The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 255 Taste the Taste of Heating the Catalyst!

Chapter 255 Taste the Taste of Heating the Catalyst!

After everyone finished dressing, Tang Lin glanced at it, and finally couldn't help laughing, "Not bad, not bad, this looks good."

Looking around, one by one is dressed like a ball, big and round, but the head and feet are pitifully small.The proportion of the body has changed a lot from the original one all of a sudden.

Seeing Yu Shengjun's ball shape, Yishuang couldn't help covering her mouth and secretly smiling.Unexpectedly, the master also has today.

Tang Lin looked at the time, and then said to everyone: "I announce that the competition will begin. After half an hour, whoever does not give up or pass out will win. There is a saying that is good: calmness naturally cools down. So, If you don’t want to die from the heat, you should calm down your hearts first.”

After finishing speaking, Tang Lin went back to the recliner in the wooden shed to lie down and started her lunch break.

I don't know how long it took before someone let out a loud fart, and immediately, everyone turned their weird eyes to the farting person!Cao Dan couldn't scratch because his back was itchy, and his expression was a little irritable.At this time, he saw everyone staring at him questioningly, and he cursed impatiently, "What are you looking at? It's not my fart!"

The student standing behind him looked a little nervous, as if he was afraid that others would find out.He and Cao Dan were very close, and he was the one who farted the original fart. He deliberately acted calmly so that everyone thought it was Cao Dan who farted.

Cao Dan refused to accept these gazes, so he scolded everyone back.

Everyone just acquiesced that Cao Dan farted, then ignored Cao Dan and turned their eyes back.

After a while, Han Xueyan, who was sweating profusely, shook her body, her expression seemed to be very anxious.I couldn't hold it anymore, so I woke up Tang Lin loudly, "Report to the officer, I want to urinate, I can't hold it anymore!"

Tang Lin squinted one eye and stared at her, and said bluntly: "If you want to shit and pee, pull your pants if you can't help it. During the game, don't be distracted, otherwise it will be regarded as abandonment."

"Hoo," Han Xueyan was so anxious that she was about to cry, and now her round body trembled even more.

Seeing her like this, Shao Qi was very distressed, and immediately glared at Tang Lin, protesting: "People have three urgencies, why can't we let us solve them? Look at her, she's so anxious, don't let her go." .”

"If you're not allowed to go, you're not allowed to go," Tang Lin said coldly, turning her head inside, and no longer faced the group of people.

"I'm quitting!" Unable to hold back anymore, Han Xueyan resolutely gave up the game and began to take off the padded jacket on her body.After finally stripping off his bare feet, he ran to the green forest behind him with oil on his feet, and his back disappeared in Shao Qi's eyes in a blink of an eye.

After a while, Shao Qi was extremely anxious when Han Xueyan did not come back.This girl, if she hasn't come back after being away for so long, something must have happened, right?

He was about to take off his padded jacket impulsively, but Yunlei stopped him immediately, and reminded him in a low voice: "My lord, the score is important. Miss Xueyan can no longer add points to our second class. Do we still have to give up?"

Being a bodyguard of the Ouchi would allow him to move freely in the palace, so rescuing Han Lingying was an extremely simple matter.Every time he thought of this, Shao Qi's heart calmed down.In the end, he obeyed Yunlei's words and did not give up the game.

At this moment, Tang Lin looked at her watch, and said irritably, "How come it's only been more than ten minutes? Go on to sleep."

The sun at this time was even more vicious. The students wearing five padded jackets were sweating all over the sky. Moreover, the sweat, like running water, kept slipping from their heads down their necks, down their chests, and wet their insides. clothing.

Sun Bailing stood quietly, except for blinking his eyelashes from time to time, there was no other movement at all.But her physique is the worst among all the students except Han Xueyan.She was so hot inside that she didn't know how to describe it.

Suddenly, her body felt a little weak.Immediately afterwards, dizziness struck, and I almost passed out, but I was able to survive by myself.She shook her head to keep herself from fainting again.

Lu Yitang had been secretly watching her from the front of the third row, seeing that she almost fell down just now, his heart was clenched, he wanted so much to fly over, support her, and prevent her from fainting.

After a while, Han Xueyan was still missing. Now, not only Shao Qi was worried, but Cao Dan was also worried. He wondered if Han Xueyan got lost and entered the Royal Forest by mistake. .

His mind was a little confused at this moment, he wanted to find Han Xueyan, but also wanted to continue the game.

After struggling for several times, he finally decided to go to Han Xueyan.He thought, there are still competitions to participate in in the future, and he will give himself extra points at that time, so he doesn't have to worry about the result of this competition.

He immediately looked at Tang Lin's back and said loudly, "Report sir, I can't hold it anymore, I'm going to pee." With wet clothes, he ran towards the direction where Han Xueyan disappeared.

Originally Shao Qi was going to leave too, but when Cao Dan went in that direction, his mood was half relaxed.He thought, Cao Dan should be able to see Han Xueyan when he goes, and Han Xueyan should be fine with Cao Dan around.

Cao Dan ran forward all the way, ran for a long time, and ran all the way, looking for Han Xueyan's figure all the way, shouting all the way: "Han Xueyan! Where are you Han Xueyan? Han Xueyan!" He didn't hear the echo, and continued to walk inside.

When passing by a piece of lush green grass, Cao Dan stopped and panted with his legs propped up, "Where did this Han Xueyan go?"

At this moment, a pair of footsteps approached gently behind him.

Cao Dan sensed that there was someone behind him, and calmly became vigilant.Just when a pair of small hands were about to hug him from behind, he suddenly turned around, grabbed those small hands, yanked them down, and asked sharply, "Who?"

As soon as the creaking sound came out, Han Xueyan immediately frowned and cried bitterly, "Woo, it hurts me to death."

"..." Cao Dan was stunned for a moment, and after confirming that it was Han Xueyan, he immediately let go of her hand, "Why is it you? It's okay, why did you appear from behind me?"

Han Xueyan kept her original posture and didn't dare to move, because her hand joints were dislocated and it hurt when she moved.She cried and complained, "I just went to the river to wash my face before coming up. When I heard you call me, I wanted to give you a surprise. It's good for you to treat me as a bad person."

"Oh, that's it." Seeing that she was not moving, he asked, "Stand up straight, aren't you tired?"

Han Xueyan grumbled, "My hand is dislocated."

"Uh," Cao Dan was stunned again, only to realize that he had struck too hard just now.He gave her a look of contempt, "Troublemaker." After finishing speaking, he came over and gently held her hand, "Hold on."

Han Xueyan immediately closed her eyes, obviously afraid of pain, "Take it easy."

Cao Dan glared at her, "Since you are afraid of pain, don't sneak behind others in the future." After finishing speaking, he exerted force on his hand, and only heard a creak before he let go of Han Xueyan's hand, "Okay, let's shake it a few times." Try it out."

Han Xueyan really shook it lightly, with joy on his face, "Hey, it really doesn't hurt anymore, you are really amazing."

If other people praised him, Cao Dan would definitely not have any reaction, but Han Xueyan's sentence "You are so amazing", made his face a little reddish, and his heart throbbed inexplicably. Fast, without being noticed by Han Xueyan.Some impatient tone said: "Now that it's done, let's go back."

Just as he turned around, she suddenly ran over, wrapped his arms around his waist from his side, and pressed her cheek against his arm.At this time, she looked more serious, "I know you came out to find me because you were worried about me, right? Since you are worried about me, then you like me? Since you like me and I like you too, then Why can't we face up to the feelings between the two of us?"

Cao Dan's heart trembled fiercely, this feeling of tension and joy covered his atrium for a while.He likes this feeling from the bottom of his heart, it is very wonderful.Let him feel that this world is so beautiful.

But, he has Sun Bailing.How could he accommodate two feelings with one heart, which hurt both Sun Bailing and Han Xueyan.

"You're still young." He pushed her hand away, "You don't know what liking is at all."

"I understand, I understand." She put her hands on his waist diligently again, "I'm already married, and we are very suitable. So, the liking you understand is exactly the liking I understand."

Cao Dan pushed her hand away again, turned around, looked at her face, and said earnestly, "Xueyan, listen to me..."

She suddenly stood on tiptoe, held his face in her hands, and covered his lips.

Cao Dan's eyes widened instantly.

In a certain corner, stood Sun Bailing.Seeing this scene, Sun Bailing finally turned around with red eyes, a tear slid down his cheek, and when he raised his head to leave, it bumped into a very strong chest.

She raised her head with tears in her eyes, and saw that this person was Lu Yitang, she was shocked, and at the same time, she was also very flustered, would he have discovered something? "Lu, Master Lu? Why are you here?" Like Cao Dan, he used shit and pee as an excuse to come to him and see if he really came to Han Xueyan.I really did not make a mistake, Cao Dan really came to find Han Xueyan.But why did Lu Yitang come here?

Lu Yitang glanced at the two people over there indifferently, and then looked away. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand, wrapped her around her back, gently pulled her into his arms, and said affectionately: "Although I don't know you and Xiao What kind of story has Cao had, but I think you agree, let's start the story of the two of us, okay?"

"You," Sun Bailing pushed Lu Yitang away, looking at him in horror, "You know me, I am...a woman?"

"Heh—" Tang Lin yawned, sat up slowly, and opened her eyes.She turned around to look at everyone, she didn't expect that there were so many people who didn't pass out, the padded jackets weren't hot enough, and the sun wasn't hot enough.

She looked at the watch in her hand, and there were still 10 minutes left before the game ended.

She stood up and walked over, and everyone stared.Sweat can be seen on other people's faces, but on Yu Shengjun's face, let alone sweat, he didn't even see fatigue. "Yo, each one is really made of ice, really heat-resistant. Very good. Very good. In order for you to have fun, I decided to temporarily upgrade your show. I'm sure you will love this show." After finishing speaking, he turned to Yitang and Yishuang, and ordered: "Go, pick up a load of firewood."

Soon, Chai picked up.

Tang Lin asked everyone to form a circle, and put the pile of firewood in the middle.She went in, took out the lighter, and lit the firewood.

After seeing the fireworks, all the students' eyes widened in an instant!Seeing the raging fire ignited in front of them, the students wanted to die.

Tang Lin stepped aside and looked at everyone, gloating and asked: "Everyone, how do you feel? To become an excellent big inner guard, if the master asks you to be undercover agents, no matter how bad the surrounding environment is, even if you are burned If you are dead, you must not move. Right now, it is time to test your endurance and endurance. If you are lucky, the padded jackets on you will, um... probably fall off a few layers. If you are unlucky, I'm sorry, you probably will lose a layer of skin, at least this scar will be with you for the rest of your life, at worst... you will lie in bed for the rest of your life."

(End of this chapter)

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