The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 228: Your health is getting worse!

Chapter 228: Your health is getting worse!

"I know everything about you." Yu Shengjun said in a low voice.

Hearing the sound, Fu Yushu panicked inexplicably, "My business? How do you say that?"

Yu Shengjun secretly looked at Tang Lin, and said truthfully: "My junior sister Tang Lin has already told me everything. I didn't expect that my master has you as a relative. This is really great."

Fu Yushu now understood the whole story, and Yu Huangxuan knew through Tang Lin that he was the leader of the Anti-Imperial Society and the young master of the Fuchu group. "Brother Yu entered the palace this time, but what big plans do you have?"

"Hush," said Yu Shengjun in a low voice, "the eyes and ears are confused here, let's talk about it in private."

Tang Lin crossed her hands behind her back, and looked at everyone coldly with her feet stretched out in a figure-eight shape. Her expression was very cold, as if this group of people owed her millions.She glanced at the players of the three teams, and finally a ball of fire burst out of her eyes, and she scolded: "Look at your virtue, you don't know how tall or short, how decent is it?" She looked at her watch, then put her hands behind her back, " I'll count to ten, stand tall regardless of height, don't even think about leaving here today!"

Immediately, all the contestants became a mess, everyone was looking at each other's height, but it seemed that they didn't know who should stand in the first place.

In the end, there was no team that could satisfy Tang Lin.

Looking at the 29 contestants in front of her, Tang Lin was not usually annoyed.She walked to the first row, and stretched out her hand to pull Han Xueyan out of the row, "Then why are you short standing in the middle? Comparing your height? Let's talk about reincarnation as a man in the next life, and stand at the end."

Han Xueyan pouted, not daring to resist, but obediently ran to the back.

Tang Lin stretched out her hand to pull another person out of the queue, and this person was Lu Yitang.He threw Lu Yitang to the front, and said angrily: "Go and stand in front of Cao Dan, don't dawdle, speed up."

Lu Yitang didn't know Tang Lin's strength was so great, and he was almost thrown to the ground just now when he couldn't stand still. Fortunately, he jumped into the middle of Cao Dan and Yun Lei and survived.After standing still, he took a deep breath, and seeing Tang Lin's angry look, he unconsciously smiled knowingly.He couldn't help thinking that if he married her, it would be a happy thing to have such a sturdy bride on the wedding night of the bridal chamber.

Tang Lin glanced coldly at the first row, and saw something unpleasant again, and became angry again.Walked a few steps to the front, pulled Xiao Xiong who was standing in the third place to stand in the first place, pulled Yu Shengjun who was standing in the first place to stand in the third place, and taught severely: "Yu Huangxuan, here, I, Tang Lin, are the boss. I say one, but you dare to say two, try it? See if I won't drag you to death in the future!"

Yu Shengjun bit his lower lip, but couldn't say a word.

After some tugging and tugging, the height of the personnel in the first row was finally fixed.

Standing in the first row is Xiao Xiong, the second is Shao Qi, the third is Yu Shengjun, the next is Yu Zichen, followed by Fu Yushu, then to Yunlei, then to Lu Yitang, and then down is Cao Dan and Sun Bailing ranked second from last, and Han Xueyan became the last one.

The players from the other two teams were still of equal height.

Next, Tang Lin went to teach the remaining two rows, the players were taught worse than Yu Shengjun and the others.

Yishuang watched and couldn't help swallowing, "Commander Zhang didn't have such a bad temper when he was training us. Miss Tang is really impressive. I don't know what she will do to deal with everyone in the future. .”

Yitang laughed in a low voice, Wen Ran only appeared on his face when he was around her, "Maybe, every person in power has a different way of training. When Commander Zhang trained us, the training method was relatively different. It's cruel, but I don't know what kind of trick Miss Tang has."

After adjusting the team, Tang Lin returned to her original seat and stood up, facing everyone, and said sharply: "From today, I, Tang Lin, will be in charge of training you. It will last four months, and there will be an exam every month. The final two guards will be selected by the sum of their scores. From now on, I will arrange all your basic necessities of life. What kind of clothes you wear, what kind of food you eat, what kind of place you live, and where you go, you have to go through me. If you agree, points will be deducted for those who violate the order. The training camp has a system of adding and deducting points. If you perform well, you will get extra points. If you do not perform well, you will be added to my blacklist!"

A contestant asked: "Then we can't move around by ourselves?"

Tang Lin said sharply: "Without my permission, you are not allowed to go anywhere. Whoever dares to commit a crime will be demerited. Also, from now on, you are not contestants, but students, students in the Ouchi Guard Training Camp, whoever If you dare to use your own skills to disrupt the palace system and disturb the Holy Majesty, I will definitely punish you. From now on, you are all mentally prepared for me. My training method, Tang Lin, is more cruel than the devil , If you don’t want to die, just grit your teeth and rush through. As an Ouchi guard, you must have excellent grades in all aspects, so I will test your knowledge in all aspects, literary and military, what kind of examination questions, Everything is available. But under my leadership, Tang Lin, you must be on standby for twelve hours, and I will train you all the time!"

Her words sent chills down the spine of every contestant, including Yu Shengjun and Yifeng.

A little woman, her style is so strong that it is creepy and outrageous. They don't know how they died on this woman in the next four months.

"Also," Tang Lin looked at everyone coldly, "My surname is Tang, and my single name is Lin. I, Tang Lin, have always admired people based on their grades. If anyone wants to curry favor with me, I want to get a spot as a bodyguard. I advise you to die as soon as possible." Get this idea. From now on, during daily training, you are not allowed to call me Tang Lin, Miss Tang, Miss Tang, Xiao Tang, Brother Tang, Miss Tang, you are not allowed to call me, those who violate the order— Deduct points, you must call me instructor, of course, add a Tang character, then I will be more satisfied. They," pointing to Yifeng standing next to the three of them, "This is Yifeng's deputy instructor, Yishuang's instructor, Yishuang Instructor. In the future, if you are sick and ask for leave, or you have something to consult, you can come to me directly. Without my permission, deserting without my permission is considered a felony and should be fired immediately. Tomorrow, I will see each of you with my own eyes. Heroes are judged by their strength. Choose a platoon leader and three squad leaders from among the 29 of you."

Most of the contestants couldn't understand what Tang Lin said for a while.

Yu Shengjun didn't know much about it, but listening to it, he felt that it was the same as an official position in the army.

After explaining the rules and systems of the training camp to the students in the greenhouse, Tang Lin disbanded the team and asked them to go back to Shanglin Garden to rest and officially start training tomorrow.

Tang Lin brought the "newcomers" to her and Fu Yushu's room, and pointed to the empty beds, "Each of you four, go and choose one. From today onwards, you will live here."

Lu Yitang excitedly asked: "Miss Tang, you also live here?"

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned displeased.

Lu Yitang realized something, smiled dryly, and immediately changed his words, "Instructor Tang."

Tang Lin nodded in satisfaction, "Well, that's pretty much the same. That's right, my instructor lives with you, which is really cheap for you brats. If you dare to disrespect this instructor in the future, I will kill you at any time." you!"

Lu Yitang immediately put on a smile to show weakness, "Don't dare, dare not, how dare we offend Instructor Tang?"

"That's good. Then you all get busy first, and I'm going to be busy with other things." After speaking, Tang Lin turned around and wanted to leave the room, but she ran into the emperor wearing a mask and a group of guards behind him.

She immediately knelt down on one knee, "Your subordinates refer to your master."

At this moment, Yu Shengjun was tidying up in the room, but the sudden arrival of the "emperor" severely disrupted the answer in Shao Qi's mind.Shao Qi looked at Yu Shengjun who had stopped making the bed at the moment and was looking at the "emperor" standing at the door, and then looked at the "emperor" standing at the door, his brain stopped for a while, what happened to these two people ?

Since there is already an emperor with the same face in the training camp, he should be the real emperor, why is there another emperor now?
After thinking about it, Shao Qi found it hard to believe a reason that he didn't want to believe, that is, the current emperor and the newcomer Yu Huangxuan from the training camp, they are not the same person, but just have the same face.

In this world, is there such a coincidence?

But except for some people, who would know that the "emperor" standing at the door at this moment is none other than Yu Xinrui, Yu Shengjun's younger sister.As soon as she and An Leng returned to the palace, they were immediately approached by Yi Feng, who told them both of Yu Shengjun's plan.

Knowing that Brother Huang wanted to pretend to be him in front of Shao Qi and the others, that's why Yu Xinrui appeared in Shanglin Garden, at the door of Fu Yushu and the others' rooms, in order to make Shao Qi completely believe that he was the real one. At the same time, Shao Qi must also convince Shao Qi that Yu Huangxuan, the newcomer to the training camp, is just a person with the same face, and this Yu Huangxuan is Tang Lin's senior brother, who has nothing to do with the emperor, just looks alike.

"Tang Lin, excuse me!" Yu Xinrui lowered her head slightly to signal Tang Lin to get up. She grew up around the emperor's elder brother since she was a child, and she has the talent to imitate everyone. Therefore, she played the "emperor" very much like him. .

Her gestures and voice, together with her voice, are exactly the same as the real Yu Shengjun. Shao Qi tried to distinguish in his heart, but he couldn't see any clues.

"Thank you, master." After standing up, Tang Lin retreated to the side to make room for the "Emperor" to come over.

Yu Xinrui didn't go over, but just glanced around every corner of the room, everyone, and finally, her gaze was fixed on Yu Shengjun's face, the eyes inside the mask clearly fluctuated a bit.

But Shao Qi caught her fluctuating, and thought to himself, doesn't the emperor know that this new Yu Huangxuan looks exactly like him?
"Tang Lin, from today onwards, you will be in charge of all the affairs of the Ouchi Guards Training Camp. There is a performance assessment every month. I want to see the total score of the four months. What should you do for the students in these four months?" You and Yifeng are responsible for how to train them. Also, you come to the Yushufang at night, I have something to tell you." Yu Xinrui shifted her gaze to Shao Qi when she said this, her chin slightly Lifting it up, motioned to Shao Qi, "Well, come out with me."

Shao Qi was slightly startled, what did the emperor ask him to do at this time?Could it be that you want to talk about Yu Huangxuan?
After a while, Shao Qi followed Yu Xinrui on the way to Yu's study.

Since she walked out of Shanglin Garden till now, Yu Xinrui has been thinking about things and didn't say a word to Shao Qi, and Shao Qi secretly watched her movements occasionally, afraid of finding out, and didn't dare to peek too obviously.

When he was almost at the Yu study room, Yu Xinrui stopped suddenly, and turned around to ask Shao Qi, "What's going on?"

Shao Qi was taken aback. At this moment, the emperor's sudden emotional outburst, even though he was the second prince of the Northern Kingdom, was frightened for a moment, for fear that what he did in private would be known by Yu Shengjun.

"Your Majesty." Shao Qi lowered his head and tried his best to do so. He didn't know why the "Emperor" was so angry all of a sudden. Even if he knew, he didn't dare to bring it up immediately. "The emperor asked my humble minister... what's the matter?"

"Still pretending to be garlic?" Yu Xinrui asked, "Why is there someone who looks exactly like me in the training camp?"

(End of this chapter)

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