Chapter 245
Tang Lin raised her eyes and saw that Lu Yitang's head came out of the water, and one hand was tightly grasping a protruding stone on the well wall, using the stone to stabilize her weight so as not to sink to the bottom of the water.As for Sun Bailing, whose hair was soaked, he had already passed out, and was buried on his shoulder at this moment, his face extremely pale.

Lu Yitang's face was also pale, to be precise, it should be paler than Sun Bailing's.When he saw the manhole cover open and Tang Lin's face, he suddenly smiled, as if he had met a savior, he could finally close his eyes with peace of mind.

When he was about to fall, Tang Lin threw away her umbrella and stepped over, grabbing his shoulder.

If she was half an hour late, the patio would really be covered with water.

underground palace.

Yu Shengjun stood outside the prison, watching one after another court lady carrying out basin after basin of blood cloth, his heart clenched deeply.Looking at the bed again, the imperial doctor was giving Shihe the pulse, then gently placed Shihe's hand on Shihe's abdomen, and then covered her with a quilt.

When the imperial doctor came to him, Yu Shengjun asked, "How is her body?"

The imperial doctor sighed, "It's impossible to conceive again. I don't know why she couldn't think about it so much and killed the fetus in her womb. If it wasn't discovered in time, maybe her life would have been lost."

Standing next to Yu Shengjun, Yitang had a painful look in his eyes, "She is a simple girl, but she has experienced so many things in a short period of time. It is understandable that she can't think about it. Which woman can bear the pain of her beloved?" It's just this child, it's a pity. For this child, Fu Yushu sent Tang Lin to the palace. Moreover, he loved Empress Cheng Huan in every possible way, and protected her even more thoughtfully. If Fu Yushu knew this The child is gone, it must be..."

"He deserves it." Yu Shengjun said coldly.

Yitang worried: "Although my life is saved, but I will still do stupid things in the future, how does the master plan to deal with it?"

Yu Shengjun lowered his eyes, thought carefully, and then said: "Even dared to hit the wall, it seems that she is determined to seek death. Well, she won't wake up for a while, isn't Zhang Xiangyang going to suppress the rebels?" Is the imperial meeting? Now that I see Mrs. Shi, ask someone to send Mrs. Shi back, send their mother and daughter to the West Palace, and send someone to guard them. With Mrs. Shi here, I believe Shi He will not commit suicide again. If she wakes up Here comes the imperial doctor, you find a way to keep her asleep, and wake her up when Mrs. Shi comes back."

The imperial doctor took the order, "I obey the order."

Yu Shengjun walked around the door and came to the bed in a few steps. Shihe murmured a name in a dazed sleep, "Yushu..." He stretched out his hand unconsciously, and held Yu Shengjun's hand, "do not leave Me……"

Seeing this scene, Yitang's complexion was a little pale, he was about to go to take Shihe's hand away, but was stopped by Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked at Shihe, his pale face was not as strong as Tang Lin's.

After a while, Yu Shengjun personally put Shihe's hand back on her belly and rested her other hand on her belly, then turned around and said to the guards guarding the underground palace: "Watch out for this woman, don't let her Something happened again."

After a while, Yu Shengjun returned to Xuanyu Palace, and he knew Tang Lin's whereabouts only after An Lin reported.After that, he changed his clothes and went straight back to Shanglin Garden.

The four imperial guards brought Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing back to Shanglin Garden, and finally laid them down in the room and left.

Yishuang wet a towel with warm water and dried Sun Bailing's cheeks while saying a few words, "Last night, I didn't consider that the courtyard was broken. There was a hole in that courtyard, and the water flowed down from a high place. That well will be blocked. Miss Tang, if you hadn’t checked in time, I’m afraid two people would have died. This Sun Bailing was Shen Dan’s life, and if she died, Cao Dan would also be crippled.”

Yu Shengjun came in and saw Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing lying on the bed, he asked Tang Lin: "What's going on?"

Yishuang explained: "Master, water entered the courtyard. The two of them couldn't open the well cover and almost drowned in it. It was Miss Tang who found out in time and saved them both."

Yu Shengjun asked again: "Are they okay now?"

Tang Lin said: "It's just excessive physical exhaustion and too much water in the body, and life is not threatened."

"Well," Yu Shengjun nodded, "That's good."

Back at Shanglin Garden, Tang Lin asked, "Where is the Second Prince?"

Yu Shengjun said: "On the fifth day of the fifth watch, Zichen was also tired after discussing important matters. I asked him to go back to the Nangong kitchen to rest. With Mu Lingxuan taking care of me, I am more at ease than anyone else. When the rain stops, he will come of."

"Don't give up on me, don't..." In the coma, Sun Bailing had words in his mouth.

Tang Lin touched her chin and muttered, "Don't give up on me? Does she hope that Cao Dan won't give up on her, or?"

"I hope Lu Yitang will not give up on her," Yu Shengjun said with a smile. "Last night, the two of them should have shared weal and woe. Under such circumstances, Sun Bailing certainly hoped that Lu Yitang would not give up on him, and hoped that he would rescue him."

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun with a smirk, "You can see this too, as expected of countless people."

Yishuang interjected, "The two of them have shared weal and woe, so if they don't pay attention and feelings develop in each other's hearts, what will Shen Dan do?"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Don't you know that a love triangle is popular now? No, it should be a four-corner love. Of course, five-corner love, six-corner love, I am also looking forward to it. Anyway, they are so young and can make trouble!"

Yishuang said, "It's hard to tolerate two people with one mind."

Tang Lin smiled mysteriously, her eyes fixed on Yishuang, "You have never tried to accommodate the two of you, of course you would say that. When you are attracted by two outstanding men, you will know What's the taste?"

Yishuang blushed, and turned aside, "How could this kind of thing happen to my subordinates."

Tang Lin was surprised, "Ah! You still don't know that you are secretly in love with many people?"

Yishuang was stunned, "Secret love?"

Tang Lin explained: "I just secretly like you without letting you know. This is a secret love. Do you understand silly girl?"

Yishuang lowered her head shyly, "...Understood."

"Don't make fun of Yishuang," Yu Shengjun said, glaring at Tang Lin.

Tang Lin suddenly had a thought in her heart that she wanted to play with these two people.In front of Yu Shengjun, she said to Yishuang very seriously: "Yishuang, your master has secretly liked you for a long time, and he told me in private that in the future, he will make me the empress and you will be the imperial concubine." Don't worry, I won't be jealous, I agree with his decision."

However, at this time Yitang appeared at the door and heard what Tang Lin said.Yishuang lowered her face even lower, blushing like an apple, "How could such a thing happen, Miss Tang, stop teasing your subordinates."

Yu Shengjun glanced at Tang Lin, didn't explain, went back to his bed and sat down, but his silence caused a misunderstanding to Tang Lin standing at the door, thinking to himself, if the master doesn't explain, isn't it just acquiescing to like him Frost thing?
And Yishuang, with that shy look, obviously has that kind of heart for the master.

Thinking of this, Yitang smiled wryly to himself, turned and left.

"Why do you think I'm teasing you?" Tang Lin still felt that the game was not enough, so she continued to tease Yishuang, "Really, the emperor is really interested in you, if you don't believe me..." She secretly glanced at Yu Shengjun, " You ask him."

"Ah?" Yishuang was stunned, she would dare to ask her master if he was interested in her.

Tang Lin urged, "Go, ask the emperor himself if he is interested in you. Don't worry, I will definitely not object to his accepting you as imperial concubine."

Yishuang was flattered and said: "Miss Tang, I really don't want to say that anymore. Yishuang has been with the master longer than Miss Tang, so he naturally knows whether the master has any affection for Yishuang. Even if he did, Yishuang would not dare... Gao Pan .”

"Why?" Tang Lin asked.

Yishuang said: "Because Yishuang is a subordinate, and the master is the master, you can't go beyond the etiquette."

Tang Lin broke into a sweat, "I'm still a dignified girl. It stands to reason that my status is lower than yours. Why can't you stand up to him? But then again, seeing you like this, I dare not like such a character." !"

Yu Shengjun really wanted to ask, then who is I?
Yishuang smiled dryly and remembered that Miss Tang was really bold in speaking, and with her master by her side, she was not afraid of offending him with her words. "The subordinates are busy, master, Miss Tang, the subordinates will leave first." After speaking, he turned around and left the room in a hurry.

When Yishuang's figure disappeared at the door, Tang Lin turned her nasty eyes to Yu Shengjun, but he gave him a hard look, "I never thought that you are so cunning that even the little girl doesn't forget to tease you."

Tang Lin smiled wickedly, "It's fun."

At this time, Sun Bailing's brows suddenly moved, as if he was about to wake up, Tang Lin noticed it immediately.

Yu Shengjun was about to say something, but Tang Lin stopped him with hiss, then walked to Sun Bailing's bed, pulled a stool to sit by the bed, and called, "Master Sun."

Slowly, Sun Bailing opened her weak eyelids, and Tang Lin's clean and delicate face was what she saw. She asked in a daze, "Where am I?"

Tang Lin said, "It's in Shanglinyuan's room."

"When did I come back here?" Sun Bailing wanted to get up, but couldn't pull up any strength. With Tang Lin's help, he sat up and sat next to the bedpost.She rested her heavy forehead, trying to recall the past.

Last night, it rained heavily. They thought they would not be drenched if they fell into the patio. Someone must have come to rescue them the next day.But who would have thought that in the middle of the night, water began to roll down from the top, and every hour after that, the water under the patio would become deeper.

She was already cold, but soaked by more and more rain, she kept hitting Hachul.In this situation, even though Lu Yitang put his clothes on her body, both of their clothes were soaked, it was useless at all, and she felt even colder.

The water below the patio was getting higher and higher, almost up to their necks.

For her sake, Lu Yitang kept looking for mechanisms in the courtyard to open the manhole cover, but in the end it was all to no avail.When she swallowed a lot of water and didn't have the strength to support herself anymore, she felt like she fell into the water.

I don't know how long it took, she was in a drowsy state, and felt that someone gave her breath, as if a pair of warm thin lips were attached to her lips, she felt more at ease, and after that, she lost all memories ...

Thinking of this, Sun Bailing suddenly regained consciousness, and blurted out a name, "Lord Lu?"

Tang Lin was taken aback, because Sun Bailing's voice was so sudden, she was a little startled, she pointed to Lu Yitang who was lying on the bed, and said, "Master Lu is lying there, temporarily unconscious, but lifeless. It’s dangerous, you don’t have to worry. When I rushed to the patio at noon to open the manhole cover, I saw him tightly protecting you to prevent you from drowning. He didn’t collapse from exhaustion until he was rescued.”

Sun Bailing got out of bed quickly, and she didn't know how she regained her strength in an instant, she only knew that Lu Yitang did this to save herself, how could she not be worried, she was so worried to death.Ran to his bed, sat down immediately, stretched out his hand and shook the back of his hand, with a worried look on his face, "Master Lu, Master Lu,"

(End of this chapter)

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