The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 220 Moved into the room of Fu Yushu and others

Chapter 220 Moved into the room of Fu Yushu and others
"Well," Tang Lin said, "I'll go see her!"

"Miss Tang, please don't," Yitang explained the pros and cons, "You look exactly like Empress Cheng Huan, if she sees you, maybe something will happen, and maybe she will be even more desperate."

Tang Lin said: "It's not that she hasn't seen me before. At the beginning, she was planning to let me enter the palace instead of her."

"I will go with you!" At this moment, Yu Shengjun's attitude softened a bit.

Tang Lin responded, "Yes."

After the two dressed up as Ouchi guards, they went to the underground palace together.

Until standing at the door of the prison where Shihe was being held, Shihe looked at the two of them and smiled wryly, "Your inner guards really don't give up, so you're so afraid of me committing suicide, why don't you send all the guards to watch over me? Already!"

Because she was wearing a mask, Shihe couldn't tell that the two were Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin.

Tang Lin looked at this face that was exactly like her own, and her heart tightened inexplicably. At this moment, she actually had such a thought, could this Shihe be from her previous life?However, the same picture has different expressions.

It seems that Shihe will never be happy, she will not see the brilliance on her face, she is so sentimental that it is worrying that she will fall down at any time, she is really weak.

"Why did you commit suicide?" Tang Lin asked.

Shi He smiled bitterly and said: "Didn't the dog emperor want to kill the child in my womb? Rather than end up like this, I, Shi He, might as well take a step first, so as not to spend time in such a dark place."

Tang Lin asked: "Do you think the emperor really wants to kill the child in your womb?"

Shi He continued to smile wryly: "I have a secret relationship with others, and I have already given the emperor a cuckold. Such a rebellious and immoral matter, can he let us go? Hehe, this is my Shihe's fate, and it should be like this, How can I struggle."

"You were deceived by Fu Yushu!" Yu Shengjun, who originally didn't plan to tell Shihe the truth, maybe because Shihe had Tang Lin's face, he suddenly wanted to tell the whole story clearly.But he never thought that Shihe and Tang Lin were the same person, they made him feel like sisters, like twins.

But no matter what, he would never mistake Shi He for Tang Lin.He has always had an intuition towards Tang Lin, which allows him to recognize Tang Lin quickly no matter what the situation is.

Shihe was stunned, and when she came back, she showed displeasure, "Don't sow discord here, I, Shihe, don't accept this kind of thing."

Yu Shengjun suppressed his anger, "Do you believe it or not."

"It's true." Seeing that Yu Shengjun wanted to tell the truth, Tang Lin planned to explain clearly to Shihe for him, "Shihe, your marriage to the emperor has been going on since you were very young. Your father Shi Hongsheng You saved the first emperor more than once before, so after your father died, he was named a loyal general by the first emperor, and secretly decided to let the prince, who is the current emperor, marry you when you grow up, and make you his queen .Only the Empress Dowager knows about this matter."

Although Tang Lin's words seemed to be true, Shihe couldn't believe it, she was afraid of the consequences. "No, I don't believe it. You lied to me. It was Emperor Dog who forced me to marry me in order to suppress Yushu, not what you said."

Tang Lin said: "Don't lie to yourself, don't you know about your father? Don't you know that your father saved the emperor? Don't you know that your father was named a loyal general? You don't know, Then your mother should know, right? She must have told you, right? "

Shihe's eyes gradually lowered.Yes, these mothers have told themselves, but so what?

Tang Lin continued: "Over the years, the empress dowager has been reminding the emperor to take special care of you poets. Otherwise, you mother and daughter would have been wandering long ago. The empress dowager has always been thinking about this matter. When you grow up, let the emperor marry you into the palace. However, Fu Yushu found out about it as soon as the empress dowager told the ministers. Do you know who Fu Yushu is? Yes, he belongs to Prime Minister Fu My son, Dan, is just an adopted son. In fact, Fu Yushu is the prince of the dead Chu. The reason why he got close to you was to use you to deal with the emperor. Think about it, the current peaceful world was created by a foolish king?"

Speaking of this, Tang Lin took a breath and stopped talking, letting Shihe think about it for herself.

Shihe was thinking that she also thought that the current emperor would not be so bad and drive all his courtiers to death.How could he kill such a good courtier?But the feeling Fu Yushu gave him was so real, he wouldn't lie to himself. "Yushu won't lie to me."

"Are you stupid?" Tang Lin said angrily, "Fu Yushu is the prince of Chu. He thought it was the emperor who destroyed Chu, so he set up an anti-imperial society and used his adoptive father, Prime Minister Fu, to know that you were about to die. The news of becoming a queen. Fu Yushu knew you in advance, made you fall in love with him, and made you his person. His purpose is to let his person pretend to be you to marry into the palace, and then run away. Then, the emperor will definitely be angered In order to arrest you, the emperor will definitely use all the guards in the palace. If the guards in the palace are not with the emperor, the counter-defense will attack the palace. If no one protects the emperor, then the emperor is doomed? Wake up, Fu Yushu is The leader of the anti-imperial society is using you to assassinate the emperor."

"I won't listen, I won't listen..." Shihe covered her ears in pain, shaking her head in protest.When she thought that what the other party said was true, wouldn't her relationship with Fu Yushu be all false?Impossible, impossible...

Yu Shengjun said coldly: "Don't deceive yourself, look at yourself, what do you look like? If you compare Tang Lin again, they all have the same face. Why is she optimistic, strong, and radiant? You can't give it to yourself? Even if you don't need these things, where did your former innocence and innocence go? Now, for a Fu Yushu, what do you make of yourself? Humans are not human, ghosts are not ghosts!"

Tang Lin looked at him, dumbfounded.This is the first time she finds that Yu Shengjun is so wordy, is it just because Shi He has her face that he wants to preach?

"Shihe, ask yourself carefully, have you ever doubted that the emperor is such a person?" Tang Lin said to Shihe. "His great achievements are obvious to all the world. Have you seen any courtiers complaining?"

"Stop talking to her!" Shi He's unrepentant look annoyed Yu Shengjun, and he dragged Tang Lin to leave.

Tang Lin held him steady, "Don't be angry, give her some time, she will think it through."

Shihe really calmed down slowly, but Tang Lin and the others could not see what kind of pain she was suffering deep in her heart.Soon, she calmed down a lot, and asked lightly: "What you it true?"

Tang Lin said: "You don't have to believe it. But Shihe, I also want to tell you that Fu Yushu is married, and his wife is Du Yuanyuan, and he loves his wife very much. Of course, Du Yuanyuan is just like you, and he is devoted to him. But Du Yuanyuan is different from you. She is from the state of Chu, so she should treat Fu Yushu like this. But you are not. I think, if Fu Yushu didn’t suddenly find out that you have his child, he wouldn’t have given up his plan to be with you. The inner guards circle around, just to protect you. However, he will have no results with you in the end, no matter how much he loves you, in the end he still can't tolerate two people."

Through Tang Lin's narration, Shihe knew that Fu Yushu was a member of the Anti-Royal Society, a mysterious Anti-Royal Society that often raided the palace. These legends have never been interrupted by the folks. knew.

Unexpectedly, he actually used her to assassinate Ming Jun in order to restore the country...

Moreover, there is a wife!

"How could this be..." Thinking of this, Shihe's tears fell uncontrollably. "How did I get to this point? How did this happen? What should I do, what should I do..."

Seeing Shihe crying, it was like crying herself, so desperate, so helpless.Tang Lin's heart was tightly tightened, and she comforted her: "Don't cry, the child is innocent, don't let bad emotions affect the child. No matter what faults and conflicts there are between adults, the child is innocent. The emperor said After knowing the inside story, I don’t blame you for having a secret affair with someone else, and asked someone to take good care of you and give birth to the child. Because the late emperor’s last wish cannot be violated, he promised to let you sit in the back seat for a year.”

"The emperor, he..." Unexpectedly, the current emperor is such a good person, which made Shi He feel ashamed and guilty for a while. "I'm sorry to the emperor, I actually gave Fu Yushu a chance to kill the emperor, I'm sorry to him..."

Tang Lin said: "What's the use of saying this now? He will forgive you only if you are strong enough to show him. He admires General Shihong so much, so he will naturally take care of General Shihong's daughter."

"I want to see the emperor." Shi He begged.

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun, and only he could decide whether to see or not. "Seeing him, let's save it!" Yu Shengjun said coldly.

Tang Lin knew what he meant, but he didn't want to face Shihe with his true face.She looked at Shihe and said: "You have also seen what you have done to make the emperor not want to see you, you should reflect on yourself!"

Shihe lowered her eyes slightly, and said sadly: "I know the emperor must hate me to death, but I didn't know that I had already been selected as the queen's candidate, let alone Yushu..." When I thought of how much I loved The man in his heart turned out to be so pregnant, and his heart ached for a while.

"Give birth to the child with peace of mind," Tang Lin said, "After the matter of Fu Yushu is settled, you and your child will see the light of day again!"

Shihe gently caressed her abdomen, tears fell one, two, with a sound, "A child without a father is... a wild child."

Tang Lin said: "Even so, the child is innocent. As a mother, you should give birth to the child safely. In the future, if you work hard to educate your child, why worry about your life being boring?"

"Thank you for telling me the truth. I'm tired," Shihe said wearily. She turned around and sat down beside the bed, not wanting to have any more conversations with Tang Lin and the others.

Yu Shengjun turned around and left without looking at Shihe, Tang Lin followed closely.

Out of the underground palace, Tang Lin kept a step away and let Yu Shengjun walk in front. He needed to calmly clear up Shihe's affairs at the moment. She couldn't disturb her, so she had to follow silently, admiring the flowers and trees on both sides of the corridor.

After an unknown amount of time, Yu Shengjun suddenly said, "Isn't I being too merciful?"

"Ah?" Tang Lin was stunned for a moment, and after realizing the meaning of his words, she said, "It was Shihe who was kept in the dark, and no one was wrong. Your Majesty, before knowing that Empress Cheng Huan was secretly married to others, You are determined to kill this woman, but the truth has come to light, which proves that you have all been tricked by Fu Yushu. For the current plan, you should not be the target of soft-heartedness, but Fu Yushu and his gang. I think Shihe... quite pitiful."

"Heh," Yu Shengjun smiled softly, as gentle as ever. "Don't you think that if she is pitiful, it is you who are pitiful? After all, you have the same face. I always thought that if she is not your older sister, then she must be younger sister!"

"It's probably my previous life!" Tang Lin said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Past life?!" Yu Shengjun was stunned, and suddenly said with a smile: "But you are not a descendant, how could she be your previous life?"

(End of this chapter)

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