The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 225 Female instructor, please take care of me!

Chapter 225 Female instructor, please take care of me!
Yishuang said: "An Leng often sends pigeons to send letters back to report safety, and nothing major happened. At present, as soon as they return to the palace, the master can send Ouchi guards to wipe out the anti-imperial society."

Yu Shengjun said "Yes", "They are back, come and tell me quickly."

Back at Shanglin Garden, as soon as she entered the room, Tang Lin was immediately surrounded by a group of people. Even the contestants from other rooms came here, asking her one by one what happened and if there was anything wrong.

"You..." Tang Lin really didn't expect these people to be so keen on the result, and she was a little suffocated by the crowd, "Everyone, listen to me, can you calm down first?"

But her words didn't seem to have any effect, and the others still surrounded her.

Fu Yushu broke through the crowd and came in to help Tang Lin, "She just came back from the game, she must be very tired, let her rest first, you want to know the result, the Ouchi guards will announce it by themselves tomorrow, then you will know ?”

Cao Dan said anxiously, "I really want to know the result now!"

Tang Lin explained: "The emperor locked me in a room and asked me to answer a few questions, and I answered them. As for the result, he said that he would announce it himself tomorrow!"

Cao Dan immediately made a bitter face, "It's really troublesome, I have to wait until tomorrow, I want to know the answer now, this can I survive."

"Everyone, please go back first, but you won't come out until tomorrow." Yun Lei sent everyone away.

After the room was cleaned, Tang Lin was able to breathe a sigh of relief, "It really tossed me so much."

Han Xueyan ran over and asked, "Miss Tang, is it true? The emperor personally tested you?"

Tang Lin glanced at her, "Can this be fake?"

Han Xueyan didn't know whether it was envy or other intentions, she turned tearful and said, "Wuuu, Miss Tang, you are so lucky to be close to the emperor, I envy you!"

"Yan'er, don't scare Miss Tang, you probably like the emperor?" Tang Lin was stunned, "The emperor likes men, not women, so don't let me fall in love with you!"

Her words shocked everyone in the room, "What? The emperor likes men? How do you know?" Tang Lin blinked, and before lying, she had already made a draft, "I saw it with my own eyes today, otherwise, I wouldn't I can't believe there will be such a thing!" Since this method can fool Shao Qi, let's try it.Maybe Yu Shengjun's little scheme can really hide the truth and bring him unnecessary suspicion.

Cao Dan found it unbelievable, "It's unbelievable that there is such a thing, the emperor likes...a man?!" He muttered to himself, "No wonder there are rumors that the current emperor never steps into the harem. it is true?"

Shao Qi and Fu Yushu had guessed about Yu Shengjun's liking for men, but they still didn't dare to believe it.But now that Tang Lin said so, they feel that Tang Lin's straightforward personality will not lie, so they are now sure, and they are very sure that Yu Shengjun is not close to women, which does not mean that he is not close ... masculinity.

Shao Qi asked: "Miss Tang, what have you seen? How did you conclude that the current saint has this habit?"

Tang Lin stared at a few people with weird eyes, "You... really want to know?"

Everyone nodded in unison!
Tang Lin was very sarcastic in her heart. These people are really keen on gossip, but they can't be blamed. Anyone who asked such a thing to happen to an emperor would be curious.

"The thing is like this," Tang Lin deliberately lowered her tone and said in a deep voice, in order to exaggerate the atmosphere to the point where it would take one's breath away.It was nightfall, and the sky outside had already darkened, but there were no lights in the room, and the atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

Next, Tang Lin told everyone that in the afternoon, she was taken by Yifeng to a mysterious courtyard, where she met the emperor and many Ouchi guards protecting the emperor.

Immediately afterwards, she was locked in a room by the emperor, who gave her an examination paper, and he said that to become an Ouchi guard, one must be excellent in all aspects.

Therefore, the first few rounds of exams were for martial arts, and the last two rounds today are for liberal arts.

The emperor asked her to spend an afternoon in the wing room to complete two examination papers, and the contents of these two examination papers were different, which was equivalent to two rounds of essay contests.In the evening, the papers can be handed in.

When she was taking the exam seriously in the wing room, she vaguely heard a very delicate and pleasant voice from outside, as if two men were leaning against the window and whispering.

She didn't intend to eavesdrop, but saw that one of the windows was slightly opened.Like a ghost, she walked to the window and hid. After adjusting her breathing evenly, she slowly looked out through the gap.

"Suddenly," Tang Lin suddenly said loudly, frightening everyone so much that they almost couldn't breathe and fainted. "When looking out through the window, suddenly..."

Han Xueyan put her ten fingers together on her chest, and looked closely at Tang Lin. She was startled by Tang Lin's tone of voice, but she couldn't wait to continue listening, "Suddenly what? Suddenly saw the emperor talking to others. The man said something heartwarming?"

Tang Lin said: "It's more extreme than this. Guess what I saw? It's okay if I don't look at it. I was shocked when I saw the emperor talking to his guard, a very handsome guard. , kiss together."

"Ah..." Except for Fu Yushu, everyone else unconsciously made this strange and sigh-like sound.

Tang Lin went on to say, with a look of breaking the news mysteriously, but she didn't want people to know that it was her who said it, so she said cautiously: "Let me tell you guys, don't say that this is what I saw with my own eyes. Otherwise, if the emperor finds out, I will definitely be killed!"

Han Xueyan immediately promised, "I won't tell, Miss Tang, I will never tell."

Yun Lei said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, a well-known figure in the Central Plains is actually..."

"Hey, what are you feeling?" Tang Lin was dissatisfied with Yun Lei's emotion, "It's not their fault that people like men. In this world, the emperor is not the only one who likes men. Everyone has different hobbies. Well, so, liking men is not the emperor's fault, let's stop talking about it behind our backs, once it is revealed, we will be beheaded, understand? Well, I won't tell you about this matter anymore, let's just let it go, from now on No one is allowed to mention it again, unless he wants my head to be chopped off by the emperor. I am tired, so go to rest first, and you all go to bed early, looking forward to tomorrow's results."

In the morning of the vertical day, birds and flowers are fragrant in Shanglin Garden, and the air is fresh.

After breakfast, all the contestants in Shanglin Court were taken by Lu Yitang to Nangong Square to stand up.

At this time, around Nangong Square, there was a layer of guards inside and a layer of guards outside, while the emperor stood high on the stone steps dozens of knots high, looking down at the contestants on the square.

The scene is spectacular and awe-inspiring.

Fu Yushu stared at Yu Shengjun fixedly, his eyes gradually deepened.I am the only one, when will he be able to stand on the big square of the palace of Chu State like Yu Shengjun, ordering... one side.

Tang Lin and her 26 contestants stood in three rows regardless of height and looked up at the emperor, waiting for the emperor to announce the results of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition which lasted for half a month.

Fu Yushu took a deep breath. As a result of the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, he was more nervous than Tang Lin.This is related to whether his own people can get close to Yu Shengjun, can he not be nervous?He already hoped that Tang Lin would get the first guard!

If she becomes an instructor, he and Shao Qi will be the two places in the future.

Tang Lin stood impatiently, turning her head to Han Xueyan from time to time and said, "Yan'er, I'm so nervous. I seem to have failed in the two rounds of literary exams yesterday afternoon."

"Sister Tang, it doesn't matter." Han Xueyan was relatively calm, "If you can't be the first bodyguard, there are still three places, and they will be sealed after the training is over. You are so good, you must be sealed."

Tang Lin said with a sad face: "Then I have wasted my ability in these few rounds? If I had known this, I might as well lose in the ninth round."

"..." Han Xueyan.

At this time, the emperor spoke. He watched the expressions of the crowd, but they couldn't see the expression of the face inside his mask.He said solemnly: "The Ouchi bodyguard selection contest, which lasted for half a month, has come to an end today. I said at the beginning that I will recruit three Ouchi bodyguards this year. If no one wins the first bodyguard, it will be in the training camp in the future. Continue to recruit, and the final three winners will be named Ouchi bodyguards. I will now announce the results of Tang Lin's competition yesterday. If she completes the fifteen rounds of tests, then she is a well-deserved No. [-] bodyguard."

Hearing this sentence, many people tightened their minds, especially Fu Yushu.If Tang Lin becomes the number one bodyguard, she is expected to do more things... such as going to the harem to rescue Han Lingying, such as wooing ministers, such as... assassinating Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked at the crowd below, and was silent for a long time, until everyone got impatient, and then he said a few words, "I announce that Tang Lin did very well in the last two rounds of closed competitions. , I am very satisfied. After fifteen rounds of competition, Tang Lin became the well-deserved No. The training camp instructor is an official position. Ten days later, the Ouchi guard training camp will be formally established. Tang Lin will be in charge of all matters in the camp. In order to train two guards that I am satisfied with from among the 25 of you, I will send a few The guards, Yifeng, Yitang, Yishuang, etc., will assist Tang Lin, train and train you together. Wait, do you hear everything clearly?"

All the players didn't know how to express themselves anymore, and they had already carried themselves away with excitement.They didn't pay much attention to what the emperor said later, and they all kept congratulating Tang Lin.

Tang Lin, who received congratulations from all directions, smiled innocently and touched the back of her head, and said very modestly: "In the future, please take care of me, take care of me..." Heh!Thank you for your attention.The good days will be over in ten days, sister, I will let you go to the imperial city...

Amid everyone's cheers, Tang Lin secretly glanced at Yu Shengjun who was tall above her, and winked playfully at him...

Yu Shengjun returned a gesture, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Five days later, all the beds in the west wing of Shanglin Garden were replaced with brand new wooden beds, not long enough for ten people to sleep, but wooden beds that could only accommodate one or two people. .

This kind of wooden bed was made according to the drawings given by Tang Lin, and it was exactly the same as the modern wooden double beds.

For Tang Lin, she used to sleep on iron beds or wooden beds.Now I see a brand new wooden bed, which is no different from those modern bunk beds, and I like it very much.

Ten wooden beds were placed in every corner of the room. Although they looked around, they were neat and beautiful.

Considering that she may have to put a lot of her own things, when drawing, she specially drew a double wooden bed, so that the bed on the shelf can put her own things, and the bed on the shelf can be vacated, and she can sleep how she wants Just how to sleep.

Seeing that these beds were suddenly changed, and replaced with such novel ones, many people were curious.

In the end, Tang Lin picked the wooden bed in the farthest corner, half of which was next to the wall, and quickly put her camouflage bag, sniper rifle, clothes and other things on the upper bed, and finally patted the dust on her palm, "Everything is done!"

(End of this chapter)

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