The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 233 The Dance on That Hot Spring Lake

Chapter 233 The Dance on That Hot Spring Lake
"...Mmm!" Yu Zichen responded lightly, adding a little ambiguity to his eyes in a cooperative manner.

Mu Lingxuan gently moved her chin closer, looked down at his two lips that were as thin as cicada's wings, and really wanted to touch them, but she wanted to keep such a distance so that the other party would take the initiative to cast her lips, "Die Wu wants... the prince..."

Outside the door and window, there are two pairs of eyes, one pair of bone-like eyes, with a cunning light; the other pair is as deep as the sea, unable to see emotions clearly.

"What for this king?" Yu Zichen asked ambiguously, looking at Mu Lingxuan's red face with a smile on his lips.

Mu Lingxuan's hand brushed his neck and landed on his neckline, "Die Wu is willing, willing to give the prince what he wants at this moment, as long as the prince wants it, Die Wu is willing to pay for the prince at any time."

"Really?" Yu Zichen smiled lightly, and then slowly moved his head closer.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through the door and window.

Mu Lingxuan noticed it, and immediately looked at the door and window, and said sharply, "Who?"

"Stay here, don't go anywhere." After hurriedly speaking, Yu Zichen jumped out of the window in a few steps.

When Fengdiewu went to the door and window to look out, there was nothing.

On the way back to Shanglinyuan, Tang Lin laughed while flipping through her phone, "Mu Lingxuan must have exploded with anger!"

Yu Shengjun joked: "She needs a man so much, and Zichen seduce her to such an extent and then suddenly left, can she be angry? However, there are some things that she can see, but she can't let her see them right away." She got it. In this way, Mu Lingxuan will never forget Zichen."

Tang Lin glanced at Yu Zichen, "I can see that the second prince has such good self-control. As expected, like a brother, there must be a brother."

As soon as Yu Shengjun heard this, he knew that Tang Lin was scolding him in a different way, so he pulled her to his side and put his hands on her shoulders, just like this machismo carried her to Shanglinyuan Go, "What do you mean, like a brother, like a brother? Linlin, you're cursing me for not having that hobby, right?"

"That's right!" Tang Lin didn't deny it, and corrected her mischievously: "But you're wrong, you don't have that hobby, but you don't have that ability, so you still treat me, Tang Lin..."

In front of his brothers, Yu Shengjun sealed Tang Lin's mouth with his hands, and then warned her, "Bold girl, if you say this, you have committed the crime of deceiving the emperor, do you know? Nonsense!"

Tang Lin pulled his hand away, ran ahead, then turned her head and stuck out her tongue at him, "Hmph, you just don't have the ability."

"You," Yu Shengjun deliberately got too angry, and immediately chased after him, "Don't run if you have the guts."

Seeing him catching up, Tang Lin ran away immediately, "Come on, come on, you can catch up with me if you have the ability, you just have no ability, no ability, no ability,"

Seeing that his elder brother who rarely smiled in the past can have such a happy moment, Yu Zichen deeply felt warm for Yu Shengjun, but at the same time, he was also full of guilt for this elder brother.From childhood to adulthood, his pampering and privileges were all given by his elder brother...

When they were young, their brothers and sisters were immature, but Yu Shengjun, as the elder brother, gave them a stable big family through his own efforts...

After more than 20 or [-] years, it's finally time to see my brother smiling...

After successfully catching Tang Lin, Yu Shengjun immediately wanted to punish her, but he inadvertently glanced behind him, and found that Yu Zichen was watching him from a distance. That figure was lonely and sacred.

Yu Shengjun's heart suddenly ached, Tang Lin just broke free from his grasp, and followed his gaze to look at Yu Zichen.This royal family has always given her an unpredictable feeling. They seem to be very good, so good that it makes people feel distressed... What kind of family is this?
Yu Zichen came over and smiled faintly at Yu Shengjun, "Let's go, Brother Huang, and go back to Shanglin Garden."

Yu Shengjun stroked his shoulders and said nothing. The two of them followed Tang Lin side by side and returned to Shanglin Garden.

It's just that when they returned to Shanglin Garden, it was very late at night.

As soon as the three of them returned to the room, many people immediately ran to Tang Lin, all of them looked anxious. Cao Dan hurriedly said first: "Sister Tang, something has happened, something is wrong, something is wrong!" Tang Lin asked , "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Cao Dan said anxiously: "No, she's gone. I haven't seen her since the morning's freedom disbanded."

Tang Lin glanced at the people in front of her, only Sun Bailing was missing, "You mean, Sun Bailing was disbanded from freedom until now, and you haven't seen her yet? Could it be that she went to take a bath?"

Yunlei said: "We have searched all over Shanglinyuan, even the bathhouse, and still haven't seen Lord Sun, he is not in Shanglinyuan at all."

Tang Lin rubbed her chin worryingly, "A living person who looks good, how can he just disappear when he disappears?"

Yu Shengjun looked sideways at Yu Zichen, Sun Bailing was Yu Zichen's subordinate, Sun Bailing's disappearance, Yu Zichen probably guessed it.

Yu Zichen sighed deeply and silently. Regarding Sun Bailing's inexplicable disappearance, not only disregarding the overall situation, but also playing with his personality, he is very annoyed now, but on the surface, he did not show very angry.

"How about this, let's search in various places in Nangong separately?" Tang Lin suggested to everyone, "Students in Shanglinyuan are not allowed to go to other places except Nangong, so at this moment, she It's still in Nangong, as long as you look carefully, you can always find her. Fu Tianze, go to Nangong Academy, Qilin, go to Nangong Square, Lu Yitang, Yunlei, go to the Royal Forest, Cao Dan You go to the palace garden to have a look. Han Xueyan stays in Shanglin Garden. If Sun Bailing comes back, he will send a signal to notify us. Yu Huangxuan, Zimo, you go to the Nangong Kitchen and the Martial Arts Field respectively. As for me... I also Go out and look for it. If everyone understands, then act immediately, and don’t forget that everyone takes a flare so that they can notify others as soon as Sun Bailing is found.”

Everyone started to walk out of the room one after another, went to the warehouse of Shanglinyuan to get the signal flares together, and went to various places one after another.

The night is very deep, and the moonlight tonight is particularly soft and bright.

Next, during the same period of time, Fu Yushu went to Nangong Academy, looking for the Qin Pavilion, the chess room, the library, and finally even the painting hall. He searched every place in the academy, but there was still no Sun Bailing. figure.

Shao Qi went to Nangong Square to search around. Nangong Square was huge, but he could see it clearly at a glance, but he did not let go of his eyes in every corner, and like Fu Yushu, he did not see Sun Bailing's shadow.

As for Cao Dan, he had searched the ruins of the palace several times, calling Sun Bailing's name loudly again and again, but there was no answer.He didn't give up, and continued to look for other places. Before he knew it, his eyes turned red because of this inexplicably missing woman.

Like a man who lost his soul, he stood at the gate of the palace, staring blankly at the bright moon in the sky.

At this moment, Yu Zichen had already come out from the Nangong kitchen and passed near the martial arts training ground. On a cross road, he met Yu Shengjun, "What about the emperor, did you see Sun Bailing?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head, "I have searched the place near the training ground twice, but I still haven't seen her."

Yu Zichen said worriedly: "Sun Bailing has always been the most sensible in doing things. She should know that such things as disappearance should not happen to her, but she..." Speaking of this, she couldn't get angry, "If she has a Whatever it is, Shen Dan will definitely collapse, and then Prime Minister Shen will have a showdown with me for this son..." Thinking of such an end, he couldn't help but get angry.

"Second brother, don't worry," Yu Shengjun said, "If things really come to this point, it's not a bad thing. Prime Minister Shen was originally a loyal person to me, and now he also knows about the second prince's false attempt to court, so , to cooperate with his son to play this play, so that Mu Lingxuan and others really think that Prime Minister Shen has been used by you. At present, only Shen Dan is kept in the dark. If you confess to him, he will not mess up. Think about it."

Yu Zichen said worriedly: "Sun Bailing is his life, if something happens to Sun Bailing, he will be deposed."

Sons and daughters love each other and heroes are short of breath. This sentence made Yu Shengjun deeply understand, "Then, let's look elsewhere."

Yu Zichen said ashamedly: "Brother Huang, let you do such a thing as the Ninth Five-Year Honorable, my brother... I am ashamed."

"What are you talking about?" Yu Shengjun said with a speechless smile, "you are all helping me, so you don't have to feel ashamed. Besides, as a student now, if I don't want others to find out the abnormality, I have to talk to you Find someone like that."

Yu Zichen asked: "If Sun Bailing is found, should I tell her and Shen Dan that you are the real master?"

Yu Shengjun immediately vetoed it, "Impossible. Now, the less people know about it, the better. It's not too late to tell them when the two of them help you ascend to the throne of God."

Yu Zichen nodded, "That minister will follow the arrangements of the emperor's brother."

At this moment, standing in a corner outside the Royal Forest, Tang Lin looked down at her watch. In the night, the watch would glow, which made it easy for her to see the time on the watch. It was already thirty in the morning.

She looked at the dark forest ahead, "Did she run into it?"

She turned around and wanted to leave, but no one had sent out the signal until now, obviously Sun Bailing hadn't been found yet.So, she turned around again, gritted her teeth, not letting herself be afraid of the night, and just walked into the forest.

After walking a few steps, she pulled the pistol from her waist and turned on the flashlight on the pistol...

This time, Cao Dan was the first person to return to Shanglin Garden, and entered the room in a daze. As soon as Han Xueyan saw him, he immediately looked behind him, but she didn't see Sun Bailing's shadow. She came over and asked: " Didn't you find Master Sun?"

Cao Dan sat weakly on his bed, his eyes were not bright at all, "She's gone, she's gone..."

Han Xueyan ran to the dining table by the door, picked up the teapot, turned a teacup upside down, poured a cup of hot tea into the cup, put down the teapot, held the teacup in both hands, walked towards Cao Dan, and handed the teacup to him in person , "Drink a cup of tea to wake up your mind before you can have the energy to find Mr. Sun."

"Thank you, Xueyan," Cao Dan thanked weakly, and reached out to hold the teacup, but because he stretched too high, he put his fingers into the cup, and was immediately scalded by the scalding hot tea. The pain made him gasp in a "hiss", and quickly withdrew his hand, and also frowned.

When Han Xueyan saw that he was burned, his heart tightened suddenly, and he immediately put the teacup on the upper bunk, then took Cao Dan's hand and brought it to his lips, exhaling, blowing, while scolding him a little, "You How did you lose your mind to this point? Does it hurt? It’s false if it doesn’t hurt, but that’s a pot of tea I just brewed." Speaking of this, he quickly blew again, trying to let his own breath burn Cao Dan’s body. If your finger is blown cold, it will not hurt.

Cao Dan looked at his fingers beside the red lips, and then looked at Han Xueyan's distressed face. His eyes gradually became deeper, and in his heart, an inexplicable throbbing accelerated his heartbeat... …

Han Xueyan saw him staring at her with bewildered eyes, as if she had forgotten that her hand was burned.She saw something in his eyes that made her ashamed. Immediately, she let go of his hand, stepped back a few steps and stood, her hands behind her back twisted nervously.She felt her heart beating fast, her breathing becoming short, and her eyes flickering.

(End of this chapter)

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