The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 226 Seems to be a one-on-one challenge!

Chapter 226 Seems to be a one-on-one challenge!

The ninth day came quickly, and the day passed quickly.

At night, Han Xueyan and the others tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep. All they could think about was tomorrow's training camp.

"Sister Tang, you must take good care of us!" Cao Dan was afraid of suffering in the training camp, so he wanted to curry favor with Tang Lin, who is an instructor.

Tang Lin had already closed her eyes, but she was still asleep, "Sleep, let's talk about the future!" And tomorrow, the grand debut of some people will definitely make the training camp in the future crazy and exciting.

Everything, wait for the arrival of tomorrow.sunrise.

Early in the morning, Tang Lin got up on time. As usual, when the alarm clock rang, she immediately felt it.She has maintained the habit of waking up early since she was a child. Even without an alarm clock, she can still get up on time.

Putting on her shoes, the shoes were completely preserved from the ruins that day, and she had to thank those players for not throwing away the shoes as waste.

Looking at the people in the other beds, everyone was still immersed in their sleep, completely forgetting what a special day today was.Waiting for tomorrow, before dawn, when the whistle blows, let's see how long they can stay in bed,

Put on the training uniform, tie up the laces of the military boots, tie up the hair, stand at attention, and rest. A clean, refreshing, and good-looking soldier image immediately appeared.

Hearing the heavy sound coming from under the military boots, Han Xueyan slightly opened her sleepy eyes, and glanced at the door, only to see a pair of slender and handsome boots, and a green back, going further and further away until she went out ,Close the door.

"Where did Miss Tang go early in the morning..." Han Xueyan said in a daze, turned over, and continued to sleep.

Tang Lin walked out of the room and exercised her muscles and bones in the yard. Smelling the fresh morning air, her brain immediately felt much refreshed.

After moving her limbs in the yard for a while, Tang Lin stopped, bent her arms, lifted the sleeves of her wrists slightly, and looked at the watch on her wrist.It's already 7:00 o'clock, by this time, Yu Shengjun should have already descended.

At the same time, Yu Shengjun was retreating from the front hall to the back hall, and then walked towards Xuanyu Palace, with An Lin, Yitang and Yishuang closely following behind him.

Although Yu Shengjun's footsteps were fast, he was not in a hurry. After walking for a while, he asked the three people behind him, "Where is the second prince?"

Yishuang replied: "Just now when the master went to court, the second prince had already entered the palace, and he was waiting for you in Xuanyu Palace."

Yu Shengjun did not end the question, "How is the situation of the princess and An Leng?"

Yitang replied: "When the Lord's son went to court at five o'clock, An Leng had escorted the princess back to the palace safely. An Leng was in the princess mansion at the moment, and Yifeng was there explaining the master's next plan to the two of them. Originally, the princess and An Leng Leng Ke came back early, but due to the placement of spies from the Anti-Imperial Society, they solved most of them in secret before returning, so they only returned to the palace a few days late, fortunately, everything was safe and sound."

"En." Yu Shengjun replied with satisfaction, "At noon, we have to deal with training camp matters, so, at Si time, call everyone to gather in the underground palace, I have something important to tell you."

"Yes." The three responded.

Xuanyu Palace.

Yu Zichen walked back and forth in the courtyard, although slowly, but it showed that he was thinking about something at the moment.Hearing the voice coming from the entrance of Xuanyu Palace, he looked over and saw Yu Shengjun walking towards him.

"Second Brother, I kept you waiting for so long." Yu Shengjun walked quickly to Yu Zichen and apologized somewhat.

Yu Zichen smiled warmly, "It's okay, Brother Huang, don't need to feel guilty."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand gracefully to the bedroom, "Second brother, please, let's talk in detail inside."

After entering the bedroom, Yu Shengjun asked Yu Zichen to sit down in a corner.The clothes worn by Yu Zichen were no longer gorgeous and luxurious, but much more refined. He was dressed in a white robe, which gave off a gentle and steady feeling.

Sister Lei came in from the outside and walked up to Yu Shengjun, "Your Majesty, do you want to change your clothes now?"

Yu Shengjun stretched out his hands, and Sister Lei understood something, and began to help him take off the dragon robe on his body.He said to Yu Zichen: "The training camp will start today, and our future center will not be in the court."

A look of worry appeared on Yu Zichen's face, "I don't know if Xinrui can support such an important task by himself."

"She can do it," said Yu Shengjun, "we have to trust her."

Yu Zichen thought of Tang Lin, "Brother, Tang Lin is a woman after all, can she do it if she is given full power over the training camp? In the past, Zhang Xiangyang was in charge of training the Ouchi guards. It is only through training that there are excellent guards like Yitang and An Leng Anze. The younger brother is worried that Tang Lin did not suppress the aura of the players enough, and in the end, she was made things difficult by the players. For them, Zhang Xiangyang once How they were trained is still fresh in their memory, the cruelty is beyond the tolerance of ordinary people. It’s just that Tang Lin, a girl’s heart has always been soft, and she doesn’t want to deal with players.”

Yu Shengjun smiled warmly, "Isn't this very good? The softer she is, the less we suffer? Our goal is Fu Yushu and the others. As for Tang Lin, she can do whatever she wants. !"

Seeing that Yu Shengjun had said that, what else could he say, Yu Zichen sighed lightly, and didn't answer any more.

At this time, Yu Xinrui's inconceivable voice came from the Princess Mansion, "What? Brother Huang, is he really going to do this? This is a joke. If Shao Qi becomes suspicious, then Brother Huang's plan will be in vain. "

Yifeng smiled helplessly, "With the princess here, the master is sure that this matter is safe. The reason why the master suddenly had such an idea is also understandable. If you can better control Fu Yushu and others, it may not be a good thing. But the most important thing is The place is the cooperation of the princess."

Putting on her princess attire, Yu Xinrui looked much sweeter and more playful, but she couldn't hide her old age. Maybe there is a sister like a brother.Through Yifeng's detailed talk this morning, she knew about the recent plans of the emperor's brother, Yu Shengjun, but there were some places where she had to frown, "However, my heart has no place now, how can I get the emperor's brother?" what was requested?"

When she said this, the cold and dark eyes beside her kept looking at her face with complicated eyes.

She turned her head suddenly, inadvertently, and met his eyes. At this moment, each other's brains couldn't control themselves, allowing bits and pieces of memories of the past ten days together to play in front of their eyes...

Yu Xinrui immediately interrupted her thoughts, looked at Yifeng seriously, and said: "Yifeng, tell my brother emperor that I will act according to his plan and make sure nothing goes wrong."

Yifeng nodded in satisfaction, "It's really great to have the words of the princess."

After a while, Yifeng left the princess mansion, leaving Yu Xinrui and An Leng alone.

Yu Xinrui took a cold look, turned around to go back to the room, the moment he passed by him, he suddenly held her hand.Although it was a small movement, it made her feel throbbing like never before.

"Princess, I'm sorry!" An Leng actually apologized to Yu Xinrui. "that matter……"

When he said this, Yu Xinrui lowered her eyes, her face turned red involuntarily.She gently shook off his hand and walked in.

He turned around and said very seriously and persistently, "Princess, I will be responsible!" Yu Xinrui stopped in her tracks and listened carefully. "I know that our identities are very different, but An Leng's mistakes are willing to bear with his life."

Yu Xinrui turned around, with a sweet smile, "I only obey the elder brother's words, if he allows you to be responsible, I... have no objection." Speaking of this, she couldn't help but blushed and lowered her head

When he heard it coldly, a look of joy appeared on his face, "Really, princess? Then I'll go and tell the matter to the master..."

"Don't!" Yu Xinrui called him, "You can't talk about this matter, let Ben Gong talk about it."

He said coldly, "But the princess..."

Yu Xinrui smiled softly, "Okay, don't worry about it, it's settled like this. Let's prepare for what Yifeng said. After all the foreign enemies are beaten back, maybe the emperor's brother will not blame us for his whim. From now on, our task is to make false appearances for those people."

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.The sun was shining and it was a fine day.

In a corner of the martial arts training ground, a very large shed was built at some time, but it didn't take up much area of ​​the martial arts training ground.

Tang Lin was standing in the shed, straightened her back and looked at the twenty-five people who were two meters away.And Yifeng, Yitang, and Yishuang stood on her left side, waiting for her orders at any time.

This kind of scene may not be spectacular, but it is very serious, especially when Tang Lin has not spoken for a long time, which makes the atmosphere so depressing that there is no air.

Tang Linhuan glanced at all the contestants, and then said: "I announce that the Ouchi Bodyguard Training Camp is just being established. Starting tomorrow, we will train you and train you in various ways until there are two students who will make me stand out." Satisfied players. There is another very important thing I want to announce to you, four people have been transferred from above, and they will be trained as players with you."

For a while, the crowd talked a lot.

"A new player joins? What's going on?"

"With the addition of deadly competitors, I think it will be difficult for me to stand out!"

"I don't know how capable the four new players are, but I'm really looking forward to it!"

After the discussion gradually subsided, Tang Lin continued, "Two of the four new contestants were discovered by Commander Zhang recently. He was very satisfied, so he joined you as a contestant to compete for the last two. The number of guards. There are two know each other, as for who it is, you will know later."

Both Fu Yushu and Shao Qi were thinking, who would join?No matter who it is, the last two spots belong to them.

Tang Lin looked at the door and called loudly, "Come in!"

Under everyone's expectant and curious gaze, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing walked into the shed together.The two of them are not wearing official uniforms, but the clothes they usually wear.They are also wearing dark green clothes, gentle and elegant.

Many contestants exclaimed, "Why is it a counselor?"

Tang Lin said: "Don't be surprised," the one who should be surprised is behind. "This is what the emperor wants," said to Lu Yitang and the others, "Go and stand up, both of you."

Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing casually stood behind the first team.

Tang Lin looked at the door and urged: "Newcomer, come in!" Under the tense expectation of everyone, a handsome black and white figure stepped into the door of the shed.

Taking a closer look, they turned out to be two male contestants with such peerless looks, which amazed everyone for a moment, especially when Sun Bailing, who is a woman, saw it, his eyes straightened quite a few times.

Because she has never seen the true face of the current emperor since she became the number one female scholar. Every time Yu Shengjun went to court or appeared in front of her, he always wore a mask. Therefore, at this moment, Yu Shengjun's true face appeared , she couldn't recognize that the other party was the Ninth Five Lord.

Although Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen both changed into ordinary clothes, their imperial aura did not disappear because of this. Although they entered the arena low-key, they entered everyone's eyes with a high profile.

(End of this chapter)

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