a calm expression on her face.However, suddenly she felt dizzy and almost fainted. She stroked her forehead and said to herself, "What's going on? It's not that I haven't had enough rest."

It was a bad omen, she sensed.

After going to court, An Lin shouted to everyone in His Royal Highness, "Play early if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

Afterwards, Yu Shengjun, an official who was supposed to play, gave them time to explain the situation, even if it was a trivial matter, he gave them enough time.

After going to court, about an hour later, suddenly, the main hall shook, and many officials were shaken to the ground, and the official hats on their heads fell to the ground. of broken stones.

Yu Shengjun, who was sitting on the throne, was also shaken to the point where he couldn't stabilize his body, but he was sober, paying attention to the roof and the situation under the hall from time to time.

At the same time, many places in the palace that were built with brick walls and earth tiles collapsed one after another.

In the palace garden, due to the vibration of the ground, many contestants escaped staggeringly from inside. Some of them didn't even have time to put on their coats, so they came out shirtless and stood outside in the big yard, watching A wobbly scene in all directions.

Shao Qi pulled Han Xueyan to a safe corner, and Han Xueyan still had lingering fear, "My God! Why is the mountain god so angry today?"

Some contestant suddenly said, "Every three to five years in the imperial capital, the mountain god gets angry. Could it be that this place has offended the mountain god?"

"Oops!" Fu Yushu suddenly remembered Tang Lin, who lived in Lanyuan, and was about to run in desperately, but the door of the palace suddenly collapsed, and his footsteps were stopped by Shao Qi, "Don't go, the turmoil is still here." Didn't stop!"

Fu Yushu said in great pain: "But Tang Lin is still inside..."

Shao Qi reminded soberly: "Is your life more important, or her life more important?"

At this moment, Fu Yushu came to his senses. He wanted to go all out to save Tang Lin, but he had a mission and hindered his steps, making him in a dilemma... He could only watch Lanyuan collapse but could do nothing...

At the same time, Yu Shengjun, who was standing in the main hall, suddenly thought of the two of them, and murmured: "Mother, Linlin."

Then, regardless of the slightly turbulent palace at this time, he staggered down the golden ladder and went outside. An Lin staggered all the way after him, calling all the time, "Your Majesty, where are you going, Your Majesty... ..."

When passing by Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing, they originally wanted to take a closer look at Yu Shengjun, but Yu Shengjun had already arrived at the door.

At the door, the shaking of the earth suddenly stopped, and the sky and the earth returned to a still state.

Yu Shengjun stood at the entrance of the main hall, and with a glance, he didn't see the collapsed palace, only a layer of broken stones on the ground everywhere.Since Yu Xin established the capital in this imperial capital, every three to five years, there will be a big earthquake in the imperial city. Therefore, all important palaces in this imperial palace are inlaid with gold and jade, which cost a lot of money.Therefore, every time there is a big earthquake, it will not affect the big palace in the palace.

However, some small courtyards are newly built, such as... the palace garden.

Thinking of what happened to Tang Lin, unspeakable pain came to Yu Shengjun's heart, "Linlin..."

An Lin came up to comfort and said, "Miss Tang is a lucky person, she has her own destiny, she will not have any accidents. Besides, the shock this time is much lighter than last time. Miss Tang's martial arts are so high, she can escape the emperor."

"When I left, she was still sleeping." Yu Shengjun choked up. "No, I'm going to have a look right away." Saying that, he stepped forward.

Yishuang blocked his way, "Your Majesty, the palace is in a mess, you can't go, let the subordinates deal with it!" He nodded with Yitang behind Yu Shengjun, and said to An Lin: " Take care of the emperor."

Yitang and Yishuang immediately went to Nangong Palace.

Yu Shengjun quickly ordered An Lin, "Go to Xiangning Palace to see how the Empress Dowager is doing, go!"

"Yes." An Lin replied, and ran away.

The turmoil passed. Except for Tang Lin, none of the contestants living in the palace suffered casualties, except that some of them were hit by stones on their arms, but they were already bandaged.The rest of the contestants were looking for Tang Lin's shadow in the ruined Orchid Garden, shouting, "Miss Tang! Miss Tang—"

Fu Yushu dug up the lumps on the ground with his hands, even if Tang Lin was not around, he kept doing this, shouting loudly, "Tang Lin! Tang Lin! Come out, I'm Brother Fu, come out!"

Han Xueyan cried and shouted around, "Miss Tang..."

Cao Dan, like Fu Yushu, was digging desperately here and there, but no matter how hard he dug, he couldn't find Tang Lin.

At this moment, a contestant exclaimed, "She's buried here, come quickly!" Hearing that Tang Lin was buried under a pile of rocks, a group of people rushed up.

Fu Yushu ran over in fear, but what everyone saw was half of Tang Lin's shoe. Whether Tang Lin was buried here, no one knew the situation, because they only saw half of the shoe.

Whether it was true or not, Fu Yushu and Cao Dan started to squat down, digging up those stones with their hands, and Shao Qi also joined them.

At this time, Yitang and Yishuang rushed over and saw a group of people busy moving the stone. The two of them looked at each other anxiously. Could it be that something happened to Tang Lin?

They hurried over, pushed through the crowd and went in, "Get out of the way, let's come in and take a look!"

After standing inside, Yishuang saw the half of the shoe, and her eyes couldn't help but hurt, "...Tang Lin."

Yitang grabbed Cao Dan and asked angrily, "Where's Tang Lin?"

Cao Dan's face was full of pain, and he kept shaking his head, "I don't know, we are also looking for Sister Tang, we saw her shoes just now, so we want to dig up this pile of rocks to see the situation, to see if it has been... "

Yitang let go of him, joined in, and started digging.

After a while, Lu Yitang, Sun Bailing, and Yifeng rushed over.

Yifeng rushed into Lanyuan and shouted, "Tang Lin!"

Hearing the sound, everyone looked over, but after only one glance, they started digging again, and kept digging.However, in the end, what was dug out was two complete shoes and a bed, and there was no sign of Tang Lin.

Seeing this scene, Yifeng heaved a sigh of relief, but when he set his eyes on another pile of bricks and tiles that was piled up very high, his eyes tightened, "Tang Lin, are you..."

Lu Yitang glanced at the scene with particularly heartbroken eyes, and immediately ordered, "Everyone obey the order and move all the bricks and tiles away until Tang Lin is found. People are born to see people, and dead bodies are to be seen." Father liked Tang Lin so much, intentionally I hope that Tang Lin will marry him. She doesn't know that he is the son of her boss, so she can't just die like this.

The Imperial Forest Army brought by Yifeng, together with all the contestants, joined in the search for Tang Lin.

Yu Shengjun was running towards the Xiangning Palace, and seeing so many small broken stones along the way, his heart was about to break.He couldn't wait for An Lin to come back and inform, he had to go to Xiangning Palace immediately to see what was going on.

Arriving at the gate of Xiangning Palace, Yu Shengjun bumped into An Lin who came out in a hurry.

After An Lin stabilized himself, he immediately lowered his head, "Your Majesty."

Yu Shengjun anxiously asked: "How is the Queen Mother?"

An Lin said: "The Empress Dowager is fine, she is reciting sutras and chanting Buddha inside. The entire palace belongs to the Empress Dowager, the palace here is the strongest. Although it suffered turmoil, nothing major happened. The Empress Dowager has been used to it for more than ten years. The turmoil has gone, so she is more at ease. She asked the old slave to go back and report to the emperor, there is no need to worry about her, she is fine. The empress dowager is chanting scriptures and praying to Buddha, begging God to forgive Yu Xin, and stop making the mountain god angry."

Yu Shengjun wanted to say something, but swallowed the words, "It's fine." But he still couldn't feel at ease.There was no news from Lan Yuan, so he couldn't sit still, he was always worried about Tang Lin's comfort.

Almost an hour passed, and Yu Shengjun couldn't sit still in the imperial study, so he got up and went out, but met Yifeng who came back from Lanyuan at the door.Seeing that Yifeng's face was extremely pale, his heart immediately raised his voice, "Where's Tang Lin?"

Yifeng looked sad, and lowered his head, "Master, the Lan Yuan has been emptied in the fastest time, except Miss Tang. However, her shoes are still there."

Hearing these words, Yu Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief, "Is there only one pair of shoes left?"

"Yes." Yifeng said, "Miss Tang's shoes are very different. This is the most impressive thing for my subordinates."

Yu Shengjun pondered. There was only one pair of shoes left, but didn't Tang Lin still have a burden?In addition to her baggage, she also has one or two larger weapons, "When you cleaned up Lanyuan, didn't you see her baggage or something?"

Yifeng shook his head, "I didn't see it. Except Miss Tang's shoes, there are only things like beds and quilts left."

"Then you go down first!" Yu Shengjun waved his hand wearily and said, "You are in charge of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, and the consequences caused by the turmoil in the land will be handled by you and Lu Yitang Sun Bailing."

Yifeng kowtowed and said, "This subordinate obeys the order."

Yu Shengjun added another sentence, "Transfer the contestants to Shanglin Garden."

Yifeng nodded, "Yes."

After Yifeng retreated, Yu Shengjun took out a set of black brocade clothes in a corner of the imperial study room, and quickly changed into it.After dressing himself up as Ouchi's bodyguard, he put on a more ordinary mask and left the imperial study room.

After a while, on the side road leading to the palace, Yu Shengjun saw Mu Lingxuan who was rushing towards the palace around the corner, and immediately jumped onto the nearby palace, and he jumped down after Mu Lingxuan passed by. .

He went in the opposite direction, instead of following Mu Lingxuan to the palace, he went to the royal forest.

After a while, Yu Shengjun arrived at the Cool Breeze Pavilion where he brought Tang Lin to last time, it was in the corner of the Royal Forest.Last time, she said, looking at the palace from here at night, the light was not as brilliant as that in their hometown.

Nothing happened to this pavilion, and it seemed that the previous turmoil did not affect this place.

Seeing Tang Lin standing outside the pavilion looking around, she looked anxious.Yu Shengjun took off his mask, heaved a sigh of relief, his heart finally relaxed.He ran over a few steps and hugged her from behind, "You don't want to tell me when you're alive, do you really want me to be heartbroken for the rest of your life?"

"What's the matter?" Suddenly realizing that Yu Shengjun seemed to have never seen her face in her life, Tang Lin let go of his hand and turned to ask him.After thinking about it, he guessed: "Could it be that the earthquake just now caused Lan Yuan to collapse?"

Her words made him understand that she had already left Lanyuan before it collapsed.

Yu Shengjun frowned, "Earthquake?"

Tang Lin asked back: "Isn't it an earthquake? Then you thought it was the mountain god who was angry? When you left on the fifth watch, I suddenly felt dizzy. I have always had a very accurate intuition. If something goes wrong, something will happen." Not long after you left, I thought about it carefully and suddenly remembered something."

(End of this chapter)

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