The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 232 I have committed an occupational disease again!

Chapter 232 I have committed an occupational disease again!

"Yeah." Yu Shengjun responded, then turned to Yu Xinrui, and said, "Xinrui, I will leave it to you to take care of the affairs of the main palace. If there is anything you don't understand, ask An Lin and the other guards. Go to the martial arts field with your second brother first."

After breakfast, Yifeng, the deputy instructor, and Xiao Xiong, the platoon leader, brought the students to the training ground to gather. Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen were the first to arrive, so no one was absent after the count.

Tang Lin stood in front of everyone, glanced at everyone, and said: "Perform the formation training first, and then conduct field training after your foundation is better. Let me explain to you the formation training first. This formation training includes individual soldiers. Standing at attention, taking a rest, turning, footwork, lying down, standing up, leaping forward, crawling forward, rolling in and shooting guns, etc., as well as the formation and movements of squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, salute, and the palm of the military flag. Holding and welcoming, sending off, military parade, etc..."

Cao Dan interrupted her abruptly, "Report sir, we don't understand!"

Tang Lin spread her hands, and said weakly: "Okay, then I won't explain it, I'll just practice it for you, anyway, you don't understand. You, first watch me do a single stand at attention, Take a break, turn the method, I understand, I will select you later to complete the coherent movements."

Next, Tang Lin demonstrated standing at attention, taking a rest, and turning the body.Since she was already wearing a military uniform, every movement she made was so handsome and beautiful, tough yet elegant.

The students were all dumbfounded, they just felt how elegant and handsome the turn around and that figure were.It would be fun to have such a touch of elegance in their home...

After the demonstration, Tang Lin faced the crowd, but saw mouths that couldn't be closed, and pairs of nympho eyes looking at her. "Hey hey hey, what are you all watching? Next, I'll draw a lottery, and whoever gets drawn will give me a demonstration for everyone to see!"

When it comes to demonstration, everyone shrinks their heads and tails, for fear of embarrassment.

"Xiao Xiong!" Tang Lin called out a name.

Immediately, Xiao Xiong, who was on the side of Hou, walked a few steps to a place one meter away from Tang Lin, and stood upright, "Report sir, Xiao Xiong is here!"

Tang Lin straightened her attitude immediately, "Stand at attention."

Xiao Xiong immediately put his feet back,
Tang Lin said again: "Turn back."

Xiao Xiong immediately turned back,
Tang Lin said behind him: "Next, you are facing other students, what should I say, what should you do. Listen to my password and stand at attention."

Xiao Xiong immediately stood at attention,

Tang Lin spoke quickly again, "Take it easy."

"turn back."

"To the left."


After 1 minute of training, Xiao Xiong completed Tang Lin's instructions without making any mistakes.

"Very good." Tang Lin praised, "As a platoon leader, you should set such a perfect example. Go back and stand." After Xiao Xiong went back and stood up, she faced the other students and continued to draw. "Now, I'm going to draw three students at the same time. Next, those who read their names, come out and stand two meters in front of me." Scanning the line, he read the names of three people in succession: "Yu Huangxuan, Qilin , Fu Yushu, you come out."

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi moved quickly, and soon stood in front of Tang Lin, but Yu Shengjun was the only one who dawdled.

Yu Shengjun stood in the middle, and the other two stood around him.

Tang Lin shouted, "Stand at attention!"

Immediately, the three of them straightened their postures, and Yu Shengjun looked around to see if he was standing right.

Tang Lin drank again, "Turn to the right—turn."

Turning to the right seemed to be a hurdle that Yu Shengjun couldn't overcome, and turned to the left again, and this time, he almost kissed Shao Qi again.

Tang Lin said angrily: "Because Yu Shengjun made repeated mistakes, the three of you are punished to stand in place until nightfall, and the others are free to disband, and you can do whatever you like." Because of Yu Shengjun's fault, Shao Qi and Fu Yushu Being implicated, the three were fined to stand from morning to night.Seeing that the stars and the moon are almost out, but still no one came to tell them to go back to eat.

Shao Qi blamed Yu Shengjun from morning to night, and now he is not tired of cursing, "You have the ability to kill three birds with one stone, why don't you see that you can't even tell the left and the right? It's because of you that we are standing here In the middle of the night, what do you mean?"

Yu Shengjun stood loosely with a piece of grass in his mouth, ignoring Shao Qi's cursing.

After standing for a whole day, Fu Yushu couldn't help getting a little angry, not because he was tired from standing, but because he wasted a day like this, he didn't want to blame Yu Shengjun, but he couldn't help it, "Yu Huangxuan, you should know Our plan, but because of you, we wasted a day, it's really wrong for you to do this."

"How can you blame me?" Although Yu Shengjun ignored Shao Qi, Fu Yushu's accusation made him very uncomfortable, "No one is perfect, and no one is without problems. I just have no idea about turning left or right."

"You don't know how to do such a few simple movements, you're just a pig." Shao Qi scolded rudely.

Yu Shengjun retorted, "Thanks to you, you are still a brave and good general. What about you, you can't even hit a pigeon, so you have the nerve to scold me?"

"Stop arguing!" Fu Yushu stopped the two irritably, "Right now, the first thing we need to do is to learn about all the current movements of Yu Shengjun through Tang Lin, so that we can know ourselves and the enemy, and win every battle."

"Isn't she always watching?" Yu Shengjun said depressedly, "She can kill the dog emperor at any time, who stopped her again and again? Fu Yushu, I know you are worried about Tang Lin's safety, and I am also worried , but if you want her to be fine, first get rid of the guards around Emperor Dog."

"How to dismiss it?" Fu Yushu was caught in a dilemma, "I changed his queen last time, and successfully dismissed the inner guards, but who would have thought that he still had a hand and placed a group of guards in his around."

Shao Qi said in a tone that no one could refuse: "Get my fiancée out first, and discuss other things slowly."

Yu Shengjun smiled and said sarcastically: "So your fiancée is more important than our plan? Fu Yushu, I think we have to reconsider our alliance with the Northern Kingdom. It's hard to guarantee that these people only consider their interests. Don't think about us."

"Where did you say?" Shao Qi said angrily, "Saving my fiancée is a trivial matter, and it doesn't affect the alliance between our two countries, does it?"

"Okay," Yu Shengjun stopped bickering with him, "Saving your fiancée is a small matter, but it is also a big matter. If your fiancée didn't ask the emperor to give you the position of Marshal, what do you think?"

"This," Shao Qi was dumbfounded for a while, and immediately denied, "Impossible."

Yu Shengjun said contemptuously: "Impossible? Hehe, you don't know the inside story, how do you know it's impossible? I have inquired from the palace. Five years ago, your fiancée Han Lingying came to the imperial capital with you. Once, she She was separated from you, and she saved the current empress dowager by accident, so she was brought into the palace by the empress dowager, and she was accepted as a concubine without her consent. Han Lingying knew that he was a concubine, and he could no longer After leaving the harem, she also knew that her fate with you was over, but she asked the empress dowager to find you and add an official title to you. From then on, when the emperor promoted you, you, you will rise to the top! Do you think your status as a marshal is The emperor rewarded you? Wrong, he listened to his mother and agreed to Han Lingying. If it wasn't because the emperor liked men, Han Lingying would have been the emperor's woman long ago."

Shao Qi was very happy to learn that Han Lingying was still an innocent woman, but Han Lingying gave him his own brilliance, which made him fall into heavy pain and was able to extricate himself for a long time.He always thought that it was the emperor who snatched Han Lingying away, but he didn't know that she was the one who saved the empress dowager and was brought into the palace by the empress dowager.

All these years, she has been paving the way for his future in the harem, and he always thought that she didn't know that he was the current Generalissimo...

Seeing his sad and remorseful look, Yu Shengjun smiled so happily, "Shao Qi, you are from the north border country, but you came to Yuxin, if you didn't want to do something for your country, you would come here ?”

"I'm here to plot, what?" Shao Qi glared at Yu Shengjun fiercely, "If I can defeat Yu Xin, I will do whatever it takes."

Yu Shengjun said contemptuously: "Do you think your plan has succeeded?"

"Oh," Shao Qi sneered, proudly said: "I want to thank my fiancée, if she didn't help me pave the way, how could I have the thousands of troops of the Yuxin Dynasty now? Yu Huangxuan, I can understand clearly Let me tell you, I, Shao Qi, as long as I give an order, it won't be long before Yuxin's country can be leveled."

Yu Shengjun sneered, "Then why didn't you give the order earlier?"

Shao Qi sneered and said: "If there is a move in chess that can get Yu Xin without a single pawn, do you think it is necessary to use thousands of troops? As long as the soldiers and horses are in my hands, Yu Shengjun will not dare What about me? When our plan succeeds, Yu Shengjun can obediently step down."

Yu Shengjun's eyes turned cold, it really was a good plan.But the coldness in his eyes was fleeting. "Hehe, is that so? I wish you the best of luck in winning this Yuxin soon. Here, I would like to congratulate you first."

"You said that only you brothers and sisters can save my fiancée, is that true?" Shao Qi asked.

Yu Shengjun shrugged, "Of course. Are you doubting our ability?"

"Don't dare," Shao Qi said truthfully, "I do have all my heart for your abilities. But, I really don't want anything to happen to my fiancée. Right now is the time when the Second Prince is secretly rebelling, and the court is in turmoil."

"Don't worry about it." Yu Shengjun assured lightly, "In the next four months, your fiancée will be fine. As for me, I just want to kill the emperor and return to my country of Chu, but right now I want to kill the emperor. , is a major event that is difficult to achieve. Now, as long as we become the real Ouchi guards next to Yu Shengjun, we will have command power. At that time, no matter where his guards go, they will not be stopped. Moreover, it is also possible Give orders for the emperor. As long as our people become Ouchi guards, then we will find a way to kill all other Ouchi guards. In this way, the emperor will have no one to protect, and it will be easier to enter and leave the harem. However, no one can step into the harem unless the bodyguards are removed. Now, Tang Lin can enter and leave the harem to rescue your fiancée, but you have to be clear that once Han Lingying disappears, the emperor will definitely punish Tang Lin in the end. At that time, we don't want to participate in any training camp anymore. At present, the first thing to do is that our people become bodyguards, and then get rid of all the bodyguards in the palace. At that time, we can easily kill Emperor, you can also easily bring Han Lingying out."

Fu Yushu said worriedly: "But can the last two guards be ours?"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said: "With Tang Lin here, what are you afraid of? Tang Lin is one of us. After the four months are over, only she has the final say on who she wants to be a bodyguard, and the emperor will not make any decisions anymore." of."

"Four months..." This long time broke Shao Qi.

Yu Shengjun said: "If a man wants to do great things, he must be able to withstand the test of time. Shao Qi, if he wants to do something great, he must learn to endure. You have endured for the past five years, and you can't hold on to this Four months?"

As soon as the four months were over, the anti-imperial society had been completely wiped out, the soldiers and horses that Shao Qi had led had also been rectified, and the surveillance of the northern border country had reached the point where there were no loopholes...

(End of this chapter)

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