The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 231 Punish the three of you to stand still until nightfall

Chapter 231 Punish the three of you to stand still until nightfall

Immediately afterwards, the third row began to compete, but the students in the last row did not seize the time to release the pigeons, and released the arrows earlier. As a result, they failed to hit the pigeons, and Tang Lin taught them a lesson.

Tang Lin said angrily: "I declare that everyone in the second and third columns is unqualified, and the opportunity to be elected as the platoon leader and squad leader will be cancelled. The three squad leaders will be selected from the students in the first row, and the platoon leader , Yu Huangxuan was elected."

"Report to the instructor," Yu Shengjun raised his hand and said, "Can I not be the platoon leader?"

Tang Lin was puzzled, "You shouldn't be the platoon leader? You threatened to be the boss as soon as you appeared in the shed yesterday. Now that you are the platoon leader, you can manage these people. Why, now you say it's not appropriate. What's the situation?"

Yu Shengjun said: "I don't want to manage people, I want to be the squad leader."

"Okay then," Tang Lin thought for a while and said, "The platoon leader, Xiao Xiong, you will be the one."

"Me?" Xiao Xiong was very surprised, and the others immediately cast envious or jealous eyes on him, but the eyes of a few people only read: Why should he...

Tang Lin said: "Yes, it is you. From now on, you are the platoon leader. The task of the platoon leader is to manage the people in your platoon well. Once you find that the discipline is lax, you, the platoon leader, can't ignore it." As for the three monitors, Yu Huangxuan is the monitor of Class [-], and I will select the monitors of Class [-] and Class [-] for you." Speaking of this, her eyes turned and turned on Fu Yushu and the others, and finally, her eyes locked on Shao Qi, "Kirin will be the monitor of the second class!"

Hearing the sound, Shao Qi was overjoyed, "Me? Can I be the monitor?"

Tang Lin turned to Fu Yushu and said, "Fu Tianze will be the monitor of class three."

Fu Yushu was not as excited as Shao Qi, but calmer. He kowtowed to Tang Lin to express his gratitude.

Tang Lin continued: "Each column, as a class, has three classes of students. Now, I will personally assign students to you, and let you go to whichever class you want. No one can have any opinions. Do you hear me?"

Everyone responded in a deep voice, "Yes, instructor."

"I'll call you sir from now on," Tang Lin changed temporarily.

Everyone responded again, "Yes, sir."

Tang Lin nodded in satisfaction, "Well, that's right." Then, she walked over, pulled Xiao Xiong out first, and ordered: "Stand next to Yishuang."

Xiao Xiong nodded yes, then ran to stand next to Yishuang.

Next, Tang Lin transferred Shao Qi, Yun Lei, and Han Xueyan to the second row, and then called the three students in the second row to stand in the first row.Immediately afterwards, she asked Fu Yushu and Lu Yitang to stand in the third row. In the third row, she selected a student to go to the first row.

The current team consists of Yu Shengjun, Yu Zichen, Cao Dan, Sun Bailing, and four other students, a total of eight members.

The second class consisted of Shao Qi, Yun Lei, Han Xueyan, and seven other students, a total of ten contestants.

The third class is composed of Fu Yushu, Lu Yitang, and eight students, ten in total.

Tang Lin said: "Starting from today, the three classes have been arranged in this way. The first class has eight people, the second class has ten people, and the third class has ten people. From now on, there will be competitions for each class every month. I will take special care of which class has the highest score. Which class, so, you three classes, work harder for me."

Fu Yushu looked sideways and heaved a sigh of relief.To him, Tang Lin's arrangement was exactly what he wanted, as long as Lu Yitang was in the same class as him.

And Shao Qi saw that Yunlei and Han Xueyan belonged to his class, and he secretly rejoiced that Tang Lin's arrangement suited him well.

Because both Sun Bailing and Cao Dan work for Yu Zichen, and Yu Zichen belongs to Yu Shengjun. Naturally, Tang Lin thought of this when dividing the classes, so she divided them like this, and let the three groups work together with her own people. Form a gang.

After the assignment, Tang Lin said to Xiao Xiong: "Xiao Xiong, you don't need to be in the queue in the future, but you are the platoon leader of the third class. In the future, when the instructor is not around, you will be in charge of these students. Be sure to ensure their discipline."

Xiao Xiong nodded and said: "Yes, sir, Xiao Xiong understands."

Tang Lin faced the crowd, looked at the clothes they were wearing, and shook her head immediately, "Oh, why is this like a vegetable market? There are all kinds of things. After the new clothes come out, everyone has to wear training clothes for training, and no one is allowed to wear them. your clothes."

"Ah?" Cao Dan was startled, and many students were talking about it.

Tang Lin said: "No matter how many opinions you have, they will all be rejected. The new clothes will be sent to you in three days, just wait. It's already dawn, and everyone will go back to Shanglinyuan and have breakfast in the canteen of Shanglinyuan. After an early meal, the deputy instructor and the platoon leader lead the team, and everyone gathers at the training ground."

Next, Tang Lin followed the students back to Shanglinyuan and went to the dining hall to eat, while Mu Lingxuan was fully responsible for the meals of all the students in Shanglinyuan.

Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen saw that it was Mu Lingxuan who was serving the students food, and immediately left the dining hall. Yishuang who was at the door said, "Master, Second Prince, breakfast is ready for the imperial study."

Yu Shengjun gave Yu Zichen a look and said, "Then let's go to the Yu Study Room for dinner."

Yu Zichen nodded and said, "En."

Tang Lin took a meal and sat down opposite Lu Yitang. Just as she was eating vigorously, Lu Yitang suddenly said to her, "Xiao Tang, I am Lu Yitang, the son of the owner of Jundiexuan Restaurant. My father said, you promised to marry me." !" "Pfft—" A mouthful of rice was sprayed by Tang Lin very happily, spraying Lu Yitang on the opposite side was all over his face.

Lu Yitang looked down at her masterpiece on his body, and looked at her again, unable to utter a word, his expression was innocent and weird.

Seeing the rice grains on his body, Tang Lin was taken aback. She immediately wiped her mouth, wiped off the rice from the corner of her mouth, and then leaned over. Her hands were like the claws of a little witch, provocative and seductive in Lu Yitang. He fluttered around, throwing the rice grains off his body, while still busy apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Mr. Lu, please forgive me, I didn't mean it!"

Her hand was shaking around his body. Although it was separated by a layer of clothes, the electricity in her hand could penetrate into his skin through the clothes, causing his heartbeat to speed up a lot for a moment. The wonderful feeling filled his heart and made him always have the urge to hold this woman in his arms, or take it as his own from now on.

He suddenly grabbed her hand and stopped her from moving. He who was usually gentle and calm now became a little domineering, "Xiao Tang, I'm Lu Yitang, you once attended my birthday party, do you still remember? "

"Oh, what are you doing?" Tang Lin looked at the grasped hand, and suddenly became angry. She shook off his hand and sat back, rubbing her wrist, and said angrily, "I know who you are."

"Really?" Lu Yitang's eyes lit up with joy.

Tang Lin said angrily, "What you just said was a bit too much. When did I promise your father to marry you?"

Hearing what she said, Lu Yitang, who was originally full of excitement beyond words, suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, and his face also became gloomy, without any joy, "You mean, you don't have that married woman?" Give me your heart?"

Tang Lin said directly: "I already have a sweetheart, and there will be one who works in Jundiexuan. So, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I know that my boss intends to make me his daughter-in-law, but... Emotional matters are not child's play, and cannot be forced."

"He... Do I know him?" Lu Yitang asked in a slightly sad tone, he knew very well that at this moment he had the idea of ​​comparing with that man.

Tang Lin shook her head, "I don't know if you know each other." Yes, how could you not know each other? It's still a relationship between monarch and minister. "I'm sorry Mr. Lu, it's true that my master is my benefactor, but... I really never thought about spending the rest of my life with you."

"It's okay," Lu Yitang said politely with a smile on his face.I don't know if he gave up on this relationship, or if he intends to continue this relationship silently...

Tang Lin looked into his eyes and said sincerely: "Master Lu, you are a good person and have a bright future. A wild woman like me is not good enough for a son like you, so forget it!"

"You don't understand, I just like you," but Lu Yitang didn't say that, he just smiled at her and didn't answer.

Royal study.

Yu Shengjun was looking at the map of the Central Plains, and occasionally exchanged a few words with Yu Zichen, "Second brother, I think that from here onwards, we will secretly control the Northern Kingdom, and maybe the Northern Kingdom will not be aware of it..."

"Big brother and second brother," Yu Xinrui changed back into her attire and walked in, followed by An Leng.

Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen looked away from the map and landed on Yu Xinrui, and they both smiled in unison.The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips raised a warm arc, "Come on, Xinrui, let the emperor take a good look at it!"

Yu Xinrui walked over lightly, "Brother Emperor, you don't recognize Xinrui after you haven't seen him for more than ten days?"

"Where is it?" Yu Shengjun fondled her hair, and then his eyes fell on An Leng, and suddenly said, "You two, when do you plan to let me help you with your marriage?"

When the two heard it, their eyes widened, full of disbelief.In private, they were also worried whether the emperor's brother would disagree with them being together...

Yu Xinrui was shocked, "Brother Emperor, you..."

Yu Zichen smiled softly, and said: "Xinrui, the imperial brothers know about you and the An Leng guard. We don't have any opinions. The key is that you need to get the consent of the queen mother."

Speaking of the queen mother, Yu Xinrui made a sad face, "The queen mother always hopes that Xinrui will marry the son of a prince and minister, will she agree to my marriage with An Leng?"

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "You are stupid, you are really stupid, don't you and An Leng already have a physical relationship? If so, let's confess to the queen mother. The mother mother is so kind and reasonable, and will break up you cruelly?"

Yu Xinrui relaxed, "Why didn't I think of this?"

Yu Shengjun's eyes turned to An Leng, sharp and serious, "An Leng, you are one of the guards with the strongest martial arts among the Ouchi guards, and I think you are the best spy, once you go out, there is nothing wrong with you." It's hard for you. Now, I have handed over the second emperor's sister, Princess Xinrui, to you. You must take good care of her. If she makes any mistake or is wronged, I will never forgive you lightly. Are you clear?"

He knelt down secretly, and said in a firm tone: "Please rest assured, master, I will definitely do my best to take good care of the princess, and will not let her suffer any grievances, let alone hurt her. Even if I risk my life, I want the princess to be happy." , live your life in peace.”

Yu Xinrui was in a hurry with him, "What nonsense are you talking about? I won't allow you to risk your life."

Yu Shengjun said: "Get up!"

"Thank you, master." After thanking, she stood up secretly, and Yu Xinrui, naughty, jumped over and hugged his arm, like a little woman, full of happiness.

Seeing that they were a couple, Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen both heaved a sigh of relief.

Yu Xinrui looked at the food on the dining table, with a sad look on her face, "You two emperor brothers, why don't you have breakfast? There is nothing important about going to court today, and the officials can't see that I am a fake Emperor, Director An has already placed the memorials sent here in the Imperial Study Room."

Yu Zichen looked at the sky outside, "Now, it's time to gather at the training ground."

(End of this chapter)

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