The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 227 This Instructor Can Kill You Anytime!

Chapter 227 This Instructor Can Kill You Anytime!

The arrival of Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen, in the eyes of Tang Lin, and even Fu Yushu and others, was like the arrival of an emperor, with a great aura.There were no rough waves on the surface. According to the originally serious aura in the shed, it was even stronger now, and it was so depressing for a while that it made people breathless. At the same time, it was such an enjoyable aura.

However, when they saw Yu Shengjun who was not wearing a mask, Cao Dan and Han Xueyan's eyes widened immediately, and they both said in unison, "Why is it Brother Yu and Brother Yu?"

But Shao Qi gasped.

Shao Qi didn't expect that the new player he saw was actually the current emperor——Yu Shengjun, the only person in his mind that had always been elusive to him.He really couldn't figure out what kind of Yu Shengjun, who ascended the throne at the age of six, conquered the lost land at the age of seven, and was able to make Yuxin into a great country in the Central Plains before the age of 23, and was only close to men, not women character?Since he is not close to women, why did he kidnap his fiancée Han Ling and welcome him into the palace?
But Fu Yushu was surprised that this new player turned out to be Tang Lin's elder brother, the buyer who once taught him how to buy things——Yu Huangxuan, no, it should be called Yu Huangxuan now!
If Tang Lin hadn't mentioned it, he would not have known that Yu Huangxuan was the eldest disciple of the emperor's uncle Chu Heng.

Shao Qi and Fu Yushu looked at each other, both shocked by Yu Shengjun's arrival.The arrival of Yu Zichen shocked Fu Yushu even more. These two people had appeared together in Jundiexuan before, and now they appeared together again.

Are both of them Tang Lin's seniors?If so, this will be a turning point for the Anti-Royal Society.

However, at this moment, Shao Qi's mind was in a mess, all he could think about was why Yu Shengjun appeared here, and what was he going to do?He is the emperor, how could he come in as a player?If other players know that he is the emperor, how can this training camp continue?

Yu Shengjun is not the kind of person who likes to join in the fun at all, he probably did this to personally monitor the players in the training camp for spies?That being the case, why was he allowed to mix in with the players and monitor for him?That's not what a paradox is.

Yu Shengjun glanced at everyone with a faint gaze, and when his gaze passed Shao Qi, he didn't linger, as if he didn't know Shao Qi at all, he swept it away.When the eyes fell on Fu Yushu, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Seeing Yu Shengjun smiling, Fu Yushu obviously recognized himself, and he smiled back.It seems that this is the buyer he met in Jundiexuan Restaurant, there is nothing wrong with it, it feels so real!
Yu Zichen also inadvertently saw Fu Yushu, and also returned a smile.

Shao Qi saw that the three of them made eye contact, and the content in their eyes told him that the three of them knew each other. For this reason, he was even more puzzled.Hasn't Fu Yushu never seen Yu Shengjun's true face?How did you know Yu Shengjun?Could it be that Fu Yushu didn't know that this person was Yu Shengjun?

In fact, apart from Tang Lin and Yifeng, no one knew what Yu Shengjun was up to, why Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing were selected as contestants, and how he and Yu Zichen appeared as contestants.

"What are you two doing there? Can you get results by sticking? Hurry up!" No one expected Tang Lin to call Yu Shengjun and the others so rudely, still with a slightly impatient tone.

Yu Shengjun was stunned at first, but Tang Lin's style suddenly became popular.

After Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen stood beside Tang Lin, Shao Qi moved closer to Fu Yushu and asked, "Do you know those two?"

Fu Yushu replied in a low voice: "One is Tang Lin's senior brother, and I don't know the other one, but I know them. I stayed in a private restaurant a month ago, and met these two there!"

Shao Qi felt strange, when did Yu Shengjun go on tour in his micro-clothes?His eyeliner was lying in ambush around the main palace gate day and night, and if he found out that the emperor was on tour, he would not have known about it.And his eyeliner reported that the emperor never came out of the palace.Could it be that this Yu Shengjun is a fake?

No, it's impossible, they look so much alike, they can't be fake!

Then should he tell Fu Yushu that this contestant looks exactly like Yu Shengjun?
After thinking about it, Shao Qi decided to observe again, and after confirming the identity of Yu Shengjun, he told Fu Yushu that this is the current emperor.

Ever since Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen stood beside Tang Lin, Lu Yitang's gaze has been lingering on the two of them.The reason why he and Sun Bailing became contestants standing here is entirely the will of the current emperor.

Yesterday, they received the imperial decree at the same time. The content of the imperial decree first praised the two of them as rare talents with both civil and military skills. work.However, there is a system for selecting bodyguards. There are three people selected this year, and Tang Lin has already stood out, so there are still two places left. If they can stand out, they will be named bodyguards. Officially confer titles and titles on the two of them.

Lu Yitang didn't have the idea of ​​becoming a bodyguard at first, but it was mentioned in the imperial decree that becoming a bodyguard of the Ouchi would be more convenient for the emperor. In this case, why not try it, maybe you will really stand out in the end.

Tang Lin was her father's favorite buddy. If she knew that he was the functional son of her boss, she would give him a spot in the end, right?

With this in mind, Lu Yitang resolutely joined the training camp.

As for Sun Bailing, before receiving the imperial decree, the second prince, Yu Zichen, had informed her that the emperor would train her and let her join the training camp to receive training with Cao Dan, hoping that both of them could stand out in the end.

However, Sun Bailing was very puzzled by Yu Zichen's appearance today.Yu Zichen is a majestic prince, how could he join the training camp just like himself?What is the Second Prince's plan?
Tang Lin almost squinted at the two of them, her tone was not very good, "New here, why are you so dazed? Hurry up and introduce you to everyone!"

Yu Zichen and Yu Shengjun looked at each other and smiled wryly to themselves.How did this Tang Lin become so fierce? It really made them unable to react for a while.

"Everyone, I've admired you for a long time, and I'm calling Zimo." Yu Zichen faced the crowd and said his name calmly. "I hope that in the future training, I can get a lot of care from everyone, thank you very much."

Han Xueyan's ears were slightly hot, and she whispered to Cao Dan shyly, "Brother Yu speaks so softly."

Cao Dan was surprised, "You fell in love with him?"

Han Xueyan blushed, "It's nothing, don't talk nonsense!"

"Don't get angry." Cao Dan reminded unceremoniously, "Brother Yu and Sister Yun are already married, you are out of play. Even if Brother Yu is not married, you are out of play. Brother Yu is so good-looking ,look at you,"

Smelling anger, Cao Dan immediately stopped talking, "Pretend I didn't say anything."

Han Xueyan pursed her lips, "I just think Brother Yu is very gentle, and I didn't think it was wrong, but you, where is all this going?"

"It's your turn to introduce yourself!" Tang Lin urged Yu Shengjun unceremoniously.

Yu Shengjun was stunned for a moment, then gave Tang Lin a sneaky look, then turned to everyone, and said in a relaxed and arrogant tone: "I, Yu Huangxuan, will be your deadly enemy from now on. I will definitely do my part!"

The originally lifeless atmosphere was stirred up by Yu Shengjun, and suddenly he was full of arrogance.

He is too arrogant,
Why should he,
He's a newcomer,

He's just staring at nothing,

and many more,

Many players became dissatisfied with Yu Shengjun.

I don't know which player suddenly said something dissatisfied, "You have the ability to do it, why are you so arrogant!"

Yu Shengjun's gaze immediately locked on the contestant in the corner, and the corner of his mouth gradually raised an evil arc, evil and arrogant, "If you want to talk about your ability and mine, come up to me if you have the guts Two tricks!"

The contestant didn't expect that Yu Shengjun would be so arrogant that he would become an enemy of the crowd, so his aura was overwhelmed, and he was a lot weaker.As soon as this person was vain, his words followed suit, "I don't fight with people like you, I'm too lazy to fight with you, once I get out, can you still stand here? Hmph!"

Yu Shengjun squinted his eyes, with a defiant attitude, "If you don't dare to do anything, just say it, your shrinking head and tail make me think you were raised by a bitch... you have no guts."

What he said next shocked everyone who knew him, became crazy, and messed up.Especially Tang Lin and Yifeng.

To Yifeng and Yitang Yishuang, it's just oh my god, this is their former calm and domineering master?Such a son of a bitch word... where did the master learn it, and how did he have the courage to say it?
Isn't this a self-destructive image?

Tang Lin was the most shocked among all of them.Yu Shengjun has completely changed.

Yu Shengjun said again surprisingly, "From now on, I, Yu Huangxuan, will be the boss among you. From now on, I will eat and drink, and serve everything. If there is any dissatisfaction, I will come up and challenge each other!" Shao Qi was completely dumbfounded, this is what he said. Know the emperor?This is simply a vulgar man who thinks himself very high and can't be a human being.

Fu Yushu was also stupid like Shao Qi.For him, the Yu Shengjun in his memory was not like this, but in a blink of an eye, such a person was placed in front of him, and he couldn't tolerate his disbelief.

There is no dissatisfaction with Yu Shengjun, not dissatisfaction, but because everyone doesn't care about him at all, and they are all watching him play wild here alone.

"You go down first and stand still." Tang Lin motioned to Yu Zichen.

Yu Zichen nodded slightly, "Yes." Then, he walked to the front of the first row and stood in front of Shao Qi.

Tang Lin faced Yu Shengjun, put her arms around her chest, raised her chin and ignored his face, "Hey hey hey, newcomer, have you done enough of your wildness? If you have enough, quickly get off and stand for me!"

Yu Shengjun wanted to say, "Master..." Sister.

Fu Yushu immediately noticed something.

Tang Lin immediately stopped Yu Shengjun's words, and said angrily: "Master, you are tall, sir, go back and stand up. If you don't behave properly, I will immediately ask the emperor to fire you. Even if Commander Zhang is here, I can't protect you!"

Yu Shengjun waved his hands angrily, walked down a few steps, pushed Fu Yushu and Shao Qi away fiercely, squeezed into the middle of the two, and said impatiently: "Get out of the way!"

As a last resort, Shao Qi and Fu Yushu had to step aside and let Yu Shengjun stand in.

After Yu Shengjun stood up, Shao Qi was about to say hello respectfully, but was glanced back by Yu Shengjun's fierce eyes, "Call me the boss from now on!"

Shao Qi suddenly became enraged, it was fine to bear Yu Shengjun not to get angry before, but now, he still has to be ordered to drink, how can this work.Even if the person around him is the real Yu Shengjun, he can't be allowed to be so rampant.

But when he was about to refute, Yu Shengjun turned his face and faced Fu Yushu, his defiant attitude disappeared immediately, and a smile appeared on his face, "Brother Tianze, we are so lucky, we meet again."

Fu Yushu laughed dryly, "Yeah brother Yu, it's really fate, we meet again." What kind of character is this person?The attitude is sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny.

(End of this chapter)

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