The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 221 Game, play big again!

Chapter 221 Game, play big again!
"I..." He said "but you are not a descendant", which made her not know where to start.She forced a smile, "Yeah, I'm not her descendant, how could her Shihe be my Tang Lin's previous life, it doesn't make sense."

But Yu Shengjun, would you believe me if I said that I came from a world thousands of years later?What do you think of me?If you find out that your future queen is a person who does not exist in this world, this matter will definitely cause a sensation in the world. By then, you will not know how to deal with it, right?
Moonlight is like water.

Yu Shengjun sent Tang Lin to the gate of Shanglin Garden and left. Tang Lin turned and entered Shanglin Garden.

In Shanglin Garden, palace lanterns are hung everywhere.After the palace lanterns were lit at night, Shanglin Garden looked extraordinarily gorgeous and dazzling.It's no wonder that everyone wants to be the bodyguard of this Ouchi, it turns out that the treatment is so good.

Under the leadership of an imperial guard, Tang Lin was brought into the west wing of Shanglin Garden. Looking up, there were several rooms on both sides of the courtyard, and each room was brightly white at the moment.

Under the big peach trees in the yard, two contestants were exercising swordsmanship, and one or two were watching from the side.When they saw the Imperial Forest Army leading Tang Lin coming from the side aisle, their eyes lit up, and they all exclaimed: "Tang Lin!"

Tang Lin smiled awkwardly at those people. In fact, she knew why those people were so surprised. They must have thought that she died in the earthquake in the morning.

"Go on, go on!" Tang Lin said politely to several people, and then followed the imperial army to the last room in the west wing.

When the Yulin Army stood at the door of that room, he said to Tang Lin: "There are four rooms in the west wing, which are for players to live in. Each room can accommodate ten people. The other rooms are full of people. Only this room, you Just go in and choose your own bed."

"Oh." Tang Lin replied politely, "I see, thank you."

The Royal Forest Army said nothing more, turned around and left.

Tang Lin took a deep breath, and after she felt less nervous, she dared to walk to the door of the room. She looked forward, and suddenly such a scene came into her eyes: the room is very big, and the beds here are the same as those in Lanyuan , but much longer than Lan Yuan's bed.It was supposed to lie down for ten people, so it must have taken this long.In a corner beside the bed, there is a well-carved square table. At this moment, Yunlei and Shao Qi are playing Go, while Cao Dan and Fu Yushu are watching.Han Xueyan was sitting at the dining table alone, making tea.

Originally, what everyone did was listless.

Han Xueyan sensed that there was someone at the door, so she glanced at it, and immediately exclaimed with wide eyes, "Sister Tang!"

Hearing the sound, one by one looked at the door, and one by one stared at Tang Lin as if they had been injected with chicken blood, as if they hadn't seen her in several lifetimes.

Tang Lin glanced at everyone, "What are you talking about? What are you busy with, and you don't need to pay attention to me." Then, she walked into the room, took the things she was carrying into the cabinet and put them away.

However, as soon as she turned around after putting away the things, she was immediately hugged by someone.

It was Han Xueyan.

Han Xueyan was so happy that she cried, "Miss Tang, you scared me to death. I thought you were... dead."

Tang Lin was so tightly hugged that she couldn't breathe, she tried her best to separate Han Xueyan's hands, and looked at Han Xueyan with blank eyes, "Oh, how old are you? He's still crying, don't even think about it, I can't find my body, I He must be alive!"

Han Xueyan asked: "Did Miss Tang not be in Lanyuan before the mountain god got angry?"

mountain god? !Tang Lin was almost stunned by this word, "Yeah, I left before the mountain god got angry. Because I slept alone last night and couldn't sleep, I went out very early to go to the Royal Forest to blow some air. I don't know. Later, the mountain god would get angry. But I’m fine, and I was relieved when I heard other people say that you’re fine, so I came back very late. Suddenly I didn’t want to live alone, so I moved in with you.”

Han Xueyan jumped up happily, "Miss Tang, you are so kind!"

Tang Lin secretly smiled bitterly. When Yu Shengjun took her to the door, she never heard him say that he would push her to live in these people's rooms. What did he mean?Aren't you afraid that she will flirt with these men?

Fu Yushu breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that you're fine, we all worried about you all day long."

Tang Lin smiled casually, but did not follow up with Fu Yushu's words.She walked to the bed and looked to the end, "Which bed... is mine?"

"The first, the first!" Han Xueyan brought Tang Lin to the first place, "We are girls, we sleep in the front, and their boys sleep in the back. There are four empty beds in the middle. Think of it as separating us from them."

Cao Dan broke into a sweat, "We didn't intend to insult you, why did you separate us so far?"

Han Xueyan glared at him, "Don't you understand that men and women can't get married? If I could choose, I definitely hope to live in a room by myself. But Xiao Cao, I warn you, don't mess around. I still have a brother-in-law, so don't think about it." Take advantage of me, hum!"

Cao Dan said angrily: "I'm still awkward to live with a woman, and still mess around? Really! I, Cao Dan, am a gentleman, will I mess around too? Isn't it too belittling of me?"

"Okay, stop arguing!" Shao Qi came out to fight, "It's already late, go to bed, don't disturb Miss Tang's game tomorrow!"

Except for Fu Yushu, everyone else jumped on the bed and got ready to sleep.

Fu Yushu saw that Tang Lin was dressed differently today, so he walked over a few steps and stood beside her, and asked intentionally or unintentionally, "This seems to be the clothes worn by the guards in the palace, Tang Lin, where did you get it?"

"It was given by the emperor!" Tang Lin replied simply, not wanting to hide these things at all. "I came back from the royal forest. On the way, I met the deputy commander of Yifeng. The deputy commander of Yifeng said that he had been looking for me for a day, so he took me to see the emperor. The emperor saw that my clothes were dirty, so he asked someone to prepare a set for me. Me. You don't know, now that... guy, treats me very well, I have a chance at any time..."

Fu Yushu's eyes frightened, "You must not mess around, especially when there are guards present."

Tang Lin smiled, seeing how frightened this guy was, "I'm not that stupid to make fun of my own life, besides, Master doesn't allow me to do it, right? Brother Fu, I'll listen to you and Sister Yuanyuan , I won't mess around!"

Fu Yushu's heart warmed, "It's great to have such an idea." If Tang Lin listened to her, it proved that Tang Lin trusted her very much, and it was never a happy event.

"I'm going to bed first!" As she said, Tang Lin got on the first bed, pulled the quilt, lay down, turned over and talked face to face with Han Xueyan next to her, "Xueyan, this bed is better than the one in the palace garden. too much."

Han Xueyan agreed, "That's right, we should have moved here long ago."

After that, the two little girls chatted one by one, ignoring the men who had closed their eyes.

Cao Dan directly covered his head with the quilt, and muttered to himself: "One woman is fine, but two women will be troubled..."

Before going to bed, Fu Yushu went to close the door and turned off the lights, and then went back to his seat to sleep.Since there were ten beds, Tang Lin and Han Xueyan slept at the front, so the third to sixth beds were naturally vacant.

The four of them, Fu Yushu, occupied the last four beds, far away from Tang Lin.

In the middle of the night, the room was pitch black. Among the six people, someone screamed like a ghost, "Ah—" "What's wrong?" Tang Lin woke up suddenly, sat up and looked around, But it was all black.

After the screams ended, Fu Yushu was currently turning on the lights in the room.

Tang Lin looked to the side, and suddenly found that Han Xueyan was no longer beside her, and then looked at the empty bed in front of her, her expression froze suddenly, Fu Yushu was also froze, and Yun Lei who was sleeping behind was also froze.

It turned out that on the empty bed, Han Xueyan and Cao Dan were twisting together, pinching each other, neither of them willing to admit defeat.

Seeing this scene, Shao Qi's face changed, and he immediately yelled at Cao Dan: "Cao Dan, let go of my Xueyan, immediately!"

"Why?" Cao Dan had already been pinched by Han Xueyan, his face was red and his neck was thick. Han Xueyan didn't let go, and neither did he. "It was she who crossed the line and ran to sleep next to me. Not only did she not apologize to me, but she also kept pinching my body. How unreasonable!"

The corners of Tang Lin's mouth twitched, she didn't know what to say.

Fu Yushu shrugged towards Yunlei, "This is their housework, we don't want to interfere." After speaking, he returned to the last bed, which was his territory.

Shao Qi slept on the second-to-last bed, and above that was Yunlei, and above Yunlei was Cao Dan.If there were no four empty beds, then Han Xueyan and Cao Dan would have slept next to each other.

Han Xueyan had the habit of turning over indiscriminately when she was sleeping. When she lived in the palace, there was Shao Qi standing next to her, so she didn't stick to other people. Cao Dan slept on his body.

The moment she woke up, she thought it was Cao Dan who wanted to moleste herself and take advantage of her, so she suddenly grabbed Cao Dan who was sleeping soundly.

Cao Dan woke up suddenly from a deep sleep, so the two of them fought each other, pinched and pinched each other, and for some reason, they both rolled onto the empty bed, and Tang Lin saw this scene.

Shao Qi came over and hugged Han Xueyan, and kept saying, "Yan'er, stop making trouble, let him go."

"Not loose." No matter how hard Shao Qi tried, Han Xueyan just clung to Cao Dan.

Yunlei and Fu Yushu also came over to help drag Cao Dan away, which made it impossible for the two to get entangled again.

Han Xueyan sat on her bed, panting, blowing her nose and staring at Cao Dan, and said angrily, "Didn't you like Yu Xinrui at Jundiexuan Restaurant? You dare to take advantage of other women behind her back?"

Cao Dan retorted angrily, "Is it because I like her? How about I like to take advantage of you behind her back? It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable, why do I live in the same room with you?"

"Hmph, you apprentice!" Han Xueyan's mouth was still unrelenting.

"Oh," Tang Lin sighed deeply, lay down slowly, covered the quilt, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "It's late at night, why don't you let people sleep? I see, I don't have to compete tomorrow!"

Han Xueyan curled her lips, "Miss Tang, I'm sorry, we shouldn't quarrel with you like this, don't worry, I will never quarrel with you in the future, then you can sleep well now." He also lay down.

"A vexatious woman," cursed secretly dissatisfied, Cao Dan also lay down, grabbed the quilt and fell asleep.

In a blink of an eye, it was dawn.

After the meal, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing came to Shanglin Garden to speak, "Today is Tang Lin's match. If she can win successively, then the last five rounds will be finished today!"

The two of them brought all the players to the martial arts training ground - Ouchi guard training base.

Everything needed for the game is ready.

In the corner of the martial arts field, a ring has been built at some time, and the word "Wu" on the cloth on the ring is particularly conspicuous and large, reminding the people standing at the scene at this moment that this is a martial arts competition ring.

Some guards stood neatly on both sides of the ring, with Tang Lin and other players in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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