The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 241 Queen Mother, Hello!

Chapter 241 Queen Mother, Hello!
Suddenly, a figure covered all the light in front of her.

Tang Lin glanced up along the figure, and the facial features of Yu Shengjun's handsome sister came into her eyes. At this moment, he was so sexy and handsome that she wanted to melt him in her mouth like ice cream.

She smiled innocently, and raised her hand holding the chicken leg, "You are busy, you are busy, I won't bother you." She turned around and wanted to run, but Yu Shengjun grabbed her hand holding the chicken leg, and then He snatched her chicken leg, took a big bite, and returned to the screen contentedly.

Tang Lin looked at her empty hand, and was furious, she glanced at the screen, "Huh, you're so overbearing."

I don't know how long it took, when Tang Lin ate his cups and plates in a mess, Yu Shengjun came out from inside, and put on a clean and comfortable robe, silver-white, which made him look aristocratic, but also like the clothes in the painting. same as people.

Tang Lin took a look, and her eyes lit up immediately, "Junjun, is that you?"

Yu Shengjun frowned, "I don't wear a dragon robe today, is it strange?"

Tang Lin ran over in a few steps, then circled around him, admiring his outfit today, and sincerely praised, "So handsome!"

Yu Shengjun smiled speechlessly, why did she want to be nympho to him every day.

"Then it's my turn to take a shower!" Suddenly, Tang Lin shook her feet one after another, and she just threw her shoes into the corner.Then, in front of Yu Shengjun, he took off his coat and threw it on the ground. Immediately afterwards, he saw her go all the way to the screen, and the clothes on her body were scattered all the way.

Hearing a plop, Yu Shengjun regained his composure, lowered his eyes to look at Tang Lin's clothes on the floor of the room, his throat tightened involuntarily.This girl is really challenging his stamina, don't think he dares...

After a cup of tea, Tang Lin came out from the screen before Yu Shengjun put down the cup.There were a lot of his clothes hanging inside, and she put on one casually, then dragged it out, with her hair down, this messy appearance——

"Linlin?" Tang Lin's appearance at this moment made Yu Shengjun amazed, her beauty was unparalleled.Before he knew it, he had stood up.

With a sweet smile on her face, Tang Lin ran towards him, jumped on him immediately, and then kissed him endlessly everywhere. She didn't believe that she might not be able to handle this determined emperor tonight .

"Junjun, shall we do something bad tonight?"

"I really don't intend to let you go!" Said, Yu Shengjun hugged Tang Lin tightly and went to the bed.

Just about to get into the topic, a loud voice came from outside, "The Empress Dowager is here—"

Tang Lin was a little speechless, "I'm still here with the queen of the special forces," but within a second, she immediately woke up, "Oh my god, the empress dowager." She quickly kicked Yu Shengjun away with her feet, and then ran under the bed dodge.Yu Shengjun was kicked to the corner of the bed by Tang Lin, he couldn't react for a while, he was so stupid now.He, he is the emperor, there is nothing wrong with pampering a woman, why is he being kicked aside by this woman now?

After realizing it, he squatted beside the bed and looked under the bed. The curled up little figure made him want to laugh and cry at the same time, "What are you doing?"

Tang Lin winked at him vigorously, and whispered, "Didn't you hear just now? The Empress Dowager is here!"

Yu Shengjun felt depressed, "When you arrive, you will arrive. As for scaring you like this?"

"Oh!" Tang Lin exclaimed suddenly. She thought of something, and immediately ordered Yu Shengjun, "Quickly, go and put away all the clothes outside and hide them. If your mother sees it, then it's okay!" Wife, also successful.

"Mom?!" Yu Shengjun was stunned.

"Oh," seeing that the Empress Dowager was about to come in, the Yu Shengjun was still in a daze, Tang Lin was anxious and annoyed, and urged again: "Hurry up, put away my clothes and hide them, be obedient, and do it quickly !"

"Oh." Yu Shengjun responded inexplicably, and then stood up, because the three layers of curtains were raised and hung, so he could see everything outside at a glance, and he could also see the door.

But at this time, An Lin's rather embarrassing voice sounded at the door, "Queen! Queen! Your Majesty..."

"An Lin, don't be so loud, you are arguing with the emperor." When the empress dowager spoke, she had already opened the door of the bedroom, so she didn't bother An Lin.An Lin held his lower lip with his fingers, and watched the empress dowager enter grandly as if in shock.

This is miserable, the future queen made her debut too soon.

As soon as the empress dowager came in, she saw Yu Shengjun standing beside the bed.Seeing her, Yu Shengjun was stunned: "Mother?"

"Emperor, you..." She was about to speak, but the Empress Dowager looked from the messy dining table all the way to the opening of the screen. The military uniforms, underwear, bras, hair ties along the way...

These novel costumes completely produced a different visual sense in the eyes of the empress dowager, "My lord, this thing on the ground..."

Tang Lin, who was hiding under the bed, suddenly collapsed, and at this moment, she even wanted to strangle Yu Shengjun to death.She just asked him to put away her clothes and hide them. Luckily, he is still standing by the bed for his mother to see openly.

She always wanted to find a good time and make a good first impression on her future mother-in-law.Well now, I can only hide under the bed.What an embarrassment.

"Uh," Yu Shengjun was stunned, looking at Tang Lin's clothes on the ground, and at the queen mother, he didn't know what to say for a while. "Queen, these clothes are... are..." Hey, how can I explain it.

The empress dowager raised her hand, and the eunuchs and court ladies who followed behind her immediately turned around and walked out of the bedroom one after another.

Before closing the door, An Lin gave Yu Shengjun a "good for himself" look.

Yu Shengjun suddenly smiled wryly, what does An Lin mean by this?Why tell him to do it for himself?
The Empress Dowager walked over with lotus steps, her fine clothes were gently dragged by her.She walked to the dining table, squatted down elegantly, picked up Tang Lin's belt with one hand, and looked at it carefully, "This thing is really strangely made."

Tang Lin was lying under the bed. Although people outside couldn't see her, she could see their feet.She had seen the Empress Dowager reach for her belt.She was very nervous, "God bless, don't let the future mother-in-law use the mechanism."

The empress dowager just observed the belt carefully for a while, then put it back on the ground, and then went to pick up Tang Lin's bra, this time, in front of her son Yu Shengjun.

When Yu Shengjun saw his mother pick up Tang Lin's underwear, his expression changed immediately. When his mother was about to mutter about Tang Lin's underwear, he immediately ran over and helped her to sit aside, "Mother, Don't bother with these things, it's useless."

"But this thing is too strange." At this moment, Tang Lin's pitiful bra was still in the hands of the Empress Dowager, "This seems... to be a piece of clothing."

Well, it's a dress, or it's worn inside.

Yu Shengjun wanted to explain clearly, but he didn't have the cheek.He took the bra from the queen mother's hand and threw it aside, "Queen mother, it rained so hard this morning, why did you come here? If you catch a cold, I will feel guilty."

The queen mother stroked the back of his hand, with a kind and kind face on her face, "It rained continuously all night, and the mother mother was also worried about whether you might catch a cold, so she came to see you early in the morning. Seeing that you are full of energy, the mother mother can rest assured gone."

The mother and son did not suffer from the cold, but at this moment, Tang Lin, who was wearing less clothes and hiding under the bed, couldn't help but "Haqiu—"

This sound, like a thunder, woke up Yu Shengjun, subconsciously, he looked over to the bed.

The empress dowager heard such a loud sneeze, she frowned, looked around, and did not forget to ask her son, "My lord, is there someone in your bedroom at this moment?"

"No, no!" Yu Shengjun lied in a panic.

The empress dowager was still suspicious, "but the empress mother just heard someone make a sound."

Yu Shengjun hurriedly fooled her, "Mother, you must be hallucinating, how could there be... people in the son's bedroom."

"You child," the empress dowager gave him a slightly annoyed look, but it was hard to ignore her full of pampering. "Do you remember? Once in the morning, when the queen mother came to your place, a guard caught a cold and hid under your couch for fear that the queen mother would blame her."

"Yes, that's right." Yu Shengjun smiled dryly, "Oh, come to think of it, it's a hall."

The Empress Dowager emphasized: "So, you have to pay more attention. Sometimes, the people below come in to clean, but you will come back suddenly. I am afraid that you will be furious if you see that they haven't finished cleaning, so you hide inside and wait for you to leave. Come out again."

Yu Shengjun said with a dry smile: "Mother, you think too far, how can such a thing happen. Mother, you sit down first, and my son... busy meeting." As he said, he bent down several times in the past to remove Tang Lin's clothes I picked them up, and finally put them behind the screen.

After he came out, the queen mother became suspicious again, and there was still a little dissatisfaction on her face, "What are the people doing here? Not only did they make a mess here, but they didn't clean it up."

"Queen, don't blame them." Yu Shengjun smiled shamelessly, "It's my son who messed up this place just now, and it's none of other people's business."

The queen mother glared at him, "This is not like your style."

Yu Shengjun smiled dryly, not knowing how to reply.Yes, how could such a messy situation be his style.He has never helped others pack their clothes before, so this time he set an example.

The Empress Dowager's eyes fell on the messy dinner table, she remained calm, her eyes seemed to be able to see through the fire, "Your Majesty, you have always been strict with yourself, why are you so lazy today?"

"Uh, these are..." Yu Shengjun immediately searched for a clue to explain the messy dinner table, "It's Zichen. Just now, my son and Zichen were discussing state affairs, and I didn't expect that after a meal, it would become like this. Queen Mother , don’t be angry, when we brothers talk about state affairs, we forget everything, so... the rules of eating have almost been forgotten.” Speaking of this, he immediately looked at the door and yelled, “Anlin, order Someone came in and cleared the table."

After a while, under the busyness of Sister Lei and two or three guards, the messy dinner table was finally cleaned up.

After these people retreated, Yu Shengjun made a cup of tea for his mother, "Mother, have a cup of tea to warm up your body. The wind is relatively cool this morning, and my son is afraid that you will catch a cold."

"Okay, the queen mother listens to the emperor." The empress dowager took the tea cup gracefully, but when she was about to drink, she heard another sneeze.

Yu Shengjun was worried, this is too bad, he didn't get the cold, but Tang Lin was infected, and if his mother didn't leave, he couldn't dress Tang Lin. "Empress, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to deal with in the imperial study. How about this, I will ask An Lin to send you back to Xiangning Palace first?"

The empress dowager put the teacup on the table, and deliberately put it aside, but the teacup was turned upside down, and the tea immediately spilled out, scalding her hands, she immediately retracted her hands, and knit her brows together, "Oh."

This slight movement frightened Yu Shengjun. The injury of the queen mother made his heart contract, creating a pain like blood thicker than water.

He ran over, gently held the queen mother's hand, blew, and said distressedly: "Queen mother, does it hurt?"

Tang Lin lay under the bed, pouted occasionally, and muttered in a low voice, "Huh, Yu Shengjun, you are so kind to your mother, I have a cold now, why don't you take your mother away, let me wear some clothes to avoid the cold."

(End of this chapter)

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