The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 238 Has Tang Lin's Purpose

Chapter 238 Has Tang Lin's Purpose
After reporting the count, Tang Lin frowned, "Who is missing?"

Sun Bailing immediately stepped out, "Report to the commander, we are missing Cao Dan in class one!"

The last person in the second row came out to report, "Report sir, Han Xueyan is missing from our second class!"

Shao Qi looked at the end of the team, and sure enough, Han Xueyan was missing. Suddenly, he felt very unhappy.He knew that Han Xueyan was weak and would fall down when the wind blew, so how could he climb up the mountain.When running to the imperial city in the morning, if everyone divided the work and supported her, she would not be able to complete the run.

"Ignore them for now!" Tang Lin said, "I announce that the students in the three classes have all completed the weight-bearing tasks on time this time, but the best results are in the first class."

The students in Class [-] and Class [-] discussed in private,
"Why does the first class always steal the limelight?"

"It would be great if I was assigned to the first class,"

"Next time, I will definitely exceed the grade of Class One,"

Hearing these broken words, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi tightened their hearts faintly.They didn't know that grades were so favored before.Now, seeing that class one is so beautiful, they all think their class is more beautiful than class one.

Fu Yushu and the others secretly made up their minds that in future training or exams, they must be better than the first class.

When Cao Dan and Han Xueyan successfully reached the top of the mountain, Tang Lin had disbanded the team and let them rest freely.

"I'm sorry sir, we...we didn't complete the task on time." Cao Dan brought Han Xueyan to Tang Lin, bowed his head, and apologized.

Tang Lin said sternly: "If you don't complete the task on time, you will be punished. Before I set off, I told you that if you can't complete any tasks on time, you will be fined to double the weight and continue to practice here. Now, I will punish the two of you with the rest of your money. In the evening, move all the bricks from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. When you are done, you can report back to Shanglinyuan. If you don’t finish it, you are not allowed to go back. I will check tomorrow, and if I find one piece is still at the bottom, start over. "

Such a severe punishment, everyone else heard it.

Shao Qi was very dissatisfied with Tang Lin's punishment of Han Xueyan and the others, and came over to argue, "Punish me, not them. They have tried their best."

Tang Lin said with a blank expression: "It's none of your business here, I don't want to be fired, so get the hell out of here."

Shao Qi was about to get mad, but was pulled to a corner by Yun Lei, and persuaded him, "My lord, now is not the time for you to act impulsively. Miss Tang is also following the emperor's request. There are other guards watching, so she can not punish Yaner." Miss? If she ever protects the students, the guards will definitely go to Miss Tang for a copy. At that time, not only Miss Tang will be dismissed, but we will also be expelled."

"But," looking at Han Xueyan's pitiful look, Shao Qi's heart ached.

Yun Lei said earnestly: "The subordinates know that the lord loves Miss Yan'er, but the overall situation is important, and you can't offend the emperor just because you have suffered for Miss Yan'er. It's good for Miss Yan'er to taste this small pain, because it will be more important in the future. There are more brutal trainings waiting for her."

After some hard-hearted persuasion by him, Shao Qi calmed down a lot, yes, the overall situation is the most important thing, and he can't be arrogant.There are still a few months of training, Xueyan should practice the foundation well, so as not to suffer more in the future.

"Would you two accept this kind of punishment?" Tang Lin asked Cao Dan and the others.

Han Xueyan lowered her head, nodded with tears in her eyes, and said with a sob: "I accept, I accept." She was so wronged that she shed tears.

Tang Lin really wanted to go up and hug this poor girl, but she was also doing it for Han Xueyan's sake. The training in the future would be more cruel, so she had to let Han Xueyan suffer a little in advance, so as not to make Han Xueyan even more tired in the future.

Tang Lin glared at Cao Dan, and asked sharply, "What about you, are you convinced?"

Cao Dan nodded lightly, "Yes, sir."

Sun Bailing wanted to come over and beg Tang Lin to let Cao Dan go, but Yu Zichen stared her back with just one look.She didn't dare to do anything wrong, so she could only watch Cao Dan being taught by Tang Lin like this.

Afterwards, Tang Lin ordered all the students to leave Gaopoyuan, leaving only Cao Dan and Han Xueyan behind.

Cao Dan stood on the top of the mountain, glanced at the bricks down the mountain, and let out a long breath, "It's really not my style!"

"I'm sorry," Han Xueyan choked up and apologized, "I'm the one who got you down."

Cao Dan originally wanted to lose his temper, but when he saw the tears on her face, he immediately softened and spread his hands, "It's okay, it's just a few broken bricks, I can handle it."

Han Xueyan got up to go down the mountain, but Cao Dan immediately stopped her, "Stay here. Your foot is injured, and you can't move bricks up the mountain at all. The bricks here..." Huan glanced down the mountain, swallowed her saliva before saying The following words, "Leave it all to me." Alas, what kind of hero is saving the beauty!

"But," Han Xueyan said anxiously, "there are so many bricks down the mountain, you can move them all by yourself, and you won't be able to move them tomorrow."

"I'm a big man, can't I carry it all? What a joke!" Cao Dan glared at Han Xueyan, then went to carry an empty basket behind his back, and went down the mountain like this, while whistling.

Han Xueyan sat on the top of the mountain, looking at the diligent figure at the foot of the mountain, the corners of her mouth gradually raised a warm arc...

Back at the training ground, Tang Lin asked Yitang and Yishuang to train the students. She called Yifeng to a certain corner and asked, "Yifeng, the labor red flag I designed, as well as various forms, have been copied and backed up." ?"

Yifeng said: "Tomorrow morning, I will give it to you together with the new clothes of the students."

Tang Lin said "Yes", "That's good."

In a blink of an eye, it was evening again.

After dinner, Tang Lin asked all the students to gather at the academy, and used two to three hours to explain to the students the explanation of queue training and the main points of weight-bearing exercises.This is an explanation class, mainly to explain military training, so that everyone can understand modern military training.

It was getting dark soon, and after Tang Lin finished her lecture, she sent everyone back to Shanglin Garden.

Sun Bailing returned to Shanglin Garden and paced back and forth outside the courtyard, worrying about Cao Dan who was still picking up bricks in the Royal Forest.

Yu Zichen passed by, glanced at her indifferently, and then entered the room.

The night was very dark, the wind was high, and the moon was hidden by dark clouds.

Cao Dan managed to find a brick in the grass and put it into the basket on his back, and it was not easy to carry the full basket to the top of the mountain.His shoulders were already aching, Han Xueyan carefully helped him put down the basket, "Be careful."

After the baskets were put down, Cao Dan wanted to go down the mountain to pick up bricks, but was stopped by Han Xueyan, "Don't go, I'll go."

As soon as she grabbed the basket, he grabbed her hand, "You rest here, don't move."

Han Xueyan snatched it hard, and suddenly she didn't pay attention, her body tilted down. Seeing this, Cao Dan rushed to hug her, but both of them rolled down the mountain. All the way down, their clothes were torn a lot, and even Tore a few pieces off...

In the middle of the night, everyone took advantage of Tang Lin's deep sleep, one, two, three... Except for Tang Lin, Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen, the others cautiously left the room.

However, Tang Lin opened her eyes at this moment and smiled extremely sinisterly... until they hit a tree at the foot of the mountain, Cao Dan and Han Xueyan's bodies stopped rolling down.

Rolling down from the top of the mountain, along the way, Han Xueyan suffered many collisions with stones and branches, and Han Xueyan had already fainted from the pain.

Enduring the severe pain, Cao Dan gently put Han Xueyan lying on his body aside, and looked sideways at his left arm. A wooden stick was pierced into the skin, stained with blood.No wonder he felt a heart-wrenching pain at this moment.

Enduring the pain, he sat up and checked Han Xueyan a few times. Her body was covered with torn clothes and obvious bloodstains.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning illuminated half of the sky from the edge of the sky, and then, there was a roar of thunder.

Cao Dan's first instinct was that it was going to rain!
He looked at the mountain, there were still many bricks that had not been moved, and he looked at the sky, it seemed that a heavy rain was about to hit.He leaned over, helped Han Xueyan up with one hand, then hugged her horizontally with the other injured hand, and walked towards a nearby corner.

It was late at night, and when it rained heavily again, he had to find a place to hide from the rain. Besides, Han Xueyan still had many wounds on his body.

A gust of wind swept past, blowing out many palace lanterns.

As soon as Shao Qi stepped out of the gate of Shanglin Garden, his feet were stopped by a few drops of rain. The road ahead was dark and there were no lights, so he couldn't see clearly, but at this moment, people bumped into his back one after another. .

It turned out that the people in their room, except Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun, sneaked out of the room one by one, just to help Cao Dan and the others pick up bricks.At this time, because Shao Qi stopped suddenly, the others bumped into each other one by one without knowing the road conditions.

"Who is it?" Shao Qi asked behind him violently.

Fu Yushu groped over, "Who else? We are all going to help Xiao Cao and Xueyan."

At this time, the rain became heavier, and Shao Qi had to retreat to the door.

Yunlei looked at the sky, there was constant lightning, and his face was troubled, "It's raining so hard, it's hard for us to go out, but if we don't help Xiaocao and Xueyan, not only will they get sick tomorrow, but they won't be able to complete the task."

Lu Yitang reminded: "The lights on this road have been blown out, we can't find the way at all."

Thinking of Han Xueyan's thin figure carrying a basket of bricks to the top of the mountain to compare, Shao Qi's heart tightened, "I don't care, even if the mountain god gets angry, I won't leave Xueyan alone!"

"Where are you going?" Suddenly, Yu Shengjun's voice appeared from behind several people.

The closest person to Yu Shengjun was Yu Zichen, and he said truthfully, "We want to help Xiao Cao and the others."

Yu Shengjun reminded bluntly: "Look at this day, are you allowed to go? Besides, before Instructor Tang asked us to go down the mountain, she reminded that whoever helped them move the bricks would continue to punish them the next day. "

"If everyone doesn't say anything, Instructor Tang won't know." Sun Bailing said.

"But take a look," Yu Shengjun's gaze was in the air again, "when it rains more heavily, and you are not familiar with the terrain of the Royal Forest, do you know where the high slope is? I don’t even know the route out of Shanglin Garden!”

"Then what should I do?" Shao Qi was furious, "The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the snow is so thin, she..."

Yu Shengjun kindly reminded me, "There are umbrellas and lanterns in the warehouse, but it's raining heavily. If you don't have umbrellas, you can't go with lanterns."

"Yes, umbrellas, lanterns." Yu Shengjun's reminder made Shao Qi suddenly realize that he immediately went to the warehouse, and the others followed.

After everyone left, Tang Lin's figure appeared at the door, "This rain is so good, it created an opportunity for us. I want to see what these people can do. If this storm Xiao Cao and Xue Yan If they can’t bear it, then there’s no point in continuing to train them.”

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "If you don't want their lives, you are already very kind."

After a while, Shao Qi and the others held up umbrellas and carried lanterns and walked out of the gate of Shanglin Garden. Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun were no longer at the gate of Shanglin Garden.

After searching for a long time in the rain, Cao Dan finally found a cave near the foot of Gaopoyuan Mountain.He carried Han Xueyan into the cave, and then laid her down on a pile of withered grass.Someone obviously lived here.

(End of this chapter)

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