The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 218 How can he not dodge the bullet.

Chapter 218 How can he not dodge the bullet.

"This bullet is very fast." Speaking of this, Yu Shengjun was silent for a long time, and suddenly he said: "I don't know if I can dodge the bullet before it hits me?"

Tang Lin's eyes showed panic, "Your Majesty, you can't rush to reincarnate in such a hurry, right?"

Yu Shengjun did what he said. He immediately grabbed Tang Lin's sniper rifle, pointed at the tree 300 meters away, and pulled the trigger continuously. Tang Lin saw that the fruits on the tree were shot down one after another until finally That tree was also knocked down.

After the tree fell, Yu Shengjun handed over the sniper rifle to Tang Lin, walked to the side of the tree, and shouted to Tang Lin: "Shoot at me!"

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun's serious expression, her lips trembled, and she almost lost her grip on the sniper rifle. "Junjun, you come back, this kind of joke is not allowed. If you are gone, who will I, Tang Lin, marry in the future?"

"Go here!" Yu Shengjun pointed to his heart, "Go here! If there is nothing wrong, it proves that I am stronger than that thing! If there is something wrong with me... I can't die!"

Tang Lin still didn't dare to raise the gun, "No, I can't do it!" She really couldn't do this kind of murder of her husband.It's been a long time since she practiced with a spear, and she can't guarantee that she won't hurt Yu Shengjun.

That person's life is more important than her own, how could she be willing to do it.

Seeing that she didn't dare to make a move, Yu Shengjun suddenly threatened her, "If I don't shoot again, I will jump off from here!" He looked back and saw that it was a cliff, and once he went down, he would fall into the ocean.

Tang Lin's expression tightened, "No!"

Yu Shengjun sent two more words, "Shoot!"

Tang Lin was very sad, she had never seen Yu Shengjun so serious, she was really scared.Slowly, she raised the gun, held back her tears and shot Yu Shengjun, but not aimed at his heart.

But after the slight sound of the gunshot, the next second, she saw Yu Shengjun's body leaning outwards, and just fell down! "Junjun—" Tang Lin immediately dropped the sniper rifle and ran towards the edge of the cliff.She knelt on the side, looking at the ocean below, but there was no trace of Yu Shengjun on the rough ocean surface.

She felt so heartbroken that she shouldn't have listened to his words and fired that shot, "Junjun! Junjun!"

She faced the bottom and kept shouting. She didn't know how many tears she shed.

Looking around, there was no one. If it hadn't fallen to the bottom of the sea, it might have been washed away by the water now.Otherwise, why can't I see his shadow?Isn't he very good at martial arts?how come……

"Junjun..." Tang Lin knelt on the edge of the cliff, muttering in pain. "This kind of accident, how can I bear it, I can't..."

After a while, Tang Lin stared blankly at the boundless sea, and smiled suddenly. It seemed that the departure of Yu Shengjun made her no longer have any nostalgia for this world.With a smile, she jumped——

"Yu Shengjun, you wait for me, I will go down to find you!"

Looking at the top of the mountain that was getting farther and farther away, Tang Lin slowly closed her eyes, but the pain of losing Yu Shengjun was like thin needles pricking her heart all the time.The rustling wind reminded her that she had done something very stupid,
But even she herself didn't know, she had so many expectations for the future, how could this disaster happen!
She had a bad premonition when he left at five o'clock.It turned out that it wasn't the earthquake that made her panic, it was his sudden departure that made her panic, and made her suddenly feel that everything was gone.Alive, without him, she might as well go find him.

Farewell, everything!
time Tunnel,

Unify the Central Plains with Yu Shengjun,

see parents,
and many more.

But these, with Yu Shengjun's death, all disappeared, and nothing could care about her more than him alive.In the end, it was him who made her abandon everything and let her choose to go with him without hesitation!

Close your eyes and look forward to the moment when your body is swallowed by the sea!
A sudden hug stopped Tang Lin's body from floating down.She felt something strange, and slowly, she opened her tearful eyes, and then a pair of handsome eyes that were also full of tears but also full of smiles looked at her closely, but she couldn't help crying wantonly!
he is alive!The bastard is still alive!

Yu Shengjun grasped the ivy in the middle of the cliff with one hand, and wrapped Tang Lin's hand tightly with the other.He didn't expect that she would really jump off, he really didn't expect.He was afraid that something would happen to her, how afraid!

Tang Lin threw herself into his arms, her voice hoarse from crying, "I don't know why you did this, but I really want to take out my heart so that it won't hurt so much!"

"I'm sorry!" Yu Shengjun said with red eyes. "I did it on purpose, I just want to prove your feelings for me, I didn't expect you to come for real, I regret it, I regret lying to you like this, if I really lose you, I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life! "

Tang Lin smiled wryly, yes, how could she have forgotten that Yu Shengjun's martial arts were stronger than her own, how could he not be able to dodge bullets, how could he possibly die.And she was foolishly teased by him and almost lost her life.

"If the emperor thinks that Tang Lin's feelings for you are not true, then... let's forget it!" Maybe I was really hurt, maybe I really couldn't stand the test, or I was defeated by this test...

As soon as she finished speaking, Tang Lin turned her body, broke away from Yu Shengjun's hand, and quickly fell into the rough sea below.

The empty left hand hurt Yu Shengjun's eyes, and he regretted what he had done.Tang Lin is not an ordinary woman, but he tested her in the same way as an ordinary woman, it is extremely stupid.

"Linlin—" he cried out in pain, and immediately let go of his hand, using his internal force to make himself fall down quickly.

When Tang Lin realized something was wrong, she was completely frightened.No, how could he jump down, he is the emperor of the Yuxin Dynasty, and he is still the manipulator of the whole chess game, if he dies, everything will be gone.

She wanted to call him back, but there was a plop in her ears, and immediately, she submerged in the water and was swallowed into the sea by the turbulent sea.

Soon, Yu Shengjun's body fell into the water.In the water, no matter what the water potential was, he kept looking for Tang Lin's figure. The more he couldn't find her, the more he swam down to the bottom of the water. He wondered if she fainted and sank to the bottom of the water.

But no matter how you swim underwater, you can't swim.

At this moment, Tang Lin wrapped her arms around his waist tightly from behind him.

There has never been any major misunderstanding or emotional ups and downs between them since they met today. Originally, there was no suspicion or hatred, these factors were entangled.But just such a test brought them to this point, whose fault...

Is he not trusting enough? Is her affection for him real?Or she couldn't bear his test of her...

When they got into the water, they were awakened by the sea water, and they knew that they had already reached the point of dying for each other. So, does the relationship between each other still need to be tested?Do you still need to be angry and fight an eye for an eye?
Yu Shengjun turned around, held Tang Lin's face fiercely, kissed her lips, and poured all his emotions into this moment...

After a while, he let her go and looked closely at her face.I'm really terrified of losing her.

Suddenly, a huge wave hit, and the water surged, pushing their bodies outward.

It’s not good for Yu Shengjun to be shocked. If they can’t swim back to the rocky shore, they will rush to a farther place, and there is an endless ocean nearby, and there is no small island at all. It is impossible to survive.

Tang Lin also realized how bad the environment was at the moment, but she didn't panic. She hugged Yu Shengjun's waist tightly, and pressed a button on the belt around her waist, and suddenly an invisible, very fine steel wire , rushed to the other side of the cliff, and finally the arrow went deep into the rock.

Immediately afterwards, she pressed another button, and the wire quickly pulled them across.

Suddenly his body could move, which surprised Yu Shengjun. When he wanted to think about what was going on, he and Tang Lin had already reached the rocky bank and landed safely.But they are only on a rock under the cliff at the moment, if the water is strong, they will be driven into the water at any time.If you want to be safe, you have to climb to the top of the cliff, and the high place is the place where they fell. It's not like they don't know how high it is.

Tang Lin snuggled into Yu Shengjun's arms and took a breath before saying, "We are safe now, so don't worry about getting up!"

"Just now..." Seeing that Tang Lin's hand was hanging in the air, as if she was holding something, Yu Shengjun suddenly thought that on the day of the second round of competition, Tang Lin, who was not good at light work, was able to fly from the high platform to Over there on the wooden frame,

At that time, she had a silk thread wrapped around her hand, which seemed to be not so easy to break.Could it be that the silk thread is in her hand?

Thinking of this, Yu Shengjun stretched out his hand to touch it, and sure enough, he touched an invisible silk thread.Slowly, he withdrew his hand.She looked at him, smiled softly, but her nose suddenly became sour, "Your Majesty, don't test me like this in the future, okay? I'm very wronged, very uncomfortable!"

"I'm sorry!" He hugged her tightly, and said with distress: "I will never dare to treat you like this again. I know you have been wronged, and I wish to suffer for you. I am a bastard, how can I let my beloved I deserve to die under this cliff, ten thousand times of death is not enough to forgive me for what I have done."

"Stop talking," Tang Lin cried and begged, "I don't blame you, I don't blame..."

He grabbed her hand tightly and slapped himself, "Blame me, you should blame me, you can't forgive me, I almost lost you..."

Tang Lin withdrew her hand and kept shaking her head, "I don't, I don't blame, I just don't blame. Really, Junjun, Linlin really doesn't blame you, you are Linlin's boyfriend, without you , Linlin is meaningless to live."

He pulled her into his arms again and held her tightly.Even berating yourself [-] times is not enough to forgive yourself for what you did.

"Aren't you hurt?" Tang Lin asked distressedly, "I remember I shot once!"

Yu Shengjun was filled with guilt, and said hoarsely: "Your gun, how could it hurt me, since I was young..."

"Kung Fu has been high since childhood, isn't it?" Tang Linsha helped him complete the sentence with a hoarse voice.So, taking advantage of his high martial arts skills, he can freely test whether she will feel sad for his death and die for love?

"I'm sorry Linlin," besides this sentence, Yu Shengjun couldn't think of what else he could say.

After a while on the top of the mountain, Tang Lin lay on the ground exhaustedly, staring blankly at the blue sky, she felt very tired now, very tired, really tired, a hundred times more tired than attending the devil training camp times.

Yu Shengjun glanced at her, her eyes lost the brilliance that he had always found very charming, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain in her heart.He stood up and walked over to the side until he was standing on the edge of the cliff, his black clothes fluttering and his black hair flying... He was condescending, and Wu Wu was the only one standing on top.

He is the overlord of this world, but for the one he loves...

Tang Lin glanced to the side, and was startled when she couldn't see Yu Shengjun.Quickly got up and looked around, seeing Yu Shengjun standing on the edge of the cliff, his heart tightened suddenly, he immediately stood up and ran to the edge of the cliff, and shouted in horror: "Junjun, don't!"

(End of this chapter)

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