The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 229 Counting!Hug the tree!

Chapter 229 Counting!Hug the tree!
Cao Dan said: "Is she in the bathhouse now? It doesn't matter to us."

"You want to gamble?" Yu Shengjun saw the small thoughts in Cao Dan's heart at a glance.

When the idea was exposed, Cao Dan rubbed the back of his head and smiled innocently, "Hee hee, brother Yu, you can know this too, you are really amazing."

Yu Zichen asked him, "Do you have money?"

Cao Dan patted his chest and assured, "Yes, there must be." Immediately, he took out a white ingot from his pocket and showed it to everyone, "How, is this ingot enough to catch your attention?"

At some point, Han Xueyan had already come up, staring at the money in a daze, "Wow, 100 taels, Xiao Cao, you used to be a local ruffian, where did you get so much money?"

"Fuck you," Cao Dan glanced at her, "My young master has a lot of money, why are you short of money?"

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "You bet all-in with just one ingot of silver, and you lost to me with just one ingot. It's not enough, so take out more."

Cao Dan was surprised, "Brother Yu, that's not too much? Is it better than the sum of all your scraps of money?"

Fu Yushu smiled ashamedly, "I can't afford any money, I want to gamble, you bet, I have no money."

"Don't go, Brother Fu." Cao Dan pulled Fu Yushu back and refused to let him go back to the bed, "Just because you don't have money, doesn't mean others don't." Pulling Fu Yushu to sit down, he immediately asked the others, "Brother Zimo, Brother Yu, can any of you borrow something from Brother Fu?"

Yu Shengjun had a casual expression, "I can still borrow a few copper coins,"

Cao Dan complained on behalf of Fu Yushu, "How can a few copper coins?" Those who couldn't borrow Yu Shengjun simply turned their attention to Yu Zichen, "Brother Zimo, do you have any silver?"

Yu Zichen asked directly: "How much?"

Cao Dan was dumbfounded, "How much do you want?" It seemed that the other party had quite a lot of money.

Yu Zichen took out a stack of banknotes on his own, which was more eye-catching than Cao Dan's 100 taels just now. He threw the banknotes on Yushengjun's bed, and said more generously: "Whoever wants to borrow, take it." Well, I have enough!"

Cao Dan directly grabbed all the bank notes, wowed a few times, and cast admiring glances at Yu Zichen, "Brother Zimo, don't you work as a cook in a restaurant? Where did you get so much money?"

Yu Zichen smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry about it."

Looking at the banknote in Cao Dan's hand, and at Yu Zichen's calm and mysterious smile, Fu Yushu was at a loss for a moment.When he was in Jundiexuan, he felt that this person who worked as a waiter in Jundiexuan restaurant under a pseudonym was unusual, and it seemed that he was really unusual.

What is the relationship between this person whose real name is Zimo and Yu Huangxuan?

"Hey, put away the money quickly," Yun Lei's bed was near the door of the room, and when he heard Tang Lin's footsteps, he immediately reminded the group behind. "Miss Tang is back, don't let her catch her right, it will affect your grades."

When it came to affecting the grades, everyone hurried back to their beds.

As soon as Tang Lin stepped into the room, she saw that everyone was already lying down to sleep.She glanced around the room, and finally went back to her bed without saying a word, took off her coat, threw it on the upper bunk, and immediately lay down on the bed.

Because she was wearing a round-neck T-shirt, it didn't expose her skin, and it also prevented others from seeing anything.

After lying down and covering her with the quilt, she took out her mobile phone and looked through it, occasionally looking at Yu Shengjun's bed, and seeing Yu Shengjun looking at her sideways with an extremely soft smile on her face, she also smiled .

She gave him a sleepy sign, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Sun Bailing's eyes suddenly opened. The lights in the room had already been turned off, but the moonlight coming in from the window just allowed her to see the environment in the room clearly.Biting her lower lip, she carefully got off the bed, and with her bare feet, she carefully walked around Yu Zichen's bed and came to Cao Dan's bed.

Cao Dan's sleeping position was very poor, and half of the quilt was hung under the bed.

Sun Bailing gently lifted the quilt and covered him, but suddenly a big palm strongly supported her upper body, and with another force, she was dragged into the quilt, and then, the whole body was covered by the quilt live.

She knew that Cao Dan's martial arts were not inferior to her own, and by an unknown amount, he was the one who got her into bed.

When he got under the quilt, Sun Bailing began to struggle, reminding Cao Dan in a low voice, "Shen Dan, let go."

Cao Dan's face suddenly came closer, and he breathed heavily every time. He pressed against her ear, exhaling lightly and heavily, "Finally, I have a chance to hold you like this. Do you think I will let you go?"

His masculine aura made Sun Bailing both want to escape and look forward to something.

"Heh——" At this time, someone yawned and got up in a daze, as if he was going to go to the toilet.

Hearing the sound, Sun Bailing was startled, and immediately shrank into Cao Dan's arms.However, the sound of footsteps got closer and closer until they touched the bedside.

Sun Bailing's heartbeat accelerated, and she could feel her heartbeat being heard by almost everyone in the room.

Cao Dan was calmer than her, and his breathing and heartbeat were very even. He motioned for her to stabilize herself first, and then slowly pulled down the quilt covering her head. Immediately, his face changed, "Tang, Miss Tang!"

After a while, the three of them sat on the swing in the yard, and Tang Lin sat in the middle, "How do you plan to deal with your affairs?"

Neither of them spoke.

Tang Lin stood up suddenly, turned around and glared at the two of them angrily, "Look at yourselves, what do you look like? Since you love each other so much, why don't you be more aboveboard? It's not impossible for students to fall in love!"

"Sister Tang..." Cao Dan hesitated to speak, how could he say that he and Sun Bailing had important responsibilities, so they couldn't say it because they had unavoidable difficulties.

Tang Lin said: "If you have any unavoidable difficulties, then you can't mess around like this. You know, none of the people in our room are fuel-efficient lamps, and you will show up sooner or later."

Sun Bailing lowered his head and said weakly, "Then I thought it was better not to approach him."

"Who told you to come closer." Cao Dan turned to the side with a cold face.

Sun Bailing said angrily, "You hate me that much?"

Cao Dan replied with a casual expression, "You said it yourself, I didn't say anything."

Sun Bailing snorted angrily, and turned his head to the side, "Who said it just now, if you hug me, you won't let go. So what is the difference between a man's words and Dongliu water? Dongliu will never return."

Thinking of her using herself for the sake of a second prince, every time she thinks of this, Cao Dan gets angry, "You can say whatever you want, I won't quarrel with you, anyway, I'm just a puppet in your eyes, let you Pull it back and forth."

"I..." Sun Bailing wanted to defend himself, but what he said was not false at all, so how could she come up with an excuse.

"Hey," Tang Lin looked at the two, "Is there anything you can't tell me? Tell me, I'll keep it a secret for you."

The two were silent.

Tang Lin shrugged, "Okay, you don't have to tell me, then I won't ask, but Bailing, I want to remind you that if you disguise yourself as a man to take the No. Not lightly, please be careful, don't let other people know that you are a daughter, especially Mr. Lu, he is the only official in our room, if he finds out that you are a daughter and reports you to the emperor, then you It's too late to cry!"

Sun Bailing calmed down, "I will pay attention, I just hope that Miss Tang will not say anything."

"I'm not a mother-in-law, so I don't care about your business. It's getting late, go to bed early, there will be more cruel training tasks waiting for you tomorrow." After speaking, Tang Lin went back to the room, leaving the two of them in the yard.

Sun Bailing got up first and wanted to leave, but looked back at Cao Dan, and said in a flat tone, "I heard that you molested Han Xueyan one night."

When Cao Dan heard this, he immediately became angry, but he did not immediately defend himself, but asked in a light tone: "You... believe it?"

Sun Bailing turned his head and walked away without saying a word.

Her answer undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Cao Dan, who secretly smiled wryly, "Sun Bailing, I'm so unworthy of your trust?" And she left without saying a word, didn't she just acquiesce that he really molested Han Xueyan.

Rather than two people suffering, it would be better to end this relationship quickly, but who can let go of the good memories of the past...

At five o'clock in the morning, Tang Lin's bed was empty, and everyone in the room was sleeping like dead pigs.

Yifeng suddenly kicked open the door and entered, with a leather whip in his hand and a whistle in his mouth. As soon as he entered the door, he blew the whistle fiercely, and after blowing twice, he shouted, "Get up, go to the Shanglinyuan compound immediately gather!"

When they heard the sound of kicking the door, Yu Zichen, Lu Yitang, and Fu Yushu all got up quickly, but Cao Dan and Han Xueyan were half a beat late.

Yifeng walked to Cao Dan's bed with a whip, slammed it down, and slammed the whip at the bed frame, "Get up, and immediately gather at the Shanglinyuan compound, do you hear me?"

Cao Dan got up slowly, "What are you doing, how long is it?"

In the courtyard, Tang Lin looked at her watch, and it was exactly 5 minutes after she saw the first person who appeared in front of her.Yu Zichen was the first to arrive at the scene, followed by Fu Yushu, Shao Qi, Lu Yitang and Yunlei.

Other students came one after another.

When Tang Lin looked at her watch again, Cao Dan came running slowly, out of breath while wearing his clothes.

When he entered the queue, Tang Lin immediately yelled, "Stand at attention."

No one knew what she wanted to express, and the formation was still loose.

Tang Lin walked over aggressively, and pulled each of them until she got them to stand upright. On the one hand, she still didn't forget to curse, "Look at your standing? Do you look like a soldier? Stand up for me!" Already!"

Yifeng and the other three had already stood aside. Seeing Tang Lin disciplining the students so furiously, they couldn't help laughing.

After tidying up the team by herself, Tang Lin returned to her original seat, just glanced around, and finally fixed her gaze on the third student in the first row, and what she saw was not Yu Shengjun, and the anger became even bigger immediately. "Yu Huangxuan!"

No one answered, no one stood up, many people looked at other places to see if Yu Huangxuan was there.

"Yu Huangxuan, get out!" Tang Lin shouted again violently.

Yifeng glanced at all the students, but did not see Yu Shengjun.

Tang Lin shouted loudly, "Where is Yu Huangxuan?"

Cao Dan weakly raised his hand and said, "Instructor Tang, when I first came out, Yu Huangxuan was still sleeping."

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin took a cold breath, "It's unreasonable, let's see how I deal with him," she said, turned around and walked towards the west wing.

Cao Dan, Yun Lei and the others immediately got together and said, "Guess, guess, will Big Brother Yu be grabbed by the ear by Instructor Tang this time? Bet ten taels!"

Tang Lin walked into the room, her temper was no longer as grumpy as before. She searched around, and finally locked her eyes on Yu Shengjun's bed. He was still sleeping, very familiar, and had no idea about her early training.

Walked over a few steps, sat down on his bed lightly, just about to reach out to touch his eyebrows, his hand was held by the sleeping man, "What does your girlfriend want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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