The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 246 Bragging is not afraid of bragging to death!

Chapter 246 Bragging is not afraid of bragging to death!
Tang Lin walked over and explained again patiently, "I just said that he is fine, but he is still in a coma for the time being, so you don't need to worry too much."

Sun Bailing burst into tears. Thinking of the circumstances that made her desperate last night, she is still afraid now, "How can I not worry. I used to think that it was too important for me to live, but after going through the life and death last night, I realized that killing others , it is better to die yourself."

"Ai," Tang Lin sighed silently, the love between children is really fatal.

Yu Shengjun came over, and when Sun Bailing looked at Lu Yitang's pale face worriedly, he quietly dragged Tang Lin out of the room, leaving Sun Bailing alone in the room next to Lu Yitang.

Sun Bailing looked closely at Lu Yitang's sleeping face. She was worried about his pale face, but staring at her partner's face for the first time. Wenjun is handsome and handsome, as if he has not been stained by the dust of the world.

Originally worried about him, but at this moment, there was a subtle change in her heart, she couldn't help but want to see this face more...

After a while, Lu Yitang slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was Sun Bailing's bewildered eyes, staring at him.

She found that he woke up, and the infatuation in his eyes was instantly hidden by her. She asked worriedly: "You are awake, but do you feel better?"

With her support, Lu Yitang sat up and leaned against the wall. He looked at Zhou Zhou and found that he was in the room. He thought to himself, it seems that he and Sun Bailing were rescued and did not go to Yan Luo Hall.He looked at her, her face was much rosier, and seeing that she was much better, his heart was relieved, "I'm much better, how about you?"

Sun Bailing nodded lightly, "Well, a lot is fine. I'm fine." Speaking of what happened last night, his face was a little embarrassed, and he couldn't speak, "What happened last night... Thank you very much."

Lu Yitang smiled lightly, "You're welcome, as a colleague, you should."

Sun Bailing didn't know what to say next, so she continued to say thank you, that would be too pretentious and hypocritical, this is not her style.However, when she was about to talk about something else, she said in unison with him, "Have you eaten yet?"

They paused for a moment, then said in unison: "Not yet."

Now, Sun Bailing blushed and turned his head away, winking his eyes in embarrassment.

Lu Yitang was also a little embarrassed, but he quickly recovered. He looked at the room again, but there was no one there. Then he said to Sun Bailing: "Why don't we go to the cafeteria and have some food?" I haven't eaten until today, but I drank a lot of water. I must be very hungry now.

Like her, Sun Bailing was also worried that he would be starved.She nodded, "OK."

The rain had stopped, and a few rays of sunlight broke through the clouds and fell on the tops of bright, glossy leaves.Soon, the top of the royal forest was completely covered with light.

Fu Yushu, who didn't hear the sound of rain anymore under the patio, stood up enduring the pain from the wound on his foot that spread to all his limbs.The rain stopped, and his mood improved a lot. It was time to continue looking for agencies.

Yun Lei and Shao Qi were sleeping next to the wall of the well, but when they heard the slight knocking sound, they opened their eyes one after another.Looking up, it turned out that Fu Yushu was groping the wall of the well to see where the mechanism was.

Shao Qi said weakly: "Brother Fu, the three of us struggled all night last night and couldn't find it, so let's forget it."

Fu Yushu said: "It is better for us to save ourselves when the people in the palace come to save us. Since we are in the courtyard of Zhuozhuo Ridge, earlier, I heard from other people that Zhuozhuo Ridge is a place for training Ouchi guards. The traps all have switches. As long as we keep looking, we will definitely find them."

Yunlei tried to stand up, and originally planned to look for the mechanism, but accidentally, his foot slipped, and he fell on all fours on a pile of dead leaves, and the slippery foot knocked all the leaves on the ground. It was set aside.

Hearing the wailing, Fu Yushu looked back at Yunlei, and smiled helplessly, "Yunlei, be careful, your foot is seriously injured, don't let it go." Shiny ground.

He limped over with his injured foot, then squatted down to check the place that Yunlei had pushed aside.This stone on the ground is brighter than other stones, could it be where the mechanism is located?
"Did you find anything?" Seeing Fu Yushu staring at the ground, Shao Qi asked.

Fu Yushu didn't reply to his words, but put his palm on the bright stone seriously, but the stone didn't respond, so he knocked a few times, and actually opened the manhole cover above.

Suddenly, warm light came down.

Satisfied, Shao Qi closed his eyes and felt the atmosphere, "Finally, the rain is over and the sky is clear. It feels so good."

At the gate of Shanglin Garden, Tang Lin checked the time, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.Yu Shengjun returned to the room, she was about to go back, but hesitated for a while, and finally went to the warehouse of Shanglinyuan.I don't know if Yifeng has prepared new clothes for the students.

She entered the heavily guarded warehouse and saw Yifeng counting something.

Seeing her, Yifeng said happily: "Miss Tang, I have brought everything you asked for. Please check if you are right!" Tang Lin saw that there were three big bags filled with clothes of the same shape but in three colors. He happily picked up one, opened it and looked at it carefully, while not forgetting to praise: "It's well done, it's exactly the same as the training uniforms we have there."

In the ten days before the start of the Ouchi guards training camp, Tang Lin designed the new clothes for the students. Using her green training uniform as the standard, she chose three colors respectively. The three colors were black ,Green blue.

These clothes are all made of the finest brocade, which is more than a hundred times better than ordinary cloth.Tang Lin deliberately chose this material. Anyway, other allies provide brocades to Yuxin's treasury every year, and waste is waste. Why don't you take out the tip of the iceberg and make a few sets of clothes.

Seeing that Tang Lin was so satisfied with these clothes, Yifeng felt relieved. The moment he got the clothes from the clothes warehouse in the palace, his eyes stared straight when he saw these brand-new and strange clothes. It was rare that Tang Lin was also satisfied.

He turned out the only labor red flag and gave it to Tang Lin, "This is the labor red flag Miss Tang wanted, and it was made according to your drawings."

Tang Lin picked it up and looked at it. Except for a few words marked in traditional characters, this labor red flag was the same as the labor red flag of their army.With the red flag of labor, I am not afraid that those bastards will not make progress.

Yifeng took out another thing, which was a thick piece of paper, "These forms were copied one by one with the help of several Taifu lords. Miss Tang, please see if they match the ones you have. Same design."

Tang Lin put down the labor red flag, took over the documents in Yifeng's hand, one, two... After roughly scanning her eyes, she finally nodded with satisfaction, "Well, the copy is still decent, it's okay."

"What's the use of these?" Yifeng was only responsible for carrying out tasks before, and he hadn't asked why. Now, he wanted to know the usefulness of these forms.

Tang Lin flipped through these forms one by one, and saw that some of them were filled with the names of the students. She said: "These are reports, including bonus points, deductions, this month's assessment form, and the results of each class. Tables, individual student performance sheets, and task sheets... etc., in short, are used to record data. After four months, as long as you look at these data sheets, you will know which student is the best."

After that, Tang Lin and Yifeng left the warehouse empty-handed.

When Tang Lin returned to the room, she saw Yu Shengjun sleeping alone on the bed. She walked over lightly and checked to see if she was really asleep.Hearing the sound of even breathing, my heart felt inexplicably warm.

He didn't sleep at all last night, and today he went to deal with the underground palace. He must be exhausted, and it was rare to see him sleep.

However, just as she was about to turn around and leave, she was grabbed by Yu Shengjun's hand that suddenly stretched out.When she looked back, his eyes were still closed, and she felt depressed, "I thought you were asleep, didn't you?"

Yu Shengjun spoke vaguely, with extreme laziness, "... fell asleep."

Tang Lin said "ah", and was even more confused by Yu Shengjun, but at the same time, she also found him very interesting, "Why do you talk when you are fast asleep? Are you talking nonsense?"

At this moment, Yu Shengjun was finally willing to open his eyes, fixedly looked at his beautiful girlfriend, and said with a smile: "Don't you know that my magical skills are world-class? I can see all directions and listen to all directions when I sleep. I found out before you entered the door." It's you!"

Tang Lin glanced at him, "It's almost enough to listen to all directions. Close your eyes, why do you see six directions? You are not afraid of bragging if you brag!"

Yu Shengjun laughed, "You also discovered this. Well... I can only listen to all directions, but I can't see six directions."

Tang Lin didn't talk nonsense with him, and glanced around, but there was no one else except the two of them. She felt a little uneasy, "Everyone is not here, and I simply don't take me seriously as an instructor!"

At this moment, Yu Shengjun closed his eyes again, and said softly: "Just after the first frost came, the guards on the trapping ridge sent back the news that Fu Yushu and the others were out of danger and saved themselves. It is estimated that they have already arrived at Shanglin Garden It's the door."

"What about Cao Dan and the others?" Tang Lin asked.

"I'm moving bricks." After saying these four words, Yu Shengjun turned over and turned his back to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin stared at his strong back, and wiped the corner of her lips with her index finger. Every time she did this, it proved that she had her heart in mind.She glanced at the door. Since there was no one there, it's a good thing to do now, so it shouldn't be discovered, right?
Making up her mind, Tang Lin did what she said, and immediately lowered herself down, lying on Yu Shengjun's side, and kissed his shoulder and cheek very quickly. She wanted to kiss both of them. down and leave him.

But she didn't expect that she just wanted to get up, but he was grabbed by his big hand when he turned over, and she lay on his body so smoothly, resting on his chest.

He looked at her with a smirk, but the smile was elegant, so that Tang Lin could not see a little exaggeration or other things. He liked to touch her eyebrows, and then rubbed her face, "Little girl, don't think that I will do it every time." Let you go, I..."

"Finally back!" Shao Qi's voice came from outside the room.

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin struggled to get up, and hurriedly said, "They're back."

However, Yu Shengjun really does not intend to let her go this time.He moved her to lie on the left side, let her pillow his left hand, and fixed her feet with one foot to prevent her from moving, then lifted the quilt to cover her and himself.

She was covered all over, and the quilt only covered his neck.

"Hey," Tang Lin was still struggling inside, she was not afraid of anything else, but she was afraid that Shao Qi would find out about them.This kind of thing, Yu Shengjun can see it, she doesn't want other people to stare at it.

Yu Shengjun simply covered Tang Lin's mouth with his left palm,

Now, "Um..." There was a slight sound from under the quilt.

Fu Yushu, Shao Qi, and Yunlei dragged their injured feet into the room, and then they swept the room together, only to see Yu Shengjun lying on the bed alone, looking at the three of them with a half-smile, "Finally willing to come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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