The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 251 This is the Report

Chapter 251 This is the Report
"Linlin, actually, I..." Yu Shengjun wanted to explain about Yupei.

Tang Lin sighed and interrupted him, "It seems that the world is going to give up on me." She held her chin and looked sad again.

Yu Shengjun's heart tightened, and his voice suddenly became soft and thin, as if a pain was being pressed in his throat, "You... really want to go back to that world?"

Tang Lin said with a bitter face: "I want to go back, but I can't bear you, Junjun. Sometimes it's easy to go back, but once I go back, I can't come back. However, I just bid farewell to that world, and I'm always a little sad .”

Seeing Tang Lin's unhappy look, Yu Shengjun took a deep breath, his fingers were squeezed very tightly by him, and he wanted to say something about the jade pendant several times, but in the end he became cruel and swallowed the words back to his stomach .

He couldn't let her go, no.She is his queen, and he will guard her for the rest of his life, and cannot let her leave halfway.

It turned out that the respected master gave him the jade pendant and asked him to give it to the person he loves the most, because the person he loves most needs the jade pendant.And the person she loves the most is Tang Lin.Since she is the favorite, how could he let her go.

Just let him be selfish for a while!

If she doesn't get the jade pendant or see it in her whole life, then she will be with her all her life!
As long as she lives here for a long time, she will no longer want to go home, and she will no longer worry about when the time tunnel will appear again.Then he can see her smile every day, hear her voice every day, and have her... every day.

Before that, he had the idea of ​​sending her home with all his might, so that she could go back happily once.But, now that her home is too far away, he can't bear to let her go, he can't bear to...

"Junjun..." Tang Lin stretched out her hand and grabbed his fist, "You seem to be in pain, what's wrong? Is your body still not fully recovered?"

Yu Shengjun endured the tears that fell, and smiled reluctantly, "I'm fine, I've fully recovered. I was just thinking about other things just now, don't worry. The sky is already bright, and today's training should be fine." Have you started?"

Tang Lin let out an "oops", and then patted herself on the forehead, "If you don't tell me, I almost forgot about this. When I got up, I asked those bastards to gather in the compound. It's been so long, and they probably have to wait I'm getting impatient. Junjun, you... are you going to go there today?"

"Of course," while speaking, Yu Shengjun had already stood up, "I'm not in the way."

Tang Lin nodded, "Well, it doesn't look like there's anything wrong with you, so let's go."

She turned and walked out, and after a few steps, he called her from behind, "Linlin." She turned around, and he looked into her eyes with deep eyes, "I like you very much, a girl from You in a thousand years."

The corner of Tang Lin's mouth raised a warm arc, "Well, I also like Junjun, Yushengjun here after thousands of years."

Yu Shengjun said again: "Let us stay together forever, okay?"

His gentle and sincere eyes filled Tang Lin's heart with happiness. At this moment, she felt that the time tunnel and the jade pendant were not important anymore. "Okay, I promise you, whoever leaves halfway will be a coward."

There were tears in Yu Shengjun's eyes, but a smile was on the corner of his mouth, "There won't be that day." Even if the time tunnel appeared again, no one would be able to leave without the jade pendant.For the rest of his life, he will hold her firmly.

After walking out of the bedroom, Yu Shengjun said to Tang Lin: "Linlin, I want to seal your identity."

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned.

Tang Lin's identity made Yu Shengjun worry about her safety and reputation, "Linlin, in this age, not everyone can accept you as a future person like me. If your background is leaked, some illegal If you are a traitor, you will wait for the opportunity to cause chaos, which may be bad for you. You will be the queen of the world in the future. If your origin is leaked, then you will become a nondescript object in the eyes of others, and it will be bad for your reputation. I want to protect You, don't let you get hurt in the slightest, I want you to live your life with pleasure, instead of living your life with a lot of comments on your back."

"Junjun..." Tang Lin was so touched that her nose sore, "At the beginning, I was afraid that my background would be exposed so I kept it from you. You know, you will definitely think that I am neither fish nor fowl, and then destroy me as a strange monster. Woohoo, I didn't expect you to be so considerate of me."

Yu Shengjun felt guilty, if he really thought of her, he should help her find the jade pendant selflessly and send her back to the future world.However, he still kept it from her selfishly, he just didn't want her to go.

"Silly woman, don't cry." He stretched out his hand and lovingly wiped the tears off her face.

She took his hand, hooked his fingers, and said worriedly as she walked: "There is no impenetrable wall in the world, so naturally there is no impenetrable thing. Sooner or later, Fu Yushu and the others will know my origin, as well as the queen mother, and my mother." Youshuang, them, and..." She shook her head, "I can't imagine what their expressions will be when they find out, they must think that I am a monster, a monster that came from outside the sky."

Yu Shengjun laughed and said, "How can I describe myself like this? I think it's very lucky to be a person of that era."

"Lucky?" Tang Lin was stunned. "You think it's a kind of luck? Junjun, you must not have such thoughts. Yes, growing up with us is a kind of luck, but it's also unfortunate."

Yu Shengjun asked incomprehensibly: "What's so unfortunate? The clothes and weapons there make me feel very fresh. I think that if girlfriends are so different, then the people in your place are also different. .”

"Fart," Tang Lin gritted her teeth and gave him the word. "The people in our place come here individually. In fact, there are still many unfortunate things. Mother Earth, I have to breathe in fear every day, and I am exhausted every day. The technology there is too advanced, and the weapons are too Over-developed, people on earth will disappear with the earth. Sometimes I think it’s better to be in ancient times. Although the army is chaotic and sometimes you don’t have to pay for your life, the air here is good and the people are good.”

After what Tang Lin said, not only was Yu Shengjun not afraid, but he was full of curiosity about that world. "It's really as scary as you said?" But it's a pity, once you go by yourself, you will grow so much all of a sudden. If you really stay there for a day, you will probably die soon.Can't go.

But Yu Shengjun didn't know that one day in the future, he would really be in the modern world.

Tang Lin exhaled irritably, "Let's not talk about what happened there, if it's not because I can't let go of some things, I wouldn't bother to think about going back."

"Then don't think about it. Here, I will provide you with food, drink, clothing, sleep, and play. In short, I will provide you with everything." The treacherous meaning in Yu Shengjun's eyes, It was not caught by Tang Lin.

Tang Lin smiled slyly, "Then, is the money for me to spend? I'm never soft on spending money. Are you not afraid that I'll spend all your money?"

Yu Shengjun suddenly stopped, and pointed to a road leading to other places, "The treasury is over there, you can get it, take as much as you want, if I frown, then I will be a coward."

Tang Lin, "Pfft—"

Not long after, Yu Shengjun returned to the team, and Tang Lin stood solemnly in front of everyone.

At this time, several imperial guards brought three big sacks over and placed them beside Tang Lin.Everyone glanced over, wondering what it was.

Tang Lin said: "Don't look at it, it's your new clothes!" New clothes?Many people became excited and became interested in new clothes.

Cao Dan muttered in a low voice, "It must be ugly, it's better to wear your own."

"Huh?" Tang Lin became displeased when she heard his complaint, she frowned and stared at him, "What are you complaining about?"

Cao Dan puffed his face and didn't intend to say anything.

Tang Lin ignored him, turned to the side, and said to Yitang and the others: "Yitang, Yishuang, Xiao Xiong, you three come here. Divide these three bags of clothes, each with one set of clothes for each color, a total of three sets, Send them."

"Yes!" The three of them answered together, and walked over together.

Yitang first took the blue clothes, followed by Yishuang the green ones, and Xiao Xiong the black ones.They held several sets in their hands at once, starting with the No.1 student.

Yu Shengjun was the first to get the clothes. He didn't look at them with joy like the others. After getting the clothes, he put them away and stood up. He didn't look at the three sets of clothes in his hand too much.

Seeing Han Xueyan muttering something to Tang Lin, she said, "The clothes of each of you are tailor-made for you, so they won't fit you well."

At this time, Han Xueyan got the clothes, and looked at them with joy, occasionally unfolding them in front of her chest for comparison, and occasionally folding them neatly.I can't put it down for these three sets of clothes in this hand.

Cao Dan found that the three sets of clothes in his hand were exactly the same shape as Tang Lin's, but the fabric was different, not as visual as hers, but this did not prevent him from being satisfied with this kind of clothes, and fell in love with them deeply. .

From the first time he saw Tang Lin in military uniform, he thought, it would be great if he also had such clothes.Now, a real dream has come true.

In one class, they quickly finished distributing the clothes, and then went back to stand aside.

Everyone is still talking about the clothes.

Tang Lin's hand stretched out from behind, and a flag suddenly appeared in front of everyone.As soon as the flag appeared, everyone was no longer curious about the clothes, and quickly stared at the flag again, it was bright red, and it was a bit worth seeing.

The corner of Tang Lin's mouth turned sharply, "Heh, are you curious? Do you know what this is?"

Cao Dan said directly: "Flag!"

Suddenly, everyone burst into laughter.

Some contestant said in a mocking tone, "Who doesn't know this is a flag?"

Cao Dan glared at the two rows of people in the back, "Hmph, you are smart, if you have the ability to talk about what kind of flag this is, then you can show off your smartness." After finishing speaking, he turned his head angrily, and broke another mouthful: "I dare to Ridiculous, tired of living."

"Quiet my old lady!" Tang Lin said violently.

Immediately, no one dared to speak out, no one dared not stand up.

Tang Lin said with a cold face: "It's a flag, yes, but it's not the flag of the Yuxin Dynasty. It's a labor red flag. In the future, whichever class's labor task is better, the red flag will be hung in the squad leader's dormitory Considering that the three squad leaders all belong to the same dormitory, then this labor red flag is hung in the dormitory of the three squad leaders. As a man, a soldier, he must be able to bend and stretch. Got the hall. In order to test your moral character, in the future, you will divide the cleaning in three shifts in various places in Nangong. You, you will have labor points. Whichever class wins, everyone in that class will get extra points, and other classes will all deduct points. I am a very fair person, and I will judge the best guards based on their results. Whose points Gao, whoever I value, do you understand?"

Everyone let go of their voices and responded harshly: "Listen clearly."

Tang Lin handed the labor red flag to Yifeng, and then showed a pile of documents in front of everyone, smiling so beautifully that it made people feel chills all around, "Do you know what this is?"

(End of this chapter)

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