Chapter 237

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Mu Lingxuan's face immediately, and she returned to her original position with a pleasant smile, and distributed the food to Cao Dan while saying to him: "I'm sorry, Xiao Cao, I accidentally spilled the soup on Master Lu's feet just now. On, not to..."

Cao Dan stopped her and said politely, "What are you talking about, Miss Wu? I'm not such a stingy person. Mr. Lu is a senior official, and he should be considerate to him."

Hearing what he said, Mu Lingxuan felt a little sour. Is he feeling inferior?
In fact, Cao Dan's self-deprecating tone was just because she misunderstood his words.

But just because she thought Cao Dan felt inferior because of her family background, she suddenly had an urge to use her status as a princess to help this young man who was not much younger than herself get out of poverty.

When he finds out that she gave him his path to success, he will definitely be very grateful to her. In his next life, he would rather be a cow and a horse than repay her, right?

Mu Lingxuan couldn't help looking forward to such a day, hoping that it would come sooner.

"Is it enough?" Mu Lingxuan asked Cao Dan after filling Cao Dan's rice bowl with food.

Cao Dan just lost his mind for a while, and when he saw so much food in his rice bowl, his eyes were big, and he gave two consecutive wows, and happily took his rice bowl, "Sister Wu, thank you, today's lunch The meal is really rich!"

Seeing him satisfied, Mu Lingxuan was also satisfied, but she wanted to use more practical actions to give this boy better things.

Seeing this, Yu Shengjun was stunned, "This, what is this..." It was amazing. "Linlin, how did you pull this woman into the abyss with just a few words? How did you do it? It's incredible!"

Tang Lin smirked twice, "I won't tell you."

Now, it was Sun Bailing's turn to cook.

Except for Yu Zichen and others, no one knew that Sun Bailing was a woman.

Sun Bailing put on men's clothing, and he was as delicate and handsome as Han Xueyan.After Han Xueyan put on men's clothes, Shen Yun showed her daughter's family flavor to some extent, but Sun Bailing was different. After she was dressed as a man, she couldn't see a trace of makeup.

Besides, her age is about the same as Cao Dan, and in Mu Lingxuan's eyes, she is an absolutely delicate young man.

At first glance, Mu Lingxuan was deeply attracted by Sun Bailing's quiet and independent temperament.She thought about it, but Tang Lin didn't tell her that Sun Bailing was also interested in her, but if she could subdue this beautiful boy, she would be very happy.

Sun Bailing's emotions are not something that ordinary people can arouse. She just nodded when she met everyone, neither tepid nor cold.

At this moment, with a smile on her face, she gave Mu Lingxuan a polite nod.

Mu Lingxuan's heart was a little shocked, she secretly looked at this "beautiful boy", and felt that the other party was really delicate and handsome, which made her feast her eyes.She is also very smart, knowing that this kind of gentlemen generally don't eat much, so she didn't put a lot of food in Sun Bailing's rice bowl.

"Thank you." After expressing a simple thank you, Sun Bailing took his meal and left.

Seeing this, Yu Shengjun let out a long breath, "Unbelievable."

Tang Lin shook her head and said helplessly, "Human beings can no longer stop this woman from getting puberty."

After lunch, half an hour later, Yifeng asked all the students to gather in the greenhouse of the training ground.

At this moment, there are many baskets in the shed, and they are huge.

After the assembly, many students paid attention to those baskets, wondering if the training in the afternoon was related to these baskets.

These baskets were made by Tang Lin instructing Yifeng to instruct the Ministry of Industry to make them overnight. The purpose was to train this group of students.At this moment, these baskets are placed here not for them to see, but for them to carry them on their backs later as a weight-bearing exercise.

Tang Lin went straight in from outside the shed, finally stood in front of everyone, and sternly shouted: "Stand at attention." After everyone got into formation, she said: "Slow down."

"Report sir," Cao Dan raised his hand and asked.

Tang Lin raised her hand to signal, "Say."

Cao Dan's eyes fell on the baskets behind her, and he asked, "Aren't these the baskets that country people use to put radishes in? Sir, why are these things piled up here? They should be put in the kitchen!"

Tang Lin looked at him with a smile like a flower, but everyone felt very gloomy, "Who said this must be used to put carrots? I said use it to put bricks, do you believe it?"

"Ah?" Cao Dan was stunned, "Put bricks? Why?"

Tang Lin was not ambiguous, and said directly: "This afternoon, weight training, and you will gather at the high slope of the Royal Forest later."

Yu Shengjun's eyes tightened. If he guessed correctly, the Gaopoyuan Tang Lin was talking about should be two tall, wide and continuous mountains.These two mountains, in the corner of the Royal Forest, are huge in size, tall but not steep, standing like two big fat men.But if you want to go to the top of the mountain, you have to walk for a long time, after all, it is huge and wide.

It didn't take long for Tang Lin to gather all the students at the foot of the Gaopoyuan mountain. Looking up, the plateau was on the top of the mountain in the distance.Because the geology of the plateau is basically composed of rocks, there are no towering trees on the ground, just a piece of wild grass.

Looking up, on the way up the mountain, there are some bricks scattered everywhere, and I can't see where there are no bricks.

Coming here from the martial arts training ground, Han Xueyan was already panting with exhaustion, and the basket on her back weighed more than [-] kilograms. She couldn't stand this kind of tossing, seeing the mountain in front of her, if she wanted to climb it, she would die up.

Before starting from the martial arts training ground, Tang Lin had already made all the contestants carry a basket on their backs.The baskets are made of new bamboo pieces, not only heavy, but also large enough to hold dozens of bricks.

Tang Lin pointed to the top of the mountain in front of her and said, "Did you see it? That is the first plateau. Your heavy-duty task today is to start from the bottom of the mountain and fill your own basket with stones. I have filled them all up." , and then climbed to the top of the mountain with your baskets full of bricks on your back. If any of you fail to reach the destination within the specified time, I will double the number of you to practice here, and don’t even think about using your dinner.”

When Han Xueyan heard this, she almost fainted. How could this little Tang sister do this...

Tang Lin said sharply, "Let's go right away."

Except for Han Xueyan who was dawdling, everyone else went up the mountain one after another, picking up a brick and putting it in the basket on the back.

Shao Qi looked back and saw Han Xueyan's footsteps trembling, not to mention picking up bricks, he couldn't even go up the mountain.He came down and helped her, "Yan'er, come, brother-in-law will help you."

Han Xueyan walked up the uneven road, and said with a bitter face: "Brother-in-law, leave me alone, if you fail the task, Miss Tang will definitely punish you again. I don't care, you go first Right. My basket is not as big as yours, so I don't feel any pressure."

"Are you really okay?" Looking at her pale green face, Shao Qi was worried.

She forced a smile, "It's really all right. Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will catch up with you soon when you reach the top of the mountain. Brother-in-law, don't let other people get ahead, or we won't get the number of guards. "

With this sentence, she reminded Shao Qi, and when he looked back, Yu Shengjun, Yu Zichen, and Fu Yushu were almost halfway up the mountain. "That Yan'er, hurry up and catch up, brother-in-law will catch up with them first."

Shao Qi turned around and said something hastily to Han Xueyan, then turned around and left.

As soon as he left, Han Xueyan weakened immediately, sat on the ground, lifted her robe and looked at her ankle, which was already red and swollen.

At this moment, no one was at the bottom of the mountain, and Tang Lin had already gone up the mountain first.As for Yifeng and the others, they supervised the students all the way, and when they found that they were slow or lazy, they quickly flicked their whips, "What are you dawdling about? Hurry up!"

At this time, Yishuang urged Han Xueyan at the foot of the mountain, "Who is that, hurry up!"

Cao Dan looked back and saw Han Xueyan sitting on the ground and scratching his feet, his expression seemed to be in pain.Already halfway up the mountain, he gritted his teeth and walked towards Han Xueyan at the bottom of the mountain with his heavy basket on his back...

Half an hour later, Tang Lin stood on the top of the mountain, blowing the cool afternoon wind. After a while, she looked at her watch, and the time was coming soon.She would like to see how many people can withstand weight training this time,

Also, will Yu Shengjun be stumped by her this time?When the countdown was 10 minutes, Tang Lin turned around to see if anyone could complete the task. As a result, before the 1-minute countdown had passed 30 seconds, Yu Shengjun came to her with a basket of stones on his back.

Seeing him, Tang Lin was stunned, why is this guy leading again.

"How, have I completed the task?" Yu Shengjun put the basket behind his back on the ground.

Tang Lin looked at the basket full of stones, and then at Yu Shengjun's face. The first time was accidental, but the second time shouldn't be accidental, right?On his face, she still didn't see a drop of sweat, even if it was tired.

She was confused, what kind of kung fu did this person use to reach this state?

Yu Shengjun tapped her forehead lightly, "Stupid?"

His eyes are as gentle as before, making her feel comfortable every time she sees them.At first, she was worried that he would be exhausted, but now seeing that he was fine, she was only full of curiosity, "Why can't I trouble you again?"

"Because I am a disciple of Master Yichan!" Yu Shengjun replied easily.

Tang Lin was startled, "Master Yichan?" That's right, she almost forgot when he didn't mention this person. "Yeah, how could I have forgotten that all the unique skills in martial arts in him are used on you alone."

After 1 minute passed, she looked around, "Why is no one coming up?"

"They're all still below," said Yu Shengjun, pulling Tang Lin to the side, and looking down, the crowd was at the top of the mountainside at the moment, only Yu Zichen was much faster than the others, and was about to reach the top of the mountain. It's over.

Tang Lin looked down, and immediately, Cao Dan and Han Xueyan came into her eyes.The others are coming up soon, but Cao Dan and Han Xueyan are still at the foot of the mountain.

Han Xueyan couldn't walk because of her ankle sprain, Cao Dan helped her up as soon as she came to her side.After half an hour of help, the two of them managed to walk a distance of more than ten meters.

Han Xueyan asked Cao Dan to give up on himself several times, but he just refused to give up, and he would help her to the mountain no matter what. "The halfway up the mountain is almost here, hold on!"

Looking at his basket full of stones, and looking at his hands supporting her while holding his own basket, Han Xueyan had a sore nose, "Xiao Cao..."

Cao Dan stared at her blankly, "Why are you crying?"

Han Xueyan cried, "I'm ashamed that you couldn't reach the destination on time because of me."

"Be ashamed, wait until you get to the mountain." He said, and he helped her up the mountain with firm will.

At this moment, Sun Bailing and the others arrived at the top of the mountain one after another.She glanced at everyone, but couldn't see Cao Dan, so she looked down, and the two figures supporting each other hurt her sight again...

Tang Lin said sharply, "Assemble."

Immediately, everyone returned to the team and stood up.

Tang Lin glanced at everyone, and immediately said, "Report the number,"



(End of this chapter)

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