The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 239 She Wasn't Vegetarian

Chapter 239 She Wasn't Vegetarian

After putting Han Xueyan down, he dragged his tired body over to pick up the dead wood scattered on the ground, and then beat it with two stones for a long time before hitting sparks.After Huo's life, his left hand no longer hangs down, unable to lift any strength.

But he was not idle, took off the clothes on his body, dried them, and brought them to Han Xueyan's side, helped her cover them, and shook her again, "Han Xueyan, wake up."

After being shaken a few times, Han Xueyan finally opened her heavy eyelids, and she saw Cao Dan with a tired face and wet hair.Seeing him like this, her heart tightened and she sat up abruptly, but the pain from all over her body made her eyebrows tighten together, "Why does it hurt so much..."

Cao Dan took a breath, and then explained: "We fell down the mountain, our clothes were scratched, and we also suffered skin injuries. It's raining heavily outside, and we can't go out now. You should first check whether the wounds on your body are serious. Wait outside, call me when you're done."

Watching him dragging his tired body towards the door, his left arm seemed to be broken, shaking every step he took.

Han Xueyan's eyes hurt, and she stopped him, "What's wrong with your hand?"

"It's okay," Cao Dan said, and walked out without looking back.

Han Xueyan sat there for a while, heartbroken, then listened to Cao Dan, put his clothes aside, then took off her own, just when she was about to check how many wounds she had on her body, and whether there were any major wounds, suddenly there was a loud thud Big thunder exploded on the cave.

Han Xueyan was afraid of thunder, and when he heard the thunder, he immediately covered his ears and screamed, "Help—"

Hearing the sound, Cao Dan rushed in from outside the cave, he was exhausted enough, and his heart was pulled together by Han Xueyan's scream.He ran in to see what was going on.

After reacting, he turned around abruptly, took a breath, and gasped uncontrollably, "What, what's wrong?"

Another sound of thunder exploded, Han Xueyan ran over a few steps, hugged him from behind, and cried, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid of thunder, I'm so scared..."

Cao Dan breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she was afraid of thunder, and thought that something had happened to her calling for help.But, being hugged by her like this at this moment, his body was completely stiff, "Xue, Xueyan, you, don't be like this! Lei has nothing to be afraid of, I'm here, don't be afraid!"

Han Xueyan still hugged him tightly, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

She accidentally touched the wound on his arm. Immediately, Cao Dan hissed and gasped.

Han Xueyan realized that she immediately let go, and then ran to his side to help him see the wound on his arm, and said distressedly: "What's the matter? I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it, you must be in pain ?”

When Cao Dan saw her approaching him, he immediately turned his head to the side, his pale face blushed a little, "No, it's fine, you... go back and put on your clothes."

His words made Han Xueyan's brain suddenly slump, and his face immediately changed color.Suddenly, she realized that she had taken off all her clothes just now. Because of the thunder, she hadn't put on her clothes yet.

Cao Dan turned around slowly, seeing her shy look, he smiled, then pointed to his dress on the ground, "Put it on, hurry up."

Han Xueyan did so, picked up his clothes and put them on.

Cao Dan smiled weakly, and finally, when Han Xueyan looked over, his eyes darkened, and he fell down, finally physically and mentally overwhelmed.

Han Xueyan's eyes widened in horror at this moment, "Cao Dan—"

Due to the heavy rain, Shao Qi and the others had just entered the Royal Forest, and the lanterns in many people's hands were extinguished by the rain, and the umbrellas couldn't withstand the strong wind and were blown into several pieces.

The wind was too strong and the rain was too heavy. Sun Bailing's eyes were wet from the rain. She immediately closed her eyes and couldn't see anything. She thought she had strayed from the team, so she yelled, "Is anyone there? Are you still there?" "

Just then, someone took her hand.Feeling the warmth of the big palm, her heart gradually calmed down. She thought that this person must be Yu Zichen, "Master, thank you."

The person who held her hand was obviously taken aback.Owner?Why did she say that?

Since all the lights were extinguished, Shao Qi and the others dispersed as they walked, and no one knew who was going.

When Yu Zichen looked around for Sun Bailing, he was suddenly grabbed by two people and dragged under a bush.After hiding under the grass, I won't be so hated by the heavy rain.

Yu Zichen asked coldly, "Who?"

Tang Lin turned on the flashlight, shined on her own face, and then on Yu Shengjun next to him, "Second Prince, it's us."

"Brother Huang, Xiao Tang, you..." Yu Zichen was surprised, "Why are you here?"

Tang Lin said: "It's nothing. It's just that there is such a heavy rain. I want to see if anyone will go crazy in this bad weather, in this bad night, and in this bad environment."

Yu Zichen was dumbfounded, "That's it?"

Tang Lin smiled mysteriously, "No! We have a purpose!" Tang Lin continued: "Because the emperor will call everyone to discuss state affairs tomorrow, so, find a way to leave these people who are in the way in this barren mountain and wild place, and wait for them." By the time we find a way out, the emperor's meeting has already ended."

Yu Zichen finally understood, and understood why Tang Lin appeared here late at night. All of this was to give Yu Shengjun time to discuss important matters with everyone. "These people have often come to the Royal Forest recently, and they can easily find their way out at dawn."

"It's okay." A cold light flashed in Yu Shengjun's eyes, "If you are injured, you won't walk around."

Tang Lin said: "Then let's act immediately. There are no traps around here. Before I came, Yifeng told me. Right now, put them into the trap one by one. It's best to make them get injured and unable to climb up."

Yu Zichen raised his head and looked at other places. Only when the lightning appeared, he could see his surroundings clearly, "We are separated from them, how can we find someone?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Before they came out, the handles of the umbrellas and lanterns they carried were smeared with a fragrance that rainwater cannot wash away. This fragrance, a kind of wasp can help us find them quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took down a small beehive cage from his waist, and then he opened the beehive cage, and the bumblebee flew out and flew to other roads.

The three quickly followed.

After running for more than ten minutes, Yu Shengjun suddenly stopped. He stretched out his hand to stop Tang Lin and Yu Zichen from going any further. Instead, he hid behind the big tree with them.

Tang Lin took a closer look at the front, although it was completely dark, but with the arrival of lightning, she saw Fu Yushu, Shao Qi, and Yunlei who were stopping and wandering in front.

Yu Shengjun glanced to the side, just a few big leaves came into his eyes.The leaves are as sharp as a saw and stained with drops of water.

The rain was still heavy, but because there were many trees in the Royal Forest, Yu Shengjun and the others were not hurt by Lin.

Yu Shengjun raised his hand, and in the blink of an eye, three leaves were mixed between the three fingers of his right hand.Seeing that he wanted to use leaves as a hidden weapon, Tang Lin despised him, "Junjun, are you sure you can hurt those three people at this time? I used to trust your ability to deal with small people, but..."

There was a slight sound of "咻", and the sound disappeared from Tang Lin's ears.Before she finished speaking, she only heard the muffled voices of three people over there.

Tang Lin saw Shao Qi's feet, as well as Fu Yushu's and Yunlei's feet, through the lightning that appeared again. There was a big wound, which was stained with blood. It was washed away by the rain continuously, and new blood flowed out. Come.

Because of the pain, Yunlei stumbled, and then took two steps backwards. As a result, he stepped on some kind of trap and fell right away.

Seeing this, Shao Qi quickly leaned over and grabbed Yun Lei's hand, and Fu Yushu also grabbed Yun Lei's hand at that critical moment, trying to pull him up.

Seeing this scene, how could Yu Shengjun let them have a chance to save themselves, so he squatted down, pulled out a rope from under the tree root, pulled it again, and immediately, several large frames were fastened together with countless sharp bamboos. The big frame flew towards Shao Qi and the others from all directions, intending to stab the three of them to death with the sharp part of the bamboo.

Shao Qi screamed badly, "We have stumbled into Trap Ridge by mistake. There are many traps here, and if we are not careful, we will touch the traps."

Yunlei pulled Shao Qi and Fu Yushu down hard with both hands, and just like that, the three of them fell down one after another.Instead of being stabbed to death by those bamboos on the top, it is better to go directly to the bottom and wait for someone to rescue.

The bodies of the three fell several meters before falling onto a pile of dead leaves.

When Shao Qi looked up, a big stone covered the opening of the courtyard, and suddenly, the surroundings were covered in blackness.

Tang Lin walked over, stepped on the stone cover, and said with satisfaction: "Well, it's difficult for them to save themselves now. Junjun, I didn't expect you to be familiar with the traps here!"

Yu Zichen explained with a smile, "All the traps and ambushes in this Trap Ridge were designed by Zhang Xiangyang, the emperor's brother, in order to train the Ouchi guards. I didn't expect it to be so useful now!"

Suddenly, Yu Zichen remembered someone, "Then Bailing..."

"Ah—" A cry of surprise crossed the Trap Ridge, mixed with the sound of rain and thunder.

Tang Lin sighed helplessly, "Now, we don't need to take action."

Yu Zichen looked terrified, "Like Fu Yushu and the others, he fell into the courtyard?" If there was anything good or bad, how should he explain it to the princess.

"Second brother, don't worry," Yu Shengjun said, "I didn't do anything to them, they shouldn't have been hurt, they just fell into the courtyard. If they can't come back after dawn tomorrow, come back at noon Save them."

Tang Lin took his words, "As for Cao Dan and Han Xueyan, they probably won't be able to complete the task tonight, and they won't be able to come back for a while."

Down the well, it was so dark that no one could see clearly.

Sun Bailing tried to stand up from a pile of dead leaves, but was unable to do so, and fell down again.

Hearing the sound of falling to the ground, Lu Yitang worriedly said, "Master Sun, are you alright?"

Lu Yitang?Sun Bailing was startled, it turned out that it was not the master. "Master Lu, is that you?"

Lu Yitang was lying next to her. Since she fell on him just now, he now felt that the oxygen had been emptied, so he managed to recover, "Yes, it was me, we fell into a trap."

"What should I do now?" Sun Bailing was discouraged all of a sudden, she rubbed her hand, and suddenly remembered the warm hand that held her not long ago.Before she knew it, there was a subtle change in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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