The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 217 Teach Yu Shengjun how to play with modern weapons!

Chapter 217 Teach Yu Shengjun how to play with modern weapons!
"What's the matter?" Yu Shengjun asked.

Tang Lin said seriously: "If Yunshan is the current imperial capital, then the emperor, Linlin wants to tell you that Yuxin's imperial capital... is an earthquake-prone zone. In your words, the earth is often turbulent, and sometimes Strong, sometimes weak. I have long been familiar with the geographical environment of Yunshan Mountain. The east is mountains, the west is land, but the north and south are... the ocean. Your Majesty, why did you build the imperial capital near the sea? And , is not a safe haven, once there is a plate collision, what kind of tsunami, ground fissure... strikes at any time. Now it is a small fluctuation, but once the big fluctuation comes, it is really too late!"

Yu Shengjun looked at her with a very calm expression, "How do you know so much?"

Tang Lin smiled wryly, "As I said, my hometown is in this imperial capital. I know this place better than any other place." If she remembers correctly, the Great Royal Kingdom site that the colonel asked her to find is probably here.

However, Yunshan in modern times is a primitive forest, and because it is a disaster-prone area, it has become a military exercise base.Today, Yuxin is only a thousand years away from modern times. During these thousands of years, there is no trace of the majestic Yuxin Dynasty?
Did it move, or...

A mystery, this is a mystery, a mystery that she seems to have solved, but she is not sure of the answer, she is afraid that the result will be as she imagined....

Tang Lin said again, "Your Majesty, move the imperial capital."

Yu Shengjun turned his back and looked at the palace not far away. He was silent for a long time before opening his mouth, "When the late emperor was in power, in order to keep the palace, keep the imperial capital, and keep a part of the imperial capital left by the ancestors. Brick by tile, a lot of money was spent on building the house, so that the turmoil of the earth would no longer affect the people, and would no longer sweep the palace. Because of this, the treasury was temporarily empty, and the North Border Kingdom took advantage of it. And entered, conquered many places. I also thought about moving, but this is the root left by my ancestors for generations. They say that if you keep this place, you will keep Yuxin. Do you think I don’t want to move? But I also have my own Helpless."

Tang Lin really wanted to criticize Yu Shengjun's ancestors, but he was already very sad, and she didn't want to make him sad anymore, "Well, Linlin understands the emperor's helplessness. does the emperor want to deal with this matter?"

"Actually," Yu Shengjun turned around and smiled faintly, "I didn't tell you a secret. It's not that I am ambitious to unify the world, but I just want to win the imperial capital of the northern kingdom as Yuxin's imperial capital. No matter how deserted here."

Tang Lin sighed: "Don't tell me, I've been comparing you with the invaders. It turns out that you are thinking about the foundation of the Yu family. But the emperor, let's move the imperial capital to the north. Now, the only way to sacrifice your life Only by killing Beilin can we be saved. Who knows when the mountain god will get angry, then we will be innocent."

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "Do you also believe that the mountain god is angry?"

"How is that possible." Tang Lin gave him a contemptuous look, "Even if I believe in aliens, I don't believe in mountain gods, nonsense!"

Yu Shengjun shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "Your words are always unpredictable. By the way, I forgot to ask you, you took your things here without putting on your shoes, what are you going to do? "

Tang Lin explained: "I want to have a look at the beach. If I meet some savages, I think the guy I brought will be useful. Because I was in a hurry, I put on the embroidered shoes that Shiya didn't take away, so I didn't wear them. my own."

Yu Shengjun asked again: "Go to the seaside and have a look, what are you looking at?"

Tang Lin smiled treacherously, "Let's see if we can build a shipyard by the sea." It should be easy to escape in the future.Standing on a high cliff and looking into the distance, Tang Lin saw the boundless ocean. The sigh in her heart could not be fully expressed on her face.Once the tsunami strikes, it would be no wonder that the capital would not be annexed.

It took them less than two hours to walk to the beach. It is not difficult to see that the palace is very close to here.

Tang Lin was squatting, while Yu Shengjun was standing beside him. The sea breeze blew, and the brocade clothes and hair were blown up. At this moment, the heroic figure was elegant and beautiful.

Because Tang Lin was familiar with the terrain of the Royal Forest, she took Yu Shengjun to take a shortcut and knew how to detour to the seaside quickly.Yu Shengjun seldom came to this place. In his memory, he seemed to have been here less than ten times.

When I came here before, it was always raining.Because many parts of the royal forest are like mazes, he and his guards could only walk around the edge of the royal forest, but it took several days to arrive.

The reason why he came here before was because he knew that the north and south were close to the sea, and it was raining continuously, so he had to go to the seaside to check the water level.If the water level is higher than the rock wall, it will be immersed in the royal forest and the palace.

Tang Lin raised her head and glanced at Yu Shengjun, and suddenly found that he was very cold in black.She took the hem of his clothes and tugged at it. When Yu Shengjun looked down at her, she smiled and said: "Junjun, you are so handsome!"

Yu Shengjun was stunned, he now knew what the word "handsome" meant, but he didn't know how to answer her.

Tang Lin motioned for him to sit down. She leaned on his shoulder, looked at the boundless sea in front of her, and calmly talked about her future, "At that time, this was my favorite place. I remember I parachuted once. The rope broke and I fell into the water."

Yu Shengjun half understood her words, "What is skydiving?"

Tang Lin pointed to the air, "There is a helicopter in that place, and I will jump down from it..."

"You want to commit suicide?" Yu Shengjun looked at her in horror.

Tang Lin rolled her eyes at him, "It's training. To be a more qualified special soldier, you must be able to drive, parachute, demolition, dive...etc. So, I need training for everything!"

Yu Shengjun wondered: "But it doesn't look like anyone has been here, when did you train here?"

Tang Lin didn't know how to explain, "Anyway, I trained here, it's just... the time is different."

Yu Shengjun thought, if Tang Lin was lying to herself, then she couldn't be so clear about the environment here.But this place clearly looks like no one has ever been here, and besides, there are imperial guards stationed around here, if someone comes, it is impossible not to inform him.

Then when did Tang Lin arrive?

"Your Majesty, can you build a ship?" Tang Lin suddenly asked this question.

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "I can't, but it's not like I haven't been on a boat before, so I have someone who can build a boat."

Tang Lin said, "What Ke Linlin wants is a cruise ship."

"..." Yu Shengjun frowned, "cruise ship?"

Tang Lin looked forward to it: "I hope to have a cruise ship that can swim all the way to my door." But this is just a wishful dream after all, there is no ship that can reach my home.To leave, the only way is to find a time tunnel.

Suddenly, Tang Lin remembered something. She remembered that on the day she traveled through time, she accidentally obtained a piece of jade from a cone-shaped stone tablet in the forest. When the piece of jade saw the light, it was like a magnetic field, combining with the weather. In an instant, the surrounding situation changed suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, she entered the time tunnel and entered another time and space.

Could it be that time travel is related to that jade pendant?
It would be great if I could see that jade pendant again, at least I can study it!By the way, it seems that when Mu Lingxuan went to Jundiexuan to apply for a job, Mu Lingxuan brought that piece of jade with her, I don't know if it is still there...

The colonel asked her to look for the ruins of the Great Imperial Kingdom that had not been recorded in the history books. Could it be that she really came to the Great Imperial Kingdom by mistake?But she came to the Yuxin Dynasty, not the Great Yuguo, so how can this be explained?

Is it because of fate that you will travel through time, or is it a fate?
Yu Shengjun asked her, "Could it be that your family lives near the coast?"

"No." Tang Lin shook her head and said.She took out her phone and looked at the date. The date was fixed to the period of that world.She did the math, she came here for almost a month and a half, now that she thinks about it, it feels like a long time has passed.

If it was before, the day passed quickly, but now, how could it pass so slowly.After all, she still has a lot of thoughts about going back to modern times.

However, both wanting to stay and wanting to go back are contradictory. How should I decide to go or stay?
If there is no chance of returning to modern times in this life, then, you can really live with Yu Shengjun for the rest of your life.But at the same time, there are many things that she can't let go of, such as family members, colleagues...

For example, that patriotism cannot be put into action.

At this moment, in her eyes, he saw dazedness, and he couldn't help but tighten his heart. "You must be homesick, right?" If that's the case, even if it costs energy and money, he will send her home safely, and he doesn't want him to have any regrets.

She didn't look at him, just smiled faintly, and didn't say anything, of course, she didn't notice his secret determination.

After sitting on the edge of the cliff for a while, Tang Lin took out the sniper rifle she had been wearing all along, looked at the open space behind her, and said to Yu Shengjun, "Junjun, I will teach you how to use a sniper rifle." How about the gun?"

She stood up, and ran to the place inside.

After Yu Shengjun came to her side, he asked: "Teach me to use this kind of thing?"

Tang Lin motioned him to hold the gun, and then taught him how to hold the trigger with her fingers, and then aim at the front where there was nothing. After that, she taught him a lot about shooting. After the teaching, she asked, "Do you understand?"

Yu Shengjun doesn't understand the technical terms she said, but he has mastered how to read the pattern and how to operate it, "Well... I understand it a little bit."

"Okay, you take it first!" After handing over the sniper rifle to Yu Shengjun, Tang Lin used the dagger she carried with her to chop down a tree. There were many tiny fruits on the tree. She pulled out the leaves Leave the twigs and fruits, and then take the trees to the edge of the cliff and plant them.

After the tree was erected, Tang Lin turned back and said to Yu Shengjun: "Junjun, try it, knock down the fruits on the tree, but don't break the branches. Although it is 300 meters away, the If you tune well and play steadily, you can hit 300 to 300 meters, let alone [-] meters."

Yu Shengjun put his posture in place, grabbed the sniper rifle, aimed his eyes at the tree 300 meters away through the scope, and learned how to hit the target better according to Tang Lin's teaching, so he adjusted the focus.

Tang Lin stood beside him, staring at him steadily, and when he was ready, she said, "Go ahead, this is your first shot!"

Yu Shengjun slowed down his breathing, aimed at the tiny fruit between the branches, and slowly pulled the trigger. Then, without blinking his eyes, the silenced bullet flew out. In less than a second, it was 300 meters away. There was an explosion.

Although it was a little far away, Tang Lin could see very clearly whether Yu Shengjun hit one of the fruits, and immediately applauded and praised: "Your Majesty, you are not bad, you really have potential. Our team leader saw your marksmanship!" , will be greatly appreciated!"

Yu Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief, but he was very excited in his heart and couldn't calm down for a long time.He walked up to Tang Lin with a sniper rifle in his hand, and asked impatiently, "What is this made of? Why does the thing that comes out of it have such amazing destructive power?"

Tang Lin took the sniper rifle, unloaded the bullet, and explained: "This is a bullet. Don't underestimate this thing. Once the bullet hits the heart and head, you will die immediately. If you hit other places, you will need surgery Take out the bullet, the injury is serious and troublesome. The emperor has also seen it, this bullet is very destructive and easy to hurt people, in the future... don't touch it randomly, Linlin is afraid that you will be hurt."

(End of this chapter)

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