Chapter 235
He pressed a kiss on her cheek and said with a smile: "After that, don't be idle, so as not to let you think about it."

"Hey, you are really domineering and unreasonable," Tang Lin said coquettishly, "You don't even have the chance to think wildly, you are too harsh, be careful and I will punish you again tomorrow!"

Yu Shengjun said contemptuously: "Someone, apart from being punished to stand, he can't do anything."

Tang Lin pursed her lips, "Don't underestimate me."

"Then show me your skills."

"Wait, hum!"

In a blink of an eye, the fifth watch arrives.

Tang Lin didn't know when she was fully dressed, standing at the door with a whistle in her mouth.

As for Yifeng and the others, they had already rushed here from the underground palace, and they were standing behind Tang Lin at this moment, each of them was holding a pair of tired clothes in their hands.Tang Lin whistled violently to everyone in the room, and then shouted, "Everyone gather at Nangong Square—"

After a while, Tang Lin looked down at the group of unqualified guards in front of her, and frowned coldly, "You haven't been weaned yet, have you? You can't even stand up well, so how can you be a guard? Who doesn't go around today?" After running around the imperial city, whoever the hell is going back to my lair, listen to my password, start, let's go!" Tang Lin's voice fell behind for a long time, no one moved, and the three rows of teams were still loose look.

The sky is still just as bright as a fish belly, so everyone is still awake.

"It's the other way around!" Seeing the students like this, Tang Lin became furious, walked to Yifeng, grabbed the whip from his hand, pulled it into several sections, and hurried to Shao Qi.

Originally, seeing that the others did not move, Shao Qi did not follow suit, and it happened that he hadn't woken up yet, so he thought about it later, but unexpectedly, Tang Lin was looking at him viciously.

Tang Lin raised her hand, and immediately threw the whip over.

Feeling the hot pain coming from the numbness of the thigh, Shao Qi opened his eyes immediately, jumped up, hugged his legs and jumped back a few steps, shouting the pain: "It hurts me, it hurts me gone."

On the field, everyone immediately woke up and stood at attention, with their hands crossed behind their backs.

"Come back!" Tang Lin pointed at Shao Qi with the whip.

Shao Qi walked back while shaking his sore leg.After entering the queue, he held back his anger and glared at Tang Lin.

Tang Lin also stared at him, "Aren't you convinced? Are you trying to strangle me? Come on," she simply raised her neck so that it would be easier for the other party to pinch her neck, "Here is the neck, let the instructor Choke it, and you won't suffer any more."

Shao Qi clenched her lower lip, clenched her hands behind her back into fists several times, and then loosened them again, but in the end she still didn't take any action.

Tang Lin retracted her neck, snorted coldly, then walked back to the original place, stood on a few stone steps and stared at everyone coldly, "Look at you, look at you, how decent are you, like a guard?" If you want image but no image, you need quality but no quality. Those who don’t want to learn, don’t want to suffer, just tell me, I’ll let you go home and grind it with a millstone as soon as possible, so as not to hinder my eyes here.” The whip was thrown by her.

Yifeng held the whip steadily and handsomely, and folded his hands behind his back to hold it.

Tang Lin turned to her side and ordered Yifeng and the others: "Assistant instructor, instructor, and platoon leader, you four will lead the team at the front and start from the gate of the Nangong Palace. Let all the students run around the imperial city this morning. If anyone is lazy in the middle, let me Keep it firmly in mind and see how I punish him afterwards!"

The four bowed their heads and accepted the order, "Yes, sir!"

Tang Lin turned to all the students and snapped, "Stand at attention!"

Immediately, the three ranks became much more organized.

Tang Lin said: "Squad [-], Class [-], Class [-], keep the original formation, keep up with the assistant instructors and the others. I will keep an eye on you on the tower at all times. If any of you is found taking a break halfway, I want you Looks good." After speaking, he gave Yifeng and the others a nod.

As soon as Yifeng and the others understood, they trotted to the front of the three rows. Yifeng stood at the front, while Yitang, Yishuang, and Xiao Xiong stood in front of the three rows with a distance of one meter.

Tang Lin raised her voice and said, "Start - let's go."

As soon as he heard the password, Yifeng started to trot immediately, and the others followed suit.

Yifeng ran towards the gate of the Nangong Palace, and the others followed in formation.

The shadows of Tang Lin and other teams disappeared before their eyes, and then they walked towards the corner of the upper tower.

After a while, Tang Lin walked up to the tower of Nangong.Not long ago, she saw a map of the imperial palace. The imperial palace is composed of a square structure. The outer wall is built very high and runs through the four palace gates for defense.

The four palace walls are connected, and each palace wall is heavily guarded.

In Tang Lin's words, no matter how many palaces there are in the palace, they are surrounded by walls.And these walls are connected one after another. They can go around from the city wall of Nangong to the city wall of the harem, without going down the city wall to go to the harem from other places.

But the imperial city is very large, although it is surrounded by four high walls, but the length is very cautious.

If Fu Yushu and the others wanted to run around the imperial city, they had to go out of the palace gate.The reason why Tang Lin dared to put them outside for a run was because she thought that Youfeng and the others were watching, and Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen were also watching. If Fu Yushu and the others made any movement, Yu Shengjun and the others would not be unaware.

If any student escapes, then the archers guarding the tower will shoot the fleeing student to death with random arrows.

This time, under Yifeng's leadership, they have already run one-fiftieth of the imperial city.

Tang Lin said to the guards on the tower, "Once you find someone running away, shoot them to death immediately. In my camp, there are no cowards."

An hour later, Tang Lin was sitting on the stone steps of Nangong Square playing mobile games, only to hear the crackling of swords and the sound of cannons.After a while, the voice disappeared, and another voice sounded, "Steal the landlord, I will rob..."

Tired of playing Fruit Ninja, Tang Lin changed to Doudizhu again.

And at this moment, Yifeng finally brought everyone back after running around the imperial city, and almost all of them fell to the ground trying to catch their breath.

Tang Lin paused the game, walked towards everyone with her hands crossed behind her back, and took a look at the scene. On Yifeng and the others, she saw sweat all over their faces. Although they ran away from the imperial city, they did not behave like other students. , Tired and fell to the ground.

She took a special look at Yu Shengjun, and the others were gasping for breath with their legs stretched out and their tongues sticking out, but on his face, she didn't see any fatigue, but was as relaxed as usual, as if after a two-hour long-distance run, It didn't tire him out.Moreover, there was no sweat on his face.

Is this man the reincarnation of a god?The others were already dripping with sweat, but he was so clean and fresh that the other students looked jealous, why was he fine...

Yu Shengjun gave her a haughty smile, and told her that she didn't bother him, she ran to the imperial city, and she wouldn't break him.

Tang Lin stared back at him, her eyes said, "Don't be complacent, just wait and see."

She didn't let everyone idle, picked up the whistle and blew it hard, then said sharply: "Assemble!"

Han Xueyan couldn't stand up anymore, the others had already got up and returned to the team, but she was still lying on the ground.Cao Dan was afraid that she would be scolded, so he went to pull her up, "Xueyan, get up quickly, we are about to assemble!"

Seeing Cao Dan treat Han Xueyan like this, Sun Bailing's eyes were deeply stabbed, and he himself had struggled to stand up just now, not only did he not pull her, but he pulled Han Xueyan instead... How could it be him who was molested that night? proactive.

Han Xueyan stood up slowly, but her steps were still weak. Sun Bailing who accidentally stepped on her foot stepped on it, and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr. Sun, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Sun Bailing was not angry, but said with a stiff expression, "It's okay."

Facing the crowd, Tang Lin sternly said, "Stand at attention." After everyone stood at attention, she said, "Slow down." She showed the mobile phone behind her to everyone, "During the time you were running in the imperial city, you know , what am I doing? I'm playing games, you must be very angry, right? Now, let me tell you about my new system for you, you want to prove your ability to me, just like this Landlord Similarly, the higher the score, the higher the status. Whether you want to be a farmer or a businessman, you can only rely on your own ability to fight for it. The emperor judges people based on their grades, so if you want to be an Ouchi guard, you have to prove it to Let me see how good you are. Wait for the queue training. The platoon leader will be responsible for training you, and the instructor will give you explanations. After the team is assembled and scattered, I will punish you to run to the imperial city every day. Don’t think all day long that I will test you at the end of the month. What, you just need to train. Okay, that’s all for now. Take a quarter of an hour’s rest, and then train in a queue. I’ll check from time to time, and if I find anyone who’s lazy, I’ll just tighten my nerves and wait. be punished."

After the announcement, Tang Lin walked away, and the students loosened up immediately.

Yu Shengjun trotted over to follow Tang Lin's footsteps, "Linlin."

Tang Lin said as she walked, "Junjun, when you ran to the imperial city just now, I already conveyed to Xinrui what you wanted to convey today. Everyone will gather at the Imperial Study Room at five o'clock tomorrow morning."

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Just convey it."

During the training period of the students, Tang Lin went directly to the Nangong kitchen.Entering the kitchen, I saw Mu Lingxuan was busy, she walked over with a smile on her face, "Hi, Die Wu!"

Seeing her, Mu Lingxuan twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a gentle smile, while busy with work, she said: "Xiao Tang, you should be training the students now, why are you here to see me when you have time?"

Tang Lin just pursed her lips and smiled, and looked around, "Are you preparing lunch for the students?"

Mu Lingxuan stopped her movements and looked worried, "Hey, yes, who told me to be in charge of the food for those people in Shanglinyuan."

"Speaking of which," Tang Lin leaned her head closer, and smiled sinisterly, "The students in my camp are all handsome and handsome, and you help them share meals every day, and none of them tempt you? "

Mu Lingxuan's face was a little dizzy, "What are you talking about, it's not like you don't know what I do, can I have such thoughts?"

"Why can't you have it?" Tang Lin persuaded, "Die Wu, you are the princess of a country after all, and you have such a good figure, Feng Die Wu is beautiful, and this face will be with you for the rest of your life Yes, do you want to waste your time in vain?"

Mu Lingxuan was moved by the words, yes, she really wronged her heart in order to win Yuxin for the emperor's brother.Seeing that others are loving and loving, but I am alone. "Little Tang, I think..."

Tang Lin said casually: "Are you still hesitating? Really! In our training camp, there are quite a few people who are attracted to you. Don't think I can't see what they are thinking."

"Ah?" Mu Lingxuan was shocked, and at the same time, she was secretly happy that she had such a charm, "Who will fall in love with me?"

Tang Lin squinted at her, "Do you really want to know?" Mu Lingxuan clicked her chin three times in a row, "Yes."

Tang Lin raised her fingers and started counting, "Well, there are many people who like you, almost everyone likes you. There are Fu Tianze, Lu Yitang, Cao Dan, Shao Qi, Xiao Xiong, and... "

(End of this chapter)

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