The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 243 The balance scale, lost its balance.

Chapter 243 The balance scale, lost its balance.

The empress dowager came back to her senses and smiled softly, "It's all right."

Tang Lin asked: "Then why doesn't the queen mother want Xiao Tang to continue to be the emperor's maid?"

"Aijia wants..." The empress dowager was about to say, Aijia wanted you to be the emperor's concubine, if he allowed, it would be fine to be a queen.But at this moment, Tang Lin spoke again and interrupted her, "Queen Mother, Xiao Tang really likes being the Emperor's maid, really, I won't lie to you. Queen Mother, please, don't transfer Xiao Tang away, okay?" Good? Xiao Tang likes to serve the emperor, and the emperor also likes Xiao Tang, so, Xiao Tang begs the Queen Mother, don't transfer Xiao Tang away."

The empress dowager was surprised, "You just like to be his maid?" This girl doesn't even want a title, she's stupid.

Tang Lin lowered her head and said weakly, "Yes, I really like being his maid." Of course, she wanted to climb to the throne of queen even more.Anyway, there will be opportunities for the Empress Dowager to see a different Tang Lin in the future. The throne of the Empress is ultimately her own.

"That's fine, it's up to you." Since Tang Lin likes to be a maid, and the matter of Shihe has not been dealt with yet, the Empress Dowager thinks that it is better to consider who will be the queen in the future.

Tang Lin was so excited that she leaned over and gave the other person a slap on the face, "Thank you, beauty." Realizing that she said something wrong, she immediately changed her words, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Queen Mother, I'm sorry, Xiao Tang said the wrong thing."

The empress dowager smiled helplessly, "It's okay."

Tang Lin lowered her head and smirked.

"Little Tang," looked Tang Lin over and over again, and the empress dowager smiled mysteriously, a little sinister and cunning. "Tell Aijia, how did you capture the emperor? Was he willing?"

When it came to the matter in bed, Tang Lin was so ashamed that she wanted to find a way to find the ground, "Queen Mother, what are you asking, Xiao Tang, I'm so sorry."

"Yo, are you still shy?" The empress dowager laughed, and then asked: "Tell the Ai family honestly, are you already that?"

"No!" Tang Lin immediately denied, "Just now, Xiao Tang was going to have sex with the emperor, but the Queen Mother arrived suddenly, so... we had to stop. But it's also good, so Xiao Tang doesn't have to feel sorry for those ladies in the harem. "

The empress dowager complained with a glance at her, "What are you talking about? The Ai family knows the emperor very well. After all, he came out of the Ai family's stomach. How could the Ai family not understand him? The emperor is a disciple of Buddhism and a layman. Not feminine, but not as rumored... masculine. The emperor has never been in touch with that kind of thing, so naturally he won't be attracted to ordinary women. Don't worry about the harem, he won't touch it .”

"Ah?" Tang Lin was surprised, "Can't touch it? Is it true?"

The empress dowager glared at her, "Does the Ai family look like a liar? Those concubines in the harem are all rich officials. Their backgrounds and backgrounds are related to the lifeblood of the country. The emperor has no choice but to accept them as concubines. "

Tang Lin rolled her eyes weakly, and said with contempt: "But this will delay the lives of those concubines, won't it?"

The Empress Dowager said: "They are willing, so what do you say? Since ancient times, there is no woman who does not want to marry into the palace and enjoy the glory and wealth. Even the poor family, when they married the first emperor, they also held such thoughts."

Tang Lin asked: "The queen mother, has the emperor ever thought about sending all the concubines in the harem home and letting them find their own marriages? Instead of sitting in the harem and waiting for the day when they grow old and die, it's better to go home and find a good marriage. "

"You don't understand," said the empress dowager, "these women don't want to spend their lives looking for love. They attach great importance to money, fame, status, comparison, and jealousy. That girl from a good family is simply inferior to her. No. They would rather fight in this harem to be exhausted than to find a husband who is well-matched. They have been pawns for the interests of the family and the country since childhood, so naturally their hearts are different since childhood."

Tang Lin stroked her chest, feeling coldness all over her body, "Queen Mother, what you said is too scary. Why do these kinds of women suffer so much? I can't figure out why there is so much competition for the status of the harem."

The empress dowager squinted at her, and asked with a half-smile: "What about you? Do you want to fight?"

Tang Lin said confidently: "Hmph, if there is a fight, can they win it? I don't even think about who they are fighting with!"

The empress dowager first poured cold water on her, "Don't forget, those concubines in the harem need family background, means, means, and looks. In short, they have everything. You little Tang, what can compare to them? This harem Everything can be less, but jealousy and comparison are indispensable. As long as there are people fighting, robbing, and crying every day in the harem, it can be considered a harem, and only people outside can envy and yearn for it. In this way, this All the women in the world naturally want to join the palace and climb to high positions, to be the emperor's only woman."

What do you have?Tang Lin bit her finger and thought about it carefully, and muttered to herself: "What... family background do I have? Yes, and my parents' official positions are also powerful, but they just can't move here to show off. Um... looks, I Tang Lin used to be Army flower, it shouldn’t be bad. As for money, I’ve taken so many missions and received so much reward, and I haven’t spent a single cent so far, so it should be a lot, right? As for the means... I’ve already become Tang’s instructor , can those little girls in the harem be able to deal with it?"

Thinking of this, Tang Lin was completely relieved. She believed in her own abilities, and she would be able to defeat the enemy easily and become Yu Shengjun's only woman.

"Little Tang, what are you thinking so seriously?" Tang Lin's innocent appearance made the Empress Dowager feel more pure and lively the more she looked at it.She thought that it was this difference that fascinated her son.

But she hasn't seen Tang Lin's truly handsome and capable side yet.

Tang Lin smirked and said, "Queen Mother, Xiao Tang didn't think about anything."

"Little Tang," the empress dowager asked about something, "there is a person named Tang Lin in the guard training camp here. Have you heard the emperor mention it? Although the Ai family never asked about other matters in the palace, Ai Those eunuchs and maids in the palace mentioned that person named Tang Lin every day."

Tang Lin became flustered. The empress dowager must have discovered something when she asked this question. "Queen, how did you inquire about this person?"

The Empress Dowager said truthfully: "The Ai family just wanted to know about this contestant who went through layers of selection in the selection competition and finally won the first bodyguard by virtue of his outstanding performance. In the past Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, there has never been such an outstanding player. Aijia also occasionally heard people talking about this contestant, so now he also wants to find out if the other party is really such a god, and he has passed the test repeatedly."

It turned out that in the mind of the empress dowager, she was already a myth.Tang Lin was very happy to be valued so much by the empress dowager, she said weakly: "Empress dowager, in fact, this Tang Lin is..." me.

But she didn't have a chance to speak out, the door suddenly opened, stopping her words.

Yu Shengjun hurried in from the outside with only a bottle of medicinal wine in his hand.He was shocked to see Tang Lin sitting next to his queen mother.But on the surface, he pretended to be calm, walked over a few steps, put the medicinal wine on the table, and then scolded Tang Lin, "There are no rules, who allowed you to sit with the Queen Mother?"

Tang Lin raised her mouth and was about to refute, but the Empress Dowager immediately spoke up for her, "My lord, why are you so loud? Xiao Tang is a weak woman, and she can't bear the yelling of a tyrant like you."

Yu Shengjun was very shocked that he would never scold his mother, but actually scolded himself.This Tang Lin, how did she win his mother to love her so much?How long has it been since she was favored by his mother?
However, this is a good thing, so that when Tang Lin is made queen in the future, she will not have to ask her mother if she likes it.

"The Ai family is a little tired, so I'm going back first." Then, the empress dowager stood up, took the medicinal wine in Yu Shengjun's hand, and turned to leave, not forgetting to throw a sentence behind her, "Emperor, drink more tonic every day. Soup is...good for the body."

When the figure of the Empress Dowager disappeared at the door, Tang Lin added, "To tonify the kidney is to tonify the kidney, to strengthen the yang is to strengthen the yang, and I turned a corner to remind you. Besides, a man who needs to drink this kind of thing... is terrible."

Yu Shengjun glared at her, his eyes were full of murderous intent, "Who are you talking about?"

Tang Lin felt the killing intent and wanted to run away, but she got up pretending to be calm and went to the bed, "I didn't say anything, don't get me wrong." The quilt covers the body.

Yu Shengjun came over, this time his gaze was full of interrogation, "Say, what's going on?"

Tang Lin was confused by the question, and squinted at him, "What is the situation? You will ask me what the situation is after you go out and come back. I don't know what you want to know. What is the situation?"

Her words that couldn't be more white almost made Yu Shengjun collapse. Immediately, he shrugged, "Okay, I was defeated by you again."

Tang Lin lay on her side, glanced at the window, and heard the sound of rain, "Is it still raining outside?"

"Yes, it's still raining, and it will probably continue for another day." While speaking, Yu Shengjun was putting down the curtain.

Tang Lin watched him play, and asked again: "How do you know it's going to be another day? Could it be that you can read the weather? Impossible, this is the work of the Meteorological Observatory. I can't keep it!"

The third layer of curtains had been put down, Yu Shengjun turned back, stood by the bed, arms crossed, looking down at Tang Lin with a condescending attitude, smiling handsomely, gracefully, handsomely, and gracefully, so handsome and elegant as if he had never been People who come out of the painting.Seeing Tang Lin staring at him so crazily, Yu Shengjun smiled and asked, "Have you seen enough?"

"No, I feel like I can't watch enough for a lifetime. I want to watch for a lifetime, a lifetime, and you are not allowed to leave halfway." Tang Lin's face was full of happiness, and she rolled two or three times into the bed to make room for him. Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun sat down and said softly: "As long as you don't leave, I will never leave."

Tang Lin smiled sweetly, then crawled over and lay on his body, "Linlin doesn't want to leave Junjun, doesn't want to leave."

"Well, I remember!" After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

Tang Lin raised her head and closed her eyes lightly. There was no makeup on her face, but this plain face was more beautiful than the face with makeup, more natural beauty.Those light red lips are small and delicate, inviting consideration and taste.

Tang Lin had already sat up without knowing it, and her hands were also climbing on his back without knowing it.At this time, the person is already sitting on Yu Shengjun's body like a hostess driving a bloody BMW, and her small waist is already in his hands, delicate and tactile.

But often at this time, they will be disturbed, and it seems to be a curse.

(End of this chapter)

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