The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 253 No way, don't even think about it

Chapter 253 No way, don't even think about it

After speaking, Tang Lin walked out of the room.All the way they followed her and left.

As soon as the officers left, Han Xueyan ran up to Yu Shengjun, with an expression of admiration on his face, begging delicately: "Brother Yu, you are the best, can you teach Xueyan?"

Just as Yu Shengjun was about to say yes, Shao Qi pulled Han Xueyan to his side, glared at Yu Shengjun, and said rudely: "If you want him to teach, it's useless, it's better for brother-in-law to teach you."

However, Han Xueyan returned to Yu Shengjun's side and continued to act coquettishly, "Okay, brother Yu, can you teach Xueyan? Don't bother with my brother-in-law, he didn't pass his own test, so he can't teach me."

"Okay, brother Yu will teach you!" After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun looked at Shao Qi, smiled complacently, and showed his provocation and arrogance for a while.

Shao Qi's teeth itched with hatred, and he gritted his teeth, but he couldn't say anything, he could only stare at Yu Shengjun fiercely, letting the fire in his body ignite his blood, and he was about to explode. .

Even my sister-in-law was captured by this hateful Yu Huangxuan. As a brother-in-law, Shao Qi couldn't bear it.No, in the future, you must not lose to this man in terms of scores, otherwise you will be really ashamed.Not only that, but it will also make Yu Huangxuan continue to be arrogant.

This time, even Cao Dan rushed over to ask Yu Shengjun for help, as well as Sun Bailing.

Fu Yushu looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he felt a little uncomfortable that Yu Shengjun was so popular.He also hoped that Han Xueyan and Cao Dan would rush to him and ask him for advice.However, the ability to make the bed by himself is indeed inferior to that of Yu Huangxuan.

However, he believed that in the days to come, he would clean up better than Yu Huangxuan.He will be praised by Tang Lin.

And Yu Zichen was the one who talked the least among all the people, basically he didn't say anything in this dormitory.But his silent actions finally brought him satisfactory results, and for this, others are silently envious of him.

For other people, they would rather be like Yu Zichen, just qualified, than Yu Shengjun, who is too perfect.Once it is too perfect, it is easy to fall into hell.

For the next half day, the students in the three rooms spent their time practicing making their beds...

At noon, it will be here soon.

The sun was shining brightly, baking the earth.Today's weather is too hot. It would be great if there is a river. Swimming, soaking in water, I will fall asleep quickly at night.However, some people's daydreams really come true.But it is not known whether swimming and soaking in water are too much.

After lunch, Tang Lin asked all the students to go back to Shanglin Garden for half an hour, that is, an hour.

During this hour, the five instructors have been dawdling in the warehouse and never came out.A student passed by and heard the words from inside, "In the afternoon, gather all the students to Yujiang."

It was Instructor Tang's voice.The student heard it.

At this time, the voice of the deputy instructor Yifeng came out, "The weather is too hot, let them take a bath in the river to cool off?"

Next, the students didn't hear any voice coming out, he believed it was true, and didn't hear the voice of instructor Tang's refusal. That afternoon, the students must have gone to Yujiang to play in the water and enjoy the afternoon.

This student ran to the compound full of excitement. At this moment, all the students were resting and playing around in the compound, waiting for half an hour to end before starting their afternoon training.

The students ran over and told everyone excitedly, "Brothers, I just passed by outside the warehouse, and I heard Instructor Tang say that everyone will go to Yujiang to take a bath in the afternoon. In the afternoon, we can go to the river to make a fuss. .”

Now, a group of people are excited.

However, when they actually arrived at Yujiang Tanglin announced the training content, the excitement of all the students was swept away.After an hour of free rest, platoon leader Xiao Xiong gathered everyone to Yujiang.

Yujiang, a river running through the various palaces in the palace.Finally, the water flows to the great river near the royal forest.

On the edge of the Yujiang River, there is a very large lawn. In Tang Lin's words, it is the most suitable place for outdoor outings. It is also a good place for outdoor gatherings.Because it faces the river, the water is breezy and breezy.

After Xiao Xiong gathered everyone to Yujiang, he asked everyone to maintain their formation and wait for Instructor Tang to speak.

This is a flat grassland. Everyone is standing under the hot sun, while Tang Lin is lying on a rocking chair under the windy wooden shed, eating fruit leisurely. There is a wooden table next to the table. Fruit cakes and tea are complete.

In the corner of the wooden shed, there were many things piled up. To Tang Lin, they were common things for her, but for the students, they were very novel things.

Everyone stood facing the wooden shed, waiting for Tang Lin to speak after eating the fruit.

Well, the last bite of watermelon was swallowed by Tang Lin, and she got up lazily, then stood up, walked a few steps, and stood in front of everyone, the corners of her mouth were still moving, as if she hadn't finished eating the last bite of watermelon .

It was too hot this day, and everyone who was wearing clothes was already sweating on their backs.Seeing that Tang Lin ate with such gusto, and it was still thirst-quenching watermelon, how could they not subconsciously move their mouths.

It's a pity that I can only move my mouth, but I can't eat it.And there seemed to be more than one watermelon in the wooden shed, enough for all of them to eat.

Cao Dan wiped the sweat off his chin, already standing impatiently, "Sir, we have been standing here for a long time, when will we have a rest and eat a watermelon? Didn't we gather here to take a bath?"

After she finished chewing the food in her mouth, the smile on Tang Lin's face also turned sinister, "Who said you are here to take a bath?"

Cao Dan immediately looked behind, he forgot who said it, and couldn't point it out, so he turned around in embarrassment, and said weakly: "Anyway, someone said it."

Tang Lin looked at Yifeng and the others standing aside, and then criticized all the students, "Look at them, and then look at you, how are you doing? At least the assistant instructors wear the same clothes as you, why don't they have any objections?" Woolen cloth?"

Cao Dan broke into a sweat, "They are instructors, but we are students, so it's not the same."

"Yo," Tang Lin raised the decibel, "do you still know that you are students and they are instructors? Now that you know, then you should know that their abilities are much better than yours. If you want to be like them, work harder Improve your abilities, don't make sarcastic remarks. Today, I won't be so harsh on you, how about playing some entertaining programs? Don't worry, I definitely don't want you to conduct boring queue training, nor do I want you to move Bricks go up the mountain. Everyone knows that the sun is too venomous today, but at least we have watermelons and cool river water for our entertainment. As for today’s instructor, I am not as venomous as the sun, so I won’t let you suffer today Yes, you platoon leader and I have been thinking about how to train you for a long afternoon while you are having lunch. Finally, we decided not to train, but to play, to play some very meaningful... programs."

When it comes to playing, everyone is more excited,

"Can I go take a shower?"

"Can I have watermelon?"

"I really want to lie down and sleep right away!"

After everyone's discussion was over, Tang Lin narrowed her eyes and showed a smile that turned all sentient beings upside down, but no matter how hot the sun was, her smile still made the surrounding heat drop instantly, "Well, take a bath, it's fine, eat Watermelon, no problem, sleep, okay."

When everyone was so excited that they were about to jump up, Tang Lin's face suddenly turned cold, and her tone was even more horrifyingly severe, "Want to do this? No way, stop thinking about it, daydream, go to hell."

All of a sudden, everyone's excitement sank to the bottom, and they all wondered why the instructor suddenly changed his face.

Tang Lin motioned to the group to take out the tug-of-war rope, her expression changed, and she looked at everyone with a smile again, but everyone seemed to have seen that the smile was full of ill intentions, and they didn't dare to relax.She smiled and said: "The first entertainment program is very simple, let's play a tug-of-war competition, okay everyone?"

Tug of War? !
Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all showing fear for this tug-of-war competition. Obviously, they knew what the tug-of-war competition meant.On this hot day, playing tug-of-war, wouldn't it be necessary to heat up the heat.

Tang Lin motioned to Yitang to hold the end of the tug-of-war rope, and Yishuang to hold the other end, and told them to walk to both sides until the rope was completely stretched into a straight line.She came over, took the red silk thread tied in the middle of the rope, and let Yishuang come over a little more.

This time, the middle of the rope touched the boundary line.On the lawn, a line is drawn with lime.

Tang Lin returned to the original place and said to everyone: "I believe you have seen and experienced tug-of-war. This kind of activity is indispensable among the people. Today's first program is tug-of-war. Don't underestimate this program. It's a treat for you. A physical test. If any class wins, you will get one more point on the score sheet on the bulletin board tomorrow. If any class loses, I'm sorry, you can continue to eat eggs. This program not only has a win-lose system, There is also a system of rewards and punishments. If you win, you will be rewarded with half an hour of free activities on the Yujiang River. If you want to bathe in the water or eat watermelon, you can choose freely. But if you lose, you will be fined to stand still for half an hour, and you will not be allowed to enter the water. , and you are not allowed to eat watermelon. Now, everyone, do you understand? If you want to win, eat watermelon, or go into the water, use your physical strength to win the game. Next, class [-] vs. class [-]."

At this time, the people in Class Two and Class Three were all happy, because they all knew that Class One with the least number of people would lose in the end.

Soon, Class [-] and Class [-] were already standing at both ends of the boundary line and gripped the rope tightly. They could pull the rope over only after Tang Lin gave an order.

Yu Shengjun stood at the front, followed by Yu Zichen, then Sun Bailing and Sun Bailing, and then the other students.Yu Shengjun tightened his grip on the rope, and looked at Shao Qi who was staring at him with a cold face all the time with a relaxed face.

There were ten people in Shao Qi's class, and he asked Han Xueyan to pull at the back.He wants to be in the front and fight Yu Shengjun.He didn't believe it, ten of them won't be able to beat eight of them.

Tang Lin stood in the middle of the boundary line, looked at each side, and finally waved her hand holding a small flag, "Start."

People in class three stood on the open space opposite Tang Lin to cheer, "Come on, class two." Because Yu Huangxuan in class one always had the best grades and was always praised by the instructors, so the students in class three only gave the class two Come on, class, they are jealous of class [-].

Shao Qi is an officer, with a lot of hostility and physical strength. He kept pulling the rope over with all his strength, while still glaring at Yu Shengjun proudly, his eyes kept saying, "You admit defeat, you can't beat me!" this time."

Tang Lin stood in the middle, seeing the red silk thread pass the second class bit by bit, her mind also became tense.Yu Shengjun is her man, of course she hoped that he would win, but the facts have proved that Shao Qi has great strength.

Seeing that the red silk thread was leaning towards the second class bit by bit, Fu Yushu, who was watching from the corner, obviously raised a smug arc at the corner of his mouth.If Class [-] loses, it is Yu Huangxuan who loses, of course he hopes that Yu Huangxuan will be at the bottom this time.

(End of this chapter)

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