The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 249 Junjun, I came here through time travel!

Chapter 249 Junjun, I came here through time travel!
Lu Yitang turned over and faced the wall, and only in this way, he would not face the two women in the room that he cared about.He often asked himself why such a situation happened, it shouldn't be.

He likes Tang Lin and her personality. He should have chased after her, but Sun Bailing...

It's a special night, and everyone has something on their minds in this room.Fu Yushu not only cared about Shihe, but also never forgot Du Yuanyuan.And Shao Qi focused on Han Lingying.

Yu Zichen also occasionally feels irritable because of Mu Lingxuan's entanglement.

This night, only Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin could sleep soundly without worry.

I don't know how long the early morning has passed, and a strange light appeared in the dark mid-air, and then, a whirlpool of white light appeared above the palace, getting bigger and bigger.This vortex is the same as the vortex of light that sent Tang Lin away from modern times...

At this time, there was something in Yu Shengjun's arms, which was shining brightly, and the luminosity was getting stronger and stronger... Yu Shengjun turned over to make himself sleep more comfortably. When he turned over, his eyes opened slightly , Suddenly found a ball of twilight flashing in the clothes on his chest, twinkling and twinkling.He didn't care, and closed his eyes to sleep again, but within a second, his eyes opened instantly.

He sat up suddenly and looked down, the light was coming out through the clothes.He immediately dug under his neck and took out a jade pendant. This jade pendant was once given to him by a respected master, and he was told to keep it well and give the jade pendant to those who need it in the future.

He tore off the luminous jade pendant carefully, the jade was still shining like a signal, searching for something.

"What's going on?" Yu Shengjun was confused by the glowing jade, he looked at other people, everyone was fast asleep, and he didn't know the scene of the jade pendant on his body shining.But when his eyes fell outside the window, he was shocked again.

Outside the open window, there was a glare of light floating, as bright as day.

Yu Shengjun tightened his mind and got out of bed, and went to the door.He opened the door of the room, walked out, walked to the center of the yard, raised his eyes to the sky, and suddenly his whole body was frozen, motionless.

The big vortex in the mid-air opened its mouth wide open, as if it appeared to swallow the palace.

Yu Shengjun thought this strange scene was too incredible, he never believed in ghosts and gods, so he didn't believe in those supernatural events, but how to explain the scene above the sky and the glowing jade pendant in his hand?

He looked down at the jade pendant, then up at the sky, unable to comprehend these strange phenomena.

At this moment, the light of the jade pendant in his hand flashed very fast, and it was very strange.His heart was startled, his hands trembled, and the jade pendant in his hand was accidentally shaken out of his hand and fell down.

A strange thing happened, before the jade pendant touched the ground, suddenly a group of strong light suddenly appeared, and the light pierced Yu Shengjun's eyes, and he couldn't help covering his eyes with his hands.But in the next second, this group of strong light surrounded him,
"Ah—" Tang Lin suddenly sat up from the bed, screamed and panted heavily.Sweating profusely.

It was already dawn outside, and the strange scene last night was long gone.

Hearing the screams, other people who were still asleep woke up one after another, looked at her together, rubbed their eyes and asked what was the matter, what happened.

"I dreamed of Junjun, I dreamed of him..." Speaking of this, Tang Lin subconsciously looked at Yu Shengjun's bed opposite, the bed was empty, there was no shadow of Yu Shengjun, but his quilt was not folded tidy.

He is not a random person, every time she comes to the room to look, besides her own, Yu Shengjun's quilt is the most neatly folded.

Since the quilt was not neatly folded, where did he go in such a hurry?
Tang Lin had a bad premonition in her heart. She couldn't see Yu Shengjun. She was in a state of panic, and she had a dream last night. She dreamed that Yu Shengjun's hair became like snowflakes for some reason. white.

She immediately asked the others, "Where's Yu Huangxuan?"

The others shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads, expressing that they had never seen Yu Shengjun.

Now, Tang Lin felt more and more bad in her heart.She hurriedly got out of bed and put on her shoes, picked up her coat and left the room. When she reached the door, she calmly ordered the people in the room, "After breakfast, gather at the Shanglinyuan compound immediately!"

After a while, Tang Lin hurriedly walked on the way to the main palace. Along the way, she vaguely heard the whispers of the guards patrolling the palace, "Late last night, there was a strange light this day. You can see it with your own eyes." arrive?"

"No, that piece of light is so bright. At first I thought it was a fairy coming down to earth, but I didn't expect it to disappear after a while. It's really strange."

"What's so strange about this? The mountain god has been angry before. Is there anything weirder than the mountain god being angry?"

Tang Lin was worried. There was a strange light in the sky last night?This is how the same thing?I slept so soundly last night, I didn't see it, and I couldn't tell what was going on.Could it be that...

Suddenly, Tang Lin stopped, and she said excitedly, "Did the Time Tunnel appear?" But after a while, her face became sad, "It is impossible for such a coincidence to happen all the time, how could it be possible?" It's a time tunnel."

Without thinking about it, Tang Lin continued to go to the main palace. She was going to Xuanyu Palace to see if Yu Shengjun was there.

Yu Xinrui and An Leng were discussing something in the imperial study room, they were discussing something important, suddenly, a person fell from the beam, and with a bang, the person fell to the ground.

An Leng immediately took out his long sword to protect Yu Xinrui behind his back, then pressed his long sword towards the person lying on the ground with his back up, and said coldly: "Who?"

Yu Xinrui poked her head out to take a closer look, and saw that the back of the person lying on the ground was familiar, but her long hair was loose.She shook her dark and cold arm and said, "Go and see, who it could be, is it dead?"

With a dark "um", he raised his sword and walked towards the lying person on the ground until he squatted next to the lying person. He stretched out his hand and turned the lying person over. After seeing the lying person's face clearly, His eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "Master?!"

Hearing the sound, Yu Xinrui was startled, and hurried over to squat down to have a look, it was indeed her imperial brother Yu Shengjun, but Yu Shengjun's complexion was a little pale, and two of the long bangs on his forehead were silvery white.

Yu Xinrui was frightened by Yu Shengjun's vicissitudes, he seemed to have aged many years overnight.She knelt down, hugged him on her lap, and shook him, "Brother Huang, brother Huang, wake up, why are you sleeping on the beam?"

Under her shaking several times, Yu Shengjun slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were still sharp and deep, without a trace of vicissitudes, but his eyes were a little dazed.He looked at Yu Xinrui, then at An Leng, for a moment, he didn't know what to say, but the scene of last night was still replaying in his mind.

He remembered that he was swallowed by a ball of light, and then he seemed to be tied by a rope. Someone threw him into a bottomless hole. This hole was very strange, with strange lights and lightning.

After he was thrown in, as time passed, he felt that his body had changed, as if he was being transformed rapidly.

Vaguely, he saw a door closing slowly, and he flew here only when it was completely closed.Because the door was closed, he couldn't get in, so he felt that someone was constantly pulling him back the same way.

Afterwards, he passed out.After waking up, he found himself lying in the arms of the imperial sister.

Yu Shengjun was shocked by this strange journey, but also felt inexplicable.He stood up slowly, but found that his footsteps were a little weak, and he almost fell. It was Huangmei who suddenly supported him.

"Brother Huang..." Seeing Yu Shengjun's pale appearance, Yu Xinrui was very sad, "What's wrong with you? Why did your hair turn white? And your face..." She covered her mouth, faintly Sobbing, "Brother Huang seems to have aged a lot overnight!"

Her reminder made Yu Shengjun's heart tremble suddenly.He immediately separated the two of them and took a picture of himself in the water basin on the wooden frame in the corner. On the surface of the water, a vicissitudes of himself was reflected.

He was stunned, and stroked his cheek with a trembling hand, "Why, how could I be like this?"

Yu Xinrui choked up and asked: "Brother Huang, did you stay up late last night?" But even if you stayed up late, it is impossible to have gray hair overnight.

Yu Shengjun immediately touched his neck, but the jade pendant was not there.At this moment, I can neither explain the reason why I am getting old, nor why the jade pendant suddenly disappeared.He looked out the window, it was already daylight.

Disappeared since last night and has not appeared until now.What did the strange experience last night bring to me?And what do you want to prove to him?
If the door that just closed was about to open, what kind of place would he be in after entering?
Yu Shengjun stopped staring at the basin and turned around sadly. At this moment, his complexion, his skin, and his hair were changing rapidly.An Leng saw it, and exclaimed, "Master, you, your face..."

Yu Xinrui looked over, at this moment, Yu Shengjun's complexion completely returned to the appearance before last night, still as handsome as jade, without any signs of aging, the original silver-white strands of hair also turned black, and recovered luster.

This strange change stunned Yu Xinrui and An Leng.Yu Xinrui said in disbelief: "Brother Huang, what happened to your body? Why did you change so much all of a sudden? Huangmei's eyes hallucinating?"

He said coldly: "If this is a hallucination, then my eyes also have hallucinations. But both of us have found something is wrong. This is not a hallucination."

Yu Shengjun calmed down slowly. His understanding of his changes just now was that he would suddenly age as if he had spent decades or hundreds of years in a short period of time.But as soon as he came back here, he wouldn't have that kind of thing.He wondered if it had something to do with the strange experience last night.

"Brother Huang, what's the matter?" Yu Xinrui asked worriedly.

Yu Shengjun smiled lightly, "It's nothing."

At this time, Tang Lin came outside the imperial study room, and cried to An Lin, "Director An, the emperor is gone. I went to Xuanyu Palace to look for him. Everyone said that I couldn't find him, and he wasn't in Shanglin Garden. Where did he go?" ?”

An Lin was also very worried now, "Why is the emperor missing? He is not here in the imperial study."

At this time, the door of the imperial study room was opened by Yu Shengjun.

Tang Lin looked up, and saw Yu Shengjun, whose hair was scattered on his shoulders, who was a bit embarrassed, rushed over and threw himself into his arms, "You scared me to death, do you know? Woohoo, what the hell are you doing?" Yeah you?"

Yu Shengjun stroked her back, "I have a lot of things that I want to tell you." Especially what happened last night.Tang Lin accompanied Yu Shengjun back to Xuanyu Palace.

After washing up, Yu Shengjun regained his clean and handsome image.

Tang Lin took his hand and entered the small Zen room. After sitting down, she asked, "Why did you come to the Imperial Study Room so early today? When I asked An Lin just now, he said that you were not here, did you hide it from me?" Came here secretly to approve the memorial?"

(End of this chapter)

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