The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 219 You were deceived by Fu Yushu!

Chapter 219 You were deceived by Fu Yushu!
Yu Shengjun turned around, his face as flawless as a thousand-year-old jade was filled with sadness.He stretched out his hand and embraced her who rushed over.

Tang Lin tried her best to persuade her in her arms, "Don't leave me. I didn't blame you. Really, I really didn't blame you. Don't do this, okay? I can't live without you... Junjun, please."

"Fool." Yu Shengjun stroked her hair distressedly, "How should I treat you to protect you, tell me..."

After choking for a long time, Tang Lin finally gave out two words, "Alive." It was already afternoon, after the toss of life and death just now, Tang Lin curled up exhaustedly with her backpack on the lawn beside a green lake in the mountains and forests, When she was in a daze, Yu Shengjun was no longer beside her.

But she knew that he would not leave her, he must be doing something.

After a while, Yu Shengjun came back with some wild fruits, and seeing Tang Lin sitting up, he happily ran over, took her hand, and stuffed the wild fruits into her palm, "Are you hungry? Eat first!"

Tang Lin ate one, and seeing him watching her eat, she turned her face away, and looked at him after chewing, "You don't want to eat?"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said, "I'm not hungry!"

Tang Lin looked at the mountains, there were wild animals running around everywhere, she wondered why he didn't hunt one and roasted it, "With your skills, it shouldn't be difficult to catch a pheasant, why..."

She paused, seeing him smiling so peacefully, she suddenly thought of something. "Oh, you are a Buddhist disciple, you don't kill living beings."

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "I have killed everyone, why don't you kill people?"

Tang Lin said worriedly: "You have been out for almost a day. Without you sitting in the palace, Director An and the others must be very anxious. Otherwise, you should go back first. I still want to stay here for a while, and go back when I feel relaxed!"

She is still blaming herself, Yu Shengjun knows.Even if she doesn't say it, she has proved it with her actions.Now, besides blaming himself, what else could he say and do?
"Don't think about it!" Tang Lin seemed to know that he was thinking about her again, and she said truthfully: "Your Majesty, I am not blaming you, but I am just thinking about what is more important for myself, what should be given up, what should not be hold on to something."

Yu Shengjun let out a long sigh of relief, pulled her into his arms, and said distressedly: "Don't wrong yourself, this makes me very worried."

Tang Lin wept silently in his arms, unable to speak a word.Yes, she was still angry and said that she forgave him, but there was always a hurdle in her heart that she couldn't get over. Maybe, she couldn't stand the test of her feelings.

He let go of her, looked at her beautiful face with melancholy eyes, and said in an almost hoarse voice: "Come back with me? I don't worry about you being here alone!"

Tang Lin nodded with tears in her eyes, "Yeah." How could she hurt him out of anger, she shouldn't.

After a while, she put her bag on her back, put the sniper rifle into the bag and carried it away, but when she turned around, she saw Yu Shengjun bent down, and he said: "Linlin, come up, I will carry you back, I will not You are allowed to refuse!"

Tang Lin didn't want him to be so tired, and the journey would take two hours, "Your Majesty, forget it, I'm not tired."

Yu Shengjun said stubbornly: "If you don't come up, I will stay here in this posture until you come up."

Unable to resist him, Tang Lin finally climbed onto his back, put her arms around his neck lightly, and whispered in his ear, "Okay, you can go!"

Yu Shengjun picked her up and walked back.

Tang Lin rested her cheek on his shoulder, looked at his well-defined side face, felt warm in her heart, felt very comfortable, and had a sense of security, but she felt sleepy when she looked at him. Dazedly said: "Junjun, I like you, I like you so much..."

"Me too." Yu Shengjun turned his head to look at her, and continued to walk back.

Due to sleepiness, Tang Lin's eyes were already closed, but her consciousness was still in a state of half-awake and half-sleep, and she said in a daze, some words were unclear, some crying, "I want to go home, Junjun, I'm so happy Homesick, I want to go back, I want to go back..."

When her tears soaked his shoulders, the cold feeling hurt Yu Shengjun's vision as he looked ahead.She wants to go home, she is homesick, so if you love her, let her... live happily.

Even if she loses her own life, she must be sent home at all costs.

When we returned to Xuanyu Palace, it was already nightfall.

Seeing that Yu Shengjun came back with Tang Lin on his back, both of them were fine, An Lin and several big inner guards who had been worried for a day finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Prepare dinner!" Yu Shengjun ordered An Lin and the others before carrying Tang Lin into the bedroom.

An Lin nodded in agreement.

The door of the bedroom had been opened by An Lin, and Yu Shengjun carried Tang Lin inside and placed her on his bed.After a day of drying in the sun, although her clothes were dry, they were stained in many places.

He put down the double curtains, sat next to the bed, took out Tang Lin's camouflage bag and sniper rifle, put them on a corner table, folded back and sat by the bed, and began to help her remove the Clothes fall.

Because he helped her through the coat, the coat on her body was quickly stripped off by him.Also because he had seen her wear it, other clothes were quickly taken off by him.When only her underwear was left on her body, he involuntarily looked away.

This behavior of respecting women never left him.

At this time, An Lin's voice came from the door, "Your Majesty, you have ordered the imperial dining room to prepare dinner, do you have anything else to tell this old servant?"

Yu Shengjun didn't reply to An Lin's words. He turned his eyes and gently took off all the remaining clothes on Tang Lin's body, then pulled the quilt to cover her beautiful and flawless body like jade.

He took her clothes, walked to the door, and stuffed the clothes into An Lin's arms, "Send Tang Lin's clothes to be washed, and help her prepare a set of men's clothes, choose according to Yishuang's standards, the best It is the brocade robe worn by the guards."

An Lin asked a lot, "Your Majesty, there are quite a few silks and satins in this palace..."

"She doesn't like to wear women's clothes, hurry up and get busy." After finishing speaking faintly, Yu Shengjun turned and entered the bedroom.

Tang Lin turned over and continued to sleep.However, the sudden sense of comfort, a different sense of comfort, and the scent wafting across the tip of her nose made her wake up immediately, opened her eyes immediately, and sat up immediately.

Yu Shengjun was sitting by the bed, seeing her suddenly awakened by the scent, he laughed a little, "Are you awake?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin looked over and saw that he had changed into clean clothes. She was stunned for a while, then looked around, and found that she was actually lying on the bed in his bedroom.She sniffed the scent again, her eyes rolled, "What's so fragrant?"

Yu Shengjun smiled slightly and explained: "I have prepared a meal for you."

"Really? I just happened to be hungry." As she spoke, Tang Lin planned to get out of bed and put on her shoes without thinking about anything, but when the quilt was lifted, she realized that she was just like jade, flawless in front of Yu Shengjun, and suddenly cried out in horror "Ah!" Immediately, he pulled the quilt over himself.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before, why are you making such a fuss?" Yu Shengjun said with a smile, and then he put a set of men's clothes that he had prepared in front of her, "Put on and come out for dinner."

After speaking, he got up and walked out, but after walking a few steps, he turned around and smiled maliciously, "I forgot to tell you, I helped you take off the clothes on your body."

Hearing these words, Tang Lin's brain exploded.What, what?He changed it?Then wouldn't he be able to see her proud figure up close?
Thinking of this, Tang Lin felt a little reconciled, not reconciled to being the one who was stripped, she immediately threatened, "Yu Shengjun, just wait, one day I will find a chance to ruthlessly strip you naked !"

Yu Shengjun was already sitting at the dining table, but he smiled and said nothing.

Tang Lin's voice came from inside the curtain again, "I have my clothes in my bag, I'm used to wearing mine!"

Yu Shengjun was startled, looked back at the curtain, and asked, "Do you not like the set I prepared for you?"

Tang Lin said: "I like it, but I'm not used to wearing it. But it's pretty cool." She was wearing it, complaining at the same time, and saying yes at the same time, which was extremely contradictory.After wearing it, I tied the belt and turned it around again, "It's more visual than modern clothes, and it's pretty good!"

After a while, she came out from the curtain with disheveled hair, and Yu Shengjun looked over, only to see a "beautiful boy" who was more beautiful than a woman and more handsome than a man appeared in his eyes.She really looks good in anything she wears.

Tang Lin walked up to him and posed a cool pose, "How is it? Does it look good?"

Yu Shengjun nodded and said: "It looks good. After you put on this dress, I feel that you are from the Yuxin Dynasty, and you don't look like you are from a foreign country."

Tang Lin said: "That's because the clothes are too different, and each era is different." Looking at the food on the table, she sat down immediately and began to eat, while talking, "I have been hungry for a day, and finally It’s such a blessing to be able to eat such a delicious meal!”

Yu Shengjun watched her eat, although he held the chopsticks, he rarely moved.He said: "The palace has collapsed, and all the contestants have been arranged to live in Shanglin Garden."

"Shanglinyuan?" The word gave Tang Lin a very temperamental feeling, "What was Shanglinyuan used to do?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Shanglin Garden is located in the corner of the South Palace. It was originally a place for the inner guards to live. But later, all the inner guards were arranged to live in the underground palace, so Shanglin Garden was vacated."

Tang Lin was puzzled, "Why do you have to live in the underground palace?"

Yu Shengjun explained: "The scope of the underground palace is not smaller than that of the imperial palace. Moreover, the guards live below, which makes it easier to move around and also plays a role in secrecy. I only built the underground palace after I ascended the throne. Those who know the existence of the underground palace are all People who are loyal to me, except for Mu Lingxuan. She lied to me to get the topographic map of the palace and the topographic map of the underground palace, and then carried my jade seal behind my back to do evil and spread the imperial decree, which almost caused the country to be destroyed. .”

Tang Lin sighed, "This woman is too scary."

"Your Majesty." A voice from one hall rushed in, "Empress Cheng Huan had an accident in the underground palace." "What happened?" Tang Lin was startled, "What's going on?"

Yu Shengjun put down the bowls and chopsticks, walked to the door and opened the door a few steps, Yitang's expression was as anxious as his voice just now, "She stayed well down there, how can something happen just like that? How are you responsible?"

Yitang couldn't explain why, "No one knows what Empress Cheng Huan is thinking. She wants to commit suicide. If the guards who were guarding her didn't find out in time, she would really kill herself by biting her tongue!"

Tang Lin had already walked to Yu Shengjun's side, "Perhaps, she felt hopeless! Your Majesty, when you left last time, you said that you wanted to abort the fetus in her womb. Would she do something stupid for this?" thing?"

Yitang said: "What Miss Tang said is possible."

"Then let her finish it herself!" Yu Shengjun's expression suddenly turned cold, which frightened Tang Lin for a moment.In front of her, he rarely showed such a side, it must be that Shihe really made him impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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