Chapter 244
But his good things are always interrupted at critical moments.An Lin's voice was more urgent than before, and came in again, "Your Majesty? Your Majesty? Are you still asleep? The guards in the underground palace have something urgent to report!"

No matter what happens, big or small, as long as it is related to the underground palace, Yu Shengjun can immediately take care of it.

At this moment, upon hearing that it was about the underground palace, a stern look flashed across Yu Shengjun's eyes, but this stern look was fleeting, and Tang Lin could not catch it very quickly.He pulled the quilt, covered Tang Lin's body, then lowered his head and stamped her forehead, "I'm going to the underground palace, Linlin is obedient, sleep well."

Tang Lin knew that he was very concerned about the underground palace, so she didn't act coquettishly to keep him.As a successful woman, she naturally has to support her, "Go ahead, I'm fine. It's raining heavily, so walk carefully."

"En." Yu Shengjun responded lightly, and then got out of bed.

Seeing him rushing out of the curtain, Tang Lin leaned on the quilt and said, "Yu Shengjun, I'm sorry for you."

As soon as Yu Shengjun came out of the door of the bedroom, he immediately asked the guard in charge of the affairs of the underground palace, "So urgent, what happened to the underground palace?"

The guard came over and whispered a few words in his ear, "...the matter is just like this, please master decide how to deal with it!"

Yu Shengjun looked a little helpless, "Why do you want to do this?"

"Master, do you want to find out the situation yourself?" the guard asked.

Yu Shengjun looked dignified, "I'm going to take a look."

After Yu Shengjun left for more than ten minutes, Tang Lin put on her military uniform and came out.

An Lin was startled when he saw her coming out, and then asked, "Miss Tang, where are you going?"

Tang Lin raised her eyes to the sky. This day, like a resentful woman, was lifeless, and the rain would not stop for a while.Although the thunder was gone, the rain was still torrential, and it was even crazier and heavier than last night.

"Oh," Tang Lin sighed deeply, thinking of the few students who were still in the royal forest.It's a lie to say that you don't care about those people.

Han Xueyan shrunk her shoulders, folded her arms and slightly poked her head out of the cave door to look at the sky outside. It was still raining, and suddenly a look of melancholy appeared on her face, and her purple lips twitched, " I don’t even know when it’s going to go down.”

After staring at the rain scene for a while, she turned back into the cave, sat down by the campfire, and looked sideways at Cao Dan lying on the pile of withered grass. "His wound has been cleaned and bandaged by me. He should wake up soon, right?"

As soon as she looked away, Cao Dan slowly opened his eyes. He looked sideways, and Han Xueyan was hugging his legs and warming himself by the fire.

He tried to sit up and checked the wound on his left arm, only to find that it was bandaged.And the clothes he originally wanted Han Xueyan to wear, but at this moment, they covered her body, and she was still wearing her ripped clothes.

"Isn't it cold?" When Han Xueyan looked up, Cao Dan was already sitting opposite her.

She smiled weakly, her purple lips were a little chapped, but she tried hard to squeeze out a smile that she thought was very relaxed, "It's not cold!"

He glanced at her body, and she felt that his eyes seemed to be able to see her clearly. She subconsciously hugged herself tighter, her eyes dodging around, for fear of meeting his eyes.

"I have a sweetheart!" Cao Dan said these words suddenly and seriously. After all, Han Xueyan is a simple woman who has never been involved in feelings. He doesn't want her to misunderstand.

But his words made Han Xueyan's heart prick like a needle. Although it was only a dull pain, it made her feel dizzy.She tried her best not to show her emotions, and smiled lightly, "Hehe, I didn't expect that!"

It's strange, she and the other party haven't developed to that point yet, why does her heart hurt?Why do you care so much?

Cao Dan is not stupid, he can see what is on his mind from Han Xueyan's messy eyes, she seems to have a different feeling for him, and now because he has a sweetheart, she feels pain and collapses.

I can only feel sorry for this little girl.Sun Bailing is the person he will be with for the rest of his life.

Han Xueyan looked at the flames and became silent.

While she was in a trance, Cao Dan brought in a handful of water from outside and brought it in front of her. He said, "You must be thirsty, don't you? Just drink this water. It's better to be sick than to be sick." Die of thirst!"

However, Han Xueyan stared at him obsessively, and she didn't drink until his hands were drained.

Cao Dan's heart was pounding, this is too bad, Han Xueyan took it seriously, saying "I have a sweetheart", could not dispel her thoughts.

"I'll get some water to drink by myself." Han Xueyan got up angrily, and ran to the entrance of the cave. She was not angry with the other party, but angry with herself, angry that she was always moved by the other party's little care.

When she got out of the cave, she was drenched in the heavy rain and opened her mouth to let the rain fall into her mouth. Yes, she was really thirsty, but her mind was also dizzy. Wake up by yourself.

Cao Dan stretched out his hand and pulled her in with force, but he didn't care to pull her closer to him as she couldn't stand still. At the moment when she was about to bump into his arms, her petite, weak and stubborn appearance made people feel uncomfortable. His eyes darkened a little.But the trace was deep and fleeting, and he yelled at Han Xueyan, "What are you doing? You are already dressed lightly enough, and you still want to catch a cold in the rain?"

"Don't worry about it," she shook his hand away with all her strength, and ran to get in the rain again. She really wanted to wake herself up, but his behavior just now made her brain even more confused.

When she turned around, Cao Dan pulled her back again. This time, she slammed into his chest hard before bouncing a step away.

The moment she bumped into him, his heart trembled fiercely.

But he didn't want to pay attention to this heart. He was afraid that if he dragged this little girl too much, his heart would lose its balance, and the weight would shift to Han Xueyan, so Sun Bailing's weight... would be lighter.

He said angrily: "Enough, what do you want?"

"What do I want?" Han Xueyan gritted her teeth and asked herself. At this moment, her spirit seemed to be broken, and her emotions were out of her control.She raised her water-stained face to look at him, and with her uncontrollable heart at the moment, she rushed towards him fiercely, covered his lips fiercely, and bit them hard.

Cao Dan pushed her away violently, but there was blood on his mouth.But Han Xueyan was pushed down to the ground because he didn't have the strength to stand still.

This fall made her sober up a lot.Yes, he has a sweetheart, what are you doing?Are you crazy?

At this moment, she realized that she was really pitiful and hateful.Maybe the brain is sober, only to realize that the surroundings are so cold.She curled her shoulders, folded her arms, crossed her legs, curled up on the ground, next to the rock wall, her lips trembling from the cold.The clearer she was, the colder she felt and the more she shivered.It's like when your brain is hot, you can do anything.

Her appearance, pitiful and charming, made Cao Dan feel distressed.He wanted to go over and hug him, but several times he wanted to put it into action, but when he thought of Sun Bailing, he flinched again.He turned around and walked in, not wanting to care about this woman anymore.

However, in the blink of an eye, he ran out, ran to her, squatted down, and hugged her fiercely. For some reason, tears rolled down his heart at this moment. He was really attracted by this The weak girl was defeated, and she was so stubborn that he felt that she needed protection.

Tang Lin's figure, who did not know when, appeared on the side of the cave, and also saw this scene.Seeing Han Xueyan's kiss to Cao Dan, Tang Lin originally wanted to stop it. After all, there is Sun Bailing between them. If this relationship arises, it will be full of twists and turns.

But thinking of Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing dancing in the lake, Tang Lin stopped her steps.

Since some fates are unavoidable, let them happen naturally, she has no right to interfere.

Holding an umbrella, Tang Lin turned around and left.Just now, when she came to the foot of Gaopoyuan Mountain, she did not find Cao Dan and Han Xueyan, but found some rags at the foot of the mountain. She wondered if something happened to these two people.

She walked around, but unexpectedly, she saw this scene in front of her.

Sometimes, on a beautiful rainy night, many beautiful and cruel stories often happen.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Han Xueyan hugged Cao Dan's back and kept apologizing. Tears had already wet her cheeks, "I don't want to do this, but I can't control myself, I'm sorry..."

Cao Dan sniffed, "It's okay, I understand."

"You really don't want to talk to me," she pushed him away, and continued to sneer at herself, "You already belong to yourself, and I don't want to fall into it myself."

"How can I let you do this, how can I bear it?" He went to help her up, and under her struggle, he forced her into the cave, pushed her to the campfire and sat down, and then went back to sit on the opposite side, "Xueyan, calm down first."

Han Xueyan hugged her thin arms, pursed her mouth, and sobbed.

This time, Cao Dan didn't have the impulsiveness to hug her, and he didn't disturb her emotions. He let her cry for a while. Perhaps, after crying, she would be able to calm down. impulse.

Holding an umbrella, Tang Lin entered Trap Ridge. She had learned about the trap design of Trap Ridge from Yifeng in advance, so she didn't easily touch the mechanism and entered smoothly.

She came to the courtyard where Fu Yushu and the other three were imprisoned. The thick and wide manhole cover still sealed the hole tightly.

At this moment, Fu Yushu and the other three were sitting under the patio in a daze. They sat there from late last night to noon today, but no one came to open the manhole cover, and they couldn't find a mechanism to open the manhole cover.

Tang Lin reached out to pull the mechanism and opened the manhole cover.But after thinking about it, she withdrew her hand again.There are traps in this courtyard, since it is used for training, it should not be told to the people below, let them save themselves, as a field training.

They won't grow up if they are behind everything.

Thinking of this, Tang Lin stood up and went to other places holding an umbrella.

After a while, Tang Lin came to the courtyard where Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing were imprisoned.It was still raining heavily, and there was a stream of water rolling from the high place to the courtyard, and finally went deep into a certain place.

"Help—" Lu Yitang's voice came from under the manhole cover.

Tang Lin's heart trembled suddenly when she saw the stream of water.Too bad, this patio has a hole for water to enter, so isn't the inside of the patio... full of water?After a night and a day, now, the water has not reached the manhole cover, right?

Realizing this, Tang Lin immediately went to pull the trigger line, and immediately, the manhole cover automatically opened to both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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