The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 224 Not a Woman

Chapter 224 Not a Woman
"Don't do it," Fu Yushu said solemnly, "Who knows how many guards he has deployed outside, if you act rashly, I'm afraid you..."

Tang Lin said: "Don't worry, I will take care of it myself, don't worry about me, just wait for my good news!"

Fu Yushu didn't know whether it was a doting tone or out of concern for a young master, "You are always so confident, so you are not afraid of hurting yourself one day?"

Tang Lin was in a daze. Why did Fu Yushu suddenly look at her like this?If it was Shihe, how happy Shihe would be.

It's a pity that the fate between them is a sinful fate.

Tang Lin was taken to Xuanyu Palace by Yifeng, who left her behind and left.She stood at the door of Yu Shengjun's bedroom, a little at a loss, "It's mysterious, what is this for?"

There was no one at the door of the bedroom.

At this time, the door of the bedroom was opened, and Yu Shengjun poked his head out, "Linlin, come in!"

Tang Lin looked at him inexplicably, "What are you doing?" She walked into Yu Shengjun's bedroom muttering all the way, "Okay, how about a closed match?"

Yu Shengjun took her to the inner room and sat down. This is his small meditation room, which is usually used for self-cultivation, "There is no closed competition, I have canceled it!"

Tang Lin froze, "Cancelled? Why?"

"I don't want to torment you." Yu Shengjun looked at her with gentle eyes, and kept a warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

"But," Tang Lin thought of one thing, "then I'm not destined to be the "first guard"?"

Yu Shengjun smiled, "After you leave here, I will announce that you have won, so the number one guard must be you? In the end, I have the final say!"

Tang Lin glanced at him, "You are really insidious, you protect me, and you are not afraid of letting other contestants find out that it is unfair."

Yu Shengjun said: "If you don't tell me, who will know? This afternoon, just stay here to drink tea, don't go anywhere, and I will ask Yifeng to take you back to Shanglinyuan in the evening! I will accompany you for an afternoon!"

Tang Lin ate the fruit on the table, and asked as she ate, "You don't have to deal with state affairs anymore?"

Yu Shengjun said: "There is nothing urgent in the past few days, and I can breathe a sigh of relief."

"That's fine." As long as he's not so busy, everything's fine.

"By the way," Tang Lin thought of something, "Has Anze told you about Mu Lingxuan? Mu Lingxuan also wants to use me to achieve her goals, so she has already confessed her identity to me!"

Yu Shengjun nodded, and said: "He has already reported to me. You should also be careful about Mu Lingxuan."

Tang Lin said "Yes", "I will pay attention."

Gradually, the two fell silent.

After a while, Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin, faltering, "I..."

"Huh?" Tang Lin was puzzled, he never said anything, why is it so strange today? "Junjun, what's the matter? I thought you wouldn't hesitate to talk, did you have something to tell me?"

Yu Shengjun hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Yes, there is something I want to talk to you about."

Tang Lin got a little serious, and fixedly looked into his eyes, "What's the matter? Tell me, I'll definitely listen to you!"

Yu Shengjun thought for a long time, "Zhen..." but he still hesitated.

Tang Lin guessed wildly, and it was rare for him to hesitate. Could it be that there was something unspeakable? "Junjun, don't you want to be here with me...the one?" Yu Shengjun frowned, "Which one?"

"Which one else?" Tang Lin was straightforward, she didn't feel any embarrassment, and said frankly: "Junjun, don't be embarrassed, I have already prepared for you to clean up!"

He was always procrastinating, and she was always guessing wildly, which once made her think whether he really wanted to be a Buddhist disciple.

Now, Yu Shengjun finally understood the meaning of Tang Lin's words, and he was speechless, "Linlin, I was really defeated by you."

"Then what's the matter?" Tang Lin couldn't wait to know what he was going to say, "Seeing you hesitating, I thought you decided to follow me..." When Yu Shengjun looked at herself with a different look, she immediately He changed his words, "Oh, that's not what I mean. I just want to have a child in this life, so... when I get old, I won't feel so lonely and bored. Don't think so wrongly."

Yu Shengjun laughed, and said, "I can't see that you like children."

Tang Lin twitched her lips and said smugly, "Who doesn't like it?"

Yu Shengjun giggled and looked forward to it, "I like little princesses. Linlin will help me give birth to a little princess in the future. When her mother is old, his father can still see her mother when she was young." !"

If it was normal, when she heard this sentence, she would definitely despise him, but at this moment Tang Lin suddenly felt her nose ache, "Jun Jun, don't you particularly like Linlin's old age?"

"How could it be?" He gently kneaded her cheeks, "I want to remember your current appearance forever."

Tang Lin said speechlessly: "Having a prince can help you inherit the throne."

Yu Shengjun pretended to be meditating on purpose, " are right, if you have a prince, you can inherit my throne, and in the future, you will be one of the best overlords in China!"

"Come on." Tang Lin couldn't help teasing him, "Beilin Kingdom has not yet been defeated, and the dream of unifying the Central Plains should be done later!"

Yu Shengjun just smiled lightly, did not follow her words, he moved closer to her, and became more serious, "The matter I want to talk to you is not a big deal, but a... It doesn't matter, does it?"

Tang Lin was puzzled, "It doesn't matter?"

Yu Shengjun said: "The thing is like this. Didn't you move to Shanglinyuan to live? And you will live there for three or four months, and the training in the training camp will end after three or four months. I..."

Tang Lin tilted her neck, "Then?"

Afterwards, after Yu Shengjun's detailed explanation, Tang Lin finally understood what he wanted to express, "Junjun, are you sure you want to do this? But, Shao Qi knows you, and he also knows Zichen..."

Yu Shengjun stopped her, "Zi Chen and Shao Qi haven't met face to face, so there is no need to worry about this issue. My sister Xinrui has liked face-changing scenes since she was a child, so I sent someone to invite her a long time ago. The famous Man with Thousand Faces taught her to change her face, and now her face-changing technique has almost reached the point of perfection, I think, with her help, she should be able to scare Shao Qi."

Tang Lin was surprised and said: "Xinrui is not only good at arithmetic, but also quite good at changing facial makeup. She is a talented woman."

"Alas," Yu Shengjun sighed silently, "I have two imperial sisters, the eldest imperial sister is married as a wife, and the youngest imperial sister is still in her boudoir. I don't know what kind of man she is attracted to."

Tang Lin comforted: "What are you worried about? She doesn't worry about not getting married. Don't worry."

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Yeah.

Now that he is so confident in what he said earlier, Tang Lin is no longer worried, "Then, we will proceed according to the plan, but..." Now, he spoke more politely, "Junjun, what can I do to offend you in the future?" , don’t blame me, okay?”

Yu Shengjun narrowed his eyes and looked at her, "With your little ability, how can you help me?"

Tang Lin said with a sinister smile: "Don't underestimate your girlfriend, you will suffer in the future, hehe..."

"Oh, by the way," Tang Lin said one thing, "Junjun, the beds in those rooms in Shanglinyuan...change it, I'll draw the structure on the blueprint later, show it to the carpenters, and they will know what to do. I did it. You don’t know, last night Yan’er and Xiao Cao got into each other, and I don’t know who bumped into who first, I’m afraid that in the middle of the night those men would turn around randomly, and if they fell on me, they would… play big Already!"

Yu Shengjun chuckled, "If it's on you, wouldn't you be able to take advantage of it?"

She glared at him, "If you allow me, I, Tang Lin, don't mind taking advantage of them. After all, those people are all stunning, with looks like jade..."

"I'm just kidding, don't do that!" He gently hugged her into his arms and said softly, "You belong to me alone, except for what I can do to you, no one else is allowed!"

She pushed him away, and said very seriously: "This is a meditation room, behave yourself! How decent is it to hug and hug under the eyes of the Buddha!"

"I'm really going to do this," said Yu Shengjun, pulling Tang Lin back into his arms with force, letting her sit on him, not allowing her to react, he had already savagely cover her lips...

Tang Lin smiled while pushing back slightly.

He stopped all his actions suddenly, and looked at her seriously, "I was serious about having sex with you just now, just now, but you are so funny. Honestly, what are you laughing at?"

Tang Lin couldn't help laughing, "No, I didn't laugh at anything, really, it's just, I just didn't expect Junjun to be quite... hooligan sometimes, force it!" Just these two words can be substituted: kiss.

Yu Shengjun's face was immediately covered with black lines, "I am the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and you actually said that I am... a hooligan?"

Seeing that he really lost his temper, Tang Lin immediately raised her chin and closed her eyes to apologize, "Okay, Junjun, Linlin was wrong. For this reason, Linlin will not fight back or run away. You can kill him however you like."

After waiting for a while, the punishment she waited for was the cold touch on her lips.

For this reason, she smiled beautifully, "Thank you Junjun, I am so happy!"

In a blink of an eye, it was already evening.

Yu Shengjun sent Tang Lin out of the bedroom, and met the eyes of several people. Yifeng and Tang were already waiting at the door.

Tang Lin smiled sweetly, and Yifeng felt distorted when she saw it, and whispered in the ear of the audience, "Look, Miss Tang is much cuter and happier after being favored by the emperor, you should have given Yishuang such a favor a long time ago." experience."

Hearing this, he couldn't help but blushed a little, and stared fiercely at Yifeng.

Yishuang seemed to hear her own name, "Are you two talking about me?"

"No, nothing!" Yitang said in a panic.

Yifeng lowered his head and laughed a few times, then kowtowed to Yu Shengjun, and said: "Master, as usual, the last two rounds of competition are over, we have to send Miss Tang back to Shanglin Garden, so that those people won't get suspicious."

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Yes", "Then follow the plan."

Before leaving, Tang Lin reminded Yu Shengjun, "Your Majesty, don't forget what I just mentioned."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand, "I will remember it."

"Well, then I'll go back first." After waving to him, Tang Lin followed Yifeng's footsteps and left Xuanyu Palace.

After the two of them walked out of Xuanyu Palace, Yu Shengjun looked at An Lin, replaced a piece of manuscript paper in his hand, and ordered: "This is the wooden bed modification drawing drawn by Tang Lin in the afternoon. You instruct the carpenter to follow the drawing as soon as possible." Instructions to modify all the beds in Shanglinyuan."

An Lin held the manuscript paper with both hands, nodded and said: "Yes, the old servant complies."

Yu Shengjun looked at Yitang and Yishuang, and asked, "But there is news about An Leng and the princess?"

(End of this chapter)

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