The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 234 Can't even stand up!

Chapter 234 Can't even stand up!

Cao Dan reacted back, smiled awkwardly, slowly retracted his hand to his side, his eyes flickered, occasionally looked at Han Xueyan who looked nervous, and occasionally looked away to look elsewhere, not knowing what to say.

"The tea is on top, it's still very hot, I'll drink it later, I... I'll go outside to see if the others are back," Han Xueyan said in a hurry, then turned around and fled in a hurry.

Looking at her fleeing back in a hurry, Cao Dan's eyes gradually deepened again, but when he thought of that spring in March, his eyes dimmed. In the back garden of his house, he danced his sword under the peach blossoms flying all over the sky. As soon as he turned around, Sun Bailing's sweet smile came into his eyes...

Han Xueyan ran to the gate of Shanglin Garden, leaned against the wall, gasped heavily, and patted her heaving chest, "Hu Han Xueyan, what are you doing?"

But at this moment, she uncontrollably recalled the way Cao Dan looked at her quietly and obsessively...

It turned out that Cao Dan, who had always been idle all day long, looked so handsome and elegant when she calmed down. She really didn't notice it.

Thinking of this, the corner of Han Xueyan's mouth raised a heartwarming smile, but as soon as he noticed it, he immediately became serious again, patted his forehead, "Han Xueyan, what are you thinking, don't let your thoughts wander."

Seeing a little light not far ahead, Tang Lin immediately turned off the flashlight, and put the pistol back into the holster on her waist.She leaned against a tree and looked ahead, thinking to herself, "If I'm not mistaken, there should be a hot spring lake nearby,"

Tang Lin wanted to find out if Sun Bailing had come here to soak in the hot spring.

She walked over with light steps, trying to go to the dark place as much as possible, without letting her shoes make a sound, and approaching the faint light.

Soon, she was only ten meters away from the smear of light, so she walked forward, and after five meters, she stopped suddenly, because she heard the sound of someone playing in the lake, the sound of water very clear.

Slowly, Tang Lin's eyes moved to the side of the light. Under the moonlight, she saw a lake, and the surface of the lake was emitting lingering water vapor.

And Sun Bailing, wearing beautiful hair, danced in the water.

Sure enough, it was Sun Bailing. Just as Tang Lin was about to shout in surprise, Yu Jiao glanced at a corner not far away. There was a figure. That figure was staring at Sun Bailing in the lake, and seemed to be fascinated by Sun Bailing's dancing posture... Tang Lin took a closer look and found that this person was none other than Lu Yitang who she ordered to check near the Royal Forest earlier. He was the only one here, and there was no sign of Yunlei.And he, seeing Sun Bailing dancing in the lake, was completely fascinated.

Under the soft moonlight, amidst the lingering steam on the surface of the lake, Sun Bailing's sacred and beautiful figure was like a dream, so beautiful that one couldn't bear to disturb it.

And Lu Yitang was attracted by such a scene.

Suddenly, he reacted, turned around abruptly, gasped for breath, but did not dare to make a sound, roaring in his heart, "How could Sun Bailing be a woman, how could she be a woman, isn't he the champion of the new division?"

At this time, he thought of Yu Xin's law: women disguised as men for scientific examinations are considered a serious crime.

If he exposes it, he will be a hero...

Tang Lin was furious. If Lu Yitang revealed the identity of Sun Bailing's daughter, Sun Bailing would be in trouble. At that time, it would also affect the plans of Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen.Originally, Sun Bailing was placed in the imperial court, so that she, as Yu Zichen's person, used her power to win over officials in private,

If something happened to Sun Bailing, then Yu Zichen's plan to win over officials would encounter difficulties, and then Mu Lingxuan and the others thought that Yu Zichen had no ability to overthrow the Yuxin Dynasty, so Mu Lingxuan and the others would delay their plan...

If Mu Lingxuan and the others delay their plan, it will be difficult to step into Yu Shengjun's trap.

No, everything must operate normally according to Yu Shengjun's plan, and no one can destroy his chessboard.

Lu Yitang was obviously fascinated by Sun Bailing. Regarding this, he probably wouldn't report Sun Bailing?

Thinking of this, Tang Lin hid herself behind a tree, not intending to expose herself.

At this time, when he heard that Sun Bailing was about to go ashore, Lu Yitang hurriedly hid behind a tree, his expression tensed, his breathing short of breath, and from time to time, the beautiful and sacred dance of Sun Bailing in the lake flashed in his mind.

He couldn't figure it out, she should know the court regulations, why did she have to disguise herself as a man to take the number one prize?Isn't she afraid that once the matter is exposed, she will be severely punished?
Soon, Sun Bailing put on his clothes and tied up his hair. Putting on the men's clothes, he regained his male body in a blink of an eye.She lifted the lantern on the ground and walked back with a faint smile on her lips.

As soon as Lu Yitang realized that she was leaving, he quietly took a step first.

After Sun Bailing walked away, Tang Lin showed her body from behind the tree. She looked at Sun Bailing's back and thought to herself, Sun Bailing is a woman, and no one knows now. She should neither dare to take a bath in the male student's bathhouse, nor I took a bath in the bathhouse of the female students, so I ran here in the middle of the night.

Tang Lin followed behind Sun Bailing, but did not walk away alone.

After Sun Bailing walked out of the royal forest, he went to rest on the gazebo where Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin had been. At this moment, Lu Yitang, who was hiding nearby, deliberately shouted loudly, "Master Sun? Where are you, Master Sun?"

Hearing the sound, Sun Bailing was shocked, and immediately checked his clothes, and found that he was wearing men's clothes now, and he was slowly relieved.

Lu Yitang came out from the corner and looked around a few times. When his eyes fell on the gazebo, he found the lantern and saw clearly Sun Bailing who was resting on the gazebo. He pretended to find her, "Sun My lord, so you are here, but we have been looking for you in the middle of the night!"

Sun Bailing waited for Lu Yitang to walk up to the gazebo before asking, "Looking for me? What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Tang Linhou was in the corner and didn't plan to come out to meet the two of them, but judging from Lu Yitang's behavior, it was obvious that Lu Yitang was interested in Sun Bailing. He could have gone back directly, but he deliberately ran into Sun Bailing here.

Lu Yitang told Sun Bailing the ins and outs of the matter in detail. After listening to it, Sun Bailing finally understood what was going on, and immediately said with shame: "I'm not in a good mood today. After the free dissolution, I will come to the Royal Forest alone. While walking, I didn't expect to get lost, and I just got out. I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, for causing you to worry all day and night. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Lu Yitang said with a smile, "I believe everyone won't blame you, so are you... tired now?"

Sun Bailing shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm not tired, thank you Lord Lu for your concern. By the way, it's already late, shall we go back first?"

Lu Yitang suddenly remembered something, "Don't tell me, I almost really forgot one thing." He took out the signal flare in his arms, and fired it, a white light was in the air, and there was a bang.

Sun Bailing was puzzled by his behavior, "What is this for?"

Lu Yitang explained: "Following the instructions of Instructor Tang, everyone is responsible for searching for you in different places in Nangong. No matter who finds you, they must send out signal flares to notify others, so as not to worry others."

Sun Bailing smiled ashamedly, "So that's what happened, I made everyone so worried."

"Master Sun, I finally found you," said Yun Lei, who was also looking for Sun Bailing near the Royal Forest. Passing by, he saw Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing.

Sun Bailing said shamelessly, "I'm sorry Yunlei for making you worry."

Yun Lei worried: "Master Sun disappeared for a whole day and midnight, did you encounter any difficulties?"

"It's okay, I'm okay," Sun Bailing shook his head and said, just because he was looking for a hot spring to take a bath, he actually made everyone in the room worry about him.After returning, how should I explain to the Second Prince.He must hate himself.

After that, the three of them returned to Nangong together, and Tang Lin followed them all the way keeping a distance.

Seeing Sun Bailing appearing at the door of the room peacefully and energetic as usual, Cao Dan's eyes became hot. He had an urge to go over and hug her, and then asked her what she was doing. I wondered what he was doing for her? Missing and crazy?

However, the presence of other people made his impulse disappear bit by bit.

Sun Bailing lowered his head to face everyone, and said shamelessly: "I'm sorry everyone, I made you worry. I'm sorry."

Lu Yitang explained to everyone that everyone was exhausted to find Sun Bailing. He wanted to explain clearly for Sun Bailing, and he didn't want Sun Bailing to be hated by these people. I just found her just now. She didn't disappear on purpose, so please forgive her."

Except for Yu Zichen, no one held grudges against Sun Bailing.

Fu Yushu said: "Master Sun is also tired, let's rest quickly. It's very late now, and we have to train tomorrow, so we should rest early."

Everyone went back to their beds one by one and lay down.

Before Sun Bailing went back to the bed, she glanced at Yu Zichen nervously and fearfully, but Yu Zichen had already gone back to sleep and ignored her at all.She looked over to Cao Dan again, she disappeared for a day, but he slept more deeply than the others.

As early as when Fu Yushu said he was going to rest, Cao Dan immediately lay down and turned his body to one side to prevent Sun Bailing from seeing him.

Sun Bailing was a little disappointed, and dragged his exhausted body back to his bed to lie down.But how did she know that Cao Dan's bright eyes were shimmering with thick mist at the moment.

Before falling asleep, Han Xueyan secretly watched Cao Dan's back, and then lay down.

As for Lu Yitang, seeing Sun Bailing put on the quilt, he lay down in peace.

At this time, everyone forgot about Tang Lin's existence.When Yu Shengjun was about to move his pillow to sleep, he suddenly realized that Tang Lin was not in the room.He looked across, and there was no one on Tang Lin's bed.

Because the night was already very deep, and the others were exhausted from looking for Sun Bailing, they fell asleep quickly as soon as they lay down, so they couldn't think of Tang Lin.

Yu Shengjun got out of bed lightly, took his coat and walked out of the room directly.He walked out of Shanglin Garden quickly, wanting to look for other places, but as soon as he stepped out of the threshold of Shanglin Garden, he found a shadowy cat on the stone steps beside the door.

Tang Lin sat on the stone steps, crossed her legs and looked at the ground in a daze.

Yu Shengjun took a few steps to sit beside her, then embraced her in his arms, "I didn't see you just now, I'm really afraid that you're in some danger and won't be able to come back!"

Tang Lin turned sideways, lay flat on his body, reached out to reach his chin, and smiled sweetly, "Is your girlfriend so bad? It's just annoying, so I just sit here and want to be quiet. It's nothing serious, don't worry about it."

"Annoying?" Yu Shengjun immediately had a heart-warming feeling, "Why are you bothered?"

Tang Lin sat up from him, put her legs on her hands, her chin on her chin, looked up at the soft moon, and said infatuatedly: "I have a problem with this person. I miss my hometown very much when I am free. I miss my hometown very much. , if I can go back again, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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