Chapter 242 Terrible!

The empress dowager smiled lightly and stroked her son's shoulder, "The empress is fine, don't worry so much."

Yu Shengjun said: "There is only one queen mother, so what if you don't worry about it. The emperor left early. If there is no queen mother who has worked so hard to pull the son to grow up, the son will not be where he is today. Therefore, the queen mother can't have a little trouble. .”

The empress dowager was very happy to hear these words, but she secretly glanced elsewhere at this moment, and asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Imperial son, do you have medicinal wine here? The empress is using it now! "

Yu Shengjun thought for a while, "It seems that there is a bottle in the bathtub behind the screen. Once I hurt my foot, I asked An Lin to bring it, and I didn't ask him to take it out afterwards."

The empress dowager said: "The emperor, you go and get it to the empress now."

"Okay, Queen Mother, I will find medicinal wine for you." After speaking, Yu Shengjun immediately ran over to the screen.

As soon as his figure disappeared on the other side of the screen, the Empress Dowager tiptoed over to Yu Shengjun's bed, dragging her hem as if she was fine, then suddenly squatted down and glanced under the bed.

Tang Lin's huddled figure suddenly had nowhere to hide.

Seeing the empress dowager's young face and cute posture, she smiled silly, then waved, and said sweetly, "Hi, how are you?" Startled, these eyes were undoubtedly the most distinctive she had ever seen.And that playful voice, playful words, playful little face.

"Mother, mother queen!" Yu Shengjun came out from the screen, and when he saw that mother mother had already found Tang Lin, he immediately froze.

Slowly, the empress dowager stood up, and that cute squatting posture became elegant and serious in just a moment.She sighed lightly, and didn't say anything, but went back to the seat and sat down lightly.

Tang Lin crawled out from under the bed, accidentally touched her head to the top of the bed, and said "Ouch".

Yu Shengjun shuddered, and wanted to go up to show concern, but the fierce eyes of the queen mother stopped him.

"I'm exhausted!" Finally crawling out, Tang Lin panted heavily, not forgetting to move her limbs.She was only wearing a long gown, and when she stretched her waist, the belt that was not tied tightly was loosened, and her breasts were ready to be exposed.

Seeing this scene, the mother and son stared at the same time.

Yu Shengjun was the first to react. He took the medicinal wine to the table next to the queen mother, then ran back into the screen, copied a robe casually, put it on Tang Lin, and sealed her, who was so beautiful at the moment, .

"Thank you," Tang Lin thanked tenderly, then grabbed his coat tightly, ran up to the Empress Dowager, and knelt down obediently, "I'm sorry, Empress Dowager, to have surprised you!"

The Empress Dowager asked with a straight face, "Who are you?"

Yu Shengjun was about to explain that this is his future queen, but unexpectedly, Tang Lin took the opportunity to explain. She raised her head, looked at the young and mature face of the queen, and said seriously: "Queen, servant girl It's Xiao Tang, a maid newly recruited to take care of the emperor's daily life. Sister Lei said that she has to be busy with other affairs, so she recruited Xiao Tang to take care of the emperor on behalf of Sister Lei... "

Yu Shengjun was speechless after hearing these words.Just say it's the future queen, it's fine, I have to live the addiction of a court lady.

The empress dowager believed it was true, but Tang Lin's amazing appearance made her think more in a wrong way.She subconsciously glanced at her son, but she was talking to Tang Lin, "Do you look like you are serving the emperor? Instead, the emperor is serving you!"

"Pfft," Tang Lin was amused by the last sentence, covered her mouth and puffed out.

Her smile made the empress dowager startled, and suddenly realized that this girl was so different.Thinking about it deeply, perhaps, only a different woman can fascinate her son. "What are you laughing at?"

Tang Lin immediately became serious, and knelt upright, "Go back to the Queen Mother, Xiao Tang is not there, you are not laughing at anything!"

Her upright kneeling posture made Yu Shengjun feel funny, this little woman would do such awkward things.

"Really?" The Empress Dowager asked her son, "Is she the new maid?"

"Uh..." Yu Shengjun originally wanted to say no, and then explained Tang Lin's matter, but Tang Lin was sneaking a glance at him, her eyes were warning him, if he dared to explain, you will not feel better in the future.In order to make things easier in the future, he had no choice but to change his words, "Yes, she is."

The empress dowager deliberately criticized with a straight face, "A maid, how can she dress like this? How decent is she!"

"That's because..." Yu Shengjun couldn't go on explaining. He didn't have the courage to explain this to the queen mother in front of Tang Lin.Besides, in the mind of the empress mother, he has always been unfeminine, but Tang Lin's current appearance inevitably makes the empress think that the reason why Tang Lin is so messy is his masterpiece.

The empress dowager didn't wait for him to finish explaining, she looked at her own fingers, then at the medicinal wine on the table next to her, and said flatly: "My son, the empress has forgotten, this medicinal wine doesn't work on the scalded fingers of the empress, I trouble the emperor to go to the Xiangning Palace to help the queen get the bottle of medicinal wine that the queen usually uses."

"Ah?" Yu Shengjun was stunned. The queen mother would never bother herself to do such trivial things, but could she be weak? Or, why bother her as the emperor's son to get it?

"Go!" The empress dowager urged impatiently, "The empress mother's hand is injured, is it possible that the emperor will die without saving her?"

At this moment, Yu Shengjun finally came to his senses. The queen mother wanted to send him away on purpose, and wanted to be alone with Tang Lin. "Then... the emperor is going to get the medicinal wine." Before leaving, she hinted at Tang Lin, "The newcomer, this is the queen mother, understand the rules, don't offend the queen mother, otherwise, when I come back... I will fire you .”

Tang Lin grinned secretly, Yu Shengjun, Yu Shengjun, if you dare to fire me, try it.

Yu Shengjun walked out of the bedroom and immediately closed the door. Before he could catch his breath, An Lin gasped for him and stroked his chest, "Oh my lord, you finally came out, but what did the Queen Mother see?"

"Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are fighting. What do you think the queen mother saw? If she didn't see it, the queen mother would drive her son out?" After speaking coldly, Yu Shengjun walked away. "I will go to Xiangning Palace and watch here."

Seeing Yu Shengjun's back going away, An Lin curled his lips, "Poor Emperor."

inside the house,

The Empress Dowager lazily changed her posture, but still maintained her elegance.She ignored Tang Lin, just like a person who has nothing to do and is in a panic, looking around, occasionally sighing, sometimes melancholy, "Oh,"

Tang Lin was kneeling dignifiedly, and when she heard the empress dowager sigh, she looked up at the empress dowager, unconsciously scratching the back of her head with her hands, wondering and puzzled by this woman who still had the charm of a mid-mature woman.

Didn't you see that she is still kneeling here like a living person?Why do you treat her like she doesn't exist?

"Queen Mother," since the other party deliberately kept silent, Tang Lin planned to speak first. Besides, she wanted to be herself, without putting on airs, and said directly, "Queen Mother, do you find Xiao Tang not pleasing to your eyes?"

These words made the empress dowager stunned. This was the first time she had seen someone talk to her like this.She stared at Tang Lin, and carefully sized up this strange little girl. For some reason, seeing those big smart eyes, she couldn't get angry, and it seemed that she had nothing to get angry. There is no way to make her angry, it seems that she has no way to make this little girl angry at all, "Ah! Do you know that Ai's family is the queen mother?"

Tang Lin smiled wryly. The Empress Dowager didn't speak. She felt that the other party was graceful and elegant, but now when she spoke, it was as if she was chatting with her own mother. It was cute and ridiculous. , "Queen, is this you? It's too impressive for Xiao Tang!"

Immediately, the Empress Dowager put on a straight face, "Shut up, who is the Ai family, how can you praise and criticize me?"

Tang Lin pursed her lips, showing her grievances on her face, "I don't mean to scold the queen mother, why are you angry, queen mother? Xiao Tang heard that the legendary queen mother is kind, kind, graceful, graceful, elegant and elegant. An intellectual beauty, although there is a 23-year-old emperor's son, but their mother and son look like siblings. Yes, the queen mother that Xiao Tang sees now is like a lady who is less than 30 years old You look like an old woman in her 40s. However, Xiao Tang not only thinks you are young, beautiful and beautiful, not only that you are graceful and graceful, but also that you are very cute, playful, funny and humorous. So, Let Xiao Tang feel that the queen mother is more impressive than the legend, it is too surprised, it turns out that the queen mother is so, so, such a beauty that makes people fall in love with at first sight."

After listening to these "praises", the empress dowager took a long time to digest, she let out a long breath, and said amazingly: "The Ai family finally understands why you were stripped naked by the emperor .”

"Pfft," Tang Lin almost flicked her tongue when she heard it, "What? What did you say, Queen Mother?"

"Son, get up!" The empress dowager seemed to be a different person. Not only did she not show bad feelings towards Tang Lin, but she would lean over slightly and pull Tang Lin up herself. "Sit down next to Ai's family, Ai's family wants to have a good talk with Xiao Tang."

Tang Lin was very flattered. After sitting down, she felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, "Queen Mother, you, aren't you angry?"

The empress dowager gave her a rare and cute sideways glance, "Why is Aijia angry?"

Tang Lin looked down at herself, and said, "Little Tang dressed like this is very disgraceful and loses the image of a girl. The Queen Mother is not angry when she sees such a wild girl, which makes Xiao Tang feel very flattered."

"What a silly girl," the empress dowager caressed the back of Tang Lin's hand affectionately, and looked at Tang Lin carefully, never leaving her eyes.This woman with exquisite facial features, black hair, tall figure, and special temperament is pleasing to the eye no matter what she looks at. "How can this be wild? This is called Mei!"

Hearing this kind of "compliment", Tang Lin was so stupid that she didn't know what to express, "Fairy?"

"Yes!" The Empress Dowager said with a smile, which seemed to be a little treacherous.And this attitude made Tang Lin feel very avant-garde.She thought this was a conservative era, but she never expected to meet such a unique woman as the Empress Dowager. "The prince of the Ai family has never been close to women. It's rare that he can't control himself and make you look like this. Good girl, the Ai family likes you very much. Tell the Ai family, which daughter are you?"

Tang Lin was flattered and asked: "Queen Mother, why do you ask which family Xiao Tang is the daughter of? If Xiao Tang's background is not good, will he not be able to be a court lady?"

"No." The Empress Dowager smiled softly and explained: "The Ai family wants to know which family raises such a smart and handsome little Tang. The Ai family likes Xiao Tang no matter what you think. Xiao Tang, you just Stop being the emperor's maid, okay?"

"Ah?" Tang Lin was startled, subconsciously having a bad premonition. "Empress Dowager, Xiao Tang likes to serve the emperor very much, and likes to be his...maid. Is it because Xiao Tang bumped into the emperor, the queen mother's son, and the husbands of all the ladies in the harem, and wants to drive Xiao Tang away?" After hearing these words, the Empress Dowager couldn't help but cast an incredulous look at Tang Lin.Only an extraordinary girl would say extraordinary words, and she would not be so shy to the point of blushing.

"Queen?" Seeing the empress dowager stunned, Tang Lin wondered if she said something wrong again.

(End of this chapter)

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