The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 240 I Have Arrived With the Queen of the Special Forces

Chapter 240 I Have Arrived With the Queen of the Special Forces
Lu Yitang got up and stood up, feeling that she was thinking, he thought she was desperate for the current environment, "Master Sun, we may have entered the trap by mistake, it's okay, someone will come to rescue us at dawn tomorrow .”

"Yes, I know." Sun Bailing replied lightly, she was still savoring that temperature.Suddenly, she felt that her body was so cold. After being drenched in the rain for so long, it was a lie that she wasn't cold.

She shrank herself together, put her hands together and brought them to her mouth for a breath.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Yitang thought something was wrong with her, reached out to touch her, but inadvertently held Sun Bailing's hand, and found her hand was very cold, so he wrapped his hands in his own, "It's okay , it will be much warmer in a while."

However, Sun Bailing withdrew his hand in an instant, and she was terrified by his actions.She is a "man" now, how could a man touch her so ambiguously.She faltered and said: "My hand is, it is like this, it's okay, it's worrying Mr. Lu."

Lu Yitang didn't know why she withdrew her hand back, she didn't want the opposite sex to touch her, and then found out that she belonged to her daughter.

After a while, in order to ease the atmosphere, Lu Yitang smiled and said: "I heard that the cold hands and feet are because no one loves you."

A small sentence touched the softness in Sun Bailing's heart, "Really?" His hands and feet are cold, is it because no one loves him or hurts him?Does this mean that Shen Dan no longer loves herself?

Shen Dan, Shen Dan, how did you and Han Xueyan spend this rainy night?support each other, or...

Before the fifth watch, group after group of people entered the imperial study.Some wear official uniforms, some wear guard uniforms...

Yu Shengjun changed into a clean dragon robe, Tang Lin also changed into a clean military uniform, and the two walked into the imperial study together.At this time, in the imperial study room, there was a large group of people waiting, including six ministers, two prime ministers on the left and right, and Ouchi guards, as well as Yu Zichen and Yu Xinrui.

Yu Shengjun went straight to the throne, and when he turned around, everyone knelt down, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

"Everyone is flat." Yu Shengjun raised his hand to signal, and then sat down.Tang Lin came over and stood beside him.

Yu Shengjun glanced at everyone, seeing that everyone who was supposed to come had come, he directly said the important thing, "Ten years ago, he used his sister in the north of the country, Dongfang, and almost caused our Yuxin Dynasty to be destroyed. If we hadn't found out and controlled the situation in time, we, the monarch and his ministers, would not have had the opportunity to stand here together. Since the day I ordered Concubine Mu to be sent to the underground palace ten years ago, I have discussed a major matter with you. Although some of you learned about it later, it does not hinder the overall situation. That night, after discussing with all my love ministers, I decided to retaliate with a tooth for a tooth, and deal a blow to the North Bordering Kingdom. This blow will definitely make the North Bordering Kingdom disappear in the Central Plains from now on. For this reason, the game of chess ten years ago, counting now, is almost ten years old. Ten years ago, I agreed with you to use Mu Lingxuan to fight a battle without gunpowder. Right now, this battle, The critical moment has come. In the remaining four months, I must see that the Rebellion will perish and the Northern Kingdom will be incorporated into our territory. This not only avenges the former emperor, but also proves that our Yuxin—— This is a big country in the Central Plains!"

Zhang Xiangyang said: "Master, according to Princess Xinrui and An Leng's guards' description of the base of the Anti-Defense Society, our Ouchi guards have already completely controlled the Anti-Defense Society, and we only need to give you an order to attack the Anti-Defense Society in secret. "

"No." To everyone's surprise, Tang Lin interrupted Zhang Xiangyang's plan with a wave of her hand, "I believe that your Ouchi guards can do a good job in attacking the Anti-Defense Society, but before attacking the Anti-Defense Society, you must first take all, all, All... the eyeliners are replaced by our people, including Mu Lingxuan's eyeliner, Shao Qi's eyeliner, and Fu Yushu's eyeliner. As long as the eyeliner is replaced, the information from these people will not be sent out. If it is us With the eyeliner, we can spread false information to Beilin Kingdom any way we want."

Yu Xinrui said worriedly: "But Mu Lingxuan is not a vegetarian either,"

Tang Lin suddenly said: "That's right, she's not a vegetarian, she's eating meat now. She only cares about playing with men, how can she do big things? Huh?" Tang Lin either didn't say it, but when she said it, she said something amazing, and put that Several old antiques were taken aback when they heard that.

"Tang Lin," Yu Shengjun said with a serious expression.

"Oh." Tang Lin pursed her lips and had no choice but to keep her mouth shut.

Zhang Xiangyang said: "Master, all the spies have been replaced by our people. The news that Mu Lingxuan and the others want to send out have all been handed over to our people. After we change them, they will flow into the enemy's hands. This In the past ten years, we have secretly sent people around her to investigate who Mu Lingxuan has been in contact with, and she has always been under our control, so nothing major will happen."

"Well," Yu Shengjun responded with satisfaction, "It's so good, I'm afraid that if the enemy's spies are not finished withdrawing, if the other party goes back to report to Mu Dongfang, then all plans will be ruined."

"Master," asked darkly, "When shall we suppress the Rebellion Council?"

Yu Shengjun said: "An Leng, your task is to cooperate with the princess to keep an eye on the main palace for me, and protect the princess's personal safety. As for the elimination of the anti-imperial society, let Zhang Xiangyang take full responsibility for it."

Zhang Xiangyang took the order, "Yes, master, this subordinate is determined to complete the task and return without disgrace."

Yu Zichen said: "Remember, there must be no fish that slip through the net."

"Yes." Zhang Xiangyang assured.

After solving the matter against the Imperial Council, Yu Shengjun looked at the six ministers, and finally locked his eyes on the Minister of the Ministry of War, and ordered: "Shangshu of the Ministry of War, how about you, send some cronies to take over the soldiers and horses brought by Shao Qi, Be sure to adjust the soldiers and horses brought by Shao Qi. After the adjustment, half of the soldiers and horses will be handed over to the original general. The movement of soldiers and horses. The remaining soldiers and horses are intact, so they can do what they should do, and don’t mess up the court.”

"Yes, I obey the order." The Minister of the Ministry of War took the order.

Yu Shengjun turned to the other ministers and said: "You guys have a very simple task, that is to make troubles in the government and the opposition occasionally, and let the outside world know that you have taken refuge in the Second Prince, understand?"

Those people responded in unison: "I understand."

Yu Shengjun's eyes turned to the two prime ministers at this time, and he was silent for a long time before he said: "You two lovers, I have to deal with Shao Qi and others in the past few months. It will be resolved by the two of you.”

The two prime ministers bowed their heads one after another.

"Your Majesty," Fu Chengxiang hesitated to speak.

Yu Shengjun could see what he was going to say, "After all, I have raised Fu Yushu for more than ten years, and I know your feelings for him, blood is thicker than water. How about this, Fu Aiqing, I promise you, if Fu Yushu repents, I will forgive you His life!"

Fu Chengxiang was overjoyed, and his old eyes were filled with tears, "Thank you, my Majesty, for your kindness."

Yu Shengjun said: "Don't thank me too early, everything has to wait until the dust settles. Your daughter-in-law Du Yuanyuan is a key figure in the Anti-Yuhui. You should keep her at home and don't let her run out."

"Yes." Prime Minister Fu said.

Yu Shengjun's gaze turned to Prime Minister Shen, "Shen Aiqing, you can safely hand over your son to me. After four months, he will be reborn and give you back an excellent son."

Prime Minister Shen burst into tears of gratitude, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Okay," Yu Shengjun stood up easily, "Success or failure depends on you. Once these four months are over, I hope to hear good news. After four months, the anti-imperial society must uproot the weeds Not one will be left behind, and our soldiers and horses will also firmly control the Northern Kingdom. If these two things are completed, then my last move should be made after the training camp is over."

Except for Tang Lin, everyone knelt down and said loudly to Yu Shengjun: "I wish my emperor the unification of the Central Plains in advance and become the overlord of the Central Plains!"

To Tang Lin, this scene was a bit imposing, but what she most wanted to see was the moment when Mu Lingxuan turned pale after the truth came out.At that moment, it proved that everything was not a dream, it was not just a joke...


Tang Lin woke up, yawned, opened her eyes, and found that the antique roof came into view. She thought to herself, hey, isn't this the roof of the Imperial Study Room?

She turned her head to the side, only to realize that she was being hugged and fell asleep by Yu Shengjun.At the meeting on the fifth watch, he discussed with the ministers how to attack the anti-imperial society and how to control the northern border country, but she, at some point, fell sleepy and fell asleep.

Yu Shengjun was looking at her, with a warm smile on his face, his eyes were as gentle as ever, "Are you awake?"

She sat up, looked around, no one was there, then touched her face, "Well... how long have I been asleep?"

"One hour." Yu Shengjun said.

Tang Lin muttered, "One hour is equivalent to two hours..." Then, the sky should have already dawned. "By the way, Junjun, it's dawn. We should go back to Shanglin Garden. If those people come back and find that we are not there, they will definitely suspect us."

"What's the hurry?" Yu Shengjun said lazily, "It's still raining outside, can they come back?"

"Huh? It's still raining? What kind of weather is this!" He quickly jumped off him, ran to the door and opened it to look outside. Sure enough, it was still pouring rain outside.She asked An Lin who was standing at the door, "Director An, do you know how long it will rain?"

An Lin suddenly made a bitter face, and said with a dry smile: "Miss Tang, what are you talking about, this old slave is not that godlike."

Tang Lin looked at him with big innocent eyes and said, "But, in our place, we can predict the weather for the next month."

An Lin was stunned, "Uh..." He really wanted to ask, where are you...

Tang Lin went back to the room and saw that Yu Shengjun was taking off his clothes. She was startled and asked stupidly, "What are you doing?"

Yu Shengjun continued to work on his own, ignoring her stupidity, "What can you do? Didn't you see that I was taking off my clothes?"

Tang Lin said, "It's raining heavily outside, don't you feel cold?"

The robe was finally taken off, he took it and put it on her body. "So, I want to put it on you and freeze my concubine to death. I can't absolve myself of the blame."

Tang Lin glared at him, then smiled happily, "You understand this."

"Come on," he took her hand and walked out, "Go back to Xuanyu Palace, I have already asked An Lin to order the Imperial Dining Room to prepare delicious food for you."

Tang Lin said sweetly, "Thank you."

Back in the bedroom, seeing the delicious food on the table, Tang Lin, who had been hungry all night, immediately kissed Yu Shengjun on the cheek, "Thank you, dear, you are so kind!" Then, excitedly run over.

Her disregard for image made Yu Shengjun shake his head and laugh several times.

After Tang Lin sat down at the dining table, she picked up the chopsticks and ate vegetables, intending to fill her belly.

"Eat slowly." Yu Shengjun reminded softly, this time, he did not sit down to eat with her, but went to the side of the screen.

Tang Lin glanced there while eating, and asked unclearly, "Why are you going?"

The figure of Yu Shengjun had already entered the screen, and two words came from there, "Bath."

"Ah? Really?" Tang Lin smiled badly, then grabbed a chicken leg and tiptoed towards the screen. She didn't dare to go in directly, but stood outside the screen to eavesdrop on the movement inside to see if there was any water. Voice.

(End of this chapter)

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