Chapter 254

However, a miracle happened. Yu Shengjun exchanged eyes with Yu Zichen behind him, then they gritted their teeth secretly, and gave a hard push, and immediately, the rope was loosened, and everyone in the second class was pulled across the boundary by them , And all fell one by one on the boundary line.

This time, Shao Qi and the others showed no signs of losing, Fu Yushu was dumbfounded, and so were the others.

After winning, Tang Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, immediately raised the flag to the side of Class One, and said loudly: "I announce that Class One has won this time. All students in Class One, listen carefully. Do you want to eat watermelon or If you want to play in the water for half an hour, you can only choose one. Now you can go and tell the assistant instructor about your choice."

Immediately, the first group ran to Yifeng excitedly, except for Yu Shengjun, Yu Zichen, and Sun Bailing, everyone else said they wanted to play in the water.

Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen clapped each other happily, then put their shoulders on each other and went to the wooden shed to sit down, Yishuang immediately brought two watermelons to them one after another, and then cut them open, "Master, my lord, hello kind of."

At this time, Sun Bailing walked over, and Yu Shengjun gave Yishuang a look.

Yishuang stopped talking and stepped aside.

Sun Bailing sat in the corner of the wooden shed, and then looked for someone.Seeing Cao Dan take off his clothes, then happily went into the water, she looked away sadly, but a piece of watermelon suddenly appeared in front of her.

She looked sideways, and immediately stood up and took it politely, "Thank you, my lord."

Yu Zichen reminded, "Here, you can't call it that."

Sun Bai nodded, "Subordinates, pay attention next time."

Yu Zichen didn't say anything, and sat down beside Yu Shengjun.

Seeing a group of people jump into the water, those who eat watermelon eat watermelon, it is as leisurely as you want.The people in the other two classes, apart from envy and jealousy, couldn't enjoy such an afternoon.

The next tug-of-war between the second class and the third class, no one will win or lose, even if they are sweating profusely and their clothes are all soaked in sweat, they will not admit defeat.Tang Lin waited for a long time, but she didn't see which of the two groups won first, so she simply ignored it, sat down in the wooden shed, and took the watermelon brought by Yu Shengjun.

After more than ten minutes, Tang Lin looked at her watch, and then cast a speechless look at the two classes who were still fighting, "As for them? They have to compete to this extent!"

"Sir, it's bad!" In the middle of the river, someone suddenly said in horror: "We found a floating corpse." As soon as the news of the floating corpse came out, the second and third squads resolutely gave up the tug-of-war competition and ran to the riverside Check.

As soon as the students said that there was a floating corpse, Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun immediately got up and rushed to the bank, looking towards the river, Tang Lin asked, "Where is it?"

Cao Dan poked his head out of the water, looked around, then pointed to the upstream area, and exclaimed: "Sir, the floating corpse is there, and it is floating towards us."

When the floating corpse approached, one or two students immediately went over and dragged the floating corpse. After a while, they moved the floating corpse to the shore and placed it at Tang Lin's feet.

At a glance, it turned out to be a female corpse.

Tang Lin knelt down and looked at the female corpse.The facial features of the deceased were exquisite. If the complexion of the face had not become pale and stiff due to the exhaustion of breath, it should have been more beautiful.She was wearing a fine attire, with a lot of red hairpins on her head, and two or three white jade bracelets on her hands. These bracelets were bright in color, and they were genuine at first glance.

The clothes of the female corpse revealed that she was either rich or noble.But who could this woman be?
After seeing the female corpse's clothes clearly, the expressions of Yu Shengjun, Yu Zichen, and Yishuang changed obviously.If they read correctly, the deceased lying on the ground should be the concubine of the harem.

The appearance of the female corpse caused a sharp look in Yu Shengjun's eyes.In the harem, what happened?
Tang Lin stood up and asked everyone, "Who among you has identified the identity of the deceased?"

Sun Bailing looked at the upstream area, and then at the deceased. She analyzed: "The Yujiang River runs through the palaces, and here is the downstream area of ​​the Yujiang River. And the water flows down from the other end of the Imperial Palace. Then the deceased, It should be a person in the palace. Maybe he accidentally fell into the water and died of an accident. The body floated all the way from the palace to here. The body followed the Yujiang River, passed the river in the Royal Forest, and finally flowed into the sea. If we were not in It was discovered here, and it is estimated that no one knows why the deceased disappeared."

Tang Lin stroked her chin thoughtfully, "Sun Bailing, can you tell who the deceased is from the palace?"

"It's the concubine of the harem." Yishuang said.

This time, a group of people were shocked, "Concubine in the harem?"

Yishuang nodded, "That's right, she is the concubine of the harem. All she wears is the silk and jewelry that the concubine of the harem owns, so I can be sure that she is the concubine of the harem."

Cao Dan said in horror: "A lady died, and something big happened now."

Tang Lin glanced at Yu Shengjun, seeing that he had nothing to say, she immediately turned cold, and ordered everyone: "Everyone gather aside, we will deal with the matter of the deceased, don't read it. They do queue training."

As soon as they heard that there was going to be a boring queue training, many students immediately showed a listless and weak look.

Xiao Xiong shouted sharply: "Everyone assemble immediately!"

Originally, many people were curious about the female corpse and wanted to take a closer look, but they had to gather.

After the students dispersed, Tang Lin squatted down and carefully inspected the woman's corpse to see whether the woman's death was accidental or someone deliberately murdered it.She checked the dead man's arm, neck and other places. Finally, she pinched the dead man's mouth open. Immediately, Yifeng and the others standing beside her were startled.

There were no teeth or tongue in the mouth of the deceased, and the walls of the mouth were all black.

Yishuang swallowed his saliva, resisting the urge to feel nauseous, "How could this happen? Who is so wicked, cut off this master's tongue, and pulled out all his teeth? Not only that, but also fed poison!"

Tang Lin was stunned, poisonous?She let go of the dead man's jaw, stood up, and looked at Yishuang, "How do you know that the dead man was fed poison?"

Yishuang said: "There is a kind of poison that will blacken the mouth and all parts of the body after drinking it, and the internal organs are all black and indistinct. If my subordinates are not mistaken, this little master must have eaten the poison." This kind of poison kills when you enter it, but it looks like a normal death on the outside, but when you peel off the body, you can see what's going on. The little master can't think of committing suicide."

"Alas," Tang Lin sighed deeply, "This harem is not as peaceful as I imagined!" It seems that when entering the harem in the future, one must be careful at all times.But if some poisonous scorpions are not removed, Yu Shengjun's heart will be uneasy.

Yishuang was surprised, "Miss Tang, do you think this little master was murdered by others?"

Tang Lin said: "I can't judge this kind of thing, let the criminal department handle it." Turning to Yifeng, she ordered: "Call someone to move the body back to the criminal department, and let the criminal department handle the matter of this lady. Is it suicide or homicide?" , let the Ministry of Punishments deal with it."

Yifeng bowed his head in response, "Yes, this subordinate will do it immediately." After speaking, he turned around and left.

After a while, two imperial guards came and carried away the female corpse.

Due to the matter of the female corpse, the students couldn't concentrate on the training. They looked around one by one, and as soon as they saw Tang Lin approaching, they all pretended to be serious about the queue training.

Tang Lin asked Xiao Xiong to step aside, then faced all the students, and sternly said, "Stand at attention."

Immediately, all the students stood up neatly.After these few days of queue training, the team has become very neat, and no one has made any mistakes.Everyone's military posture also reached Tang Lin's standard.

Tang Lin said with a cold face: "Don't think that if there is a murder case, you can be lazy and not train, there is no way. The second class and the third class, your two classes will automatically give up the game when there is no winner, you will not have a second chance , I declare that the marks for your two classes will be zero, and one point will be added for one class."

This result was hard for Fu Yushu and Shao Qi to accept, but they couldn't protest, so they had to accept their fate.

Tang Lin said again: "Next, let's start the second show."

Everyone panicked, always feeling that the next show will be the same as the previous one, and it will take energy.On such a hot day, no matter how exhausted their physical strength is, they will easily pass out due to heat stroke.

Seeing everyone's guarded looks, Tang Lin smiled and said, "Why do you all look scared? What are you afraid of? This second entertainment program is very interesting, and, in a certain season, you just need What about a show like this?"

Everyone was worried and curious about what kind of program it was, but as long as it wasn't a program that exhausted physical strength, it would be fine.It would be even better if it could be done in the water.

At this time, Cao Dan raised his hand, "Sir, what program is it?"

Tang Lin smiled mysteriously, "You'll find out later." After speaking, she turned around, faced the wooden shed, and said to Yitang and Yishuang over there: "Distribute the things to everyone, remember, five pieces per person , don’t underestimate the points, or they will say that I am a stingy instructor.”

Yishuang held back a smile and bent down, hugging the pile of big padded jackets in the corner of the wooden shed, but only picked up two.She and Yitang picked up the padded jackets and handed them to the students.

When the students got the padded jackets, they were dumbfounded.

The moment Yu Shengjun got the padded jacket, he understood what Tang Lin was going to do.He looked up at the sun that was still baking the earth, shook his head helplessly, and sighed to himself: "This little woman is really good at torturing people!"

Soon, Yitang and Yishuang finished distributing the padded jackets, five for each student, neither too much nor too little.

Tang Lin glanced at everyone, and then showed a smile that turned all sentient beings upside down. Everyone started to get scared. Every time the officer smiled, it meant something bad was about to happen to them.

"This program is very simple," Tang Lin looked at everyone with a smile, "It's about endurance. Don't treat this program as a joke and just do what you want, and don't do it if you don't want to. Let me tell you, this is also an exam. Yes, it is your endurance. I don’t ask you to do anything, as long as you put on all the five padded jackets in your respective hands, and whoever can last for half an hour, I will give him a point. Everyone, understand?"

Han Xueyan almost fainted when he heard it.Isn't this desperate?Wearing five padded jackets on such a hot day, isn't that wrapping yourself into rice dumplings and standing by the stove to roast yourself?If you don't die, you only have half life left.

Many students protested one after another, but they all protested quietly, not daring to speak loudly.

Tang Lin smiled sinisterly, "If you don't want to participate, you can tell me right away, but I want to remind you that if you participate in this show, you will get one point for winning, and no points for losing, but if you don't participate... "The smile disappeared in an instant, and was immediately replaced by coldness, and he yelled: "Deduct points!"

Her voice immediately frightened all the students.Even if they had the idea of ​​not wanting to participate, they dared not bring it up.

With a cold face, Tang Lin shouted again: "Immediately, put on the padded jackets. No matter how you wear them, I will wear five of them on you. Anyone who dares to wear less than one, get out of here immediately and go back to Shanglinyuan Pack up and leave."

As a last resort, everyone had to put on the padded jackets quickly.Next, it took a lot of effort for everyone to put on all five padded jackets.

(End of this chapter)

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