The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 222 Not a Bow and Arrow Master!

Chapter 222 Not a Bow and Arrow Master!

Before coming to the martial arts training ground, Tang Lin took a special look at the high platform over there to see if Yu Shengjun came to watch the match today, but it was empty there, obviously he didn't come.She thought, it doesn't matter if she doesn't come, she will still play hard.

This time, Yifeng, Lu Yitang, and Sun Bailing stood on the ring.

Lu Yitang looked at all the contestants, and finally his gaze fell on Tang Lin. He said, "This is the No.11 competition. Next, let's invite the only contestant, Tang Lin."

Tang Lin didn't know what to do now, so she obediently entered the ring.

Lu Yitang asked her to maintain a confrontational posture with Yifeng, and then said to everyone: "The so-called blue is better than blue. If you want to be a big inner guard, you must defeat the former big inner guard. Tang Lin, you just need to put Yifeng Get out of the ring, even if you have passed this round."

Many people in the audience were talking about it. They all knew that every guard in the palace was better than the contestants in martial arts. As a contestant, how could Tang Lin beat Ouchi's guards? Wouldn't she be sure to lose?

Tang Lin didn't expect to have such a comparison after playing around. Didn't this require her to show her strength to do something.She asked Lu Yitang: "But what are the rules? For example, click to the end, or just beat the other party to death..."

Lu Yitang said: "Weapons can be used, hidden weapons can be used, poison can be used, in short... anything can be done. You are not responsible for people's death, and the emperor will not be responsible for your death."

"..." Tang Lin was speechless, and looked at Lu Yitang with a dumbfounded expression.This is really desperate.

Yifeng chuckled, and said: "Miss Tang, let the horse come here, and use whatever skills you have. You are the most perfect contestant in the eyes of the emperor. If you can pass my test, then I will really convince you!"

Tang Lin asked weakly: "Vice Commander, will you poison me?"

Yifeng still smiled easily, making it impossible to see that he has the city or has ulterior motives, "If I really can't beat Miss Tang, I will probably use poison!"

"Okay," Tang Lin said sullenly, "Since I have embarked on this path, I have no choice but to go to the end and die."

Sun Bailing walked between the two of them and said solemnly: "The competition...begins!" After speaking, he and Lu Yitang stepped aside.

Tang Lin knew that Yifeng would not attack first, so she attacked first.She jumped in front of Yifeng in a few steps, and then faced each other with fists and feet. Yifeng was not a vegetarian, he dodged quickly, and occasionally he would suddenly fight back, but Tang Lin cleverly saved the day.

After some unmatched boxing and kicking, the two of them showed seven successes. In a blink of an eye, the scene became more mysterious, and one after another figures flashed in front of their eyes, but no one knew that Tang Lin and Tang Lin were together. How Yifeng made his move.

The two of them seemed to have the power to turn things around, and suddenly the situation changed suddenly, from sunny to dark and deep, with strong winds blowing violently.But on this day, it seemed that there was a thunderstorm coming, but it didn't rain anyway.

Suddenly, Yifeng stepped aside, and everyone could finally see his figure, but at this moment, Yifeng stretched out his hands like a lion to Tang Lin in front of him, and roared.Immediately, a force full of destructive power struck suddenly like a tornado, destroying the built arena in a mess, and also made many players tightly cover their ears and close their eyes, lest the wind and sand slip into their eyes ...

However, under this strong internal force, Tang Lin easily jumped in front of Yifeng in a flash, keeping him a step away.She was not afraid of his lion's roar skills at all, she smiled sweetly at him, and apologized with innocent eyes, "I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, she quickly stretched her hand towards Yifeng——

I don't know how long it took, when I no longer felt the sound of wind and sand around me, and no longer felt that destructive aura, the people on and off the stage slowly opened their eyes and looked towards the ring one after another. look.

They saw that Tang Lin patted the dust on her palm with a smile, and snapped her fingers again, "It's done!"

Everyone looked at Yifeng, and they were dumbfounded. They saw that Yifeng was still in the same posture as when he was performing the lion's roar. A sound came out.

what happened!Everyone is dumbfounded!
Tang Lin squatted down, pulled out a needle stuck in Yifeng's body, and said innocently to everyone: "The counselor said that you can use hidden weapons to poison, so... I will use it, don't blame me."

Sun Bailing immediately came over and patted Yifeng's face, and said anxiously, "Yifeng! How are you, Yifeng?"

Hearing that Tang Lin said that she was poisoned, Lu Yitang's expression changed. He couldn't help but sweat for Tang Lin. This peak is a celebrity in front of the emperor. No matter how much the emperor valued the excellent Tang Lin, he would not abandon Yifeng. "Tang Lin, tell me quickly, what poison did you poison Yifeng?" This peak is one of the most famous figures among the Ouchi guards.

Tang Lin was confused when asked, "Poison? I didn't poison him!"

"Then he..." Lu Yitang was stunned, looking at Tang Lin and Yifeng who was lying on the ground very stiff.

Tang Lin explained: "Oh, it's like this. I tapped his acupuncture points just now, so of course he can't move now." In fact, she injected muscle stiffeners, which made Yifeng's body unable to move, so naturally he couldn't move anymore. It worked.

As she spoke, she walked over and grabbed Yifeng's legs in front of Sun Bailing.

Sun Bailing was puzzled by her actions, "Tang Lin, what are you doing?"

Tang Lin dragged Yifeng to the ring, and said, "If he doesn't go down, and the lower acupoints are opened, how can I win?" After finishing speaking, Yifeng's stiff body was dragged to the ring by her, and she announced that She won the No.11 round.

Many people wiped off their sweat, this Tang Lin...

Soon, the No.12 round will start again.However, after hearing what Lu Yitang said about the content, Tang Lin was immediately frightened, "Game, let's play again!" The content of the second round of the competition was nothing more than letting her be a living target for Ouchi's guards to practice arrows.

At some point, Yitang covered his face and stood in the middle of the arena.Tang Lin, on the other hand, was standing far away, with her limbs stretched out in a "big" shape, and Yifeng was putting something on her head.

Tang Lin's body couldn't help shaking slightly, her lips curled up, almost crying, "Brother Yifeng, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have treated you that way, but I didn't want your life, and I hope you ...Stop putting apples all the time!"

Yifeng was whistling, while putting a very, very small apple on top of Tang Lin's head, then stuffed two more into her hands, and then hung the apple with a string on her body, that An apple was hanging motionless in her heart.

"Miss Tang, Yitang's swordsmanship is famous for its fast and accurate swordsmanship among our Ouchi guards. Don't worry." Yifeng said with a gloating attitude, and put two apples on her feet.

Tang Lin calculated carefully, and suddenly her eyes widened, "Isn't it Yifeng? How many apples did you put on me? Is Yitang a master of swordsmanship or bow and arrow? Don't fool me!"

"He's a master with a sword, not a bow and arrow!" Yifeng added cheerfully.

But Tang Lin's complexion turned pale in an instant, "My God, am I asking for my own death?"

Suddenly, taking advantage of her not paying attention, he tapped her acupoints, "Now, it is impossible for Miss Tang to retreat even if she wants to retreat."

Tang Lin meowed and complained, "Anyway, I, Tang Lin, will be your master in the future. How could you treat me like this? I protest. I want to see the emperor. I won't compete. Isn't this playing me..."

Yifeng said: "It's useless to shout, who let this matter be spread by you."

Tang Lin yelled, exhausted her misery, "Help—" In fact, she deliberately let Fu Yushu and the others hear it.

Yifeng didn't touch her acupoints either, it was just a deliberate act.

When he saw that Yitang was covered with a veil, Fu Yushu already felt that something was wrong.Hearing Tang Lin's miserable cry now, his heart was deeply clenched. He ran over and tried to persuade Lu Yitang to stop the match, "Don't treat Tang Lin like this!"

Lu Yitang seemed to have a lot of respect for Fu Yushu, but this respect was not obvious. He looked embarrassed: "I don't want Tang Lin to suffer this kind of punishment, but... this is the emperor's decision, and no one can defy it!"

After a while, Lu Yitang said something meaningful, "For the sake of the overall situation, please step aside and watch the game calmly. No matter what the result is, you are the most important one."

Fu Yushu stared fixedly at Lu Yitang for a while, then stepped aside in pain.

Yifeng came over and said to Lu Yitang: "Don't be dazed, let's start."

"Yifeng..." Lu Yitang was about to say something.

Yifeng asked: "What does Lord Lu want to say?"

Lu Yitang said patiently: "This Tang Lin is, after all, the most perfect contestant in the Emperor's mind at present. In the next four rounds, I think she can win without the need for a test. Otherwise, I will go and follow her." The emperor said..."

"What's the matter, Master Lu?" Lu Yitang unexpectedly said that he would end the competition temporarily, which made Yifeng puzzled and puzzled, "Why did Master Lu suddenly disobey the emperor's will?"

"No, that's not the case." Lu Yitang panicked, "I didn't intend to disobey the emperor, but...just for Tang Lin..." In the end, I still didn't want Tang Lin to die like this.

"Don't talk about it, the competition is important." Yifeng signaled Yitang aloud, "Yitang, let's start, now you have a live target to practice, how great."

At this moment, in this group of so-called big internal guards, Lu Yitang saw something that made outsiders despair, that is - killing innocent people indiscriminately, showing outsiders as prey, and hunting them mercilessly.Ouchi guard, why are you so crazy...

When Yitang was tightening his long bow, Lu Yitang had the urge to come over and push Yitang away. Sun Bailing realized that something was wrong with him, and immediately pulled him back, reminding him in a low voice: "I lost your official position because of a contestant." ,does it worth?"

This sentence, like a slap in the face, woke up Lu Yitang.Yes, why does he want to be an official?How could he forget his purpose...

It would be really wrong to lose everything for Tang Lin.However, Tang Lin was the other half he wanted, and he still wanted to bring her to his father when everything was settled...

But now, he was watching helplessly that she might die under the arrows of Ouchi's guards at any time.

Han Xueyan was also grabbed by Shao Qi, not letting her stop her.She kept wiping away her tears, "Xiao Tang, Xiao Tang..."

Cao Dan clenched his fingers and looked at Tang Lin, "Sister Tang, you must be safe, I believe that guard will not shoot you, definitely not..."

Soon, the first arrow was fired by Yitang who was blindfolded. Although the arrow did not run as fast as the bullet, the speed was not blocked.Soon, the arrow rushed towards Tang Lin. Tang Lin simply closed her eyes and said to herself, "Yu Shengjun said that Yitang is a guard with excellent abilities in all aspects among all the guards in Da Nei. His arrow The law should not be bad. If Yu Shengjun is not sure, he will not make me a living target..."

(End of this chapter)

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