The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 223 The First Guard

Chapter 223 The First Guard
When Tang Lin thought of this, there was a burst of exclamation. She immediately opened her eyes and saw that Han Xueyan was the happiest one, jumping up and down, "Great, Miss Tang is fine."

Tang Lin's eyeballs looked around, and immediately the apple on her head fell from her eyes, with an arrow stuck in it.

Now, she can also breathe a sigh of relief.

Hearing the exclamation, Yitang was also relieved to know that he had shot the apple on Tang Lin's head.He did not live up to his master's expectations, and he did not hurt the future queen, which is really great.

After a while, Yitang put five arrows on the bow, intending to shoot all five arrows and hit all the remaining apples on Tang Lin's body.

But his move made many people dumbfounded.

Many people held their breath, waiting for the last five arrows to leave the string.

Soon, Yitang adjusted his mentality and posture and pointed the arrow at Tang Lin, especially her heart, which was targeted.Under the anticipation of everyone but not daring to look directly, he tightened the bowstring, and then with a "bang", five arrows were fired.

This time, Tang Lin closed her eyes again, and muttered to herself: "If you die, you will die, at worst, you will be reborn!"

Five arrows set off at the same time, very fast.However, when the five arrows were about to approach Tang Lin, they separated a little distance at the same time. In the end, each arrow went to a different place, and finally hit every apple on Tang Lin's body.

When there was a slight vibration in her chest, Tang Lin's body shook suddenly, thinking to herself, did she get shot by an arrow?
Slowly, she opened her eyes, opened one eye first, then opened the second eye tightly, looked down slowly, and suddenly found that there was indeed an arrow on her body, but it was stuck in the apple. superior.

Immediately, she breathed a sigh of relief, she had no time to watch others cheering for her, and fell down magnificently...

Everyone thought that something happened to her and ran over immediately.Yifeng picked her up and shook her violently. Her fall was more important than his life, "Miss Tang, Miss Tang, don't scare me, what happened?"

Tang Lin closed her eyes and said lazily, "Standing is very tiring, can't you just lie down?"

Hearing her voice, it was extremely lazy.Yifeng's heart suddenly brightened, "Miss Tang, you really like to joke, but you scared everyone to death!"

Before noon, Tang Lin faced another No. 13 test.

In a corner of the martial arts training field, five people stood in the shape of "one", which were fifteen imperial guards.They stood in a row, each with a distance of two meters from each other.They were all dressed as guardsmen, but each wore a mask.The masks are all the same color.

Facing this scene with the same color, Tang Lin couldn't see what was going on, "Yifeng, what are you doing?"

Yifeng said: "There are fifteen imperial guards here, but one of them is a dummy. In this exam, you are required to hit the dummy among the 15 people, and you will win. But you only have one chance. If you hit a living person, you will definitely lose. Also, you are not allowed to get close to those imperial guards. You must stand here and hit the fake imperial guards in one fell swoop, then you will win. When you are ready, let's start. "

Before Tang Lin said anything, she replaced the bow and arrow, "Miss Tang, I believe you will succeed."

"Oh, this is not embarrassing me." Tang Lin took the bow and arrow sullenly, and then put the arrow on the string, pointing the bow and arrow at the imperial forest army for a while, and aiming the bow and arrow at the imperial forest army for a while.But there are fifteen imperial guards in total, which one is the dummy?
There is only one chance, isn't this too much a test of her ability?
Fu Yushu looked at Tang Lin, then at the prey, trying to find a way to help Tang Lin find the dummy.However, those dummies were all dressed up exactly like the Royal Forest Army, and they were wearing masks, so it was extremely difficult to recognize who was the dummies from such a distance.

"There is only one chance, Tang Lin will depend on luck this time." Sun Bailing said to Lu Yitang.

"If you are unlucky, you will die." Lu Yitang felt sorry for the remaining fourteen imperial guards.

Tang Lin dawdled for a while but did not send out the arrow in her hand. She just stood there, her eyes fixed on the fifteen Imperial Forest Army.Everyone thought she was depressed and discouraged, so they couldn't help but cast regretful looks at her.

But at this moment, a gust of wind blew over, blowing over the bodies of those imperial forest soldiers.

Tang Lin's eyes lit up, and she immediately raised the bow and arrow, and the corners of her mouth curled up in an extremely confident arc.After the bow and arrow was aimed at a certain Imperial Forest Army, she suddenly let go, and the arrow was sent out by her.

In a matter of seconds, a Royal Forest Army fell to the ground with an arrow. "It's done!" As she said, Tang Lin restrained her perfect posture, "Go and see if the one Miss Ben hit was from a dummy!"

Yifeng ordered Lu Yitang to go up and take a look. After Lu Yitang had seen it, he gave Yifeng a clean-up, proving that Tang Lin had hit the fake Imperial Forest Army.

Immediately, many people cheered for Tang Lin.

Yifeng's eyes were full of disbelief, and he asked Tang Lin: "These fifteen imperial guards are dressed the same, and they are so far apart, how can you tell who is real and who is fake?"

"It's very simple!" Tang Lin explained, "Didn't a gust of wind pass by just now? I analyzed that the weight of a living person should not be blown by the wind, and the dummy must be made of a scarecrow. It moved, so I decided that the person who moved was a dummy."

After listening to her explanation, Yifeng slapped his head, looking very annoyed, "How could I be so careless, how could I ignore my weight..."

Tang Lin giggled and said smugly: "It seems that I, Tang Lin, have good luck today."

"There are still two rounds, Miss Tang, don't be proud at this time." When Yifeng said this, his expression was obviously serious.

Tang Lin still had a hippie look on her face, "Soldiers are coming to block you, water is coming to cover you, if there are any big problems, just use them."

At noon, Yifeng asked everyone to stand by at Nangong Square.

As in the past, Mu Lingxuan divided the food for the contestants, and when Tang Lin came up to her own share, Mu Lingxuan gave her a lot of food, "Xiao Tang, you will completely clear the level in two rounds, don't worry." Eat some."

"Thank you... Die Wu." Tang Lin didn't want to call out Mu Lingxuan's name, but she deliberately paused like this before continuing, so that Mu Lingxuan would know what she thought of temporarily, so she called out her old name.

As Tang Lin expected, Mu Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief. It was really dangerous. Fortunately, Tang Lin didn't call out her real name in front of everyone.

Tang Lin's share went to Shao Qi.

Shao Qi and Mu Lingxuan looked at each other, there was content in each other's eyes, but they looked away at the same time as if they didn't know each other.

Tang Lin walked to the dining table in the corner and sat down, sitting face to face with Yifeng. Seeing that he also ate the food in Nangong's kitchen, she was a little surprised, "Ah, it shouldn't be!"

Yifeng was puzzled by her inexplicable surprise, "What does Miss Tang want to express?"

Tang Lin said: "Isn't the treatment of the guards in the palace pretty good? Brother Yifeng is the deputy commander, so he should enjoy the things in the imperial dining room just like the emperor!"

Yifeng laughed and said, "Miss Tang, in your eyes, Ouchi's bodyguard is really very different?"

Tang Lin said: "I only know that in the Ming Dynasty, Jin Yiwei was an indispensable part of the emperor's mind. They had the power to kill first and then play. Therefore, it should be the same with you here. People like you in the palace, apart from the emperor, must It’s power over one side that makes people frightened.”

Yifeng lowered his eyes and smiled while eating rice.

"Why, am I telling lies?" Yifeng's smile made Tang Lin feel weird.

"You two, is there anything I missed?" Yitang, who had always seldom talked, also sat beside Yifeng with his share of food.

Tang Lin said, "We're talking about you."

"Chat?" The word made Tang frowned.What is "chat"?Why is it that Miss Tang is so simple but hard to understand every time she speaks?
Tang Lin made a sound, "I don't even know what it means? Ah! I forgot, I am not from the same generation as you, so you have never heard of some words. Yitang, I mean, just now I talked about it with Brother Yifeng is you!"

"Talking about me?" Yitang was a little surprised by these words.It was the first time he had heard someone talk about himself.

"Yes!" Tang Lin said with a smile, "I just asked Yifeng, Yitang, you are only in your twenties, do you have a sweetheart!"

"Uh," Yitang was stunned, sweetheart?
Tang Lin began to gossip, "Tell us, is there any? I often see you and Yishuang going in and out, and they often do the same thing. Could it be that there is something... between you?"

Yifeng interjected, "Master has long intended to marry them..."

"I remembered that there was a very important matter that I didn't deal with. You guys talk about it first, and I'll go." After finishing speaking, Yi Tang blushed, turned around and left without eating.

Looking at his back in a hurry, Tang Lin couldn't help but spit out the food in her mouth, "This class is so funny!"

Yifeng said: "To be honest, if Miss Tang has a way, she can help them make a couple."

Tang Lin was shocked and said: "I thought you were joking just now, why, there is really something... between Yitang and Yishuang?"

Yifeng said: "Among our bodyguards, there is no one who doesn't know that Yitang secretly likes Yishuang, even the master knows, but only Yishuang doesn't know. Yitang has never expressed his love to Yishuang, so he has been delaying, It has been dragged on until now, and we are by the side, watching very anxiously."

Tang Lin was puzzled and said, "Then why didn't you tell Yishuangming? Tell her that Yitang has liked her for a long time, so you can know her heart?"

Yifeng shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "How can we not talk about it?"

"In this case..." At this moment, a sly light flashed in Tang Lin's eyes.

After lunch, Tang Lin and other players returned to the training ground.

With only two rounds left, Tang Lin was a little nervous.If you don't get the honor of "No. [-] Bodyguard", then you are really sorry for Yu Shengjun, and also for your dead grandfather.

If you can't go back to modern times, at least becoming the commander of the guards can be regarded as fulfilling grandpa's wish. Whatever you say, you must become the first guard, become an instructor, so that you can teach those bastards a lesson.

However, this last round of competition was a bit weird.

Yifeng came up and said to Tang Lin: "It's a closed match, the emperor will test you personally."

"Ah?" Tang Lin was stunned, "The emperor himself tested me?" What kind of tricks is this Yu Shengjun playing?
"Can't we visit?" Cao Dan asked.

Yifeng said to everyone: "The last two rounds are closed games, even I can't watch them live, so everyone will go back to Shanglinyuan with the counselor to rest, bring the results of the last two rounds, and then tell you whether Tang Lin has won or not. The title of "First Guard"."

Fu Yushu was worried that Tang Lin would be plotted against by Yu Shengjun, so he pulled Tang Lin to a corner, and urged, "Remember, don't do anything when there are guards present. Whether you win or not in the end, your own safety is the most important thing."

Tang Lin said: "Emperor Dog doesn't know that I'm a member of the Anti-Imperial Society, so he probably won't plot against me, right? Besides, if it's just the two of us... I'll definitely be able to beat him!"

(End of this chapter)

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