The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 247 I want to change my taste

Chapter 247 I want to change my taste
Shao Qi didn't like Yu Shengjun's attitude, so he gave Yu Shengjun a cold look, and then went back to his bed.

Yun Lei asked: "Huang Xuan, where are the others?"

Without Yu Shengjun's answer, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing walked in talking and laughing. Seeing that the three of them came back safely, Lu Yitang first congratulated them, and then Sun Bailing expressed concern.

Shao Qi glanced at everyone, but he didn't see the person he missed all day and night, and suddenly his heart tightened, "Xueyan hasn't come back yet?"

As soon as Sun Bailing heard about Han Xueyan, Sun Bailing immediately woke up, feeling extremely annoyed.That's right, Han Xueyan hasn't come back yet, so Cao Dan hasn't come back either?It has been raining all day and night, did they encounter something... dangerous in Gaopoyuan.

"No, I'm going to find them." Thinking that something might happen to Cao Dan, Sun Bailing ran out of the room on his feet.

Lu Yitang followed closely, "Lord Lu."

Fu Yushu smiled wryly at Shao Qi, "Look, Mr. Lu cares more about Xueyan than your brother-in-law."

Shao Qi raised his leg and left, "No, I'm going to find Xueyan too," but his foot was seriously injured by Yu Shengjun with a leaf, a big wound was prominently exposed on his foot, and it had not been treated overnight , naturally worse.

After finally helping each other back, as soon as he left, his feet immediately lost control, went numb, and then fell to the ground.

Yun Lei came up to help, "You can't walk anymore on your feet today, otherwise, you will really be useless. With Lord Lu and Lord Sun here, I believe they can bring Xiaocao and Xueyan back. You should treat your wounds first. gone."

At this time, Yishuang came in with a medicine box from the outside, "It's okay, who told you to go to Trap Ridge? No rules! Treat the wound yourself!" Throwing down the medicine box, turned around and left.

Fu Yushu called her, "Instructor."

Yishuang turned around and asked coldly, "What else is there?"

Fu Yushu asked: "Today, instructor Tang didn't gather everyone for training, did he?"

"Today is supposed to be a holiday, why do you need to train? Is it okay? Huh!" After speaking, Yishuang turned around coldly and left the room without looking back.

Yunlei was puzzled, "Isn't Yishuang's instructor very kind in the past? Today, why is he so violent?"

Fu Yushu frowned, "It is estimated that we broke into Trap Ridge, and the Ouchi guards were very dissatisfied with our behavior. Only real Ouchi guards can go to that place, and we fell into the trap, how could they not?" Angry. Let's stop talking about these things and deal with the wound."

While the three of them were treating the wound, Yu Shengjun slowly closed his eyes, planning to sleep peacefully with his beloved in his arms, but Tang Lin was restless. tickle.

Yu Shengjun suddenly opened his eyes, took a breath of air, and then tightly grasped the hand on his waist.He moved his head closer and ordered in a low voice: "Itch."

Tang Lin huddled under the quilt and struggled desperately. She didn't believe that this man was so strong, but she wanted to see if it was his strength or her methods.Since you are afraid of itchiness, then do it more excessively.

She protested in a low voice, "Hmph, whatever." After speaking, she attacked with the other hand.

Yu Shengjun couldn't bear it anymore, so he simply suppressed her with his whole body, her limbs were fixed by him, he was next to her ear, and the breath he exhaled could penetrate into her bone marrow, "Move again if you have the ability ?”

This time, Tang Lin couldn't move, but she turned her head suddenly, biting his lower lip with her sharp teeth.Now, I feel more at ease.

In the evening, Sister Lei walked to the door of the room and yelled at Shao Qi and the others, "Dinner is ready."

If you are hungry all day and night, you will not be able to regain your strength if you don’t eat.Now, the foot injury has been treated, Fu Yushu and the others got up.Before leaving, Fu Yushu looked at Yu Shengjun's bed and saw Yu Shengjun was asleep with his head covered. He walked over and was rude once, and lifted Yu Shengjun's quilt, "Go to dinner..." It's time.When the quilt was lifted, the scene on the bed made Fu Yushu by the bed dumbfounded immediately, and at this moment, Shao Qi and Yunlei also saw it, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

They saw the two senior brothers and sisters on the bed, and for some unknown reason, they pinched each other until their faces were blushing and their necks were thick.Tang Lin's hand was strangling Yu Shengjun's neck, and Yu Shengjun was also strangling her. They were like two brothers and sisters in a narrow road, fighting because of a little disagreement.

Before Fu Yushu lifted the quilt, Yu Shengjun was still domineeringly plundering the fragrance from Tang Lin's mouth.

The moment Fu Yushu lifted the quilt, Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin were startled, but in this situation, the two reacted very quickly, and they grabbed each other in an instant, and their feet were fighting together, entangled each other. put.

They also held their breath tacitly, making their faces and necks turn red faster.In this way, what clues can Fu Yushu see?

"I said you..." Fu Yushu responded, looking at the two people in astonishment, "Why do you have to make such a fuss? It's been an hour since we came back. Could it be that you..." pinched each other for two hours ?

"Let go!" Yu Shengjun stared at Tang Lin and ordered firmly.

Tang Lin didn't let go, but also glared at him viciously, "Who said family ugliness should not be publicized? Senior brother, you have disobeyed me since you were a child. Okay, I will disobey you and show you how powerful my scissor legs are! "

Yu Shengjun clamped her feet tightly, preventing her from moving, "I said, you are not allowed to do anything, if you are disobedient, I..."

"How?" Tang Lin said angrily, "Kill the dog emperor, we can retreat completely, and we can go back to the mountain. Why should I follow your arrangement? You are a big brother, so what? Ah, how?"

After making a fuss, it turned out that Tang Lin was determined to assassinate the dog emperor.Fu Yushu smiled wryly. This Tang Lin always had this kind of impulse when she was in front of him. If he hadn't stopped her, I don't know where her head is now.

"By the way, is there anything that we can't discuss properly?" Shao Qi walked to the bedside, gloated and looked at the brothers and sisters who were choking each other, and he felt extremely happy.The more he looked at these two people, the more he disliked them.

The two glared at him together, and said angrily: "It's none of your business, get out."

Shao Qi shrugged lazily, "Okay, I don't have anything to do with me, so I'll go to dinner first, you two can continue pinching, don't worry, if anything happens, I promise to take care of you Collect the corpse!"

"Get out—" Yu Shengjun roared.

Shao Qi quickly covered his ears, and walked out leisurely.

Yunlei looked at the two people on the bed with a bad expression, gave them a self-contained look, and then followed Shao Qi's footsteps.

Fu Yushu intends to be a peacemaker, "You two, even if there is any big conflict, you should calm down and deal with it. If you do this, it will make things worse."

"Why calm down?" Tang Lin said angrily, "He has the same virtue as you, and he has to do everything well before doing anything. I can't wait—I want to kill Yu Shengjun immediately—" Simply, The hands are really hard.

Seeing her move, Yu Shengjun quickly left her neck with his hand, grabbed her hand again, and broke his neck hard.Now, I can finally take a breath, "I said Junior Sister, don't be stubborn, okay?"

"Hmph!" Tang Lin jumped out of bed aggrieved, wiped away her tears, and then stamped her feet to vent her anger, "No, I don't want, I don't want to stay in the palace any longer. I want to kill the dog emperor and avenge my family."

Her voice was too loud, so frightened that Fu Yushu hurriedly hissed to her, "Grandma, now is really not the time to do something. Just a trap can trap me and Shao Qi. Think about it, you can still get away from it." Escaping from the hands of Ouchi guards?"

Tang Lin stomped her feet again, "I believe in my ability, I can survive."

Yu Shengjun rubbed his wrists and gave her a white look, "I agree with what Yushu said, no matter how powerful you are, a tiger can't beat a group of monkeys, and you still can't escape from the hands of the Ouchi guards. The only one who can kill the dog emperor The solution is to remove the Ouchi guards around him."

Thinking of staying in the palace for another four months, Tang Lin burst into tears again, and ran out because of grievance, "Who cares about staying here, you guys like to treat yourself."

When Tang Lin's figure disappeared at the door, Yu Shengjun shrugged helplessly at Fu Yushu, "Don't be surprised, my junior sister has such a temper. Since she was a child, she was spoiled by us seniors, so she is so conceited."

Fu Yushu asked incomprehensibly: "Since she is an impulsive person, she shouldn't be put in the palace as an eyeliner. My uncle... why did he do this?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Master, the old man said that my junior sister has a unique temperament. Besides, her ability is no worse than our senior brothers. She will become a celebrity in front of Yu Shengjun, and only She has the opportunity to transfer the Ouchi guards away. My master has caused chaos among the people several times, and the government has nothing to do with us. When you didn't come back, my junior sister told me that when she saw the emperor last night, she heard He talked about sending Ouchi guards out to set things right."

"Really?" There was finally one thing that made Fu Yushu feel very happy, "As long as Yu Shengjun drops the guards in the palace, then we will have more chances to attack, and we can escape safely."

Yu Shengjun smiled wryly, and reminded: "Don't be too happy too early, maybe the dog emperor changed his mind before the battle, and instead of sending the guards out, he sent officers and soldiers, so what?"

Fu Yushu said: "If my emperor's uncle makes a big noise, the dog emperor will not fail to send out his guards."

Yu Shengjun sighed, "I hope so."

"By the way," Fu Yushu remembered the dinner now, "to the dining hall together?"

"No," Yu Shengjun waved his hand and refused, "I have been pinched by my junior sister for so long, and I haven't recovered yet. I went to the dining hall, and when I met her, I was about to start a fight again. I don't have an appetite, so I might as well stay here." here."

Fu Yushu couldn't say anything, "That's fine, then I'll go first."

Seeing Fu Yushu's figure disappearing at the door, Yu Shengjun immediately sat up, and the original laziness was swept away.He touched the corner of his lips, and subconsciously raised a warm arc, "This woman, the more she tastes, the more she becomes addicted." But at this time, he looked remorseful, and said in a low voice: "Please forgive my disciple's sins, Buddha." , this disciple really wants to spend the rest of his life with Tang Lin."

After Tang Lin left the room, she went directly to the dining hall.She didn't eat, but helped Mu Lingxuan share the dishes with the students.

Seeing her sad face, Mu Lingxuan laughed a bit, "You also have times of frowning? Tell me, can I help you share the burden?"

"Oh, don't mention it." Tang Lin sighed, and continued to frown and grimace.

Mu Lingxuan planned to break the casserole and ask the end, the more Tang Lin kept silent, the more curious she became.She didn't have this kind of hobby at first, but after staying in the Swallow Butterfly Dancer's house for a long time, she became such an old lady, and she was unwilling to find out the news, "What's the matter?"

Tang Lin said something casually, "It's nothing, I just feel that staying in the palace is becoming more and more boring. Fu Yushu and the others won't let me assassinate the dog emperor, so why am I staying here? The more I think about it, the more boring I get. "

"The time is not up, what are you in a hurry for?" Mu Lingxuan said with a smile.It turned out that Tang Lin was worried about this matter.

Seeing that Tang Lin was still not happy, Mu Lingxuan simply pinched her cheeks, intending for her to smile, "Smile? Look at you, I can't get used to such an expression all of a sudden. I like to be happy." you."

(End of this chapter)

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