The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 230 My dad said you agreed to marry me!

Chapter 230 My dad said you agreed to marry me!

"Punish you to go out and run to the imperial city!" Tang Lin shook off his hand and stood up.

Yu Shengjun opened his eyes and looked at her amusedly, "Running to the imperial city? Are you willing to treat your boyfriend like this?"

Tang Lin's original cold expression softened all of a sudden, "Oh, Junjun," she sat down again, "I just want to teach those people a lesson, you are good, you will only cause trouble for me. If I don't teach you, How to convince the public?"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said: "Girlfriend, don't be angry, I ran to the imperial city, I can still do this."

Tang Lin glared at him, "Do you think it's easy to run to the imperial city? As an emperor, you don't know how wide and long the circle of the imperial city is. I can't bear to punish you like this. Distressed."

"Don't worry," he pampered her cheek, "Train according to your method, maybe you can really teach me two excellent guards in the end."

Tang Lin smiled sweetly and said, "Who do you think will win?"

Yu Shengjun meditated for a while, "Shao Qi is definitely not good in terms of abilities in all aspects. Although he is strong in martial arts, he is frizzy. If there has been no war at the border in the past few years, otherwise let him command the war. Xin has long been taken. As for Fu Yushu, he is not bad in literature, but a little weak in martial arts. Han Xueyan and Sun Bailing, there is no doubt that they will not be successful. Yunlei has no ambitions, and it is difficult for him to use them As for Lu Yitang... I think he is more likely to become an excellent bodyguard by my side like the same hall."

"He?" Speaking of Lu Yitang, Tang Lin pouted, "Since he is the master's son, he should know that I am Xiao Tang, but why has he never confessed his identity to me? I think he is unpredictable. people!"

Yu Shengjun chuckled, "Maybe he wants to give you a surprise."

Tang Lin said: "I think that the best student I, Tang Lin, can teach must be able to endure a lot of hardships. I have always been very optimistic about Xiao Xiong. Before, he was the one with the best overall performance among all the players. Also, the base is very clean.”

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Well, then focus on cultivating him."

"Come on, get up!" As she said, Tang Lin helped Yu Shengjun up, "They are still waiting for my lecture, so there is no delay. Today we have to elect a platoon leader and three squad leaders. The task is huge."

Not long after, Tang Lin brought Yu Shengjun to the compound and ordered him, "Get in and stand."

Yu Shengjun entered the line obediently.

Tang Lin faced everyone and said: "From today on, we will have morning training every morning, and roll call will be required. If you find someone who has not arrived, don't blame me for being rude to him. Also, you must become an excellent Ouchi bodyguard." , You must know how to salute. If you can’t even tell the difference between front, back, left, and right, then you really have to learn it all over again. Now listen to my password and change your posture, stand at attention.”

Immediately, everyone stood up straight and stopped their feet.

Tang Lin continued, "Turn to the left—turn."

Well, everyone turned to the left, but some of them couldn't react, they didn't know the east, west, north and south, some turned backwards, some turned right, and Yu Shengjun turned right, almost as tall as him Shao Qi touched his lips.

"Yu Huangxuan!" Tang Lin yelled, "Isn't it time to kiss! Come out for me!"

Yu Shengjun was dissatisfied and stood up.

Tang Lin taught her a lesson: "Don't you know how to distinguish front, back, left, and right? Go back and stand up. Now, give me a unified count, starting from the first in the first column." She wanted to see how many people would be stupid to hug the tree. "Report?" Xiao Xiong was stunned, his eyes subconsciously turned to the tree behind Tang Lin, he thought, could it be hugging a tree?But before doing it, he still wanted to know what Tang Lin meant.

Seeing that he didn't move, Tang Lin urged, "Xiao Xiong, why are you so dazed? Standing first, you don't report the number, but you still have to wait for the last one to report first?"

"Instructor Tang," Xiao Xiong pointed to the big tree behind her, and asked, "Which tree do you want to hug?"

"What do you think?" Tang Lin looked at him very calmly, and said very calmly, a little cautiously.

Xiao Xiong still didn't take action, "Do you really want to hug a tree?"

Tang Lin didn't reply, she kept a serious face.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Xiao Xiong must have acquiesced, so he stepped out and really walked towards the tree behind Tang Lin. Finally, in front of everyone, he really hugged the tree, and then Folded back.

Immediately afterwards, Shao Qi also went to hug the tree, and then came back.

Everyone wondered why Tang Lin asked them to report the tree. Does this have anything to do with training?

It was Yu Shengjun's turn, Tang Lin thought he was going to hug the tree just like Xiao Xiong and Shao Qi, but he just stood still, glanced slightly sideways, and then straightened his back and said solemnly "Three!"

The sound of "three" made Tang Lin's eyes light up and made others feel puzzled.

Xiao Xiong and Shao Qi still couldn't figure out what was going on.

Tang Lin applauded and praised Yu Shengjun, "That's right, someone finally understands what I said." After complimenting Yu Shengjun, she put her hands back and crossed behind her back. At this moment, her face became abnormally cold, and she stared at Xiao Xiao. Xiong and Shao Qi don't let go.

Xiao Xiong and Shao Qi bowed their heads in shame. It turned out that what Tang Lin asked them to do was not to hug a tree, count.

"Start again and report the number." Tang Lin did not teach Xiao Xiong and Shao Qi a lesson for their wrong behavior.

Xiao Xiong raised his head again, he stood at the first place in the first row, dawdled for a while, and faltered a word, ""

Shao Qi answered smoothly, "Two."

Yu Shengjun answered more smoothly, "Three."

Immediately afterwards, it was Yu Zichen's turn to count, "Four."

Fu Yushu, who came down, also quickly picked up, "Five."

Lu Yitang continued, "Six."

Yunlei is not idle either, "Seven."

When he arrived at Cao Dan, he extended the time, and then said, "Eight."

Sun Bailing took it lightly, "Nine."

Han Xueyan, who was at the bottom of the line, gave the mantissa weakly, "Ten."

When the first student in the second row was about to continue reporting, Tang Lin suddenly made a sound and said loudly: "From today onwards, every time you gather, you must register by name, and the students in the three rows must report at the same time. The last person reports the total, and every time before speaking, say: Report to the officer. Then you can speak your words. After the topic is over, say: Yes, officer, or understand. Do you understand?

"Understood." Everyone replied in unison.

"Okay." Tang Lin agreed with satisfaction, "Then start over."

Immediately, Xiao Xiong in the first row and the student standing in the first row in the second and third row counted at the same time.

After all three columns had finished counting, Tang Lin immediately asked, "The number in the first column."

Han Xueyan immediately said: "Ten."

Tang Lin then asked, "The second column."

The last student in the second column replied loudly: "Ten."

When the third column answered, it was just nine.

Because there were 29 students in total, Tang Lin didn't notice that any students were absent.After the counting time passed, she solemnly said to everyone: "What does Ouchi want? Undoubtedly, what he wants is a talent who can help the emperor and the country solve problems, and Ouchi guards, to put it mildly , is no different from soldiers, except that your battlefield is different, but in some respects, you are the same, and you need to correct your posture, maintain a strict military appearance, strictly observe discipline, and cultivate a swift, accurate, and coordinated style of work. Master skills and tactical movements to lay a good foundation. I will train in the queue, and Ming Rui will start teaching you again. Today, I will choose a platoon leader and three squad leaders from among your three columns. Heroes are judged by strength, so who wants If you want to be a leader among you, you must have the ability!"

At this time, Yifeng ordered ten imperial guards to stand behind Tang Lin with ten longbows and twenty arrows.

Tang Lin glanced behind her, then turned to everyone, "Here are ten longbows and twenty arrows. The students in the first row each took a bow and two arrows and stood beside the Imperial Forest Army. We will Let out five pigeons, whoever can shoot down five pigeons will be the platoon leader, and if more than one pigeon is shot down, he will be the squad leader, the first row will come out first to compete, act immediately, hurry up.”

Xiao Xiong acted immediately, and ran over a few steps to grab the longbow and two arrows from the No. 1 Yulin Army, and then stood aside. Others came up one after another, took the bows and arrows, and then stood firmly.

Yitang walked to Tang Lin holding five pigeons with both hands.

Tang Lin turned around and said to the ten people who were about to compete: "Get ready—start!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Yitang immediately released all the five pigeons in his hand. The pigeons were free and flew to the sky immediately.Those students who hadn't competed yet looked up one after another.

Yu Shengjun and the others were all ready to shoot arrows, but no one was as fast as him. When others were still putting the arrows on the string, he had already stabilized his horse, facing upwards, with the bow and arrow facing upwards.Others only put one arrow on the bowstring, but he put two arrows at the same time.

By the time the others shot the arrows, Yu Shengjun had already let go of his left hand, and the two sharp arrows immediately flew straight into the sky. , hit two pigeons, and the second arrow hit three pigeons in a row.

In the end, the five pigeons were pierced on Yu Shengjun's two arrows respectively, while the arrows that flew out by the others were all missed.

The two arrows hit the ground with a sound, and fell beside Tang Lin.

Everyone looked at the two arrows together and saw that the five poor pigeons were pierced together by sharp arrows. They were all stunned, dumbfounded, unable to close their mouths, unable to react for a while.

"This," Shao Qi couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes, and when his eyes fell on Yu Shengjun's face, it was even more difficult to believe that this was done by a self-righteous guy.He had seen Tang Lin's ability before, and he still admires it to this day.Now, this Yu Huangxuan was like the second Tang Lin, which made him feel surprised and unbelievable.Who is the master of these two brothers and sisters, who actually taught such a powerful apprentice.

Not only Shao Qi couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes, even Xiao Xiong, Fu Yushu, Yunlei, Lu Yitang, Cao Dan, etc., they also couldn't believe that such a miracle happened.

Among them, all of them are archery masters. Those five pigeons should be able to shoot each of them, but the last five pigeons were all collected by Yu Shengjun. His shooting speed is really amazing.

Before, Tang Lin had never seen Yu Shengjun use a bow and arrow, but when he learned the sniper rifle, he didn't need to learn it at all, and he hit it with just one hit, which is completely talented.Seeing his amazing skills now, she admired him very much, and immediately applauded, "Not bad, not bad, not bad."

Yu Shengjun withdrew his posture, kowtowed to Tang Lin with his long bow, "Thank you, sir."

"Sure enough, a hero is born as a boy!" Tang Lin praised again, "You step down first, and after the other students have competed, then decide whether you can be the platoon leader."

Yu Shengjun was obedient, and stood back where he was.

Tang Lin told the first row to stay where they were before, and ordered the second row to come up and compete.

Next, the second test was over, and none of the five pigeons hit the target. The reason was that the number of pigeons was limited. In order to grab the pigeons, each student stopped the other students before shooting the bow and arrow, so that they had no chance. Hit the pigeon, and as a result, the pigeon flew away, and their stop was not over yet.In the end, they were taught a few words by Tang Lin, and then they all went back to the line and stood up in disgrace.

(End of this chapter)

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