The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 250 For You To Wear, For You To Sleep

Chapter 250 For You To Wear, For You To Sleep

Yu Shengjun smiled lightly, "Nothing. The state affairs are all handled by the two prime ministers. I will ignore them for the past few months. An Lin really doesn't know about my coming to the imperial study. You Don't blame him."

Tang Lin was puzzled, "I didn't come back to deal with government affairs, so why?"

"Linlin," Yu Shengjun's expression became serious, "Last night..." Speaking of this, he paused. "I don't know how to tell you. Anyway, I can't figure this out. I really can't figure it out."

Tang Lin became a little curious, "What's the matter? There should be very few things that you don't understand, right?"

Yu Shengjun intends to tell the ins and outs one by one, "Last night, I went to a place, a place that I thought was the Temple of Yama."

Tang Lin made a "poof" and said with a smile: "Yan Luodian? Hehe, do you really believe that there is such a thing as Yama and the King of Yama? Junjun, I don't understand. You said you never believed in ghosts and gods, but you You are a Buddhist disciple again, you make me contradictory."

Yu Shengjun explained: "This belief is not the other's belief. Although I don't believe in the existence of gods and Buddhas, I have a belief in Buddhas."

Tang Lin said "oh", "I see you, you just want to cultivate yourself, who doesn't want to cultivate to the realm of selflessness. Let's not discuss this issue, tell me, which one did you go to last night?" Place? I remember, you should have been sleeping last night! However, I don’t know what happened after the night. I was tossed by those bastards for two days. Last night, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down, and I slept very soundly , I don’t know what happened in the second half of the night. On the way to Zhenggong, I vaguely heard someone talking about the sky changing in the second half of the night last night, and a strange light appeared, but it ended soon. Junjun, Do you know about this?"

"I know," Yu Shengjun nodded and said, "And, I saw it."

"Huh?" Tang Lin was startled, "You still saw it?" Now, she really became curious. "Then tell me, what is the phenomenon?" If the time tunnel really appeared, it would be a good thing.

Yu Shengjun said in detail: "In the middle of the night last night, you were all fast asleep. I woke up by accident, so I discovered the scene outside the window that was as bright as day. I left the room and went to the yard to have a look. In the palace On the roof of the palace, there is a white light, like a whirlpool, so big that it seems to be able to swallow the entire palace."

Vortex light? !Now, Tang Lin didn't dare to ignore her thoughts anymore, maybe it really was the appearance of a time tunnel. "And then? Then what happened?"

Yu Shengjun went on to say: "It's very strange that this ball of light sucked me away, and sucked me into a very scary place. There were no trees, no stones, no houses, no people. I fell all the way into it, All I saw were lights of different colors and lightning. I thought I was dreaming at the time. Later, I saw a very bright door slowly closing. I know where I will go. All in all, this experience is very real and mysterious. After the door closed, I was sent back to the original road, and finally appeared in the imperial study. I felt very strange, when I disappeared , obviously in Shanglin Garden, but it appeared again, but in the Imperial Study Room. Linlin, tell me, did I sleepwalk last night, or did it really happen?"

"Really?" Through Yu Shengjun's description, Tang Lin determined that the strange phenomenon last night was related to the time tunnel.In other words, she still has a chance to meet again.It's just that she wondered why the Time Tunnel took Yu Shengjun away instead of herself. She was from that world.

At the beginning, when he was taken away, it seemed that the piece of jade and the change of the sky produced a magnetic field, and then he was swept away.But Yu Shengjun was swept away only through a natural change, isn't that unreasonable?

But these things, Tang Lin put them aside for the time being, she was worried about whether Yu Shengjun had left any sequelae after taking a trip through the time tunnel, "Junjun, tell me quickly, you have taken such a trip, Has there been any change in your body?"

It stands to reason that if a historical figure wants to enter the future world, it is very likely that they will age during the time travel process. Once they enter the future world, they will age rapidly, their lifespan will become shorter and shorter, and their death date will accelerate.

If the gate of time hadn't been closed in time, Yu Shengjun must have been in another world.

But after all, he was swept up by time once, no matter what, he would also experience aging during this time travel.

"You can see that too?" Yu Shengjun was startled, he didn't expect Tang Lin to ask him if there was anything wrong with his body.He didn't want to hide her, so he treated her honestly, "Linlin, I told you, you can't... be sad."

Tang Lin couldn't guarantee it, she stared at him with mist in her eyes.Last night, she had a dream, dreaming that Yu Shengjun's hair turned white overnight, as white as snowflakes.She was terrified. "I can't guarantee that I won't be sad. Junjun, you know, I dreamed about you last night, and your hair turned white overnight. Later, I woke up with fright. I found out that you were not in Shanglinyuan, and then I'm looking for you like crazy. Tell me quickly, you went through an unusual journey yesterday, but there are changes in your body? Don't hide it from me."

Yu Shengjun sighed, and laughed again, "To be honest, after I was involved in that place, I felt a lot of changes in my body. Later, when I returned to the Imperial Study Room, Xinrui and An Leng saw my body. My hair is a little gray, and my face is very old. I seem to have aged a lot overnight. However, not so long after I came back, I returned to the same way as before last night. Until now, for this kind of I am still puzzled by the change. Linlin, since you asked me if my body has changed, you must know where I went last night, right? You know these things, right? "

"Yes," Tang Lin nodded with tears in her eyes, "I know, and I understand very well." However, she couldn't accept the fact that Yu Shengjun would age quickly.

If one day, he encounters this kind of thing again, he will really come to the future world.That would be a fatal blow to an ancient man like him.He is an ancient man, and he cannot go to the future at all.

If it does come, he won't be able to survive.

She once thought that it would be great if she had the opportunity to take him to the future.But now, she didn't dare to have such thoughts anymore, she was afraid, afraid that he would have been lying in the... mortuary of the hospital before he saw the prosperity of that world.

"Why are you crying?" Seeing the tears rolling down her eyes, Yu Shengjun was very distressed.He wiped away a few tears from her with distress, "I'm already healed, and there is no threat to my life, so Linlin, don't feel sorry for me."

Tang Lin choked up and said, "How can I not be sad? You know, if you stepped into that door last night, you really... can't come back."

Yu Shengjun was stunned, and subconsciously found something wrong, "How do you know that I will not come back? By the way, you said just now, do you understand these things? Then tell me, where was the place last night?" What is it called? How did you know about such a strange phenomenon? In my eyes, you have always been a mystery, and what you often know makes me feel unbelievable and unimaginable. Tell me, where are you... from? "

Tang Lin sniffed, and did not immediately explain what she knew, "If I confess, then Junjun, if you find that I am a weirdo, will you not want me?"

"No." Yu Shengjun raised his hand and swore, this is the first time he swore to Tang Lin, "Even if you are a ghost, I will not want you. No matter where you are or who you are, it doesn't matter if you are a fairy or a fairy. Forget it, I will never want you. I have already decided that I want to spend my life with you, and live my life happily."

With his words, Tang Lin burst into laughter and glanced at him, "Don't you believe in ghosts and gods? Why do you believe in them again? Besides, do I look like a ghost? Have you ever seen ghosts with shadows? Also, if I were a goblin, have you ever seen me manifest? If I were a fairy, have I cast magic power? Really, I am a human, a real human, just like you, with shadows and grains A man of miscellaneous grains."

"Okay, don't be angry anymore." Yu Shengjun laughed and rubbed Tang Lin's angry cheeks. "I believe that you are a person, and you will believe in it for the rest of your life, right? Can we talk about business now? What is the name of the place I went to last night?"

Tang Lin replied very seriously: "That is called the local time tunnel, and it is the path responsible for transporting space-time goods."

Yu Shengjun frowned, not quite understanding, "What is a time tunnel?"

Tang Lin explained: "It's a road that runs through all time and space. Specifically, I don't know how to explain it to you. I don't know much about it. But generally, such occasions are rarely seen in real life. Appeared in the world. Of course, there should be very few people who can travel through time."

time travel?This word made Yu Shengjun very curious. "Traveling, how do you explain it?"

Tang Lin replied with a smile: "It is to travel from another time and space to other time and space through a time tunnel. Junjun, to tell you the truth, I traveled to your dynasty, you must be very unbelievable, right?"

Yu Shengjun couldn't digest it for a while, "Then where did you wear it?"

Tang Lin answered simply: "Future!" "Future?" Yu Shengjun's brain couldn't get over another word.He misunderstood, "Is it a country called the future?"

Tang Lin held back a smile and shook her head, "No."

Yu Shengjun thought about it carefully, but still couldn't figure it out, "Then how do you explain the word "future?"

Tang Lin stopped her smile, looked into his eyes, and explained seriously: "The future is the world hundreds or thousands of years later. Junjun, my home is several years away from the Yuxin Dynasty. "

"Then you..." At this moment, Yu Shengjun understood his thoughts, it was unbelievable but he had to believe it, his voice almost reached the level of screaming, "Then you, aren't you the younger generation separated from me by thousands of years?" Children and grandchildren?"

Tang Lin nodded slightly, "Yes, they are the descendants of your descendants."

"Then you are a descendant, how did you get here?" Yu Shengjun's chest was heaving, and it was difficult to calm himself down.For a while, he couldn't understand the strange thing that Tang Lin traveled through by chance. "It's incredible!"

"Junjun..." Tang Lin's eyes were red, and she looked at him with melancholy eyes. "Do you think it's decent for you to fall in love with a junior?"

Yu Shengjun immediately denied, "I didn't mean that, I just couldn't understand how you, a future person, came to ancient times."

Tang Lin said: "I came here through a time tunnel. I remember the day before I traveled, the sky changed, and then, a force sucked me away, and then I fell into this time and space !"

Yu Shengjun remembered what happened last night, and he couldn't figure out a question, "If this is the case, when the time tunnel reappears, it should take you back, but last night the time tunnel took me away, not You, how do you explain this?"

Speaking of this, Tang Lin didn't understand. She looked sad, "It stands to reason that when the sky changes, the earth has a force that fuses with it to take a person away. I remember the day I traveled, I was holding something in my hand, which was a transparent jade pendant. When the jade pendant saw the light, the sky immediately changed, and after that, something happened to me. I thought that jade pendant was an indispensable force. It requires the magnetic field to change. But the space-time tunnel appeared last night, without the jade pendant, not only did it not take me away, but took you away, Junjun, how can this be explained?"

(End of this chapter)

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