The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 236 Can't Stop

Chapter 236 Can't Stop
"Ah?" Mu Lingxuan couldn't believe it, "Is it true?" This Shao Qi should be spared.

Tang Lin squinted at her, "You don't believe it?"

Mu Lingxuan nodded and said: "Well, I don't believe it. How can I have such a great charm that so many people like it. Xiao Tang, I know you want me to face up to my feelings, but... the big thing is not done, I ..."

"If you don't succeed in ten years, you don't want men for ten years?" Tang Lin deliberately pretended to be very considerate of Mu Lingxuan, "Die Wu, I didn't say you, you are too patriotic, right? Those are you The matter of the emperor's brother does not affect your relationship."

"Huh?" Mu Lingxuan frowned, "Dating?"

Tang Lin explained casually, "It's about being in love with a man."

Such an explanation made Mu Lingxuan's face turn red again, and she thought of Yu Zichen at the first moment.However, she also thought that once the day when Yu Zichen came to the throne of God, he would end up in a miserable end. Following Yu Zichen was not a good thing for her.

On the contrary, Yu Shengjun is very satisfied with him, but this man, no matter how much he tries to love him, he can't love himself. What he a man.

Tang Lin tried her best to instigate her, "Die Wu, I'm not talking about you, I'm just praising you, you see, now you want a family background, a figure, a face... Feng Diewu's face is absolutely The world is overwhelmed, with conditions like yours, you are a hundred times stronger than the oiran who is all over the city. If I were you, I would rather be the enchantress in the eyes of thousands of men than just be the woman behind a man. I want to be all over the city Peerless, charming and moving."

"Xiao Tang," Mu Lingxuan's face paled a lot, "Do you know how hurtful your words the public?"

Tang Lin replied, "It's not that you are asked to be a prostitute, but a talented woman. How can you say it is indecent? You are like a well-known oiran who is famous all over the world. It’s not about conquering with the body.”

After Tang Lin said this, Mu Lingxuan's heart completely changed. She was a pampered princess, and she naturally wanted everyone in the world to submit to her. Tang Lin's words strengthened her heart as an oiran.

"You, if you have nothing to do, get to know those pretty men. It will definitely not do you any harm." Tang Lin said sinisterly, "If I have the opportunity, I would like to take advantage of these people."

"Ah..." Mu Lingxuan drew a long tone, "Is this okay?"

Tang Lin asked back, "Don't you want to?"

Having been stabbed in her mind, Mu Lingxuan was speechless all of a sudden.Yes, she thought, she really wanted to be held in the palm of a man, and even more wanted to use her charm to conquer those stinky men and make them submit to her group.

"What's the matter?" Tang Lin asked deeply, "Do you have the idea of ​​finding a sweetheart now? Die Wu, I think you really don't want to waste your qualifications. Now, you can choose first, and go to the one you like. After your imperial brother's great cause is completed, you will tell your sweetheart that I am the princess of Beilin Kingdom, wow, when your sweetheart knows your identity, how surprised and excited you will be!"

While Tang Lin was talking, Mu Lingxuan also imagined that scene. When she told her sweetheart that she was the princess of Beilin Kingdom, the other party must be very excited, right?Excited to be a son-in-law, right?
Tang Lin said again: "Since there are so many good men who like you, why not contact them one by one to see, maybe there is always one you like."

"Then..." Mu Lingxuan had this idea, so she reluctantly agreed, "I'll give it a try, but Xiao Tang, don't laugh at me."

Tang Lin said: "How can I laugh at you? It's too late for me to support you. By the way, who do you plan to attack first? However, no matter who you attack first, you must hear the other party say to you: I love you. With this sentence, the other party really loves you. But sometimes, you have to take the initiative, your charm... Sometimes in terms of body, maybe your little body language can win a good man favorite."

Mu Lingxuan looked down at herself. Although she was not as tall as Tang Lin, she thought she was a lady, and she dressed in the kind that men liked. Unlike Tang Lin, she was like a female Yama, and it was too late for people to hide.
So, I am more attractive than Tang Lin, right?
It's just Tang Lin's delicate face, clean and refreshing appearance, straightforward personality, and unique's impossible that only one Yu Shengjun can catch his eye.

ah!By the way, Shao Qi is his second emperor brother. He told himself in private that the current emperor is not a womanizer, but a masculinity emperor. Why did he... like... Tang Lin at Jundiexuan?
"Oh," Tang Lin suddenly sighed deeply, she seemed to guess what Mu Lingxuan was thinking, and immediately thought of how to smooth things over, "I still don't know where the one I like is going."

After listening to Tang Lin's words, Mu Lingxuan made a discovery. So far, Tang Lin has not discovered that Yu Shengjun wearing a mask is the person Tang Lin likes.

But Yu Shengjun's behavior is too strange. Since he likes Tang Lin, why does he like men?It doesn't make sense.

Yu Shengjun is now fully aware of Tang Lin's situation. He neither admits to Tang Lin that he is Yu Shengjun from Jun Die Xuan, nor confesses to her that he is the current emperor. What kind of tricks is he playing?
"Die Wu, do you know his current whereabouts?" Tang Lin asked.

Mu Lingxuan must have shook her head, "I don't know, why, since he left Jundiexuan, he hasn't contacted you again?"

Tang Lin said with a sad face, "No, I feel that he won't appear again."

"Then..." Mu Lingxuan asked cautiously, "Have you seen the real face of the emperor?"

"No," Tang Lin shook her head. "Every time I see the dog emperor, he wears a mask. It seems that he is so ugly that no one can see him. This emperor is really weird. But it doesn't matter, very Soon he will fall from the sky to the ground. If you dare to take my country of Chu, see if I don’t play with him to death in the future.”

Tang Lin's jealous look made Mu Lingxuan feel happy, "Yu Shengjun, you didn't expect Tang Lin to hate you so much, did you?"

After chatting with Mu Lingxuan for a while, Tang Lin left the kitchen.

Mu Lingxuan was busy with her affairs again, but she was busy, recalling a passage Tang Lin said earlier, "Well, there are many people who like you, and almost everyone likes you. There are Fu Tianze, Lu Yitang, Cao Dan, Shao Qi, Xiao Xiong, and..."

At this moment, a person's name popped out from Mu Lingxuan's lips, "Fu, God, Ze..." If he can handle a man who is already married, it proves that he really has the charm to capture a man's heart.

But she thought of Yu Zichen again,
For Yu Zichen, he was only one step away, and he was completely surrendered by him.

Mu Lingxuan smiled proudly, and secretly said: "In the future, I will be the princess of the only big country in the Central Plains. Naturally, all men will submit to me. Aren't they all attracted to me? Okay, I will meet you guys, see How much love do you have for Bengong!"

After the training ended at noon, Tang Lin sent all the students back to Shanglin Garden for lunch.

The cooking system in the Shanglinyuan canteen was arranged by Tang Lin at the request of Yu Shengjun from the kitchen. It is the same as the modern way of cooking, requiring queuing.

As soon as the meal started, Tang Lin ran to hide in a corner of the dining hall closest to Mu Lingxuan, and then poked her head out secretly to see if Mu Lingxuan had revealed anything to her students.If it is disclosed, it proves that an NP drama will be staged immediately,

Anyway, they are a bunch of bad enemies. If something goes wrong, let's treat it as punishment. She, Tang Lin, is not so kind at all.

Soon it was Fu Yushu's turn to cook, Mu Lingxuan glanced at him, and immediately got a knowing smile from him.She thought that this was the expression of his affection for her, she lowered her head shyly, and began to share the dishes with him.

This time, she was very blind and gave Fu Yushu food too much.

"Die Wu," seeing that the rice bowl was almost overflowing, Fu Yushu immediately reminded Mu Lingxuan, "It's full."

Mu Lingxuan was stunned for a moment, her face turned even redder when she saw so much food in the rice bowl.

"You girl, what were you thinking just now?" Fu Yushu smiled helplessly at Mu Lingxuan, and then left with the rice bowl. Looking at his leaving back, Mu Lingxuan was in a daze and forgot to share the food with the next person. .

Seeing this scene, Tang Lin smiled faintly, "Mu Lingxuan has been tricked."

Suddenly, Yu Shengjun held her shoulder from behind, and looked forward, "What are you laughing at here?"

Tang Lin stopped explaining to him, and went to peek again. When Yu Shengjun buried her head on her shoulder again, she explained what she did to Mu Lingxuan while looking at the man who was serving food to Lu Yitang. Mu Lingxuan said, "Junjun, I want to punish this woman. I injected a very, very wonderful idea into her brain. From now on, whenever she sees a man, she will... greet him."

Yu Shengjun suddenly said: "Will you come up to me, too?"

"Uh," Tang Lin was taken aback, "If you don't appear in front of her, how can she have a chance?"

Yu Shengjun said: "But I want to experience her charm."

Tang Lin immediately "shushed", "Don't make noise, look, the drama is coming up again, it's worth watching!" Yu Shengjun followed Tang Lin's gaze, and saw that Mu Lingxuan wanted to prove that Lu Yitang was really interested in her. , she deliberately sprinkled the soup in front of his feet, and then covered her mouth as if she was frightened, "Oh my God!"

She ran out in a hurry, then knelt on the ground to help Lu Yitang shine shoes, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I'm sorry..."

Seeing this, Lu Yitang was taken aback for a moment, then bent down and gently helped Mu Lingxuan up, with a gentle smile on his face, just like he treats everyone, he also treats her with such a good temper, "It's okay , it’s not in the way, Miss Feng doesn’t need to apologize for this.”

Lu Yitang's tenderness at this moment made Mu Lingxuan forget that he was also so gentle and good-tempered in the past, and she blindly thought that because she caused the trouble, Lu Yitang was interested in her, so he was not angry.

"I'm sorry," Mu Lingxuan apologized again, looking ashamed.

Lu Yitang smiled, "Miss Feng, I'm fine, really." After speaking, he took his rice bowl and walked to other places.

Cao Dan was the next one to eat. Seeing Mu Lingxuan staring at Lu Yitang with bewilderment, he suddenly snapped his fingers in front of her, and said with a half-smile, "Sister Wu, are you too biased? And I Such a big living person is here, why don’t you pay attention to me?”

His words made Mu Lingxuan wake up suddenly, and recalled the words Tang Lin said to her, "Uh, there are many people who like you, such as Fu Yushu, Lu Yitang, Cao Dan, And Shao Qi, Xiao Xiong..."

Cao Dan? !He was also one of them who was interested in her?

(End of this chapter)

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