The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 248 The space-time tunnel appeared.

Chapter 248 The space-time tunnel appeared.

Tang Lin smiled lightly, pretending to be very moved, "Is it good to be happy? I still want to continue to hurt the spring and the autumn." She glanced at the few people who lined up at the end of the line, smiled treacherously, and dawdled for a while Mu Lingxuan's shoulder, "Hey, who are you tempted by?"

"Who is attracted to who?" Mu Lingxuan couldn't digest Tang Lin's words for a while, and when she followed Tang Lin's gaze to look at the last few people in the line, her face blushed, "What are you talking about. "

Tang Lin came up with the idea of ​​teasing again, "They all like you, and I also think they are pretty good. They need to have a good figure and good looks, and not to mention their martial arts skills, they are all excellent in all aspects. You, if you don’t find someone to try, how will you know what it’s like to be in love with each other? Huh?”

This time, Mu Lingxuan's face became redder and hotter.She hastily distributed dishes to students she didn't know in order to divert attention.

Tang Lin rubbed her arm again, "It must be tempting, which one is it? Don't be shy, I'm your good sister, tell me, I will keep it a secret, and I will never tell it!"

"Actually..." Mu Lingxuan calmed down the excitement in her heart. She looked at those people and said calmly, "My feeling for them..."

Tang Lin suddenly pointed to the person at the bottom of the line and said, "Is it Fu Yushu? I like him very much. You see, he is the future emperor of the Chu Kingdom, and he is also the leader of the Anti-Royal Society. So handsome, it's really a pity that you missed him. If you don't like him, why don't you...give it to me?"

"No!" Maybe it was because she was too possessive for a while, Mu Lingxuan had the idea of ​​occupying everyone, and she didn't want to give Fu Yushu to Tang Lin.Seeing that Tang Lin was frightened, she immediately came down as a lady, "I mean, I... have a little... love for him."

Tang Lin despised: "Just that little? What a waste!"

"Hey," Mu Lingxuan also scorned, "Aren't you only infatuated with that surnamed Yu? How did you change it?"

Tang Lin said casually: "I want to change my taste, can't I?"

Mu Lingxuan reminded, "Then you can't touch my people."

Tang Lin laughed, "Can you beat me?"

"Try it!"

Just in time, when we went to Lu Yitang for dinner, the two girls glared at him together and asked sharply, "Tell me, which of the two of us would you like?" Many people saw this scene, and they all felt envy or jealousy towards Lu Yitang. eyes.

And Sun Bailing was also watching this scene from a distance, his eyes were indifferent, and he occasionally smiled at himself.The two stunning women expressed their affection for Lu Yitang at the same time. She should be happy for this colleague, but why is she so unhappy in her heart.

Lu Yitang was stunned in front of the two women, dumbstruck, completely dumbfounded, unable to react for a while.

"Huh," Tang Lin stared at Lu Yitang, and asked, "Didn't you and Sun Bailing go to Gaopoyuan to find Cao Dan and Han Xueyan? Why are you here?"

"We haven't arrived at the Royal Forest yet, when we saw Cao Dan coming out with Han Xueyan on his back. They were also starving, so we came to the dining hall with them." While Lu Yitang was speaking, his eyes fell on the fan. A certain corner of the hall.

Tang Lin followed his gaze, and the three people at the table came into her eyes. Now, she felt that the four-cornered love was starting to be interesting.

At the dining table in the corner of the dining hall, there were three people sitting, namely Sun Bailing, Cao Dan, and Han Xueyan.

Sun Bailing pretended to be inadvertently glanced at Han Xueyan across the way, and then acted as if nothing had happened, and ate with his head down, while Cao Dan, who was sitting next to her, was staring at her.She has changed, she no longer cares so much about herself.

Tang Lin looked away from the corner of the dining hall, and landed on Lu Yitang's face again, "Hey, Master Lu, what do I ask you, the two of us, which one do you like best?"

Lu Yitang's expression froze. He looked at Mu Lingxuan and then at Tang Lin. These two women were stunning. Of course, his heart was always on Tang Lin's side at any time.For Tang Lin, he can only hold an attitude of admiration now. If he doesn't get her love, he should bury this feeling deep in his heart.

Mu Lingxuan was not as hot as Tang Lin, but she bowed to Lu Yitang very ladylikely, and asked softly, "Master Lu must like it..."

Lu Yitang interrupted her, smiled, flattered and said: "What day is it today? Two girls, don't embarrass me. I can't bear the teasing of the two girls. I'm sorry."

Tang Lin was a little impatient, "Oh, don't talk too much, I just let you answer, which one of us do you like more? Don't refuse to answer, this is an order from the officer, I order you to answer immediately, immediately!"

Now that she said so, Lu Yitang had no choice but to obey. He looked at the two of them, and finally, his eyes locked on Tang Lin's face.

Mu Lingxuan could see the result, and she was very unconvinced and refused to admit defeat.She didn't want to hear the result, and immediately stopped what Lu Yitang was about to say, "Master Lu, there is no need to answer, we already know the result."

Lu Yitang was stunned, "I haven't announced the answer yet, how does Miss Feng know the result..."

A look of displeasure appeared on Mu Lingxuan's face, but she didn't want to spoil her image as a lady in front of others, so she suppressed herself, and said to Lu Yitang in a gentle tone with a kind smile on her face: "Master Lu, thank you for your cooperation, I You were joking with Instructor Tang, don't take it seriously."

Hearing these words, Tang Lin secretly laughed, this Mu Lingxuan is really hypocritical.

"So that's how it is," Lu Yitang suddenly felt like being played, but he didn't show any displeasure, but his smile was a little stiff.He took his own food, nodded stiffly to the two of them as a courtesy, and then walked away.

After waiting for the person to leave, Tang Lin finally burst out laughing, "Die Wu, I said you can't grab mine."

Mu Lingxuan snorted coquettishly, "I don't believe it."

Tang Lin said, "Die Wu, this fact is right in front of you, I can't let you not believe it. Otherwise, what else do you want?"

Mu Lingxuan glanced at the dining hall, and finally locked her eyes on Lu Yitang.Lu Yitang was sitting next to Han Xueyan, and opposite was Sun Bailing. He didn't know about her and Cao Dan's affairs, so he picked the good ones from his own order and put them in her bowl.Sun Bailing trembled slightly, quickly declined, and sent his food back.And Cao Dan watched the two of them eating their meals in silence.

The heart in the body seemed to be stabbed by someone, and it was hurting faintly.

Mu Lingxuan swore to Tang Lin: "If you want to play, I want to be ruthless later. Tang Lin, do you dare to accept it?"

Tang Lin said nonchalantly, "Just let the horse come here. Although you are the princess of Beilin Kingdom, I, Tang Lin, is still a good apprentice of Fu Yushu and his uncle, and I can be regarded as a relative of the emperor. I am not afraid of you!"

"Very good," Mu Lingxuan smiled coldly.

Tang Lin asked, "How do you play? How do you decide whether to win or lose?"

Mu Lingxuan said with a cold expression: "Whoever can make Lu Yitang have the idea of ​​occupying our body in the fastest time and put it into action, that is the winner."

Tang Lin immediately protested, "How can this work? How can I let Lu Yitang take advantage of me."

Mu Lingxuan rolled her eyes, and explained impatiently, "I mean, as long as you have evil thoughts about us, and take action immediately. But the following things... are completely voluntary, and you can withdraw troops before the battle, which is also considered You win."

"That's it, it's reasonable. No problem, I'll just play with you like this." Tang Lin accepted Mu Lingxuan's challenge resolutely.

Mu Lingxuan grinned secretly, "I don't believe it, I can't beat you as an ordinary girl. Lu Yitang, you will be controlled by me sooner or later, just wait."

into the night.

Yu Zichen came out of the room where Guan Eyun lived in the backyard of the Nangong kitchen, closed the door, turned around and saw Mu Lingxuan standing one step away from him, she was looking at him bewilderedly.

"Are you done with Shanglin Garden?" Yu Zichen asked softly.

Mu Lingxuan nodded lightly, "Yes, my lord." At this moment, her eyes were blurred, with a kind of coquettishness, as if she could hypnotize a living man.

He smiled softly and stroked her shoulder, "Then go and have a good rest, I still have things to do."

He wanted to leave, but every time Mu Lingxuan hugged him from behind, this time, she hugged him even tighter, as if she didn't intend to let him go tonight, but spent the night with her. "My lord, don't go."

Yu Zichen pulled her hand away with some force, which proved that he had to leave, "This matter is really urgent. Die Wu, let go."

"I'm not loose." She pressed her face tightly against his back, proving her stubbornness at the moment.

"I'll come back to accompany you after I've dealt with everything. Be obedient and have a good rest." Mu Lingxuan was not as strong as him, so when Yu Zichen broke her hand hard, her hand was immediately released from his waist.

"My lord..." She looked at his back, her words choked up.

Yu Zichen had already walked a few steps, and felt that her voice was choked with sobs. He turned his head and looked into her tearful eyes, "Why are you crying?"

Mu Lingxuan wiped away the tears that slid down, intending to fight up and not cry, but the tears flowed faster.She thought that when Guan Eyun was around, she would always cry. Every time Yu Zichen saw Guan Eyun cry, he felt very sorry for Guan Eyun.

In other words, women's tears are Yu Zichen's weakness.Why doesn't she try.

But she didn't expect that when Yu Zichen looked at her, he couldn't help saying two words, "...Yun'er."

Hearing this name, Mu Lingxuan's expression froze suddenly, she thought in every possible way that he would come back to cherish her, but in the end, he called out the name of the dead princess.Before he came back to his senses, she turned around and said indifferently: "My lord, go ahead, I'm going to rest."

"Okay, then you rest first."

When Mu Lingxuan turned around, Yu Zichen's figure was gone.And she shed tears because of the feelings she gave, "How can you still say her name, how can it be, I'm not her..."

At this time, Anze's figure appeared behind Mu Lingxuan, "Princess."

Mu Lingxuan's expression turned cold in an instant, and her eyes became very sharp.She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and ordered coldly: "Follow him, make sure our people keep an eye on him, and never let his every move go."

Anze lowered his head and accepted the order: "Yes." Mu Lingxuan didn't see it, and at this moment, his smile was more sinister than hers.

It's late at night, after two days of tossing, everyone can finally lie down in the room without missing a beat, but everyone's thoughts are different.

Han Xueyan turned over, and for some reason, she cast a glance at Cao Dan's bed.The lights in the house had been turned off, but the moonlight that slipped in from the window allowed her to see Cao Dan's figure slightly.

After a day and a night in the cave, she found that she had fallen in love with this boy.However, he already has a sweetheart, and it is impossible for him to have a result with him, but it is difficult to give up his feelings for him.

At this moment, Cao Dan couldn't fall asleep either. He turned over in a state of distraught. In his mind, Han Xueyan's thin and thin back floated for a while, and for a while, Sun Bailing's strong and independent back floated...

And Sun Bailing was staring at his back, saddened.

(End of this chapter)

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