The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 252 Your Clothes Are Folded Too Motherly

Chapter 252 Your Clothes Are Folded Too Motherly

Han Xueyan raised her hand.

Tang Lin raised her chin, "Say."

Han Xueyan said: "Report sir, this is paper."

"Hahaha——" All the students once again roared with laughter.

Han Xueyan lowered her head in embarrassment, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and slip down.I must be sure that I said something wrong, otherwise everyone wouldn't be laughing so badly.

Tang Lin said: "The things in my hands are nothing but reports. These reports are used to record the results of each of your classes and everyone. Once the training camp is over, the emperor will judge people by their results. He As long as you look at these data, you will know how you guys have performed in these four months. Let’s not talk nonsense, if you want to be the bodyguard of this big house, you have to show your strength. These data sheets will be posted on The most conspicuous place in Shanglinyuan is that the data is updated every day. You can see who has the best grades and who has the worst grades on these tables every day. If you don’t want to be at the bottom, please work harder. If you want to be No.1 , don’t make me proud. In order to train you better, you will be given training and examinations in six aspects of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor. Not only that, but you also need to master the knowledge and skills of sea, land and air. Each class assessment will add and subtract points for each class. Of course, each individual assessment will also have a system of adding and subtracting points. Bonus points for wins, and points for fouls..."

Sun Bailing raised his hand, "Reporting sir, when will we have the exam?"

Tang Lin said with a cold face: "I can take the test whenever I want. Sometimes there will be a surprise test. Whoever wants to perform better should practice often. Don't wait until the test to cram. The content of the test is different. , basically the literary and martial arts exams. There are a few more important points that you must keep in mind. Get up at five o’clock every day. Everyone’s quilt must be arranged in the same way as the instructor’s. One point. Run to the imperial city for an hour every morning, and you can go back to the dining hall for dinner. These are tasks that must be completed every day. Whoever is lazy will be severely punished. Also, the dormitory you live in, except for this Instructor, the others take turns to be on duty."

On duty?Everyone didn't understand this word, and they all scratched their heads to find the answer.

Tang Lin glanced at everyone, and explained indifferently: "It's just cleaning the room every day."

At this time, several students raised their hands and couldn't help but speak.

Tang Lin lowered her voice and said coldly, "Speak up for any questions."

"Report sir, how can we big men do such a dirty and demeaning thing like cleaning the room?"

"That's right, we are also from a famous family, and we are used to being young masters. It would be too disrespectful for us to clean up."

Others also echoed the protest.

Tang Lin suppressed her anger and said coldly: "You don't need to scan, but please take a look at your report card the next day. If points are deducted, don't blame the officer. The officer has nothing to do. Who told you that your labor points Not qualified."

This time, everyone was silent, and there were no voices of dissent.

Tang Lin gave all the students a cold look, and finally said: "I will give you a moment to burn incense, take the things in your hands back to the room and put them away, and then everyone will tidy up their beds for me. As for the quilts How to make the beds, the instructor will teach you. After a stick of incense passes, I will go to each room to check, if any student’s bed is found to be unqualified, don’t blame me for severely punishing you. Disband.”

As soon as the disbandment was mentioned, everyone immediately dispersed, and everyone realized the preciousness of time.

Yitang, Yishuang, and Xiao Xiong have all followed in the footsteps of the students.

Yifeng walked up to Tang Lin and asked, "Miss Tang, what is your subordinate doing next?"

Tang Lin handed him the document in her hand, "As I told you, post it on the road that all students in Shanglinyuan must pass. Paste each one. Remember, it is posted on the previously created Boards, not walls."

Yifeng nodded, "This subordinate understands."

Ten people per room, a total of three rooms.

As soon as the 28 practitioners returned to the room, they rushed into the room. Because they all entered at once, it was too crowded, and they couldn't get in no matter how crowded they were, and a thousand people were blocked from the outside.As for the students who blocked the door, no one would get out of the way first.

On the contrary, the students in Tang Lin's room were more refined, and they kept their demeanor and let others come in first.

After entering, Fu Yushu and the others immediately went to look at Tang Lin's bed, how she folded the quilt, how she folded the clothes, and how she put her scattered things, and put them one by one. Take a look.

After looking over, they began to go back to their respective beds to pack their own.One class is responsible for instructing the students in this room. She first taught Han Xueyan and then Cao Dan, teaching them one by one, very patiently.

When teaching Yu Shengjun, Yitang saw that Yu Shengjun's bed was basically the same as Tang Lin's, while the others were still dawdling on how to fold the quilt.

"You don't need to teach me." Yu Shengjun said.

Yitang nodded politely, and then went to teach the others.

At this time, Yishuang and Xiao Xiong were teaching the students how to fold clothes and how to make beds in the other two rooms...

At this moment, Yifeng has brought several Royal Forest Army cats to the entrance of Shanglin Garden.This is the only way, everyone passes by, it is most suitable as a bulletin board, and no matter how strong the wind or rain is, it will not affect the report here.

Tang Lin was sitting on a branch of a dwarf tree in the Shanglinyuan compound, admiring the scenery of Shanglinyuan, with her feet dangling freely and freely, she was in high spirits, and the sunshine was dazzling.After a while, she looked at her watch, and counted the time based on the burning of a stick of incense, and she would be able to check the beds of those bastards in a while.

She wandered around here for a while, then jumped off the short tree and went back to the dormitory.

After a while, she stood at the door of her and Yu Shengjun's room, whistled, and then sternly shouted: "Stop, lean aside, I'm going to start the inspection!" Immediately, everyone stood in a corner good.Immediately afterwards, they held their breath and watched Tang Lin walk into the room.Maybe they didn't want to be punished too much, they had to look at Tang Lin nervously, for fear that she would suddenly lose her temper.

This time, the instructor, platoon leader, and deputy instructor are all waiting at the door.

Tang Lin walked in, looked at the row of qualified students in the corner of the wall, raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction, and said a few words of praise, "Well, the students in your room have more potential and have a good posture. He has a face. It’s just that this mattress is not good enough…” He smiled sinisterly, “It’s still waiting for my instructor to check it slowly.”

She checked Han Xueyan's bed first, and Han Xueyan immediately tightened his mind, his heart pounding, for fear that Tang Lin would be dissatisfied and punish her to move stones to Gaopoyuan.She doesn't want to do that anymore.

Tang Lin glanced roughly, and suddenly, with a cold face, she reached out and messed up the clothes on Han Xueyan's upper bunk, and then turned her head to scold Han Xueyan angrily, "I know you are a girl, but don't forget, you are now a girl to be determined." Guard, don't bring your daughter's dexterity here. Your clothes are folded too badly, they are unqualified and overlapped."

When Han Xueyan heard this, she immediately sniffed, and her eyes were wet with tears.I am so wronged.

Tang Lin ignored her, and went to Cao Dan's bed again. She didn't even bother to take a look at it, and lifted the quilt on Cao Dan's bed, "Folding the quilt is not hoarding goods, do you need to squeeze it so much? Unqualified, overlapping!"

Cao Dan didn't cry like Han Xueyan, he just twitched the corners of his lips a little dissatisfied, and complained in a low voice: "Fold it as soon as it is folded, I can bend and stretch, so I am afraid that I can't fold the quilt well?"

This time, Tang Lin was already standing beside Sun Bailing's bed. This time, she checked a few more times, but just when she was about to show a satisfied expression, her face immediately turned cold.

Sun Bailing's heart sank when he saw such a face.Unfortunately, this time, I am not qualified.

Tang Lin just kicked the pair of shoes under Sun Bailing's bed to the bottom of other people's beds, then turned her head and gave Sun Bailing a hard look, "Why are you so careless? You have taken care of everything else. Why are you so careless?" Neglected the shoes? Are you happy to see the soles of the shoes up and down?"

"Report, sir, it's because time passed so fast, I only packed up the shoes when you came..." Sun Bailing wanted to explain.

Tang Lin immediately interrupted her and criticized sharply: "If you ignore it, ignore it. If you know your mistakes, you should correct them. What are you arguing with me? Oh, you are wronged? Is it hard not to explain? ?”

Although she was very strong, Sun Bailing was so wronged that she wanted to cry with such words, but she still endured it firmly, lowered her head, and apologized: "I'm sorry sir, Bailing won't dare next time."

Tang Lin snorted coldly, then walked to Lu Yitang's bed, glanced at it, and took a deep breath.

Lu Yitang understood Tang Lin's expression very well, so he obediently darkened his expression.

"Rearrange the things on the upper bunk." Tang Lin didn't touch Lu Yitang's things this time, but made a point without expression, and walked towards Shao Qi's bed.

After all, Shao Qi is a real soldier and has lived in the military camp all year round. He knows everything about the military camp well and quickly.His bed is basically tidy, and everything is in place, clothes and quilts are also neatly folded, but...

Just when Shao Qi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Tang Lin's complexion slowly sank, but his heart tightened.

Tang Lin leaned over, picked up a few hairs on the bed, then turned to Shao Qi, and asked in a very soft voice: "What is this? Why didn't I find hairs on other people's beds, but I found them here Don’t you mean tidying up your hair when you say clean up the bed?”

Shao Qi twitched the corners of his lips, and said reluctantly, "I'm sorry sir, I won't dare next time."

"Do you still dare to say there will be a next time? And again, you sleep in the yard every night." After speaking coldly, Tang Lin turned and walked away, and stood beside Fu Yushu's bed within a few steps.

Tang Lin took a few glances, "I feel that the quilt is in place overall, but the quilt is not folded as well as others. Fu Tianze, work harder next time."

Fu Yushu nodded slightly, "Yes." Tang Lin didn't criticize himself as harshly as he criticized others, and he was somewhat relieved.

Tang Lin walked to Yu Zichen's bed and glanced roughly. Everyone thought she was criticizing everyone, but this time she didn't. She walked past Yu Zichen's bed without saying a word, coming Arrived at Yu Shengjun's bedside.

Everyone was stunned and cast envious and jealous eyes at Yu Zichen.

Yu Zichen smiled helplessly, not knowing what to say to everyone.

"Hey," now, Tang Lin published it again, and everyone looked over at the same time. Many people had different thoughts, but Shao Qi was gloating in his heart. He thought Tang Lin was going to scold Yu Shengjun Yes, how happy and enmity in my heart.

However, Tang Lin's next words hit Shao Qi hard, and made others look at Yu Shengjun with envy and jealousy.

Tang Lin didn't criticize Yu Shengjun, but praised Yu Shengjun, "Look at Yu Huangxuan's bed, and then look at yours, you should feel ashamed of yourself. Clothes, quilts, you can see clearly, they are folded worse than the instructor Do you see a little wrinkle on the quilt? Do you see the clothes a little untidy? Do you see his things in a mess? Do you see the soles of his shoes facing up and down? See Does he have long hair on the bed? Did you see that his quilt overall looks substandard? After making the bed, all the beds will be made according to Yu Huangxuan's bed. The rest of this morning will be used for you to practice making the bed. After today If I find that your beds are unqualified again, then don’t blame me for how I will punish you. Well, let’s practice making the beds freely, and then go to lunch at noon.”

(End of this chapter)

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